Worst Mobs Ever.




Only those things that can't be knocked back.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Not even just pulls, either. The zombies have such a short aggro range that you can often 'sneak' past them with a reasonable jog.
But you have to sing/hum Minnie the Moocher when you do it.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



No mention of Vanguard yet?

Flash! Flash! Stun! Drain!!

Hello hospital.

See also: PPD Ghosts.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Originally Posted by Ocasta View Post
Defense heavy sets without good defense resistance: Earth Thorn Casters. Granted I don't think they spawn at level 50, it's rather annoying. Defense sets are already fairly weak (compared to most sets) while leveling, since they tend to require weave and/or IO investments to really shine. Then when you finally feel like your defense character is getting somewhere, you face earth thorn casters who can make the fight go from fine to dead in the span of 2 seconds.
I think it's worse than that. My testing was with Possessed Scientists, but I'll bet the results apply to to Earth Thorn Casters using the same powers.

My tests showed that the defense debuff in Earthquake is not resisted by defense debuff resistance. My /SR scrapper has 95% DDR and the Earthquake's debuff has full effect in this screenie.

Note that Earthquake is doing 10% and Stone Prison 20% -- but my 95% DDR reduces Stone Prison's 20% to 1%, and does not reduce earthquake's debuff at all, resulting in 11% final debuff.

How do I know Stone Prison is being resisted? Here's a shot with Stone Prison alone. You can see that it's a 20% debuff with a 1% net effect.

I wouldn't be the least surprised if Quicksand from Earth Thorns was also tagged "unresistable." I think it's a bug, and I bugged it, but never heard a resolution.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
No mention of Vanguard yet?

Flash! Flash! Stun! Drain!!

Hello hospital.

See also: PPD Ghosts.

Vanguard Sword are like sitting ducks, if you're ranged. But yes, the PPD Glue Ghosts. Long after they are dead, you're still immob'd.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Most annoying groups;


CoT are specifically ghosts. Having S/L is hard enough anyway...-hit aura and energy attacks...and...ugh. Certain bosses are also horrible, but at least they are Bosses.

Scrapyarders and Cimerorans, for being mere humans, UNENHANCED, do rediculous ammounts of damage. I wouldnt mind if, say, they spawned in larger numbers while doing less damage...but ye GODS!

Actual specific enemy types;
PPD Equalisers. The ghosts I dont actually mind. The equalisers, though....URGH that AoE glue grenade hacks me off so far, namely because it is NOT a locational AoE...its horrible, whatever it is.

Ballista's, simply because they use a pitiful move like Force Push with the foce of a Steam Train. I really, really hate them.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



There's only one sort of mob that has made throw my hands up, swear I quit, and avoid missions with them for forever more, and that's the stupid Demolitionists (and the Scrapyarder's in general). For some horrid reason, I ended up doing Vince Dubrowski's missions on my poor Mastermind. I imagine that now, despite being level 50 and having defeated Recluse, screwed up the plans of practically everyone in the world, and having plotted and helped the doom of the earth (and, okay, maybe saved it once or twice but she'd blame the Rikti), on the times that she does have nightmare's it's full of dreams of dynamite and miners.

Scrapyarder and Family bosses (odd, as the Family is generally easy as anything) also gave her lots of trouble. On the other hand, she laughed at Archanos and their Mu (and Widows), and even the Circle ghosts only gave her a bit of trouble in the early levels. Carnies and Malta aren't a problem either, although KoA can be annoying.

On the other hand, my /Willpower Scrapper seems to do even better. There are mobs that are annoying (Paragon Protectors, Fake Nemesis's, flying Master Illusionists or Circle Ghosts), but none of them bad enough to be worst. Tsoo Sorcerers were pretty bad, though... I guess they can go on the 'worst mobs' lists. Scrapyarder Demolitionists and Tsoo Sorcerers are my votes.

Also, Kadabra Kill and Nosferatu are evil, evil, evil. The second amuses me, as I will gladly dance with Requiem and Arakhn a hundred times before wanting to touch Nosferatu. The first is just a scary, scary, scary enemy.



Most have hit the most annoying mobs to me already...but I'll touch on 'em a bit.

Longbow: Yeah, pretty easy going early to mid levels...then in the high 30s/low 40s (?) that's when they go from 'meh' to "grr" (especially villy side since that is mainly who you fight). The stacked res grenades are really, really annoying....and painful. The other two things that I hate about the Lt. is the beanbag attack and the -res grenade. For some reason their res grenade has a small hold that is attached to the grenade. Whenever I'm on a 'squishy' with no mez protection I always get mezzed either by the stupid beanbag or the 'hold' from the res grenade. Wish Trick Archery had the hold part attached to Disruption Arrow... >_>

That reminds me of Wyvern. Them and the Red Caps are quite painful...especially when there is more than 3 of them around attacking you. Not only do they hit relatively hard but they shoot/attack so fast....and have a very long range for their attacks it seems.

Of course you have the Tsoo Sorcerers and Vahz in general. I really would like to see the Tsoo and Vahz in the later levels in the game...once you get to the 30s/40s the Tsoo Sorcerers wouldn't be so bad...

Scrapyarders/Demolionists like others have said is almost a death-knell for MMs. I remember a long time ago (2 years?), I joined a sg team with my lvl 30 (not sure of lvl) Ninja/DM MM...I was sk'ed up and we were doing a mission with all scrapyarders....almost every single mob that we fought, at least 3-4 ninjas died every time....yeah...I kind of stopped summoning them after a while and just used Dark Miasma... >_<

CoT: The NSDLs/ghosts are truly a pain...yes I always go for them first (or the Behemoths if they are in there instead)...but still the big -tohit toggle that they have is really painful...especially for lower lvls. And as others have pointed out, Earth Thorn Casters as well as Ruin Mages are just evil. Ruin Mages may not seem much but I did a posi TF a few months ago and...yeah, that was kind of painful...especially when there is more than 1 in the group you're fighting. 2 Dispersion Fields stacked on them/other CoT mobs, plus 2 Earthquakes....ouch..good bye tohit....

KoA are a pain mainly because the caltrops and they have good perception (can see through stealth/invis)...so harder to 'stealth' missions with them in it.

Malta are annoying because of the 1 minute long stun durations...among other things.

Nemesis: Don't really care for 'em....I hate how their Vengeance stacks...if it didn't stack then I wouldn't mind it so much....but grr...

Speaking of stacking...Night Widows...yeah...they're a pain and not 'terrible' per se...but the Smoke Grenade is really, really, really annoying. The most annoying thing is that they can stack it by themselves.

DE: Yeah, don't care for 'em either but don't fight them too often so it's not too bad (have been playing villies lately). But yes...it's very bad/annoying when there are multiple Cairns...oh look my attack that usually does 400 damage is now doing....40.... x_x

Council: The only mob that bothers me in this faction/group is the Warwolves...it's their fast running speed, and like someone said above, their ability to run away, come back and one-shot a minion (as a MM) or do good/decent damage on you.

Rularuu: The eyes have it.... >_> I really wanted to be mean while all the AE farming was going on and have some 'fun' with people. I was thinking of making an AE mission and title it "awesome xp farm!" or something similar and just have all Rularuu eyes in it (with maybe the green hami mitos healing them...or some mob healing them). And just go around and broadcast, "LFM for eye farm/xp". Ah well, not doing that....'farming has stopped in the AE' (for the most part).

And one quick nod to the Chief Plasma Scientist(s) for Crey...I think you only see him/them in one mission...but I remember doing the mission on my MM on a small team and that CPS just totally burninated my minions and us...wow...fire powers that always caused a burn patch....not fun. :P

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Only two mobs I absolutely despise. The first and biggest are Sappers (Malta Group) which instantly drain all my endurance on SR and nuke all defensive toggles as a result. The second are those Ring Mistresses (Carnival of Shadows) which seem to be a lot stronger than their level and status would suggest. That and they have that annoying anti regen ability which really annoys me on my Regeneration scrapper.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



CoT Ghosts - Immune to hold/sleep/knockback/etc, lowers your accuracy, and drains your health.

Vanguard Sword - Never have I seen enemies rip my defese to absolute shreds.



Originally Posted by Forsaken_Empire_EU View Post
to me most of this sound like poor attack planing. to me i always try to take out the most damage/threat as possiable before worry about the other mob, to me most of these are 1st target for me to wipe out as they become a pain.
Well DUUUHH. That's exactly what I do.



I was trying to think of an answer, then realized many of my answers were "depending on the AT." But - and I'm using "low spawning" here as "low level," since that's where they're really worst - ones I hate seeing in general:

Vahzilok. For slows and toxic damage. VERY bad for a lowbie. And don't forget... *Boom* if you can't interrupt (followed by a rez and another explosuion if you have REALLY bad luck.)
Mu. END drain and -recovery on something using TOs or DOs and that has no recovery ANYWAY is just... not... fun.

Most everything else I can think of are either higher level, bad for one AT/powerset but not another, or workable with good pulling and tactics.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I was trying to think of an answer, then realized many of my answers were "depending on the AT." But - and I'm using "low spawning" here as "low level," since that's where they're really worst - ones I hate seeing in general:
Heh, well... I meant "low" as in anything that wasn't an Elite Boss or above. Minion. Lieutenant. Boss.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Heh, well... I meant "low" as in anything that wasn't an Elite Boss or above. Minion. Lieutenant. Boss.
Oh, I know what you *meant* it's just that those are worse at low *character* level. Higher, I tend to have more options on how to deal with problematic mobs.



Marksmen. Marksmen of any kind, especially Council ones because they're a frickin' minion meaning your recharge is debuffed through the floor! A real pain at low levels.

Rikti Swords, even on their minions can hit pretty hard, but not too much of a problem.

Oh dear God, Vanguard! Never EVER have I stopped playing an arc after the first mission. EVER!



Originally Posted by Mikka View Post
Also, Kadabra Kill

I hate him. I hate him so damn bad. The mission where you need to free the Rikti's prisoners is SO painfull, since the mod includes at least 1 boss AND KK.
Who gave him THREE powersets?
Singularities on NPCs are evil. Grav/Kin Warden once...NEXT to Synapse in a redside mish. Man that hurt.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The only "difficult" NPC group in this game is Vanguard. They only appear in a few arcs, yet you don't exactly see people jumping over each other to run those arcs - they're equipped with a large variety of powers designed to nullify pretty much anything, and they can give even the strongest Tankers problems sometimes (plus they have some nasty, persistent debuffs, which require purchasing temp powers to remove). Every other group - high-level CoT, Carnies, Malta - is easily countered by intelligent playing and good inspiration management.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
The only "difficult" NPC group in this game is Vanguard.
See, I didn't list them for the very reason I mentioned - my melee ATs hate them. Controllers and doms (and some of my defenders) find them so easy they're almost boring to play against.



I think I might be the only CoH player who likes fighting Circle of Thorns



KoA win that IMO. While they are not the most deadly (not to say they are pushovers), the spammed pile of caltrops makes any mission with them in quantity an utter nightmare. Even on an electric armor character with slow resistance it still is unbearable. I just don't both with any arc full of them.

Of course add in the fact that their perception is through the rough so they swarm all over you from half a map away and it really gets to suck.

Too many alts to list.



I like CoT, but the spectral daemon lords suck. If we don't get to have auto-hit damaging auras that also have monstrous debuffs, neither should enemies. An AV, I could accept, but certainly not a common mid-level Lt.

Also, no mob should ever ever have a detention field. Ever. It doesn't make things hard, it doesn't make things fun. It's just annoying and boring.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
What are those particular low-spawning enemies that you have the worst trouble with? Y'know, the ones who could almost be an Elite Boss or above, but aren't. Somehow they seem to defy the norm and tear your characters to shreds and you're left staring at the screen and asking... "Wha... wha... what the hell was that?" Here's a few picks of mine.

Spectral Daemon Lords - It's suppose to be a lieutenant, but seems way overpowered for one. Some builds can take 'em down easy, but others? It's like... um... oh crap. Especially bad when they con orange. I hate fighting these guys.

Nerva Spectral Daemon Lords - Not as bad as above, but if you're not careful, can easily remind you such experiences with their earlier level bretheren.

Demolitionists - Lieutenants that make a Mastermind resummon or retreat a lot.

Mu Adepts - Sleep. Suck endurance. Sleep. Sleep. Suck more endurance. Suck. Suck. Zap. Suck.

Mu Guardians - See above.

Juicer Chiefs - Ditto. Also, might resurrect forcing you to fight it all over again.

Night Widows - Slash. Slash. Dead.

Fortunata Mistresses - Psychic blast of death.

Communications Officers - Quick, kill the alien before he calls for hel--Oh crap.

Sorcerers - Very irritating liuetenants for melee builds. They just teleport all over the damn place and even heal the guy you're trying to kill in the meantime.

Centurians - Um... wow... you hit hard for a primitive. Squishies beware, bring a couple purples just in case he gets too close.

Honorable Mention:
There's only one of him, but Kadabra Kill sucks completely.
just wanted to point something out: one good stalker on the team and all those problems are solved. every fight, every time.

"Scrappers don't want the bit of dignity that Brutes left them taken away by (lol)Stalkers." -Delta_Strider, on Stalker buffs.

Current Project: Hard Goodbye, StJ/Nin
Retired: Blitzwulf, Claws/Nin (50); Perdition's Blade, Night Widow (50)



Originally Posted by Blitzwulf View Post
just wanted to point something out: one good stalker on the team and all those problems are solved. every fight, every time.
Of course against the KoA I cited, a stalker is close to useless.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I think it's worse than that. My testing was with Possessed Scientists, but I'll bet the results apply to to Earth Thorn Casters using the same powers.

My tests showed that the defense debuff in Earthquake is not resisted by defense debuff resistance. My /SR scrapper has 95% DDR and the Earthquake's debuff has full effect in this screenie.
It also applies to Avalanche Shamans, MA custom critters, and players using Earthquake.

I wouldn't be the least surprised if Quicksand from Earth Thorns was also tagged "unresistable." I think it's a bug, and I bugged it, but never heard a resolution.
I don't think Quicksand's def debuff is unresistable, at least the player version wasn't last time I checked the power info for Earth Control. DDR scales with level though, so at Earth Thorn levels you're probably not capped, and everything Earth Thorns do debuffs defense.

Oh, and yeah, that "no endurance for you" debuff that lasts five minutes and persists through death that those Vanguard bosses have is just pure cheating. Any enemy short of an AV that is designed around the player having a temp power available is poorly designed.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Marksmen. Marksmen of any kind, especially Council ones because they're a frickin' minion meaning your recharge is debuffed through the floor! A real pain at low levels.
This. Vey much this.

All the rest I can either deal with or avoid easily enough, but Council Marksmen are all over the place basically from 5-50 and spawn in multiples, upto and including entire spawns of nothing BUT Marksmen.

Anyone without either the Mass AoE damage to kill them all without having to worry about powers recharging; or an AoE control to lock them down, and enough AoE damage to take them out before they get free; is screwed.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too