Worst Mobs Ever.




I'm surprised at the amount of people hating Night Widows and Mu, I always thought all Arachnos troops were underpowered.

My hate goes to Igneus and Vahzilok. Igneus seem way too powerful for being mobs that just exist to fill up some parts of The Hollows, and Vahzilok bite down hard with their toxic damage.



Tesla Knights - sometimes it seems like I spend half my time on a Synapse TF caged.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I love this thread.

A lot of times, it begins to feel like you guys just blow through everything without really feeling any challenge, so it is nice to see threads that remind us that, yes, there *are* things in the game that are difficult, or at least problematic. We walk a very fine line: If we make enemies too weak, then you guys risk becoming bored by them. If we make them too strong, then you avoid them and their content is left unused.

And, lord knows, I despise running into Spectral Demon Lords most of the time, myself.






Sappers - whenever I fight Malta, like Comm Officers for Rikti, I look for them first. But there are many times when I miss one. I'm taking out the entire mob with ease, not noticing my endurance quickly dwindle. Toggles fall, shields fall, and I'm dead.

Sorcerers - hate them. Hate when they port out - hate when they heal.

PPD Equalizers - hate when they slow me down, especially on a squishy that has just had a Longbow ambush pop up and then I'm surrounded, and dead.




*Takes Mastermind pets, big red ball, and goes home pouting.*



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I love this thread.

A lot of times, it begins to feel like you guys just blow through everything without really feeling any challenge, so it is nice to see threads that remind us that, yes, there *are* things in the game that are difficult, or at least problematic. We walk a very fine line: If we make enemies too weak, then you guys risk becoming bored by them. If we make them too strong, then you avoid them and their content is left unused.

And, lord knows, I despise running into Spectral Demon Lords most of the time, myself.
There's also a line between difficult and annoying, or at least fun and unfun.

Death Mages can be remarkably hard, but it's fighting hard. Dangerous, deadly.

Spamming caltrops - just damned annoying. Quicksand, ditto.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
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Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Marksmen. Marksmen of any kind, especially Council ones because they're a frickin' minion meaning your recharge is debuffed through the floor! A real pain at low levels.

THIS! A Thousand Thousand Times this!.. I don't care what else is in the mob, even Nos or Requiem himself.. these die first! (Also as a side not.. WHO thought it would be fun to put a EB lvl Vamp in a Port Oakes arc? LT. Benchley is a big reason my Dom had the 1st debt badge before lvl 14)

Also... the other big annoyance are PPD SWAT Equalizers. They can't kill me.. but that damn Glue Grenade, Web grenade and acid Mortar will make sure I'm still standing around when the reinforcements show up!!!! GRRRR

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



My personal loathing is reserved for Malta. Despise. Abhor. There are no words strong enough.

Demolitionists? While annoying on my MM, ever since I got Oil Slick arrow and the first MM power in Scirocco's set, I just set those little f***ers on fire and watch them fall over while they go up like Roman candles.

Not too fond of KoA's either.

Then there's Carnies... ugh, ugh, ugh. Especially once the bosses get started. That, however, is where I have discovered that the Revolver Temp Power, not to mention the Claymore Temp Power, is an MM's best friend. They HATE lethal damage. Woot!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



People actually find Kadabra Kill to be difficult?

Despite the "Hero" tag, he's hardly tougher than a Red-Con LT really. I've always found him and Sigil to be pushovers.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I love this thread.

A lot of times, it begins to feel like you guys just blow through everything without really feeling any challenge, so it is nice to see threads that remind us that, yes, there *are* things in the game that are difficult, or at least problematic. We walk a very fine line: If we make enemies too weak, then you guys risk becoming bored by them. If we make them too strong, then you avoid them and their content is left unused.

And, lord knows, I despise running into Spectral Demon Lords most of the time, myself.
One plea, Castle; make the PPD Equalisers Glue grenade be a locational AoE, not one that stops you even jumping up a curb for about half a minute after you trudged out of it. Its not fun, just majorly irritating, when you killed the guy a good while ago.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
What are those particular low-spawning enemies that you have the worst trouble with? Y'know, the ones who could almost be an Elite Boss or above, but aren't. Somehow they seem to defy the norm and tear your characters to shreds and you're left staring at the screen and asking... "Wha... wha... what the hell was that?" Here's a few picks of mine.

Spectral Daemon Lords - It's suppose to be a lieutenant, but seems way overpowered for one. Some builds can take 'em down easy, but others? It's like... um... oh crap. Especially bad when they con orange. I hate fighting these guys.
I really don't mind a few of these. But when you look at missions lvl 15-30 (For sure red side) There are mission that are almost completely Spectrals. Best Example is Cap SF (Virgil) at the power station.

I did one mission from Taraxus(sp) in Sharkhead all but 2 mobs were mostly spectrals. Yet we hardly see any Hordling(lashers / hurlers / beserkers).

If the frequency of these were cut down some it would not be as bad.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



I agree that Spectral Daemon Lords are tough and that Demolitionists can be hard for MM´s.
Tsoo Sorcerers are anerving with their Port Ability and toHit Debuff.

I like Communication Officers. Its always nice to remember, that back when the portals gave a lot of XP an Influence, we always said "don´t touch the Comms. Let them call the portals."

I don´t like to deal longer than necessary with an enemy, if it´s not a boss or higher, so i do avoid mechanical/robotic enemies if i play a character with sm/lt damage.

I do avoid Carnies if i don´t have a good defense or a good endu recovery.
Actually i do avoid Carnies nearly always, because i don´t like the whole Carnie theme.
I do also avoid Tsoo and Knives of the Artemis. Knives are easy to arrest, but i really don´t like the caltrops. And i do dislike Syphon Speed from the Tsoo even more.

But i think those enemies, mentioned in these thread are really cool.
Especially if you play on a team.
I really like it to take out the most anerving or dangerous enemies first with my stalker or troller or to confuse them.

And playing solo, you can choose the difficulty settings which do fit best for your Character. You don´t even have do fight bosses if you don´t want to.
So there is nearly nothing you can´t handle with any AT with the exception of AV´s and some EB´s.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
People actually find Kadabra Kill to be difficult?

Despite the "Hero" tag, he's hardly tougher than a Red-Con LT really. I've always found him and Sigil to be pushovers.
I get murdered by them a few times before I take them down. 7-8 if I can't keep them split.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
One plea, Castle; make the PPD Equalisers Glue grenade be a locational AoE, not one that stops you even jumping up a curb for about half a minute after you trudged out of it. Its not fun, just majorly irritating, when you killed the guy a good while ago.
This. It's not really difficult, its just annoying and slows down gameplay.

As for mobs...

Hydra, but mostly because they are still being punished for farming that happened...in I2. Please, someone return the XP to normal. I can't say they are super difficult, but they do toxic damage and have extra HP, so its not like they are free xp, and IMO don't warrant the xp hit they have had for years now.

Mu bosses, the endo drain they have is harsh, and they hit hard too while they are draining you. That one in sewers mission in faultline always gives me pause and usually needs multiple inspirations to defeat. For an un-named boss, pretty wicked.

Lost swordsman liuts. They hit hard. Not too bad to mitigate, but it makes you cringe in anticipation when they get a swing off on you. You just pray for a whiff, cheer if you get one, and if you dont you have to respond with heal/inspiration/retreat, if you arent defeated. Warrior Hewers are also like this.

Not that I "hate" fighting any of these. I find them a refreshing challenge when faced here and there. Same with Tsoo sorcerers. In fact, in that instance, I wish there were more mobs like them. The game should have more defender style foes.

There is one other thing I do find annoying. Malta gun turrets and things like them. I dont mind that things like Sky raider defense pets are persistant, or devouring earth eminators, because they dont damage you. You get little or no reward for defeating them, so if you play solo a lot like me, and tend to skip them, no biggie- and if you have to run past them again as you clear a mission they do little or no harm. But the turrets, and other damaging pets, the stone man pets the 'dannon summon in croatoa also come to mind- they will re aggro and shoot at you or chase you. They resist lethal damge, take a while to defeat, and give basically no reward. I would very much like to see some kind of timer put on them where they despawn, particularily if the summoning foe has been defeated.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

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107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
See, I didn't list them for the very reason I mentioned - my melee ATs hate them. Controllers and doms (and some of my defenders) find them so easy they're almost boring to play against.
I agree with Bill here, I have only ever done all the RWZ contacts/story arcs once and that was with my fire/earth assault dominator...and Vanguard was easy...I mean...no issues whatsoever. *shrugs*

Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
People actually find Kadabra Kill to be difficult?

Despite the "Hero" tag, he's hardly tougher than a Red-Con LT really. I've always found him and Sigil to be pushovers.
Never had an issue with him (on multiple toons that I've played) but can see how he would be an issue.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
There is one other thing I do find annoying. Malta gun turrets and things like them. I dont mind that things like Sky raider defense pets are persistant, or devouring earth eminators, because they dont damage you. You get little or no reward for defeating them, so if you play solo a lot like me, and tend to skip them, no biggie- and if you have to run past them again as you clear a mission they do little or no harm. But the turrets, and other damaging pets, the stone man pets the 'dannon summon in croatoa also come to mind- they will re aggro and shoot at you or chase you. They resist lethal damge, take a while to defeat, and give basically no reward. I would very much like to see some kind of timer put on them where they despawn, particularily if the summoning foe has been defeated.

Agree wholeheartedly!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
People actually find Kadabra Kill to be difficult?

Despite the "Hero" tag, he's hardly tougher than a Red-Con LT really. I've always found him and Sigil to be pushovers.
I think he was pretty easy on my Stalker, but my Mastermind had a heck of a time with him. He knocked me and my pets around, held us, etc. I think he also had some kind of other boss with him, so it was not a fun encounter.

And I second the difference between "hard but fun" and just annoying. I despise Sappers and Malta, but they're more of a tactical challenge. KoA would be great fun if they didn't spam Cal Trops. They're not too bad if you're a Blaster at range, but every melee hero that faces them just gets annoyed... fast. The Cal Trops don't challenge them particularly (though they did put my SR Scrapper's health in danger at one point... there were THAT many of those things tossed out), they just slow them down to no purpose.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
I think I might be the only CoH player who likes fighting Circle of Thorns
In general I don't go looking for them, but my DM/Shield is very effective against them and enjoys them quite a bit. I also enjoy Devouring Earth on all my characters, so I may be a little off anyway.

My pick for the worst enemies isn't very common, but for me it's easy: Sky Raiders. They're not particularly damaging, they're boring and annoying! They're flying and teleporting around the map for no particular reason, their arcs are of no interest to me at all, and their robot bosses are generic to the point of absurdity. They have cool uniforms, and I like the Sky Skiffs, but otherwise they're just meh. I tend to lose interest in Faultline when I get directed to Doc Delilah, as cool as she is, Sky Raiders just make me yawn. (They do have some flair in Duray and Castillo too, but those are AVs.)

Another enemy I really don't care for is the Bres, the Boss in the Tuatha. As someone else mentioned, why the HELL does that Golem not despawn with its owner's defeat? The golem takes ages to kill, does pathetic damage, and gives dead zero nothing for the effort. What a waste of time. The Tuatha in general I like, but their Bosses are stupid.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
And I second the difference between "hard but fun" and just annoying. I despise Sappers and Malta, but they're more of a tactical challenge. KoA would be great fun if they didn't spam Cal Trops. They're not too bad if you're a Blaster at range, but every melee hero that faces them just gets annoyed... fast. The Cal Trops don't challenge them particularly (though they did put my SR Scrapper's health in danger at one point... there were THAT many of those things tossed out), they just slow them down to no purpose.
This. Caltrops, and even more so Quicksand and Glue Grenade (since they have -fly, so you can't jetpack off them) would be far less annoying if they despawned when you defeated the caster. When all the enemies are dead, the slow patch does not present any tactical challenge whatsoever.

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Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
People actually find Kadabra Kill to be difficult?

Despite the "Hero" tag, he's hardly tougher than a Red-Con LT really. I've always found him and Sigil to be pushovers.
Sigil is a pushover, Kadabra Kill is just downright overpowered. You need to have particular builds to take him down quickly, otherwise he spawns a singularity, heals himself like crazy, and starts spamming mass holds and immobiles like there's no tomorrow.



Call me crazy, but I actually liked fighting Sorcerers. Anything that behaves differently than normal makes things interesting. It can be annoying at times, but overall it makes it feel like you have to be smarter to defeat them.

But this thread isn't about mobs we like, it's about mobs we dislike.

I can pretty much sum it up with a phrase I came up with within a couple of months of when CoH started: "I do not like Green Inks and Ham...idon."

Worst mob I ever fought, though, was actually in the AE. It was just a boss with a lot of SS/Invul powers. I'm still not sure what element of it was the problem exactly (maybe the Rage?), but something about it made it extraordinarily deadly. It was impossible to fight one alone, and two of them together caused us numerous team wipes. Even a normally nigh-invulnerable tank on the team was like, "How is this thing doing so much damage to me?!" It was probably a bug that was fixed in a patch later (never replayed it to find out), but I guarantee at the time that if you pit the enemy against any other boss, it would wipe the floor with them.



The only thing annoying to me at low level is anything with Dark melee. Just seems like it hits way too hard.

As for high level not really anything but Mask of Vitation is the most overpowered debuff in existance. Always thought it could be toned down.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Demolitionists - Lieutenants that make a Mastermind resummon or retreat a lot.

Centurians - Um... wow... you hit hard for a primitive. Squishies beware, bring a couple purples just in case he gets too close.

Honorable Mention:
There's only one of him, but Kadabra Kill sucks completely.
These three annoy me. As a mention of theDemolitionists, the Foreman boss is just as bad, getting the ability to keep out two burn patches.

Centurians, the big thing is the healing and rezzing surgeons.

KK sucks. Also fighting Sefu.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I love this thread.

A lot of times, it begins to feel like you guys just blow through everything without really feeling any challenge, so it is nice to see threads that remind us that, yes, there *are* things in the game that are difficult, or at least problematic. We walk a very fine line: If we make enemies too weak, then you guys risk becoming bored by them. If we make them too strong, then you avoid them and their content is left unused.

And, lord knows, I despise running into Spectral Demon Lords most of the time, myself.
KoA come to mind here.

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303