Worst Mobs Ever.




I've never had much trouble with any particular group of enemies. The only one that makes me cringe nowadays are the Rogue Vanguard, but even they can be pushed through.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Not so much a Mob as a right royal pain in the backside...

What the heck is UP with his god-mode? He gets to about a 12th of his health, and suddenly becomes utterly invincible. +def, +res, +everything by the looks of it. We beat him in the end, pretty much by grabbing someone who had left the team earlier and cranking up every single buff and popping a whole tray of reds and yellows. Even then it was a tough ride.

In this run we had fought and beaten;

Silver Mantis
Mirror Spirit

But Foreshadow ground us to a halt. Why? =/

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



KoA on a melee toon with no ranged attacks and no perception.

It REALLY sucks.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Arachnoids. Despite having run a Thugs/Poison MM for 50 levels it took me until I fought Arachnoids with my SS/Inv Brute to realise just how nasty envenom really is. Having Unstoppable on and still taking triple digit damage is... almost unbelievable the first time you see it.

I'm also going to put in a vote for Spectral Pirates. Resistance to sleep, fear, slow and immobilise (I fought them with a Dom, it was painful); Flight, so resistance to KB (I fought them with an NRG Corruptor, it was VERY painful); -Acc and -Def; Negative damage and all this at level 10 (!)

Worst of all they're extremely rare, so it's perfectly possible for you to walk into the first mission of An Arachnos Ghost Story, full of glee at having unlocked a new contact, and totally unaware of what you're letting yourself in for.



Originally Posted by DeadSkip View Post
This is a little misleading. If you've ever tried fighting Malta inside a building with a blaster you'll know that

(a) sappers and gunslingers hang around out of sight around corners until you aggro their group and
(b) if you're playing on the same difficulty as you play against most other factions you'll often find yourself held by the titans/gunslingers, or long duration stunned by the operations officers(?) And you can only carry so many break frees.

The hardest arc I've ever done was the Indigo arc with my (solo) ice/ice blaster.

However, this doesn't mean I think they're the "worst mobs ever" - I think they're great. Let's just not pretnd that they're easy!
I just finished the Indigo arc.

Figured I give Carnival of Shadows a try since everyone was saying the bosses were evil.
First time I've had to use Instant Healing against a normal boss

I'm loving it and I'm picking up all the rare magic salvage I needed to work on my IO sets.



Igneous at the low levels in a large team.

They hit hard, they run fast and their bosses have pretty damn good holds too! One of the only mobs low level which you really do need a controller/defender on constant alert.

Though i do find them fun

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



The glowing "SS/Cowardice" Longbow Warden is the most annoying enemy.

If you have a weak team in the ITF then the Cyclopi are tough as well.

I think in the entire history of the game the hardest enemy I ever met was a Positron AV in a patron arc, just after Issue 7 arrived. The AVs were buffed ludicrously and I brought in two entire teams to the map in order to take him on. It still took over half and hour and many times we had him down to less than 1/4 only to watch him regen back to 100% despite us hitting him with enough dps to kill Hamidon.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
The only thing I hate more than the ambushing knives of artemis, is, the knives of artemis boss (i think the name is Hand of Artemis).
This boss has the nastiest and epicly longest stun in game. *shudders*.
The same stun is used by 1/3 of Malta's LTs.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
I think I might be the only CoH player who likes fighting Circle of Thorns
You're not. But then, I'm a 42 month vet. I know that Spectral Daemon Lords are only a problem if you're a melee user who has no mez attack, and how many of those are there? I breathe a slight sigh of relief when I outlevel Earth Thorn Casters, but that's only laziness on my part. Succubi are annoying, but at least they don't hit all that hard.

Here's my list:

Crey "Tank" Bosses: Most of my characters only hate them for one reason: it takes forever to kill something that has superspeed that runs away at half health. Any of my characters that do lethal damage and have no -dmgres hate them for a second reason.

Malta Ops Officers: But only in groups. One of them, mildly annoying. Two of them, okay, that's really annoying. Three of them: AoE stun everything but a granite brute or tanker ... ick.

Nosferatu: The canonical over-powered elite boss villain (see previous thread).

Positron: Auto-hit irresistable seriously crippling AoE debuffs, followed by AoE attacks at numbers inexcusable for a supposed defender.

Other ones I hate are situational, only when soloed by specific characters. Tsoo Green Ink Men are annoying to my characters that have neither mez nor mez protection; four minions per spawn that have stun? really? this is reasonable? Scrapyarder Demolitionists are a trivial enemy for anybody except a mastermind, to whom they're the most annoying mob in the game; Soldiers of Rularuu in general are the same thing to controllers and dominators, no big deal to anybody else but indefensibly lethal even as minions to them.

Three mobs' AoE debuff attacks have indefensibly long durations, in my opinion: the Night Widows' Smoke Grenade, the PPD SWAT Equalizer's Glue Grenade, and the PPD Ghost's Flashbang Grenade. Is there any good game mechanics reason to have a debuff last that long?



Anything with a split second detoggle. If you want to mezz me, mezz me.

If you have problems with Sappers, you should play Dark Armor. Sappers are DA food. I'd have thought Carnies would be bad for Uberr Gothikka considering their energy damage, my dark/dark scrap, but they're surprisingly delicious AND nutritious, too!



From all this time I have to say the the worst mobs overall are the Vanguard Sword.
The minions and lieautenants are bearable (if you are not dependent on +res), but the wizard bosses (with their end drain curse that lasts for two hours) are just ******* annoying. Sappers are bad, but atleast they can be killed within seconds.

Also there's that longbow EB you fight during RWZ story arc, the guy who looks like regular Ballista. Going against him with a toon that has limited KB protection is like playing pinball.



Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post
Also there's that longbow EB you fight during RWZ story arc, the guy who looks like regular Ballista. Going against him with a toon that has limited KB protection is like playing pinball.
Don't you dare be talking smack about Sefu!!



Situational mobs I dislike, when & why:

  • rikti drones - when I am a stalker. Ugh...
  • arachnoids - my level 50 plant/thorn dom can *barely* kill an arachnoid boss after a 10 minute epic 1-on-1 battle. Also, fighting arachnoids in Warburg with the pvp changes is painful (compared to outside of pvp)
  • The Envoy of Shadows. He has a nasty AoE black cloud DoT of doom. I hate him. He made my scrapper cry.
  • Gold brickers - level 10ish, on a team of 8. Brute runs in and says "herding"!... brute flops face first on the floor in front of the first mob, surrounded by 3 groups of brickers who are all lawling.
  • Mary McCromber - when the melee folk on team dont have kb protection in their primary/secondary. Scrapper says "Oh dont worry I have a KB IO slotted". Then I watch said scrapper spending more time on his back than a bangkok ******.
  • Boss turrets in the Silver Mantis strike force - this happened a month ago - there were 2 BOSS turrets on EVERY corner on top of that sky raider oil rig, along with lieut turrets and popup turrets nearby. It was a bloody mess.
  • Wyvern - I only hate them on large inexperienced teams. It's like running naked into a hedgehog convention and kicking all the hedgehogs.
  • DE eminators - my first scrapper was /SR. (I ended up deleting her) Quartz eminators would see her die ridiculously fast.
Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
Oh...and Swarms. HATE Swarms HATE HATE HATE
The first time I did that aura mission in creys folly, I thought "oh look at me on my rad defender I'll kick their tushes" and charged into a big group of 8 swarms. Bad move.
Sting x8. Ok killed 1. Ugh powers not recharged, k I'll wait.
OW! Ok now I'm half health, I'll use radiant aura.
Sting x7 (plus stack). WTF still recharging? Hah I'll use AM!
*AM*. Huh? Powers still recharging.
I ended up dieing, & learned a lesson about engaging large groups of swarms.
Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
I hate Nemesis Comets.
If I'm on my Kin/Arch, I think they can target me as soon as I enter the mission.. when they're on the 3rd floor. -.-
Yep! The nemesis critter I dislike most is the comet snipers. My empathy defender has a personal hatred of those mongrels.
Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
In the mid 20's red side, slag beasts are awful if you are teamed. Solo I'll fight them no problem, but teamed they are the PUG killer. Awful awful awful.
In one of my MA arcs I have slag golems set as an ambush. I had to modify the difficulty down, on an 8 man team it was insane. First you hear "boom boom boom thud" of the feet followed by many large rocks to the face, then all of a sudden you are surrounded by angry rock men and dead team mates.
Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Three mobs' AoE debuff attacks have indefensibly long durations, in my opinion: the Night Widows' Smoke Grenade, the PPD SWAT Equalizer's Glue Grenade, and the PPD Ghost's Flashbang Grenade. Is there any good game mechanics reason to have a debuff last that long?
This I agree with. Especially on an 8 man team when several ppd ambushes arrive and there is so much glue going on that you are doomed. My TA controller is green with envy and wishes her glue arrow was as wonderful as the glue grenade.

Mobs I like:
I like the vanguard enemy just the way they are. They are much more deadly compared to other enemy groups, but that makes it fun for me. Instead of the usual "Sheeple" mission (mobs all grouped up like dumb, easy to kill sheep); vanguard step things up a notch, far from the standard easy mode of game play. Especially that map with the ambushes in it

Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
Also, Hitmen. Particularly Mook Hitmen.
I love mook hitmen, because they actually act like they have a bit of intelligence and not another sheeple. Whilst all the other gang members have gitted along like lil doggies into a herd being slaughtered, the hitmen sneak off, snipe, run, hide, sneak and snipe. It might take longer, but I like it.

Originally Posted by Doc_Hornet View Post
Also, the rooftop snipers in Founders Fall. My poor level 30 blasters ... trying to unlock their origin-based stores...
Ah sniper joy. On my first encounter, I panicked, ran around a corner, right into the face of a pissy vampire. That didn't go so well I actually find snipers fun (founders, PI & creys). I personally like to hunt them down and exact revenge.

Fuzzy distant memories of stuff I hated when I first signed up:
Synapse, in one of the patron arcs. He wiped my small team. So we filled the team to try to beat him. Synapse earned a badge that day from killing us villains at least 10 times each (I swear). I remember being facedown on the floor, and seeing him go wizzing all over the map like a hyperactive 2 year old that had been granted super powers, superspeed, quickness, lightning reflexes, speed boost, AM, 4 galons of red cordial, 20 galons of espresso, 2 cans of red bull and a hundred pixie sticks. I remember someone using a wakie, moving over to me, the coast was clear, no mobs in line of sight, and being rezzed. Then this blue blurr wizzed past and all of a sudden the floor was in my face again. I'm betting Positron told Synapse, that if he (synapse) could kill us until he got his villain pwnage badge, that he'd give him more sweet sweet candy. I hope synapses teeth fell out from cavities. I ended up abandoning that mission.

The first time I fought (red side) crey Plasma and Cryo scientists, I could have sworn they were bosses. I remember the plasma gun melting the 8 man team I was on in what seemed like a 10 second team wipe.

Paragon Protector Elites - first time I foolishly thought "oh another PP". Ruh roh. 2 of them ran up to me, one went "FOOOOOM" and the other "KABLAMMO". There was melted lycra with my front teeth stuck in it hanging from the ceiling. WTF was that? Crey gave PPs nukes? Now I love doing missions with them in it, to see which nuke they will asplode with next, and how many on team will survive it

Fun ways I counter that which many here seem to hate!
Zombies and other retarded AI:
If you have caltrops, throw them down. Watch the zombies run up, stand on them, go "owie my tootsies they hurt", then the zombie turns around, runs away 2 feet, then turns around, comes back, stands on the caltrops, and repeats this silly cycle.
If you have confuse, use it on embalmed abominations. You now have a mini pet nuke.

CoT/Ruin Mages/SpectralDemons:
My preference is to confuse the spectral demon first, then its -acc toggle is working for ME. Confuse the ruin mage and you get a free bubble. And its always a ball with madness mages if you time it right, you get a free fortitude buff My order of desired mezzing goes Confuse, Hold, Stun, KB, immob (depends what AT I’m on). If the ruin mage gets earthquake down, make sure you have your jetpack on.

Tsoo sorcererors:
As above, same mez methods. Confuse the sorceror, you get free O2 boost and protection with hurricane. Pulling sorcs is easy, don't ever chase them (like SerialBeggar mentioned). Just hurt a minion, the sorc will pop right back, then blast/smack his lights out.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



PPD Ghosts/Equalizers (Especially on Mayhem Missions!)
Vanguard are way overpowered and don't seem to aggro the same way as most mobs (Most mobs only seem to attack when I either snipe them or enter melee range, but Vanguard Swords are different!)
Tsoo Sorcerers
Resurrecting Freakshow

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
Situational mobs I dislike, when & why:

Arachnoids - my level 50 plant/thorn dom can *barely* kill an arachnoid boss after a 10 minute epic 1-on-1 battle.
Umm.....you do realize that doms now have blasterly damage, yes? The only villain with higher damage than doms (out of the gate) are stalkers.



My choices:

KoA: Those caltrops slow me down (even with the +20% Slow Resist from Winter's Gift). Luckily, I have ranged attacks, but still ...!

Malta Sappers: Those guys hide behind the toughest mobs and snipe their END-reducer rays, which can drop my toggles in 1-2 shots.

My sister's choices:

Bane Spiders: Those web grenades or glue attacks (whatever they are) make it impossible to jump away. 1st time that happened, she fell into The Gutter, and the Arachnoids got her.

Malta: A Lv50 SS/WP/SM Brute *should* be able to be surrounded by orange (even red) Gunslingers and Hercs/Zeuses, et al and come out of the fight triumphantly ... unless there's a single pencil-necked Sapper hiding who 2-3 shots her, drops her toggles, and sends her to the hospital!

Dishonorable Mention: Longbows with grenade launchers, who nickle and dime her.

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Not going to quote it due to length, but just wanted to chime in and say I loved every word of CaffeineAddict's post.

Carry on.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
Don't you dare be talking smack about Sefu!!
That's what his name should be, "Smack about Sefu." :x




That is all.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Umm.....you do realize that doms now have blasterly damage, yes? The only villain with higher damage than doms (out of the gate) are stalkers.
Ah yes, my bad there. This was my experience back before the change to the domination buff. Whilst this is my main villain toon, and my first 50, I don't play her all that much these days in grandville. She tends to only get involved in special events, the odd badge hunt, an ITF/cuda TF these days.
I haven't tested her ability against an arachnoid boss since the changes... but I'll test it when I'm back home next (currently on holidays).

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.