Single Worst Powers as of 2010




I would like to put my vote in for Serum. Gives your Commando a godmode he will never need, has an incredibly long recharge, and then crashes his endurance making him quite useless after being useless from the power itself.

It's even worse compared to the other similar MM powers, Gang War, Flash Bomb(Or is it Smoke?), Soul Extraction, even Repair will get much more use then Serum.



Originally Posted by Blue_Fenix View Post

What about Jump Kick? I've heard terrible things about that one.

Hmm... Boost Range? Does anyone actually use this? Maybe it's a pvp thing, 'cause I don't do pvp, but this seems pretty useless to me.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I DID see someone using whirlwind the other day, a BLASTER, in fact, but he seemed like a fairly new player.
I use Boost Range. I find it very useful for extending cone effects like Full Auto and Energy Torrent. I also find it useful for short ranged attacks like Cosmic Burst. It's also good for getting enough range to hit fleeing enemies who have normally moved out of range.

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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
*head desk*

No, it's not. It's a situation so incredibly common that I see it on a daily basis. I also listed why it's not a situation that requires ToF when the team has some level of competence.

Go read EVERYTHING I wrote, instead of picking a part you like and commenting on it.

And here I go breaking my promises.
It's because you did the exact thing you're accusing me of.

Basically, describing a situation particularly outside of normal gameplay (being able to easily survive 2 bosses plus a Lt without worry of defeat) that ToF is not needed in. Go back and reread *your* post and try and understand exactly what you're trying to say. I'll tell you what *I* think you're saying but I could be wrong:

You have a build that is able to skip a useful power for something else. That's not uncommon. But it doesn't make the power you skip any less powerful.



Kick/Punch from the fighting pool set

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Trick archery is broke without it.
It's broke WITH it.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Trick archery is broke without it.
We'll have to agree to disagree.

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



I want to love Trick Arrow but... no. Trick Arrow is the Gravity Control of the buff sets.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I want to love Trick Arrow but... no. Trick Arrow is the Gravity Control of the buff sets.
What do you get when you combine the two!!! :P

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



I want to love Trick Arrow but... no. Trick Arrow is the Gravity Control of the buff sets.
What do you get when you combine the two!!! :P
Let's see...heavy + arrows...

Lawn Darts?

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
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Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
It's because you did the exact thing you're accusing me of.

Basically, describing a situation particularly outside of normal gameplay (being able to easily survive 2 bosses plus a Lt without worry of defeat) that ToF is not needed in. Go back and reread *your* post and try and understand exactly what you're trying to say. I'll tell you what *I* think you're saying but I could be wrong:

You have a build that is able to skip a useful power for something else. That's not uncommon. But it doesn't make the power you skip any less powerful.
...It was using YOUR example. YOUR example provided two bosses, a lt. and two minions. Besides that, not the Lt. Just the two bosses. *I* Can probably survive the Lt, but I at least assume a typical scrapper can handle two bosses, so I let the Lt. go about his merry way. I have NOT implied you can do this while just staring at your monitor with a slack-jawed expression on your face. I have mentioned that I can survive with Siphon Life, my primary To-Hit, and my secondary. Any AT that cannot handle a Lt. and two minions needs to die. So I let them. You may view this as harsh, I view this as a required part of learning not to suck.

I have not fabricated any situations, I have completely lived within the realms of the ones you gave me, and then explain why I do not think ToF matters in them. Point being, I do not wish to keep playing "make up situations where ToF might be useful" until we find one.

Any potential usefulness ToF might have is invalidated because there are other powers you could pick that make ToF a superfluous use of your time. I've listed MANY reasons as to why I think this. When a power isn't needed, or doesn't do anything something else you can do can do *better*, I consider it useless.



Serum from MM's Mercs. (lol 16 min rechage)

Detenator from MM's traps

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Not the Lt. Just the two bosses. *I* Can probably survive the Lt, but I at least assume a typical scrapper can handle two bosses, so I let the Lt. go about his merry way. Any AT that cannot handle a Lt. and two minions needs to die. So I let them. You may view this as harsh, I view this as a required part of learning not to suck.

I have not fabricated any situations, I have completely lived within the realms of the ones you gave me, and then explain why I do not think ToF matters in them. Point being, I do not wish to keep playing "make up situations where ToF might be useful" until we find one.

Any potential usefulness ToF might have is invalidated because there are other powers you could pick that make ToF a superfluous use of your time. I've listed MANY reasons as to why I think this. When a power isn't needed, or doesn't do anything something else you can do can do *better*, I consider it useless.
Lol, you just don't get it. The only situation where ToF is *not* useful is vs foes that resist fear (ghosts and veng nemesis off the top of my head) and foes that resist -ToHit (AVs...can't think of much else). Just because you don't want to use it doesn't make it 'not useful'.

You keep saying 'invalidate' and 'useless' and 'superfluous' but by your definition, *EVERY* power is superfluous. And therefore, you're *WRONG*.

You keep saying "I can survive" and "I can handle" and "I don't need it". Well, guess what. 'I' does not equal 'all'. Go make a Dark Melee Stalker. You'll always be better off with ToF than without it. Or hell, just make a character who's concept is all about fear. ToF will not disappoint. *EVER*



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Detenator from MM's traps
Detonator's fine if you can hit it in time when your henchman's about to die anyway. Not fantastic and probably a skippable power for most people, but it beats Time Bomb.



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
If you can hit it in time when your henchman's about to die anyway.
Yes and that's the only time its useful.

Over in the MM forums we were talking about this the other day.

Yes your right Time Bomb is krap. I knew I was forgetting somthing.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol, you just don't get it. The only situation where ToF is *not* useful is vs foes that resist fear (ghosts and veng nemesis off the top of my head) and foes that resist -ToHit (AVs...can't think of much else). Just because you don't want to use it doesn't make it 'not useful'.

You keep saying 'invalidate' and 'useless' and 'superfluous' but by your definition, *EVERY* power is superfluous. And therefore, you're *WRONG*.

You keep saying "I can survive" and "I can handle" and "I don't need it". Well, guess what. 'I' does not equal 'all'. Go make a Dark Melee Stalker. You'll always be better off with ToF than without it. Or hell, just make a character who's concept is all about fear. ToF will not disappoint. *EVER*
Fine, for players that suck, ToF is wonderful. Happy?

If your entire argument to reasons why I think it is bad is, essentially, "Nu-uh!" then I quit (I really super duper promise this time)



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Fine, for players that suck, ToF is wonderful. Happy?

If your entire argument to reasons why I think it is bad is, essentially, "Nu-uh!" then I quit (I really super duper promise this time)
While yours is any different and you are so much better then everyone that you don't need it so it must suck?

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



Originally Posted by Lord_Thanatos View Post
While yours is any different and you are so much better then everyone that you don't need it so it must suck?
And apparently *we* suck because we know how to use a situational power but he rocks because he doesn't.




Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
And apparently *we* suck because we know how to use a situational power but he rocks because he doesn't.

You suck because you're hellbent on picking a crappy situational power for situations that can easily be mitigated without it's use. As you cannot fathom how to live without it, you are an inferior player to me and anyone else who knows what they are doing.

I know damn well how to use it. The fact remains that I don't need to use it. And since I'm not doing anything you cannot replicate, neither do you.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I want to love Trick Arrow but... no. Trick Arrow is the Gravity Control of the buff sets.
Potentially I could tank the entire inner circle together using the support of a single Trick Archer. I say potentially as it depends on whose Trick Archer it is.

If it's my Trick Archer then it's in the bag, but as I wouldn't be able to play both Tanker and Trick Archer even if I could, with 2 accounts, as it's 4 AVs together, it would take some concentration on both parts.

Could I say I'd be able to do the same with all other types of defenders, well yes its possible, but in order to have a TA or any other defender that can assist well without much compromise one wouldn't be skipping powers that, although they maybe situational they have in the worst situations, real value.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Potentially I could tank the entire inner circle together using the support of a single Trick Archer. I say potentially as it depends on whose Trick Archer it is.

If it's my Trick Archer then it's in the bag, but as I wouldn't be able to play both Tanker and Trick Archer even if I could, with 2 accounts, as it's 4 AVs together, it would take some concentration on both parts.

Could I say I'd be able to do the same with all other types of defenders, well yes its possible, but in order to have a TA or any other defender that can assist well without much compromise one wouldn't be skipping powers that, although they maybe situational they have in the worst situations, real value.

I don't understand what you mean by "tank it." Do you mean make it survivable for a tank? I think for that to happen it would depend way more on the Tank and the secondary set the TA was using than TA itself. I would never, ever trust a TA to keep my team safe the way I'd trust the other Defender sets. I think people give this set too many breaks. It's a good idea for a set but it needs a swift kick in the pants before I'd put my faith in it. I'm sure this will que outrage among some TA supporters, but these things are a matter of opinion.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I don't understand what you mean by "tank it." Do you mean make it survivable for a tank? I think for that to happen it would depend way more on the Tank and the secondary set the TA was using than TA itself. I would never, ever trust a TA to keep my team safe the way I'd trust the other Defender sets. I think people give this set too many breaks. It's a good idea for a set but it needs a swift kick in the pants before I'd put my faith in it. I'm sure this will que outrage among some TA supporters, but these things are a matter of opinion.
If one person can do something with a powerset then the powerset is alright for whatever that something is. I am still basing around an SO build btw. Players behind the powersets are the ones in question.

I'd say that it could take more concentration for the TA, the level of concentration would surpass that of the level of concentration a Scrapper would need to tank two of the inner circle for sure.

I'd have to have a macro to autotarget Ghost Widow and a macro to autotarget Scirocco to make it easier.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Yes and that's the only time its useful.
Yep. Which means it isn't useless unless your henchmen never die (which is possible, but at least for me they do die against tough enough enemies now and then.)

Is it a great power? Well, no. As I said, it's probably one of the more skippable powers in MM Traps. Still, a dead henchman and a big boom is better than just a dead henchman, so if you've got the room for it it's not a terrible power.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
If one person can do something with a powerset then the powerset is alright for whatever that something is. I am still basing around an SO build btw. Players behind the powersets are the ones in question.

I'd say that it could take more concentration for the TA, the level of concentration would surpass that of the level of concentration a Scrapper would need to tank two of the inner circle for sure.

I'd have to have a macro to autotarget Ghost Widow and a macro to autotarget Scirocco to make it easier.
It's still not clear what you're saying. How does a TA help tank the big four?



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
If one person can do something with a powerset then the powerset is alright for whatever that something is. I am still basing around an SO build btw. Players behind the powersets are the ones in question.

I'd say that it could take more concentration for the TA, the level of concentration would surpass that of the level of concentration a Scrapper would need to tank two of the inner circle for sure.

I'd have to have a macro to autotarget Ghost Widow and a macro to autotarget Scirocco to make it easier.
I did an overview of every single Defender primary set (which debuffs) and compared them side by side for both "defensive debuffs" and "offensive debuffs."

That is to say, "defensive debuffs" being anything that makes badguys kill you less. So -ToHit, -DMG, -recharge, or mez. Anything you have to cast on the enemy. Note that +DEF, +RES, +HP, and heals DO NOT fit in this criteria. "Offensive debuffs" are anything that makes badguys die faster, like -RES, -DEF, -regen. Again, things like +DMG do not fit in this category.

Not only did Trick Arrow have the least amount of offensive mitigation AND offensive debuffing potential, but it's also the only set that doesn't also have some sort of buff too. Meaning Radiation Emission, Storm, Dark, even Cold not only have the ability to debuff offensively AND defensively BETTER than Trick Arrow, but they also still have buffs and heals to stack on top of that.

So I guess if you're talking about the difference between a Tank having 42% DEF and being "soft capped" with a TA along, or your Tank is so incredibly on the verge of dying all the time that the extremely meager benefits of TA tip him just over the edge and let him live, you'd be right. Otherwise, TA is a very poor defense set. It doesn't contribute enough defensively, it doesn't contribute enough offensively, it has no player buffs, and it doesn't offer anything else. Or in other words, while it's possible your TA is contributing some amount, literally any other set would contribute more.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Hail of Bullets is the worst power of 2010.

A nuke that doesn't nuke.

It's not a utility power, it's not a pool power, it's not some minor 1st or 2nd tier power.

It's the final power of the set and for whatever reason it can't even kill minions. It's bad enough the animations lock you down forever, but to have a nuke that doesn't nuke? Gimme a break.