Worst Mobs Ever.




What are those particular low-spawning enemies that you have the worst trouble with? Y'know, the ones who could almost be an Elite Boss or above, but aren't. Somehow they seem to defy the norm and tear your characters to shreds and you're left staring at the screen and asking... "Wha... wha... what the hell was that?" Here's a few picks of mine.

Spectral Daemon Lords - It's suppose to be a lieutenant, but seems way overpowered for one. Some builds can take 'em down easy, but others? It's like... um... oh crap. Especially bad when they con orange. I hate fighting these guys.

Nerva Spectral Daemon Lords - Not as bad as above, but if you're not careful, can easily remind you such experiences with their earlier level bretheren.

Demolitionists - Lieutenants that make a Mastermind resummon or retreat a lot.

Mu Adepts - Sleep. Suck endurance. Sleep. Sleep. Suck more endurance. Suck. Suck. Zap. Suck.

Mu Guardians - See above.

Juicer Chiefs - Ditto. Also, might resurrect forcing you to fight it all over again.

Night Widows - Slash. Slash. Dead.

Fortunata Mistresses - Psychic blast of death.

Communications Officers - Quick, kill the alien before he calls for hel--Oh crap.

Sorcerers - Very irritating liuetenants for melee builds. They just teleport all over the damn place and even heal the guy you're trying to kill in the meantime.

Centurians - Um... wow... you hit hard for a primitive. Squishies beware, bring a couple purples just in case he gets too close.

Honorable Mention:
There's only one of him, but Kadabra Kill sucks completely.



The only one that comes to mind is blueside: the redcaps. Even at blue con, those things do way too much damage. If there are more than 3 or so of them, or several and a lt, it's a good hard fight. Probably why some folks struggle solo through the Snaptooth missions, because MAN those guys... ow.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Anything Malta, really. Gunslingers hit like bosses, TacOps have those ungodly stun grenades and Titans are all around nasty. And their bosses are just... Ugh! Each might as well be an elite boss for how much damage they dish out and how hard they are to put down.

Beyond that, Carnival Dark Ring Mistresses and especially Master Illusionists. With their pets, they can pump out so much damage, and with that damn phasing, they're too hard to kill. With how often they tend to spawn in Carnival missions, that's a problem.

Warriors Hewers. I don't actually dislike them, but MAN do those guys hit like a train! With access to Pendulum and with Battle Axe generally having all strong attacks, they are a major threat.

Spectrals, obviously, for all the reasons listed. As well as Behemoths and their Invincibility making the life of any Mastermind a pain thanks to feeding off henchmen.

Demolitionists, thanks to aggressively stupid pet AI that causes them to not just run out of the Burn patch, but run all over creation. It's not even that they kill henchmen, it's that they make them uncontrollable that sucks so much.

Red Caps, of course, for how hard they hit.

That's about all I can think of.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Vazhilok... Just... Vazhilok.
Ironically, the human enemies moreso than the bosses or zombies.

Nerf your recharge and regen to hell, seem stupidly accurate for their levels against SR, and their hacksaws rip you pieces way too quickly, and they come in minion and Lt. variety, doubling your chance of encounter with them.
Two in a group? Kiss your already dismal attack chain good bye.
Three? You're dead.
Not f@#$%ing fair, Devs.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I'm only prejudiced against Nemesis. Vengeance and AoE damage for anything combat-based, and the protection against Confuse and Fear, plus apparent resistances against Hold and Sleep... blech.

Nemesis hax.



Spectral Daemon Lords - It's suppose to be a lieutenant, but seems way overpowered for one. Some builds can take 'em down easy, but others? It's like... um... oh crap. Especially bad when they con orange. I hate fighting these guys.
That's why I take the Ghost Slaying Axe as my vet reward instead of sands of mu. And tend to avoid CoT at low levels blueside.

Mu are annoying, but that's just standard course for Arachnos...Arachnos is the most rounded out faction about throwing all sorts of pesky things at you. Keep yellows for Night Widows stacking smokenades, avoid Executioner Strikes from banes, tarantulas have fat butts to mess with cones and those slowing psi screams...

Never thought the warriors were particularly bad. Cimerorans are worse--they're Warriors but with healers and burn patches. And they chuck real javelins at you instead of use girly-man crossbows. The Warriors never learned how to throw 'em.

Rularuu eyeballs I hate. Their accuracy is hax. Also hate wisp bosses since they can shove you in a bubble.



Hmm lots of similar choices above that I would have mentioned. I know you said low spawning, but I honestly spend so little time at the lower levels it was easier to come up with an overall list.

KoA: Annoying caltrop spam and for a group that thematically has small numbers they don't even give you a badge.

Malta: The stuns are way to much. I've been stunned and had teams move on to three or four more mobs before it even wears off.

Wailers: Stacked -Res is a killer... literally. And they are one ugly group!

Longbow: The entire crew just makes me sick, individually they aren't much of a threat, but put a nice mix of Minions, LTs and a Boss in there and it's nothing but problems.

Rikti Guardians: I don't know who's idea it was to have them stack bubbles but it wasn't a good one.

Hydra: Toxic damage... need I say more?

Nemesis LTs: I'm not 100% sure but I do beleive that their vengeance stacks

Soldiers of Rularuu: The bosses, each one is nasty in it's own way, but I think the Overseers are the worst due to Optic Blast and Chomp.

Any badguys that run/scatter including but not limited to: Cabal, Longbow, Gold Brickers and anything else with a jetpack

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Probably Malta/KoA stupid stuns and caltrops.

CoT hate the ghosts.

Cimerorans get a big mob and it's like your a cow at a butcher shop.



Tsoo Sorcerors.

Now, with additions and changes to the game, these are not quite as fearsome as before, but I recall a time when team leads would select a mission with Tsoo, and one or more of the good players on a team would announce "Thanks, but I'll find my own way. I don't fight Tsoo." There was even a large pact (on Freedom?, can't recall for sure) of folks who vowed to leave Tsoo alone.

Worst room I ever fought was back then (before crafting enhancements and vet rewards) against a 3-tiered lab room full of Tsoo, with a TON of sorcerors. I don't remember why the spawn numbers seemed outrageously huge, but that room was packed. I played on a full pug, all seasoned vets, and most known to me. It took us over an hour to clear that room, and as long as a medium task force to clear the entire mission. Numerous wipes and our debt count was through the roof. For some odd reason, we all gritted our teeth and stuck it out. That was probably the only good thing I could say about that mission, looking back.



Hydra: Toxic damage, and low EXP for the trouble of killing them. Thankfully they mostly come up in AE arcs, Faultline and some later missions.

Malta: Tac Ops types. That stun grenade. That damn stun grenade.

Circle: Ruin Mages early on. Knockdown/back and +Defense. Especially on the Positron Task Force.

Vazhilok: Just Vazhilok. -Recharge Dart attacks, toxic damage, zombies resistant to sleep/immobilize, exploding cadavers, all at lower levels.

Arachnos: Mu Enemies and Fortunas. On the former, sleeps and endurance drain, so when you get out of the sleep you don't have the endurance to finish your enemy before they sleep you again and drain your end back down. The other is resistant to mezzing and thus hard to deal with on controllers.

Paragon Protectors: Old style Moment of Glory. I hate Old Style Moment of Glory.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
What are those particular low-spawning enemies that you have the worst trouble with? Y'know, the ones who could almost be an Elite Boss or above, but aren't. Somehow they seem to defy the norm and tear your characters to shreds and you're left staring at the screen and asking... "Wha... wha... what the hell was that?" Here's a few picks of mine.

Spectral Daemon Lords - It's suppose to be a lieutenant, but seems way overpowered for one. Some builds can take 'em down easy, but others? It's like... um... oh crap. Especially bad when they con orange. I hate fighting these guys.

Nerva Spectral Daemon Lords - Not as bad as above, but if you're not careful, can easily remind you such experiences with their earlier level bretheren.

Demolitionists - Lieutenants that make a Mastermind resummon or retreat a lot.

Mu Adepts - Sleep. Suck endurance. Sleep. Sleep. Suck more endurance. Suck. Suck. Zap. Suck.

Mu Guardians - See above.

Juicer Chiefs - Ditto. Also, might resurrect forcing you to fight it all over again.

Night Widows - Slash. Slash. Dead.

Fortunata Mistresses - Psychic blast of death.

Communications Officers - Quick, kill the alien before he calls for hel--Oh crap.

Sorcerers - Very irritating liuetenants for melee builds. They just teleport all over the damn place and even heal the guy you're trying to kill in the meantime.

Centurians - Um... wow... you hit hard for a primitive. Squishies beware, bring a couple purples just in case he gets too close.

Honorable Mention:
There's only one of him, but Kadabra Kill sucks completely.
to me most of this sound like poor attack planing. to me i always try to take out the most damage/threat as possiable before worry about the other mob, to me most of these are 1st target for me to wipe out as they become a pain.

but i do admit that the roman are a tough bunch, i noticed you didn't mention wailers. i hate them all that health drop damage they do and thing with Psychic like carnies and rikti are a pain, but a good plan will pave a way forward



KoA, most notably their effing caltrops. Since the difficulty slider was revamped all my brutes run at +0-+2/x6-x8. I really hate when I see a KoA mission...are 7-10 applications of Caltrops truly neccessary? It's not even life threatening most of the time but it's so tedious to try and run away.




The hard-to-hold Lost Anathema lieutenants are a pain for my dom and controller.

And the CoT Earth Thorn Casters... QUICKSAND!!

Those are the only two that really come to mind... but yeah, I agree that those spectral ghost lieutenant guys and their silly dark auras are a pain.




Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Circle: Ruin Mages early on. Knockdown/back and +Defense. Especially on the Positron Task Force.
Oh, no, it's much worse than that. They have massive -toHit, too. Putting you on an Earthquake while standing in a Dispersion Bubble is just plain mean at those levels.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



CoT Spectral Demon Lords are easily the top of the list. Massive damage and to-hit debuffs at levels when your mitigation and accuracy sucks to begin with. Ruin Mages are also up there, but you don't run into them nearly as much. The Spectrals are everywhere, and seem to spawn proportionately to how much you rely on smash/lethal damage.

Rularuu eyeballs. Got defense? Doesn't matter.

Tarantula Mistresses and Queens. Got defense? Not anymore.

Longbow Nullifiers. It's the only Lieutenant they have, so there are tons of them. Stacking -res and stacking beanbags are not fun. Plus there is always one of them, no matter what, whether I have attacked yet or not, even if I'm still halfway across the room sometimes, that will turn and fire that beanbag at my Corruptor. Every. Single. Time. If I'm on a Corruptor and we're fighting Longbow (and when are you NOT fighting Longbow, redside?) I will spend the first part of every fight stunned.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Fortunatas and Widows. Defense and/or mezz protection is a mean combo for my dominators to face down that regularly. Smoke grenades are just an extra boot to the face.

Chief Plasma Scientists vs. MMs. These guys spawn super-rarely, since I think they're only around for like a 5-level period where you don't fight many Crey, but my memories of running into one on my Merc/ MM can be summed up as 'flamethrower god.'

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Crey Protector Bosses. No, not Paragon Protectors--just the Crey Protectors. They do little to no damage at all, having only a cheap Hold, Brawl, and Boxing, but ridiculous resists with Self Resistance and Dispersion Bubble.

So in the end you just stand there, whiffing for ten minutes, against a mob that is nearly immune to all status effects, takes little to no damage, and can't do anything against you. Normally, I just walk past these guys, but if it's a Defeat All? .... ....

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Vaz are the worst. They really stick out as overly brutal to lowbies, especially compared to Skulls, Hellions and Clocks. Even a gray-con Embalm can lay waste to a team.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



I guess I am the only one that can not stand Devouring Earth. Debuffs, heals, sleep, and spawn Jr. Devourers when they are killed. I hate those things.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Crey Geneticists are easy to take down, but I find it annoying that they will rez other mobs if you give them the chance.

As for Tsoo Sorceror hate, I would agree. HOWEVER, my Ill/Emp found them handy when I used Decieve. They would port all over the room attacking mobs I hadn't even seen yet. Once there was no one left alive in range, I'd Decieve them and then they'd just sit there and let me kill them.

Juicer Chiefs are a pain as well.



Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
I guess I am the only one that can not stand Devouring Earth. Debuffs, heals, sleep, and spawn Jr. Devourers when they are killed. I hate those things.
And the lieutenants get to summon pets. Which means a single group of baddies can have several Cairns summoned. Suddenly you realize that you're doing practically nil damage...to everything.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



On my mastermind, scrapyarders (demolitionists) and malta stand out the most. Demolitionists are somewhat manageable, but malta are a nightmare. Zeus titan missiles that can one shot my pets, teleporting gunslingers that can also aoe one shot my pets. Pretty much any time I have to fight malta on my MM I just want to quit ever playing a MM again. Malta are also the reason why over 50% of my inspiration tray is just break frees (well that and the fact that the inspiration system for pets is useless).

Most melee chars: Carnies. They die easily, but mask of vitality + endurance drain on death means I'll be wondering where all my blues went 2 groups in.

PPD at low levels. Equalizers and ghosts. You get resist debuffed to hell my acid mortars, get -fly -jump and -speed from the web crap on the ground, and then you get hit by -10 billion accuracy and defense (yes that's the actual number as far as I'm concerned :P).

Vazhilok. Don't see them much on red side, but when playing blue I pretty much completely avoid them. Back before newspapers/etc, I would actually pick my origins to ensure that they were not an origin that faces Vazhilok in the lower levels (I think natural does, but it's been too long I forgot).

Longbow: Decent at low level, crappy at high level. Nullifiers debuff your resistances like crazy at high level (maybe defense too, I don't remember), wardens that spawn with Radiation Emission are insanely obnoxious (lingering radiation makes your attack chain so pathetic even level 4's would laugh at you).

Council wolves on my MM: Scatter from burn, essentially immune to slow and requires stacked immob. They scatter all over the map, only to come back and one shot pets. I swear in the time it takes me to chase down all the warwolves that ran off I could have killed 5 entire groups of a different villain type.

Defense heavy sets without good defense resistance: Earth Thorn Casters. Granted I don't think they spawn at level 50, it's rather annoying. Defense sets are already fairly weak (compared to most sets) while leveling, since they tend to require weave and/or IO investments to really shine. Then when you finally feel like your defense character is getting somewhere, you face earth thorn casters who can make the fight go from fine to dead in the span of 2 seconds.



Tsoo sorcerers.

And it's not even the annoying teleporting, its the stupid hurricanes.

I run mainly melee fighters and its aggravating having an enemy I could round house kick in the face 4 feet from me, but be completely unable to because of the knock back.



And that's just with one. Don't get me started on when theres 3+ in a room and Im being juggled around.

I just avoid Tsoo missions. Other heroes can take them.



Funny, this list makes me remember why I love control-type sets, even for non-control archetypes.

It also makes me wonder why dominators/controllers aren't as valued for the lockdown they provide. Many a dopey team has invited my Ill/emp controller, who is less about empathy, more about illusion, and then proudly say "we have a healer!" When the team isn't taking much damage due to problem targets locked down/confused/terrorized, I get 'good heals!' *Boggles*

Remember, kids: problem mobs: it's why you bring control.

Oh, and I hate to say it but vahz are ridiculously easy to pull. Many of the steamroller teams may dislike this, but if you can't take the heat, adjust your strategy, and you'll do fine.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Oh, and I hate to say it but vahz are ridiculously easy to pull. Many of the steamroller teams may dislike this, but if you can't take the heat, adjust your strategy, and you'll do fine.
Not even just pulls, either. The zombies have such a short aggro range that you can often 'sneak' past them with a reasonable jog.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.