Single Worst Powers as of 2010




I know this has come up before, but a lot of the old bad ones have been patched up. In your opinion, what are the single worst powers currently in the game?

My nominations:

- World of Confusion. Otherwise known as "At Least It Takes Purples."

- Stealth, in the age of IOs.

- Group Fly. For reasons long ago established.

And my winner, by a huge margin:

- Sonic Repulsion. A power that is rumored to exist in the Sonic Resonance set, but, like the invisible pink unicorn, speaks to us from beyond the fold of reality.

What are yours?



Dimension Shift.

I'll second the Sonic Repulsion is pretty useless as well.



Have to disagree on world of confusion. It should be called needs purples to be useful.

And I would toss Hail of bullets into the ring. Call it, will get you killed probably wont do much to the enemy.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Dimension Shift.
Good one.

I had actually forgotten it existed.



I vote time bomb. sonic repulsion actually has a use on some version of MoSTF's.
Just about every PBAoE KB Only Power Sucks though. 3 sets have them!!!
Repel - kinetics
FF has 2, though one of them is more useful
and sonic replusion



Temperature Protection (just in case capped fire resistance wasn't quite enough without it)

About Sonic Repulsion, I have thought of only 1 very amusing (if pointless) use for it: Sonic Repulsion on a Fire Imp. Let the hilarity ensue.



The more I use Gravity Control, the more Propel actually bugs me more than Dimension Shift. Don't get me wrong, DS could stand tweaking and improving but I'm contemplating a thread taking a look at /grav from my relatively newer eyes.



Among powers that I actually use, I'd go with Energy Transfer. I have Temp Prot on my /Fire Brutes and Scrappers as a place to hold another -KB IO, and the 20% slow resist it gives isn't exactly negligible.

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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Serum for Mercenaries. Makes the henchman useless after the crash and takes forever to recharge.



Salt Crystals comes to mind.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Whirlwind isn't on the list yet? Does anyone use it?

I know people use to pick it up late as a ghetto version of a costume change emote, but once we got those for real I haven't seen a single person use this.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
- Stealth, in the age of IOs.
I disagree. First, because stealth IOs are fairly expensive. And second, because you can fit defense IOs in it. And really; it does what it is supposed to do just fine. Turn on Stealth, and you are stealthy; turn on World of Confusion and...what? You have a cool aura?

As for Dimension Shift, I'll add its clone, Black Hole.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
Whirlwind isn't on the list yet? Does anyone use it?

I know people use to pick it up late as a ghetto version of a costume change emote, but once we got those for real I haven't seen a single person use this.
Heck, I haven't seen anyone use it since they fixed the whole unrooting blasters when it was on thing.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



  • dimension shift
  • black hole
  • serum
  • whirlwind
most of the other powers listed (kb powers, world of confusion,ect) all have their situational uses, but the ones listed are just pointless




What about Jump Kick? I've heard terrible things about that one.

Hmm... Boost Range? Does anyone actually use this? Maybe it's a pvp thing, 'cause I don't do pvp, but this seems pretty useless to me.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I DID see someone using whirlwind the other day, a BLASTER, in fact, but he seemed like a fairly new player.



Originally Posted by Blue_Fenix View Post
Hmm... Boost Range? Does anyone actually use this? Maybe it's a pvp thing, 'cause I don't do pvp, but this seems pretty useless to me.
Boost range is amazing if you have even one cone-chaped TAoE attack. Then there's the ability to have a full attack sequence at snipe range.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I know this has come up before, but a lot of the old bad ones have been patched up. In your opinion, what are the single worst powers currently in the game?

My nominations:

- World of Confusion. Otherwise known as "At Least It Takes Purples."

- Stealth, in the age of IOs.

- Group Fly. For reasons long ago established.

And my winner, by a huge margin:

- Sonic Repulsion. A power that is rumored to exist in the Sonic Resonance set, but, like the invisible pink unicorn, speaks to us from beyond the fold of reality.

What are yours?
I find WoC very handy, it's just not a confuse-them-forever power. Stealth? Stacks with stealth IO's. Group Fly, handy for Masterminds. There are much, much worse powers.

Sonic Repulsion, yeah, you nailed that on the head.
Scare from MM is pretty lame.
Burn is almost useless for tankers since they added "run away from this".
Flurry, Jump Kick, Kick and Boxing are awful. They force redraw, do poor damage. Kick and Boxing are usually only taken for Tough and Weave.
Stimulant is poor, as it is interruptable and a "not-meant-for-combat" combat power.
Team Teleport is the worst power I have ever seen. It costs 50% more end than Teleport and has 25% the range(That's 25 feet). I have never seen any player use it or even take it.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Good to see a few powers possibly reclaimed.

I always thought with Stealth if you really wanted to go inviso, you could go with Super Speed. It actually gives you a speed boost instead of penalty. Is there any truth to Stealth's claim that it's mutually exclusive with Steamy Mist/Arctic Fog, etc? I always found that weird, because Super Speed doesn't work like that. I guess to get to Super Speed you have to be a vet or take the pre-req, but at least the pre-req is the awesome Hasten.

With Group Fly I know Masterminds use it for soloing AVs. I guess that sort of redeems it. It still kills me that to get that power, it means taking 2 other powers out of the Flight pool too though. At least three of them can be slotted for easy ranged defense.

World of Confusion....... well luckily there is a proc you can stick in there that's better than the actual power, and the purple set you can slot into it has great bonuses. But the power itself is really funny: a mag 2, base 1.5 second Confuse that pulses every 4 seconds and only operates within an 8 ft radius. I kind of think of it as "Contagious Confusion or Bust." Interesting how the damage aura is non-aggro though.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
Boost range is amazing if you have even one cone-chaped TAoE attack. Then there's the ability to have a full attack sequence at snipe range.
Don't forget it also boosts the range of Teleport. Boost Range + TP = eat my dust, Super Speeders.


Also on Steam



-Dimension Shift
-Black Hole
-World of Confusion
-Flash Arrow (given its in a buff/debuff set, it really should be closer to RI or DN in strength than Smoke Grenade)



I'll toss in SS/'s Hand clap. Completely counter-productive to keeping aggro for fury bar.
And Ninjutsu's smoke bomb, garbage.
And I'm with ya on the poison trap from poson too. It should be changed to the /traps version.



Kick, Jumpkick, and Flurry. Jumpkick gets extra failpoints for its ridiculous animation. None of these are very good attacks. I don't expect them to measure up to real damage powers from sets, but I do expect them to be at least as good as boxing.

Group Fly, Group TP. In my opinion, useless, unless you're trying to grief the team you're on.

The Ballad of Iron Percy



poison trap in /poison