Single Worst Powers as of 2010




Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
....but, like the invisible pink unicorn, speaks to us from beyond the fold of reality.
Hahahaha.... good one.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
This power is amazing on my tank. With softcapped S/L/E/N on top of DA's resists and Dark Regeneration... if it killed me, we need a silly strong auto-hit disorient to recover.
And now you see the problem. DA is frickin' awesome already. Dieing is such an after thought against 99% of the enemies that its tier 9 self-rez is that much more pathetic. Mind you I've been playing DA since before IOs, it hasn't always been able to soft-cap, but even without it, DA really needs something useful (and thematic) as its tier 9, like say

Soul Reaver:
(click) 120s Duration, 600s recharge
Each enemy defeating while this power is active gives the player a boost to Damage and Resistance based on the enemy faced, however as each boost expires, the player gets a small debuff.
(scaling for +/- levels but based on )
Minion: 15s, +10% damage +5% resist
Lt.: 30s, +25% damage +10% resist
EB/AV/Boss: 60s, +50% damage, +20% resist
As each buff wears off: 5s -5% damage -2.5% resist.

See, look at that power, then at Soul Transfer. Players need powers that are useful withotu dieing.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
The Stealth IO isn't that rare, I didn't think. I've never had trouble getting it for a level 50. The Jumping one might be hard to come by, but Celerity +Stealth is pretty common, not that expensive, and you can slot it in Sprint.

I can sort of see an argument for why Stealth isn't terrible for everyone. I'm in the camp that thinks that any *entire power* that's replaceable by an IO kind of sucks tho.
Unless i'm mistaken, getting the stealth IO at lvl 50 means you'll only ever use it when you're 47+. Pretty useless IMO.

I like to have stealth to travel safely in higher zones or to rush missions that are too annoying. Neither of wich ever happens at 50. Hell, at 50, i don't even need stealth to "stealth" the brute way on even my blapper. Just SJ pass them quickly and survive the few attacks that hit.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



7 pages and no stalker /ea Repulse and /kinetics Repel?

Repulse is really repulsive.

Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit



Originally Posted by Necromatic View Post
7 pages and no stalker /ea Repulse and /kinetics Repel?

Repulse is really repulsive.
Repel has been suggested three times previously. I remember using it on the first controller I ever rolled. God, that was ugly. A grav/kin.



Originally Posted by Necromatic View Post
Repulse is really repulsive.
I was gonna post Repulse, but was searching the thread just in case. I couldn't believe it took this long for someone to mention Repulse.

I have it on my /EA Stalker, because my build was finished before 49, so I thought "You know what will be funny?" It would be even funnier if it had a cool "Sproing!" sound effect, but alas. I mean come on! It makes you look like a siren going off! Hilarious on a Stalker!

Edit: Oh, and Entangling Arrow is crap.

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Because the IO is EXCEEDINGLY RARE. I put up four bids for the jump stealth IO for 25m each and left them for a whole month and none ever sold, except for one person that outbid me by paying like 100m. I'd love to "just buy the IO" but not like this!
Personally, I've never bought a recipe for that much; I don't even have that much on more than one or two characters. If something costs more than five million or so, I simply treat it as not existing when planning my build. Or put out a low bid and hope to get lucky.

Originally Posted by FireWyvern View Post
Unless i'm mistaken, getting the stealth IO at lvl 50 means you'll only ever use it when you're 47+. Pretty useless IMO.
It works at any level, as long as you still have access to the power it is slotted in. I've used it in the Ouros into that sends you back to level 1.

Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
Thunderclap in all flavors*

< snip >

* = except on a defender/corruptor who can stack it with other stun powers. Oddly enough if they would just change it from KB to KD it would be pretty darn good.
Thunder Clap on defs and corrs ( and masterminds and controllers, for that matter ) isn't a knockback power at all; it's a minion level stun with no kb. It isn't the same thing as Lightning Clap from Electric Melee/Manipulation or Hand Clap from Super Strength, which are the knockback & stun powers you are thinking of.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I think the first four powers in Trick Arrow might actually deserve an honorable mention in here, Trickshooter. I wouldn't call any of them "the single worst powers" individually, but together I think they do form the "single worst opening powers" of any set out there, IMO.

What I do find interesting about this thread is how much more agreeable we all are when we're trashing powers! I hope the devs dont think we're knocking their work though. For all that's been said, I still think this is one of the best balanced games I've ever played.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
It works at any level, as long as you still have access to the power it is slotted in. I've used it in the Ouros into that sends you back to level 1.
It does. I can vouch for it, as my level 50 Widow has one and she can use it at level 1 (it's in Sprint).

However, if I wanted to get a stealth IO it would be to use it for some purpose while leveling up. Having an IO I can't use until 47 is pretty pointless. I was trying at four different levels to get it, so I could have it at a lower level and maybe sometime by 20. I could never get it so I gave up.

Lucky my Widow got one so long ago.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I still think Whirlwind is the worse power in the game.

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I hate Rise of the Phoenix. And you can throw Soul Transfer in there as well. I hate a Tanker Power that only works when the Tank is dead. I prefer powers that help the tank say ALIVE in the first place.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I think the first four powers in Trick Arrow might actually deserve an honorable mention in here, Trickshooter. I wouldn't call any of them "the single worst powers" individually, but together I think they do form the "single worst opening powers" of any set out there, IMO.
Huh? An immobilize with a recharge slow, an AoE slow, and a Hold are hardly bad. The only really bleh power among those four is Flash Arrow.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I don't really like either. One is ranged though. One of my complaints about ToF is that it's a melee attack, which is usually where the AOE's are going off. With the ranged version you can at least Fear the enemy away from you, so it's not being hit by AOE's, and not being a problem. That and Scare is part of a set that's more thirsty for mitigation. That said, I still wouldn't pick either of them. The To-Hit in ToF probably makes it better, though.
Common misconception about fear powers is, if you hit a feared foe it breaks the fear. This is true to a degree, but fear will still cut a foes attack frequency by over 1/3. Go ahead, try it. Go ToF something and then hit it with an attack. Sometimes it will strike back (and most likely miss), other times it will cower as you smack it.

I'm not 'wasting my attacks trying to get their attention' as my ultimate goal is to kill everything, which includes whoever is attacking whatever I have decided to protect.
So there's 2 bosses, a Lt and 2 minions. Spreading out your attacks to keep the attention of the 2 bosses and Lt (just forget the minions), those 2 bosses have a longer opportunity to attack. Sure, they'll end up being defeated in roughly the same amount of time (lets just say 35sec) but if you focused your attacks and took out 1 boss in 12 sec, that's significantly less dmg than fighting 2 bosses for 22 sec.

This is one advantage many overlook when comparing Stalkers to other melees and it shows in the perspective you present. A stalker can potentially drop a boss in less than 10sec depending on resists. With ToF, that's 2 bosses either dead or debuffed in less time than it takes a Brute or Scrapper to kill 1.

I don't find Touch of Fear a good damage mitigation in the first place anyway, I'm certainly not going to trust it to defend this 'whatever' that's in danger and then go about my merry business.

And who is this 'whatever' I'm defending anyway? Why are they so completely helpless that the only one that can save them is me? Do we not have a tanker or a controller or anything that is better equipped to deal with this situation? If so, how is it that we're in this big team in the first place, I certianly can't handle a group sized spawn without at least a controller for support. If we're on a low team why can't they handle the scant 2-3 enemies that are attacking them?

To be honest, I've probably let the 'whatever' die because I don't feel they're useful.
And this is why I hate oh-so-many scrappers I've encountered. But I suppose it's not their fault, Scrappers are usually just built to worry about themselves. Brutes are different, they're usually the ones being babysat on teams (they're so drowned in enemies, they probably don't realize there's an ambush coming anyway) and Stalkers aren't meant to be relied on to 'tank' for less sturdy teammates.

I won't bother arguing further but, Sh** hits the fan occasionally. And if you're gaming with friends, you want to actually *help* them when in need. Some will just carry a butt load of awakes, others will pick up useful powers like Vengeance and Aid Other. All I know is, when that sh** does hit the fan (and even when it doesn't), ToF can be the primary thing that pull a team's butt out of the fire and I should know, I've done so too many times to remember.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
It works at any level, as long as you still have access to the power it is slotted in. I've used it in the Ouros into that sends you back to level 1.
It does. I can vouch for it, as my level 50 Widow has one and she can use it at level 1 (it's in Sprint).

However, if I wanted to get a stealth IO it would be to use it for some purpose while leveling up. Having an IO I can't use until 47 is pretty pointless. I was trying at four different levels to get it, so I could have it at a lower level and maybe sometime by 20. I could never get it so I gave up.

Lucky my Widow got one so long ago.
Then i'll have to check. I have a few lvl 50s that would love to get stealth for lower TFs. =3

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Huh? An immobilize with a recharge slow, an AoE slow, and a Hold are hardly bad. The only really bleh power among those four is Flash Arrow.
I think what you mean is:

A single-target no-damage mag 3 immob.

An AoE slow with bottom of the barrel -Recharge that combines the worst features of an anchor power with those of a power on recharge. By far the worst of the various pure-AoE slows available (Shiver--even the Blaster version, Quicksand, Snow Storm).

One of, if not THE worst single target holds available.

Flash Arrow, which is Flash Arrow.

I stand by my opinion on this one.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I think what you mean is:

A single-target no-damage mag 3 immob.

An AoE slow with bottom of the barrel -Recharge that combines the worst features of an anchor power with those of a power on recharge. By far the worst of the various pure-AoE slows available (Shiver--even the Blaster version, Quicksand, Snow Storm).

One of, if not THE worst single target holds available.

Flash Arrow, which is Flash Arrow.

I stand by my opinion on this one.
I agree completely. I'd actually favor Flash Arrow much more over either Entangling or Glue Arrow for its tactical applications.



Originally Posted by Necromatic View Post
7 pages and no stalker /ea Repulse
From what I've heard and what I saw with a teammate once is that it's only bad if you treat it like a toggle (though it is). It becomes a useful control tool when used as a sort of click power to get enemies off of you or a teammate and then turn it back off.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
From what I've heard and what I saw with a teammate once is that it's only bad if you treat it like a toggle (though it is). It becomes a useful control tool when used as a sort of click power to get enemies off of you or a teammate and then turn it back off.
That's how I use Repulsion Field in Force Field and yeah it's not toooo bad. You just have to think of the toggle as a "I can turn this on and then turn it off when I just don't want it anymore" instead of "I should have this on all the time."

My favorite time to use it is when a squishie on the team is getting chased. Toggling on and running to them is often faster than trying to click on the guy following them and mezz (which can miss). Plus unlike an attackk there is no run speed penalty when you send something flying with this, so you can turn it on and still make an escape.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Common misconception about fear powers is, if you hit a feared foe it breaks the fear. This is true to a degree, but fear will still cut a foes attack frequency by over 1/3. Go ahead, try it. Go ToF something and then hit it with an attack. Sometimes it will strike back (and most likely miss), other times it will cower as you smack it.

So there's 2 bosses, a Lt and 2 minions. Spreading out your attacks to keep the attention of the 2 bosses and Lt (just forget the minions), those 2 bosses have a longer opportunity to attack. Sure, they'll end up being defeated in roughly the same amount of time (lets just say 35sec) but if you focused your attacks and took out 1 boss in 12 sec, that's significantly less dmg than fighting 2 bosses for 22 sec.

This is one advantage many overlook when comparing Stalkers to other melees and it shows in the perspective you present. A stalker can potentially drop a boss in less than 10sec depending on resists. With ToF, that's 2 bosses either dead or debuffed in less time than it takes a Brute or Scrapper to kill 1.

And this is why I hate oh-so-many scrappers I've encountered. But I suppose it's not their fault, Scrappers are usually just built to worry about themselves. Brutes are different, they're usually the ones being babysat on teams (they're so drowned in enemies, they probably don't realize there's an ambush coming anyway) and Stalkers aren't meant to be relied on to 'tank' for less sturdy teammates.

I won't bother arguing further but, Sh** hits the fan occasionally. And if you're gaming with friends, you want to actually *help* them when in need. Some will just carry a butt load of awakes, others will pick up useful powers like Vengeance and Aid Other. All I know is, when that sh** does hit the fan (and even when it doesn't), ToF can be the primary thing that pull a team's butt out of the fire and I should know, I've done so too many times to remember.
The damage is on ME though. I do not care about the extra damage because I can already mitigate two bosses on my Scrapper, never mind my Brute and my Tank. I do not need Touch of Fear for it's mitigation, the mitigation I need is already in Siphon Life, my To-Hit, and my secondary. Additionally, once the bosses are on me, the whatever that is getting attacked now has the ability to focus on helping me defeat them, either through blasts, holds, heals, buffs, debuffs, etc. It does not take me a long time to get a single target to look at me, especially if the thing it's attacking is trying to get it to look at me as well. I can already handle the damage, I do not need ToF. I am able to do more damage because I'm not using it.

Your examples include far too much incompetence on the part of my team. If they are truly this incapable of protecting themselves then no amount of ToF or anything else I can do is going to save them. If **** has hit the fan, then I'm hoping we have a whole lot more to address it than my single, Mag 3 Fear effect.

Stalker is probably my favorite set in the game, I do not even sort of disrespect them as damage dealers. I'm not sure why you're telling me this, as I don't beleive I implied Stalkers were weak or something.

I will not continue to argue about it until we have formulated a scenario in which ToF was the only difference between life and death, as by the time we do we shall have reached a situation so incredibly out of the norm of relative gameplay that I will not consider it useful for this scenario that has less than a percent of a chance of occurring in actual game play. ToF is useless, and I am done repeating my opinions on it.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I will not continue to argue about it until we have formulated a scenario in which ToF was the only difference between life and death
Soloing Nosferatu as a +2 EB at around level 45, late in Maxwell Christopher's arc. Stacking the extra -TH kept me alive (that and a purple to start the fight so I could stay ahead of him on the -TH curve).

That aside, I think there's a useful distinction to be made between a power that is just flat awful - pick your favourite - and a power that you don't have much use for in a specific build or on a specific character. On my DM/Regen scrapper, for example, once I started getting some decent recharge I was really only using Reconstruction for the toxic res buff - Siphon Life was keeping my health up just fine. For a more extreme you did WHAT? example, my Mind/Kin skipped Speed Boost, since it's a wasted slot on a petless soloist. This doesn't make Reconstruction and SB awful powers.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I will not continue to argue about it until we have formulated a scenario in which ToF was the only difference between life and death, as by the time we do we shall have reached a situation so incredibly out of the norm of relative gameplay that I will not consider it useful for this scenario that has less than a percent of a chance of occurring in actual game play. ToF is useless, and I am done repeating my opinions on it.
Lol, 2 bosses and a Lt is a situation completely out of the norm?



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
A single-target no-damage mag 3 immob.
And a -recharge component.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
An AoE slow with bottom of the barrel -Recharge that combines the worst features of an anchor power with those of a power on recharge. By far the worst of the various pure-AoE slows available (Shiver--even the Blaster version, Quicksand, Snow Storm).
Except for it lacking the nasty -def of Quicksand I don't see what's so bad about it.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
One of, if not THE worst single target holds available.
But it's still a hold, and a hold in a secondary at that; which allows for easy stacking with a hold in your primary.

None of these are the best powers no; but none are the worst, either.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
The classic Brawl...I mean it does Nothing.
If you know how to leverage it quick refresh time it is awesome on a brute



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol, 2 bosses and a Lt is a situation completely out of the norm?
*head desk*

No, it's not. It's a situation so incredibly common that I see it on a daily basis. I also listed why it's not a situation that requires ToF when the team has some level of competence.

Go read EVERYTHING I wrote, instead of picking a part you like and commenting on it.

And here I go breaking my promises.



Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
Edit: Oh, and Entangling Arrow is crap.
Trick archery is broke without it.

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