Single Worst Powers as of 2010




I seem to have started a small argument, my bad.

For the record I've never actually used Frozen Aura, but from looking at the numbers in the detailed info and comparing them with other Tier 9's... it's just pretty weak. Didn't know about the Footstomp-level damage though, that's a nice bonus!




I still think EMP Arrow is pretty terrible especially for a Tier 9 power. Endurence drained fully, for a hold and some endurence drain is pretty terrible let alone the long recharge time on top of that.



Energy transfer. This power is such a shadow of its former self. It's called the "Corpse Smasher" for a reason these days. With the ability to implement a different effect/damage for PvP now, I don't see any reason whey they can't retro the power to be like it was in PvE. Make it useless in PvP damage wise (since CoX PvP is so widely played anyway), but let Brutes, Tanks and Stalkers have back the set defining power that it used to be.

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
I still think EMP Arrow is pretty terrible especially for a Tier 9 power. Endurence drained fully, for a hold and some endurence drain is pretty terrible let alone the long recharge time on top of that.
It's one of the two most powerful AoE holds in the game (along with EMP from Radiation Emission, which is basically identical). And it doesn't fully drain your endurance, although the end cost is fairly high on it, it just kills your end recovery for a short period when you use it. Long recharge has been standard on AoE holds for years - EMP/Arrow has a base recharge 60 seconds higher than the standard Controller/Dominator AoE holds.



Yeah, EMP Arrow is one of the better powers in the game, not the worst - if you just looked and saw that it was an AoE hold at 60 seconds longer than most AoE holds, you'd miss its great features:

-- Total area affected is over double that of other AoE holds
-- Duration is twice as long as other AoE holds
-- Power doesn't suffer the accuracy penalty of other AoE holds
-- Damage inflicted on machines

The second is probably most important - properly enhanced, it gives you time to basically make a sandwich before it wears off. It's probably also the second best power in TA after OSA (a bit like saying you're the second happiest person in hell, but still).



Originally Posted by MaxLongstreet View Post
Yeah, EMP Arrow is one of the better powers in the game, not the worst - if you just looked and saw that it was an AoE hold at 60 seconds longer than most AoE holds, you'd miss its great features:

-- Total area affected is over double that of other AoE holds
-- Duration is twice as long as other AoE holds
-- Power doesn't suffer the accuracy penalty of other AoE holds
-- Damage inflicted on machines

* The duration even for a Controller is 27.9s. Enhanced to +95% that's 54.5s. So it's definitely not "60 seconds longer than most AoE holds," unless most AoE holds are -6 seconds long.

* The radius is 35ft, while most AoE holds are 20-30ft. It's not "over double" any other AoE hold. It's not quite double half the sets, and only about 17% larger than the other half.

* The duration is ABOUT twice the length of other AoE holds. They're all around 14.9s, with EMP Arrow being 27.9. It's not quite twice as long.

* You're right that it doesn't have an accuracy penalty, and damages machines, but you forgot:

* The recharge is 300s (5m) instead of 240s (4m).

* The endurance cost is 23.4 and you have -1000% recov for 15s. Most AoE holds are 15.6 end.

I wouldn't call it great. Certainly not one of the best powers in the game. Probably wouldn't call it useless or the worst power of 2010 either. Just sort of exists.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



If we're going on specifics here, EMP arrow also debuffs regeneration by a decent margin as well as drains enemy endurance a debuffs their recovery. How many AoE holds have -regen and END drain/-recover?



You know, I was meaning to try a DP/devices character.

-Drop tons of trip mines near spawn
-whip out pistols
-Toggle on Walk
-Cam-spin to watch character walk away with explosions in the background



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post

* The duration even for a Controller is 27.9s. Enhanced to +95% that's 54.5s. So it's definitely not "60 seconds longer than most AoE holds," unless most AoE holds are -6 seconds long.

* The radius is 35ft, while most AoE holds are 20-30ft. It's not "over double" any other AoE hold. It's not quite double half the sets, and only about 17% larger than the other half.

* The duration is ABOUT twice the length of other AoE holds. They're all around 14.9s, with EMP Arrow being 27.9. It's not quite twice as long.

* You're right that it doesn't have an accuracy penalty, and damages machines, but you forgot:

* The recharge is 300s (5m) instead of 240s (4m).

* The endurance cost is 23.4 and you have -1000% recov for 15s. Most AoE holds are 15.6 end.

I wouldn't call it great. Certainly not one of the best powers in the game. Probably wouldn't call it useless or the worst power of 2010 either. Just sort of exists.
Think you misunderstood what I was saying - I didn't say it lasted 60 seconds longer than other holds, I said it's recharge was 60 seconds longer than other AoE holds, which you claim I didn't point out.

--I'll stand by 27.9 being basically double 14.9

--The area covered is actually over 3 times the size of a 20' AoE hold, almost exactly twice the area of a 25' AoE, and about 35% bigger than a 30' AoE hold.

--Complaining about a little extra endurance on an AoE hold like this one is nitpicking

--Given that its' clearly the best AoE hold in the game (on size and duration), anyone who says 'it's just there' probably isn't all that high on AoE holds.



Originally Posted by MaxLongstreet View Post
Think you misunderstood what I was saying
Some of it, maybe yeah. And I'll give you the rest of it, but this one stood out to me the most:

Complaining about a little extra endurance on an AoE hold like this one is nitpicking
It's not nitpicking because:

Regular AoE hold: 15.6 end
EMP Arrow: 23.4 end and -1000% recovery for 15s

With base recovery, that's -25.06 end you would've otherwise earned back over that 15s, meaning you're paying effectively 48.45 end for the hold. If you have Stamina you lose even more, losing out on 37.2 end you would've otherwise earned over that 15s, for a total end cost of 60.6.

I don't think "This power can cost you almost four times the endurance of a regular AoE hold" is nitpicking.

Granted it's still an okay power and if I had a TA I'd take and use it. But it has its ups and downs. It's not all ups.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Granted it's still an okay power and if I had a TA I'd take and use it. But it has its ups and downs. It's not all ups.
Long recharge isn't a big downer in this case (it takes only 40% as long as Serum ), since that's normal for a powerful power. The crash isn't nearly as bad as you seem to make it out to be, since Trick Arrow is light on endurance use (a Rad who uses EMP will notice that crash in a big way!). You're also ignoring the 50% (base) chance of being Mag 4, which can be quite nice.

EMP Arrow isn't a perfect power, but it is essentially an "I win" button against normal spawns, much more so than other AoE holds (possibly excluding Volcanic Gasses).



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
EMP Arrow isn't a perfect power, but it is essentially an "I win" button against normal spawns, much more so than other AoE holds (possibly excluding Volcanic Gasses).
My biggest problem with EMP (I've never used EMP Arrow, but I'm assuming it would feel similar to me) is that it is almost TOO good. The duration is way overkill for most spawns, and I find myself saving it for a more dire situation. It sure is nice on the ITF though.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]



DP...oh sorry this is single worst power thread not worst letdown of 2010.



DP is good and shiney.

I'm gonna get flamed for this but.. here's my thoughts:

1) Mind Confusion - SoC makes it look really bad (SoC it needs a big fat nerf - there, I said it)
2) Time Bomb - Ridiculous endurance cost and cast time. Fun but that's about it.
3) Lightning Clap
4) Team teleport - I've had it and enjoyed it, but it needs some tweaking (larger distance, for once)
5) AoE phase powers
6) AoE sleeps (except for Mind's one)
7) PbAoE "repel" toggles (except hurricane)
8) Liquify - Great power, awful recharge and ridiculous duration

There's probably more but those are the biggest ones I think. Mind you, I'd take a lot of those powers based on my characters concept but still, they need tweaking.

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



My list:
World of Confusion - have had it before, usually doesn't do anything, even with 60% or 70%+ Acc, when it does confuse, its AFTER the baddies have already attacked me, just an ugly aura
Poison Arrow - occasionally I saw it hit with its secondary effect, v rarely with its primary effect
Time Bomb - useless
Flurry - a weak version of 'The Sands of Miss', I mean 'Mu'
Ghost Axe - limited uses & slow. I have a few chars with it for the look, but wouldn't take it otherwise. If it was a single-hit ghost kill, I would take it more often.
Ice Aura and Fire Aura - not because of the protection, which is useful, but because it obscures my character, and in the case of the Fire Aura, puts a distracting visual effect that makes it hard to click baddies. I LOVE the new colors, but there are so many layers of auras, effects, glows, etc., around now that I sometimes have trouble clicking and clicking trying to target, but hitting auras or shields instead. Would love to have a Suppress Effects or Tone-Down Others' Effects setting in Graphics.
Telekinetics - last time I got it, it was just a time-limited Repulse power. I expected an immobilize power.
Sonic Repulsion / Whirlwind - useless most of the time
Jumpkick - I get it sometimes for an autotrigger self-defense power, but the animation is slow and ugly

I like Propel - good damage, just wish everyone saw the same item when I throw it!
I like Black Hole, too - toss the baddies into a room-top corner for dmg and collect them in the corner for the tank to taunt



Originally Posted by False_Fiction_EU View Post
1) Mind Confusion - SoC makes it look really bad (SoC it needs a big fat nerf - there, I said it)
I assume you mean Mass Confusion, in which case you have a point. That doesn't make the power a "worst" by itself, though. (Again: How is this worse than Team Teleport or Invoke Panic?)

3) Lightning Clap
It depends on which version of the power you're talking about. Some can be quite helpful.

6) AoE sleeps (except for Mind's one)
I don't see why being single target inherently makes a Sleep more useful, and implying that Siren's Song is one of the worst powers in the game is probably a large fraction of your chance to get flamed here. Also, they're great for Purple mules. Basically anyone can afford a full set of Fortunata Hypnosis by level 50, so that's not something that can be easily dismissed.

8) Liquify - Great power, awful recharge and ridiculous duration
Emphasis mine--this makes it worse than Serum?

...they need tweaking.
There is a big difference between "worst" and "needs a bit of tweaking."



Originally Posted by False_Fiction_EU View Post
1) Mind Confusion - SoC makes it look really bad (SoC it needs a big fat nerf - there, I said it)
A Mind Controller who doesn't take Confuse is, in my opinion, nuts. Confuse isn't a bad power, it's a very good power that gets overshadowed in cross-set comparison by a ludicrously good power. That's like saying that, I don't know, Foot Stomp is a bad power because it's not Shield Charge.

Edit: The same applies to Mass Confusion, although it hadn't occurred to me that you might mean that.



I meant Mass Confusion. Don't take me wrong, I like the power and I would take it if I had a mind troller/domi. I'm just saying SoC makes it look really underpowered - because of the recharge and the level you can get it.

AoE sleeps are quite awful in PvE teams (maybe not in a very slow paced and strategic team). The one reason why I say Mind Hypnosis is exception is because it doesn't draw any aggro even if it misses. Sure, solo wise you might get a good use out of Pb/AoE sleeps.

And for what is worth, I could argue that there is no "worst" power, just very situational ones. Hence why I say some powers need tweaking so they can be used more often.

Also, I don't consider a power to be good just because it can be used to this and that IO/set. If we go that way, then almost every powerr are good. Even brawl n' sprint.

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



I yoink the Ghost Slaying Axe now and then. It comes in handy on Posi, being able to hack a Spectral Demon Lord or spectral knights for a good chunk of their health bar.

And occasionally I go chop Adamastor with it for giggles.

I'd also have to nominate the Repair Robot for being pretty useless. A heal that only heals a pet robot, on a 2 minute timer? Kudos for it being a complete heal, I guess. Maybe if your assault bot took a real pounding and you were challenging yourself by taking Trick Arrow (no heal arrow for you) as your secondary and wanted some kind of healing ability...even then Aid Other would probably be the better choice.



Originally Posted by False_Fiction_EU View Post
I meant Mass Confusion. Don't take me wrong, I like the power and I would take it if I had a mind troller/domi. I'm just saying SoC makes it look really underpowered - because of the recharge and the level you can get it.
But Mass Confusion doesn't alert mobs to your presence, can be fired from farther away, can hit more targets, and isn't a cone.

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I must really suck, because I love mass confusion. I won't turn down a buff to it, though!



Originally Posted by CrashPositron View Post
Telekinetics - last time I got it, it was just a time-limited Repulse power. I expected an immobilize power.
Er, the repel effect is basically a pseudo-downside of Telekinesis. In exchange for a toggled AoE hold.

Admittedly, it's still rather situational, but it's nowhere near a bad power.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
But Mass Confusion doesn't alert mobs to your presence, can be fired from farther away, can hit more targets, and isn't a cone.
Also, do you not get in-set ST confuse powers to stack with it? SoC is great (if you've got domination) but you still have to deal with the bosses and such.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Also, do you not get in-set ST confuse powers to stack with it? SoC is great (if you've got domination) but you still have to deal with the bosses and such.
I deal with bosses using Carrion Creepers, Audrey, Domination, Strangler+Seismic Smash, popcorning them with hammers, or just killing them.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.