Are we hated?




Originally Posted by Edgewater View Post
Me: 42 MM here, mind if I join?
Him: lol no MM thnx.
Me: Umm okay, not trying to be rude, but why not?
Him: too many pets plus at is weak srry lol

Me: Mind if I join?
Him: No, you'll just spread out mobs.
Me: Right... Okay then. >>

Him (tell): See why I don't invite MMs?
In this you can tell that people don't care about people. They're only interested in what gets done for them.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Yoshikazu View Post
Im not trying to be rude or anything, but how do you manage to play on an 8 player team, with or without MMs, if the market+toggle(s) laggs you that hard?
I don't. I never been on a team above four people set to +0/x6 and not had to quit because of lag completely ruining my ability to play.



Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't mobs need to be lvl 50 at least for purples to drop?
as long as your fighting lvl 47+ enemies you have a chance to get a purple



For me its the players that chime in with the now infamous "I will tank this no prob" line, only to die within seconds due to their misunderstanding of why bubble MM's became so famous , and how they never even read Bubble powers. Then there's the bubblers that sit in bubble and let the pets go wild without ever once buffing the team.

The occasions don't happen much to me anymore as I've made enough MM friends and we know how to role through missions without playing the, "I will tank, even though we have a Brute on the team" game. Do I hate the MM class?, hell no, I love the class. I finally found a class I can easily relate to. Unfortunately, the devs thought giving each class knockback would be fun and tolerable, which it isn't.

Frankly, if you come with buffs or debuffs I want you on my team, MM's just need to learn how to control pets and think more. In this case more QQ less Pew Pew...never thought I would ever end up saying that.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



Originally Posted by Lacrymosa View Post
Then there's the bubblers that sit in bubble and let the pets go wild without ever once buffing the team.
Have you ever played a bots / ff for example, it is actually annoying haveing to buff 6 bots AND 7 people.
Most of the time i actually get more out of buffing my pets rather then other people aswell and please dont use the "if you dont want to buff, dont pick a buff set" i really think masterminds are excluded from that one as nearly all we do are buff, buff, buff oh and buff.



Originally Posted by _Seph View Post
Have you ever played a bots / ff for example, it is actually annoying haveing to buff 6 bots AND 7 people.
Most of the time i actually get more out of buffing my pets rather then other people aswell and please dont use the "if you dont want to buff, dont pick a buff set" i really think masterminds are excluded from that one as nearly all we do are buff, buff, buff oh and buff.
....and debuff



A bots / ff does very little debuffing.



It's probably better not to approach bubbling as an "all or nothing" deal for MMs but rather deciding who would benefit the most from it, i.e. the guy who usually eats the alpha, non-softcapped def based teammembers, or anyone in the team who has a habit of taking a lot of hits.

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Rubbish... I have played my (main) mm for 5 years now. I am strong enough to solo +0/8 members and AV's. And I can control my zombs. If they run away... the resulting extra aggro is just my next target.

The brute should learn to follow the pets as the pets are meant to be the aggo takers. That is how the AT is designed. The Brutes are like scrappers.

If a team is that childish to keep away the MM AT for other reasons then half the team having ancient computers... they don't know the value of a MM.

And yes.. I take the Alpha on my MM. A Fearsome Stare... A Tar Patch... full frontal assault including myself and a Howling Twilight for 19 second stunn and the mob is gone before any alpha is dealt.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



I'd like to know what server you are on. I level'd 2 mm's to 50 on triumph (thug/dk and thug/storm) and while they were mostly solo I never had any troubles with teaming. I have a feeling that AT reputations are server dependant.



I'm hated, but probably for absolutely nothing related to playing a MM.



Reading through this.. Why do people getting annoyed about pets getting in their way? Personally I love MM's cause their pets can draw aggro while I blast foes to bits. Even playing with a melee character I've never had any problems with 3-4 MMs on the team with bots. It's nice to have a wall of meat which you can Ninja Run Backflip over when you're getting low on hp



I guess one of the bad reps we get is MMs that do not learn how to control their pets. I've seen a pet chase after a runner and aggro another group, and this makes some people mad.

Personally I love to have a MM on my team, and I've never had people complain about me when I'm on their team. Though I've learned how to control my pets and if I have them targeting a mob and that mob decides to run, I quickly tell my pets to come back to me. Then I tell them to either wait or attack another target. I almost never have my pets in aggressive mode when on a team. I almost always have them in defensive so they are more likely to stay close to me and tell them to attack a certain target if I am not trying to tank.

One successful run that I had was a SF team I got on with my bots/ff mastermind. The brute went ahead of us to complete the missions, while the rest of us killed as many mobs as we could before the mission ended. I played a pseudo tank in that and taunted everything to protect the curruptors on the team. At the end of the SF the leader asked if I wanted to join their VG because I did such a good job tanking and controling my pets.

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Originally Posted by Zyal View Post
At the end of the SF the leader asked if I wanted to join their VG because I did such a good job tanking and controling my pets.



I usually dismiss my pets when I leave missions. It's not as much about being nice to other players though. It's mainly because of the bug that causes Mastermind pets to randomly forget who they belong to when you zone. It's simpler just to send them away before I exit. Also, I don't like getting killed because my pets were following along behind and decided it would be funny to take a shot at a Longbow Ballista or a random pack of Romans.

I honestly can't say whether Masterminds are more or less disliked than other "non-uber" ATs. By that I mean AT/Powersets combos that don't work with the "herd them to here and then nuke them" strategies that some of the build-nazis use. Energy blasters, /storm, and generally anything with immobilize that negates knockdown. I was, for a very, very short time on a team with a player who kicked anyone he though was preventing the knockdown from his ice patch. After he kicked the brute for accidentally knocking a minion out of the patch with a melee attack, I quit the team. I've also quit teams after it was painfully clear that they wanted my Necro/Dark MM to be the team healer. Lately, I solve the problem by not teaming with anyone I don't know. And since I have about two other players on my Global list who are still playing, that doesn't happen much.

I'm not a good basis for comparison though, since I actively resist a lot of the min/max playstyle. I loathe Hasten, never take Provoke, and actively use Mastermind personal attacks. So I'm clearly insane anyway.



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Rubbish... I have played my (main) mm for 5 years now. I am strong enough to solo +0/8 members and AV's. And I can control my zombs. If they run away... the resulting extra aggro is just my next target.

The brute should learn to follow the pets as the pets are meant to be the aggo takers. That is how the AT is designed. The Brutes are like scrappers.

If a team is that childish to keep away the MM AT for other reasons then half the team having ancient computers... they don't know the value of a MM.

And yes.. I take the Alpha on my MM. A Fearsome Stare... A Tar Patch... full frontal assault including myself and a Howling Twilight for 19 second stunn and the mob is gone before any alpha is dealt.
Sorry, but brutes are not like scrappers. The only thing the two have in common is that they are melee combatants with a few shared powersets. When was the last time you played a brute and followed someone's pets around? I guess you like doing sub par damage then. Avoiding aggro is probably one of the last things you want to do when playing a brute. If you want to skulk around and not draw aggro while playing melee, a stalker is much more fitting.

Also, the intention of MMs to be the sole aggro takers of Villains was abandoned years ago when the devs realized that brutes performed the function much more efficiently than expected. Don't forget that many people who play MMs seem to forget that pets can be resummoned and that bodyguard mode even exists. To add to that thought, a brute generates 400% taunt with each attack he lands. With effects like that, please don't tell me that a brute is not supposed to aggro things.

On topic:
As far as MMs go, yes, I am occasionally annoyed by them for many reasons already listed. Teams with more than one are just irritating because there are just far too many bodies running around and cluttering everything up.

In my eyes, when someone plays a MM and has no clue what they are doing, the effects are oft times more notable and more detrimental to the team. It takes a steady and attentive hand to keep a leash on a MM with a degree of efficacy. Most MMs I encounter are just the summon and turn 'em loose type. I can't stand those.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



On top of the pets taking up space, there's also a mentality of many Masterminds that buffs are for pets only. Sometimes when I add a Mastermind to a team what I see is teammates getting slaughtered while the MM is busily healing his zombies. It's one thing to concentrate on your pets while the team is doing ok, but really poor style when the team is about to wipe. I suspect a lot of Masterminds don't even look at the team window to see how things are going, based on the number of times I've been killed.

That said, not everything about Masterminds is bad. Having those extra bodies around as potential aggro targets does make my squishies feel safer.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
On top of the pets taking up space, there's also a mentality of many Masterminds that buffs are for pets only. Sometimes when I add a Mastermind to a team what I see is teammates getting slaughtered while the MM is busily healing his zombies. It's one thing to concentrate on your pets while the team is doing ok, but really poor style when the team is about to wipe. I suspect a lot of Masterminds don't even look at the team window to see how things are going, based on the number of times I've been killed.

That said, not everything about Masterminds is bad. Having those extra bodies around as potential aggro targets does make my squishies feel safer.

As a Mastermind it is my utmost duty to protect my pets in the case of when resummoning is down. Should the need arise I will abandon and flee to leave the squishy temmate(s) in question to die. However, I do put players above pets when it doesn't put me in a potential suicide spot because I'd have to ignore the pets.

Hell, half the time I just facepalm when I buff my pets because I realize that the first three buggers are basically cannon fodder. Players are definitely the priority in most situations. You have to remember, though, that with each Mastermind the defense of the teammate(s) in question becomes a matter of what is in their arsenal to begin with.

You know what, I'm at the point of rambling. Long story short: teammates have different priority levels to different Masterminds.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
On top of the pets taking up space, there's also a mentality of many Masterminds that buffs are for pets only. Sometimes when I add a Mastermind to a team what I see is teammates getting slaughtered while the MM is busily healing his zombies. It's one thing to concentrate on your pets while the team is doing ok, but really poor style when the team is about to wipe. I suspect a lot of Masterminds don't even look at the team window to see how things are going, based on the number of times I've been killed.

That said, not everything about Masterminds is bad. Having those extra bodies around as potential aggro targets does make my squishies feel safer.
This is where a /dark MM comes in handy, with 2 AoE heals (1 from fluffy).

Weirdly, everytime I've teamed, my main priority is the team list, which I have set just above my bot list. My pets are always in BG mode - I generally spam the macro between fights (and sometimes during, if mobs start running off) to keep them on a leash.

My first attacks are tar patch, followed by electric fences, then I let the bots do their stuff - if anyone of the team is in a bit of trouble, I do my best to get them into my aoe heal zone - or failing that howling twilight comes in handy.

Fluffy can be the problem causer, as its uncontrollable, so I generally don't cast him unless we're swamped in mobs



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
In my eyes, when someone plays a MM and has no clue what they are doing, the effects are oft times more notable and more detrimental to the team. It takes a steady and attentive hand to keep a leash on a MM with a degree of efficacy. Most MMs I encounter are just the summon and turn 'em loose type. I can't stand those.
Part of the problem is that (IMO) it's fairly easy to play a MM badly solo and still do most content fairly easily but more difficult to play one well on teams. Pets are designed to be resummoned a lot but I've seen plenty of MMs who seem to have a hatred of a single pet dying (my Necro/Dark MM actively welcomes it).

A Debuff MM is for me easier to play than a buffer, debuffing enemies benefits your teamies and pets alike. Buffing & Healing duties need to split between pets and teamies more and many poorly played MMs focus on their pets window too much and forget to monitor their team mates window (or conversely are so focused on either fighting themselves or their team-mates and don't control their pets well leading to extra aggro).

Redside is going to be interesting when i17 comes along and City of Demons happens. Personally I'm going to pick my Earth/Fire domi back up again and tag along. All that AOE control and single-target focused damage will be very useful on the sort of demon heavy teams there will be in i17 (if the Dual Pistols release is anything to go by, playing my Plant/Emp was a perfect foil to all the DP Blasters and Defenders).



Originally Posted by Wyatt_Earp View Post
I thought they changed it so pets don't block players anymore. Can't you just walk right through them?
They fixed it so they don't block the MM in anymore.. I can recall times when my own minions got me into trouble because I couldn't get around them. For everyone else they are still a barrier.. unfortunately.

Anyway I sort of understand what the "so called" problem is.. I used to play of team with as many a 7 MMS .. and when all of them have out 6 minions that does take up a lot of space. On the other hand... 42 pet firing away at mobs while their owners buff, debuff, heal and laugh hysterically as huge mobs disappear into dust before their eyes can be a lot of fun. Not to mention the fireworks.... When Thugs was test I was on an ALL MM team and nothing stood before us.

As for not finding teams.. well these days I team with an SG partner most of the time (both of us MM) and we love nothing better than a good Mayhem mission. We have left Talos and now Brickstown with not a car, mailbox, phonebooth or even a cardbvoard box left standing. Completed all the sides and with, usually about 30 minutes left, we recluctantly head to the bank cause there is nothingh left to blow up. I took the same MM and did her first ITF and no one seemed to mind my Thugs blasting away while my DM debuffs were making everything easier to hit.

Hey a good MM is like adding a blaster to your team that can double as a defender or controller... damage and buffs, debuffs, heals, rez, etc? If they don't want something like that on their team I'd question 1) their leadership ability and 2) their sanity then probably find another team or solo until a good one came along.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Thinking about it I've found the effectiveness of my MMs greatly increases when I've set up my bottom row of the keyboard into specific binds controlling various tiers and subgroups of my pets.

I wonder if that's part of the problem with MMs. The basic controls you start with get very unwieldy once you've got into the late teens / early 20s and to give yourself fine control a collection of tailored binds / macros helps a hell of a lot. It's a lot easier to control rampaging zombies by hitting B to call them back into BG mode while you Control a spawn or get close to heal a teammate.

Found the same with another AT which seems to be marmite to other players, the Warshade. For me they improved immensely once you've refined your controls to reflect the added complexity they have by the early 20s (especially in the case of a Triform WS).



I've only got one or two complaints about the KB from my bots in my time playing as Alpha. Usually from Brutes.
My response? Tough luck. You're rolling with the big guns, now, and I don't need no fury to make stuff die in droves

If any ever feels the need to kick me, fine by me. They'll be losing a lot more than 1/8th of their firepower, and general mob killing capability. That, and I can happily solo large mobs anyway, so...*shrug* While its fun to team, if people cant deal with my MM, its a character on whom, frankly m'dear, I couldn't give a damn

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I've only got one or two complaints about the KB from my bots in my time playing as Alpha. Usually from Brutes.
My response? Tough luck. You're rolling with the big guns, now, and I don't need no fury to make stuff die in droves

If any ever feels the need to kick me, fine by me. They'll be losing a lot more than 1/8th of their firepower, and general mob killing capability. That, and I can happily solo large mobs anyway, so...*shrug* While its fun to team, if people cant deal with my MM, its a character on whom, frankly m'dear, I couldn't give a damn
Bots are my chief MM hate in the game actually. They're just so big and cumbersome compared to other MM pets. Don't like the constant clattering of them either. That said I've never particularly cared if they're on a team with me provided their master is halfway decent at making sure they aren't stuck in doorways or anything and their knockback is handleable and they don't tend to spazz out and aggro an entire room like the meleers.

Really wish the devs would remove the collistion detection between MM pets and teammates though, getting stuck / barged by them does suck.