Worst Mobs Ever.




Master Illusionists - Illusionists, Dark Servants, Decoys, Phantasms, and if there is more than one in a group, ugh!

The Scrapyard Demolitionists can be deadly pending your AT, but it's a dude who hurls explosives, it SHOULD hurt.

Anything Mu, mostly because my computer doesn't like the sound of their lightning attacks, make me crash sometimes.

I would also throw in large groups of the green ink men (are they the ones with the NRG melee?) stun, stun, stun. Doesn't always do major damage, just annoying.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
*boggles a bit*

I doubt that any one damage type has superiority overall, tbh. There will always be *something* that resists it, and always be some mobs that people hate because they resist more than others.

Still, interesting reading =] when I feel brainy
You still dont get it, the issue isnt about one type being better than the rest. Its about having a huge roadblock for no reason at 40. The stupidly high resistance dont equate to challenge in my book, they equate to an unneccessary time sink that make the content not worth doing on certain powersets. I can understand everyone having a weakness of some sort but having 50% resistance is overkill. Try playing a ninja blade stalker against crey bosses. You assasin strike one they point at you and say "lol stalkers" and then proceed to thunder strike you into next week.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
Vanguard Sword. Completely cheap and uncalled for, they make Gaussian's arc essentially unplayable.

Carnie Ring Mistresses / Dark Ring Mistresses. Again, a completely cheap gimmick.

Rularuu. Travel problems and long TFs are not the only reason the Shadow Shard is unpopular.

Spectral Knights and Demon Lords. If I have to run Montague Castanella on a character, I make sure I get it done by level 11.
I would have to say the vanguard were the one group that I specifically underestimated. I thought to myself they cant be as hard as folks say. Man was I wrong. I only did that arc only once and will never do it again so long as those critters are overpowered like that. I would have to say these guys are close to being on par with some of the stupidly hard AE missions I have seen in the past.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
There's a variety of Gunslinger that's a boss. Not only are they more powerful, but they teleport as well. They're among the nastiest bosses in the game for sure, right up with Bane Spider Executioner and Blade Prince (albeit an EB).
The boss-grade Gunslingers also have a handgun (!) whose attack will outrange Snipe from the Assault Rifle set with Boost Range active. Oh, yes, range is a Blaster's defense. And I've got some land for you, guaranteed to have water on at least one side.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
And on my Ill/Rad omg do I hate Master Illusionists. Stupid flash, now I know how the mobs feel.
With my Ill/Rad and Ill/Kin, it's exactly the same procedure: spam Deceive on them until you get the pink polka-dots, and watch the carnage as you send in your pets, keeping the Master Illusionist deceived. The only real annoyance is having them pop their pets and KS you.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
The boss-grade Gunslingers also have a handgun (!) whose attack will outrange Snipe from the Assault Rifle set with Boost Range active. Oh, yes, range is a Blaster's defense. And I've got some land for you, guaranteed to have water on at least one side.
I always questioned the whole range is a blasters defense thing. I pretty much wrote off blasters once I started playing Aion and saw how their range class was. Just about every critter in the game can out range a blaster or they have range attacks that hurt really bad. In Aion you can actually immobilze something or start attacking from max distance and you will pretty much drop whatever it is your fighting well before it gets close enough to melee you. I am not saying its 100% safety because you do miss from time to time but in the event you do you have sleep, immobilize or you can teleport backwards to give you some more room if need be. In city of heroes blasters get screwed because basically all the critters will just sit there happily spamming range attacks and never close to melee completely negating the whole range is defense thing. I have died fewer times going from 1-23 on a sorcerer in Aion than I have going from levels 1-10 as a blaster. That tells me blasters seriously still need alot of work.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



vanguard sword-the "curse of weariness" cuts your end bar by 50 pints for like 5 min, i dont mind that as much since only the vanguard colonel (boss type) uses it, and they are fairly uncommon, what bugs me about vanguard is they are all over with resistance and tohit debuffs, ALL of the vanguard melee attacks deal very heavy -resist, they also spam flashbang grenades for -tohit, and the LTs have -regen attacks as well.

CoT ghosts- arent all too annoying unless more than 2 per mob, 1 is easily dealt with if you have mezes (holds/stuns) or ghost slaying axe vet power/temp power. i do think under lvl 40 CoT are a bit more annoying than the above lvl 40 CoT.

malta-arent too bad on my melee toons, but will rip my squishies apart

vahzilok-the only thing i hate about vahzilok are the human enemies because of the huge slows/-regen at like what, lvl 10?, the zombies are fun and are relatively weak unless they are in huge mob, the suicide zombies are especially fun to confuse then watch them blowup their own mob

cimerorans-they are tough on squishies and if they sack the -def too much, can be a prob for melees, the healers are annoying because their heal dont heal a fixed amount of hp, they heal a % of the targets hp, last i checked, their AoE heal healed 20% of the targets hp, i dont know what their single target heal is, but it can almost fully heal anything back to full in 1 cast, so im guessing its around or above 70%

rikit-very very easy for my melee toons, very very hard for my squishies, rikti perma mez my corrs, mms, anything with no mez protection.

tsoo-the sorcerers arent that tough as long as you stay out of their pbaoe debuffs, what really kills me are th ink men, they spam kin powers, and the yellow ink men spam sleeps/holds, the red ink men use a lot of EM attacks and the stun from those can even overcome mez protection fairly easy

arachnos-for my villains, overall very veryeasy, even in large mobs, the exceptions are the bane spiders, the scouts are immune to confuse and executioners just hit hard and have holds and -def. for my heros, arachnos is like a totally different ball game, arachnos feels like 20x harder when fighting them as a hero than a villain

longbow-longbow as a whole isnt too hard, but if you get a big mob with 6 nullifiers, that will floor your resistance with sonic nades, the wardens arent all too bad, depending on how they are grouped together

rularuu-not all that bad, can be more of challenge in larger mobs, but overall not bad

warriors and battle maidens enemy group-the bosses of both of these mobs hit especially hard

wailers-this guys are tough in larger groups, but in smaller groups they arent too bad

arachnoids-i hate these enemies, they all have good resistances, and inherently increased regen, they also spam debuffs like crazy (-resist, slows, immobs). the bosses in this mob even have some poison debuffs like weaken and envenom which actually makes you more resistant to heals, the couple arachnoid EBs are deadly because of the high resist + increased regen.

PPD-the equalizers are quite annoying, but if you mez/kill them fast enough they arent too much of a problem, the kheldian section of PPD isnt too bad, but the bosses are annoying because they have dwarf and light forms making them much harder to kill and when they have a chance to rez, makes for even longer fight. the robots are also annoying, the PPD drones if they get the kill shot on you, it has the same effect of self destucting by making your body untargetable, the guardian robots can heal and bubble anyone in their group, the boss robots are the most annoying, they have plenty of debuffs and that fricking tear gas patch that can still cause even mez-protected toons a problem because it has a chance to do the "throw up" animation like the traps-poison trap or from the poison rez.

nemesis-the stacking vengeanse is kind of annoying, but if you can mass kill the goup it wont matter, or if you have a lot of accuracy/tohit buffs. what annoys me are the snipers, sometimes theres 2 per mob, and the exploding jaegers and warhulks(which is very deadly to squishies) and the fake nemesis which PFF when they get low in hp then run away and attack you when they come out of their bubbles.

void hunters-this enemy group is what turns me off for playing hero epics, on a team, they arent too bad because someone else can get their aggro, but solo, they can 3 shot you as a LT. its nearly impossible to solo as a hero epic, especially in the lower lvls. not to mention the fact that when your on teams they can also cause shadow cysts to spawn, which if not prepared for, can easily wipe a team in a matter of minutes

scrapyarders-a little overpowered as a whole, but manageable as long as your not fighting too many, dockworkers are virtally unused except in 1 mish and populate areas of st martial, but have the same powers as scrapyarders

as a lot of poeple have mentioned, the enemy groups mentioned can be easier or harder depending on your AT, sometimes i have trouble with the mobs, but as long as you know how to handle them and dont try to take on larger than necessary mobs, then you wont have a problem.



Gunslingers, at least it's their JOB to be accurate.

Your snipe's been getting outranged since level 21, by no-name minions, and you're complaining in the 40's?

A lot of this is "everyone has their Kryptonite"- I may kvetch about individual mobs on individual characters that show up in the 40's but I'm not REALLY complaining because, duh, it's the job of the guys in the endgame to be hard. It annoys me that you can even GET easy missions in the 40's these days, but I don't see a way around it.

I reserve my actual complaints about badguys for stuff you run into at level 15, or 25, or 30.

Like the PPD in the mid-game Mayhems. Glued down, slowed, poisoned- we are actually HAPPY when we get to the 35-40 mayhem and the PPD just has power armor and psychics, and maybe Kheldians. I've seriously suggested flying to the bank and just letting all the damn Longbow Eagles hammer on our heads at once to avoid the PPD.

I hate COT spectrals, with heavily lethal-resistant, acc-debuffing minions that show up in 12-packs. Being unable to hit anything, ever, gives me nerdrage.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



So here's a new one for me, sort of. I logged in my Katana/Willpower Scrapper, which I had logged off on a corner somewhere on PI. I assume I thought the corner was free of spawns, or maybe I was just annoyed when I logged out and didn't feel like finding somewhere safe (usually I look for a Day Job location, at least). I logged back in to find a Malta Sapper standing next to me. He was alone.

I stared at him. He stared at me (well, my character, anyway).

The smart thing would have been to run. But I just sort of shrugged and said 'eh', and he looked at me and... SAPP STICK! Usually, I stick my tongue out and laugh in the face of Malta, but- oh, huh. I hadn't gotten Indomitable Will up yet! Oh, no! The evil malta will finally make a victim of my heroine! Horror!

Well, no, not really.

I think it tried to punch me (well, the character) a few times. I cringed and covered my eyes for a moment, waiting for the character's doom. And... um... it tried to punch me a few more times. And maybe a few more.

Hold wore off- I backed up a step.


It continued to try and punch me. I continued cringing, but my auto's and fitness pool were regenerating fast enough that he was doing no damage. Hold wore off, and I quickly did two Katana slashes on him- SAPP STICK. I glared dubiously at my screen, and my character stood around holding her head for a few moments. The Gunslinger tried to hit me a few more times. I thought 'screw this', and as soon as hold wore off, activated Superjump but alas, he SAPP STICKed me again.

At this point, I started to wonder if I had set up a hold farm. Accidentally.

Hold wore off, and I desperately clicked towards Indomitable Will- unfortunately, he got another hold off on me before I got it activated it. I said something rude, and finally got around to hitting a Break Free that I usually keep for rez sickness, and I glowered at him. 'He won't be able to hold me again for a minute or so, though', I told myself. 'So I'll just finish him real quick with a good old KATANA SLASH (or Golden Dragonfly, if you prefer)-'

But no, as soon as he manages to pull his grungly minion self off of the floor, SAPP STICK.

The heroine has done, if you will permit my bragging, some amazing things. Starting from back when she was little and saved Dams for Posi to how she recently helped the Woodsmen for Numina, or from how she helped good ol Jim find out about his father and survived the Valh Plague as youngin' to how she had recently defeated the Envoy for Caledo and then locked up Nemesis for Max (or, more likely, a robot that looked like Nemesis, but that's how things work with Max and Nemesis). She was in the middle of helping Angus with some Rikti problems that they had almost got figured out, and had just started off helping Havey look in the Carnival of Shadows.

But that Malta Sapper? That Malta Sapper?

As soon as that last SAPP STICK wore off, she turned and jump/ran in to the night, fleeing to the train-station in order to go hide in Steel Canyon (and it's University) for a while. The whole 'battle' had taken over ten minutes- more then I spend fighting AV-to-EB's solo (save for that awful KKill and evil evil Nosferatu).

I'd never had a difficulty with Malta before. Oh, on my other main, a Mastermind, a Malta Gunslinger that aimed at the character even with her robots around could do quite a bit of damage to all involved- but that was easy to recover from- Malta aren't the only ones that can hold, after all. Both hero and villain had defeated the Kronos Class Titan before, laughing mockingly in its face, and although certainly neither of them would go 'OH YAY LET'S GO BEAT UP MALTA! ', picking up a Malta mission in the newspaper was nothing to worry about.

Now, though? I... I... think I'm going to avoid that Crimson guy who keeps trying to dump missions on me. And maybe I should dump Havey while I'm ahead, at that. Go hang out with Unai and Maria, maybe go back to the Rikti Warzone and see what's happening over there...

Evil, evil, evil malta. How do those without any sort of hold defense/resist do it? Lots of Breakies? Or maybe more sanity?



I have to agree with a number of posters here on a few points.

1> Each AT has some mobs that are a real pita for them especially, but no
particular problem for other AT's.

2> Some mobs just have to die first - Regardless of what you're running or
what else is in the room (Sappers are definitely the poster child for this)

3> Some are just level based problems because you don't have the tools to
deal with them yet.

4> Some are just plain irritating and should go the way of the dodo (I'd
put KoA troppers in here and PPD Glue Gunners... use that glue gun to
build a house somewhere buddy! I've got places to go - d*mnit!)

A few that have been particularly pesky to my AT's over the years:

* I3/I4 Voids to my first Peacebringer -- It took me 20+ levels to get that
handled (they're a LOT easier these days than they were back then). There
were definitely a few days/missions where I seriously thought about retiring
that PB...

* Freak Tanks to my Elec/Elec Blaster - seemed like a 10 minute end-draining
battle only to have the @^#@^%# rez at the end of it - he hated those
(My friend's Ill/Stormie loved them - PA ftw).

* Consigliere's for my stalker - AS... Bam! out pops Singularity and there
I go getting bounced round the room for a bit...

* Also on my stalker - Carnie Master Mistresses... AS... Bam - I'm suddenly
in the middle of a 5v1 furball, and worse yet, the hag herself is phasing in
and out but still able to attack.. I want *that* power!

* Widows vs my Ice/Kin Corr - killing them, np... finding the next target
after being blinded (for what seemed like an hour) - impossible. For my
stalkers, widows are just a tasty snack, but irritating as heck for that

* Bane Scout also vs Corr - Stealth Strike (Owww) and Placate...
Hmmmm, I guess I'll run like heck now and come back later, ok???


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I've seriously suggested flying to the bank and just letting all the damn Longbow Eagles hammer on our heads at once to avoid the PPD.
You don't already? The Bank Ambush of DOOM is the only reason to do Mayhems other than the badges (that said, Eagles are buggy so it's better to get ground-based targets instead).

Beyond that, there are only two PITA mobs I dislike:

1) Spectral Daemon Lords, pre-25, can take their -ToHit and go to hell until I come back with SOs. I don't mind if their attacks have to hit me to apply the debuff pre-SOs, it's just brutal for a common mob to have a auto-hit effect like that before my toons are properly fleshed out for countering it. Comparatively, Arachnos mobs were made with a little more practice and their vicious abilities show up at a proper pace rather than all-of-a-sudden crippling you as a lowbie.

2) PPD Ghosts or Equalizers, whichever of the two has the infamous Flashbang Grenades. It's not so much I hate them for it and would rally them to be changed...but it's that it seems, based on the numbers for recharge, aoe, and duration, that the debuff values are a decimal error. And it's not like they haven't made that mistake before. Admittedly, it might not be an error but still, if it looks like a duck...

After that, things like the Vanguard Sword, Carnies, Malta, Rularuu...I like them. If you can't handle them by the time they start showing up, then that's too bad--they're just better at what they do than you are.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
There's a variety of Gunslinger that's a boss. Not only are they more powerful, but they teleport as well. They're among the nastiest bosses in the game for sure, right up with Bane Spider Executioner and Blade Prince (albeit an EB).
Our group has a very good theory going about the Gunslinger AI pattern.

From what we've gathered (and this was started to be suspected with Gyrfalcon on the Reichsman TF) is that the first target the Gunslinger chooses seems to be either the target furthest from him, or the target with the least HP (usually the same target).

This was causes us to fail the MKTF attempt we first made as Gyrfalcon would immediately port away and gank a squishy.

Our answer was to fight ALL fights standing on top of Gyrfalcon's prison. Which was annoying because he was the last one freed. Meaning I, as the tank, had to grab both the Countess and Devore and bring them over to stand next to Gyrfalcon. However, when he finally came into the fight, he aggroed immediately on me rather than a squishy.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
The boss-grade Gunslingers also have a handgun (!) whose attack will outrange Snipe from the Assault Rifle set with Boost Range active. Oh, yes, range is a Blaster's defense. And I've got some land for you, guaranteed to have water on at least one side.
While holding the gun sideways. At least they're not shooting from the hip anymore.

Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I have died fewer times going from 1-23 on a sorcerer in Aion than I have going from levels 1-10 as a blaster. That tells me blasters seriously still need alot of work.
You can die on a Blaster before level 10? Really? That tells me you should reroll. At those levels, enemy damage is so low that Blasters pretty much just pwn everything in their path. They're pretty much easy street until the 30s.

Originally Posted by Mikka View Post
The smart thing would have been to run. But I just sort of shrugged and said 'eh', and he looked at me and... SAPP STICK! Usually, I stick my tongue out and laugh in the face of Malta, but- oh, huh. I hadn't gotten Indomitable Will up yet! Oh, no! The evil malta will finally make a victim of my heroine! Horror!

Well, no, not really.

I think it tried to punch me (well, the character) a few times. I cringed and covered my eyes for a moment, waiting for the character's doom. And... um... it tried to punch me a few more times. And maybe a few more.

Hold wore off- I backed up a step.



At this point, I started to wonder if I had set up a hold farm. Accidentally.
Yep, that's how it's done.

As soon as that last SAPP STICK wore off, she turned and jump/ran in to the night, fleeing to the train-station in order to go hide in Steel Canyon (and it's University) for a while. The whole 'battle' had taken over ten minutes- more then I spend fighting AV-to-EB's solo (save for that awful KKill and evil evil Nosferatu).
Back in the day I used to just log off when this happened to my /regen. That was before the Sappers got nerfed, and before I stopped bringing the /regen to Malta fights in favor of characters the Sappers couldn't hit.

Evil, evil, evil malta. How do those without any sort of hold defense/resist do it? Lots of Breakies? Or maybe more sanity?
Hold 'em before they hold you, usually. Don't let them get into melee. And if you do get caught with your breakfrees down, you usually get out of the ten-minute sap-dance by clicking "go to hospital" or "go to base." Defiance 2.0 removed the guaranteed death sentence from the Stun Grenades of Infinity +1, but it doesn't work if you have no end.

Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
Our group has a very good theory going about the Gunslinger AI pattern.

From what we've gathered (and this was started to be suspected with Gyrfalcon on the Reichsman TF) is that the first target the Gunslinger chooses seems to be either the target furthest from him, or the target with the least HP (usually the same target).
This seems to be the case with Nemesis Snipers as well, at least judging by totally unscientific observations made from the ground, way way behind the tank.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
Beyond that, there are only two PITA mobs I dislike:

1) Spectral Daemon Lords, pre-25, can take their -ToHit and go to hell until I come back with SOs. I don't mind if their attacks have to hit me to apply the debuff pre-SOs, it's just brutal for a common mob to have a auto-hit effect like that before my toons are properly fleshed out for countering it. Comparatively, Arachnos mobs were made with a little more practice and their vicious abilities show up at a proper pace rather than all-of-a-sudden crippling you as a lowbie.

2) PPD Ghosts or Equalizers, whichever of the two has the infamous Flashbang Grenades. It's not so much I hate them for it and would rally them to be changed...but it's that it seems, based on the numbers for recharge, aoe, and duration, that the debuff values are a decimal error. And it's not like they haven't made that mistake before. Admittedly, it might not be an error but still, if it looks like a duck...

After that, things like the Vanguard Sword, Carnies, Malta, Rularuu...I like them. If you can't handle them by the time they start showing up, then that's too bad--they're just better at what they do than you are.
Agree completely.



I only hate enemies with powers that are ridiculously overpowered compared to other powers in the game or compared to the counters available to you.

For example, if a plasma laser happens to hit my tank (from vanguard I think?) it gives like 500% regen debuff for 30 seconds or so I think. Something like that - the mastermind robot pet laser is I think 1000% regen debuff for 30 seconds if it hits you in pvp... So this little laser hits me for about 30 damage... PLUS 2400... because it turns off my 80 HP/sec regen for 30 seconds. Not satisfying.

Rularuu eyeballs. 100% hit bonus. Then when they hit you, they add ridiculous amounts of defense debuff. So unless you eat 10 lucks, they're going to hit me about 10 times as much as almost anything in the game. Not satisfying.

Sappers; it's been ages since I've seen one, and a post above says they've been nerfed so I don't know if it's still the case, but I remember when they could one-shot you. You could sit there and tank a roomfull of bosses, but one sapper hitting you and that was it - toggle drop dead.

Un-resistible crit damage. Crit that does double damage: a worthy addition to the game. Crit that does 11 times normal damage: dumb.

Detoggling - Once again, this can just suddenly one-shot you if it detoggles something you were depending on to live, like mez protection. Not satisfying.

Lesser offense - caltrops. I always wondered why the devs have such an enormous hardon for caltrops. They hurt you. Makes sense. Slow you. Makes sense, except that if you're taking all this damage it's probably because you're not being careful to avoid them because you'd like to move. Auto-hit... umm... 'kay. Disable jumping... uh... 'kay... Then they got made 10 feet tall... I remember trying to hover above enemies and punch them while the caltrops ticked auto-hit damage on me from the ground below. So much dumbness.

Lesser offense - Ghost widow's hold. Since it's an AV on the last taskforce, it's almost ok... but... Mag 100? It has to at least take few enough breakfrees to escape that I can click them all before I die. Mag 50 would still get the point across without requiring unprecedented levels of buffing. to survive.

Lesser offense - toxic damage and other attacks that don't have a damage type defense. If you use typed defense you just take all pure toxic damage to the face. Only reason this kind of thing doesn't drive people mad is that lucks are crazy good. Well, that and the fact that positional +psi covers everything, and almost doesn't even need psi since most psi attacks have position too. Why can't toxic attacks just hit fire defense?

I muuuuch prefer enemies to be mildly buffed overall than to have them mostly be helpless, with just a few powers that suddenly jump out and screw you over.



Originally Posted by Elfis_Presley View Post
Detoggling - Once again, this can just suddenly one-shot you if it detoggles something you were depending on to live, like mez protection. Not satisfying.
Does anything in PvE still have detoggle powers? I remember something about Ballistas having it early on, but I thought it got removed.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I got reminded why I hate them last night.
Oh, look, we're a low level enemy group! We ALSO have zombies that punch like a freight train, explode at you, have tons of toxic damage and DoT, are stupidly accurate, -recharge, -speed, stackable, and have LTs that not only do godawful ammounts of damage but also REZ downed zombies!

I mean...these guys should be mid-level mobs...not low level. Seriously...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Anything with Electric Blast.

Anything with anything resembling electric blast.

Especially AE Missions where they give EVERY MOB ELECTRIC BLAST.

The rare Mu enemy I can handle. I can even handle a few Mu enemies. (And now that I have Stamina and Quick Recovery, I can handle Carnies and their AOE of Suck too.)

But running "Welcome to Architect Entertainment" or "Mission: Awesome" is an exercise in frustration for me...



I came in here mostly to echo the folks that have mentioned CoT Spectral (sp?).

...and also to cast a vote for the Clockwork. The end drain is awful. Of course, they conveniently leave the CoH story right about the time you can pick up Stamina. I've never understood why the Synapse TF is so popular since it's filled with clockwork.

...and an honorable mention from redside for Longbow. It's not that they're overwhelmingly tough, it's just that they're fairly uninteresting. More mobs in uniforms carrying guns. Blah.



They also have those god-awful Glue Grenades, I believe, that slow your movement and recharge to a crawl until they wear off. Trick Arrow powers seems to actually be great...for mobs. If Mercenary henchmen for MMs had glue nades instead of flashbangs things would be different round here...

The upgrade the PPD gets from the mundane cops and SWAT to those elite anti-super SWAT units is amazing.

Then they got made 10 feet tall... I remember trying to hover above enemies and punch them while the caltrops ticked auto-hit damage on me from the ground below
I used to do that too. It was fun laughing at the Knives as they chucked handful after handful out which I just wiggled my supertoes over, or using blinding powder to confuse them and convert that massive field into MY massive field of caltrops. I think they made them reach you even if you weren't on the ground because of lolpvp. Since hover/fly is soooo overpowered? In an ideal world they'd take Caltrops away from the Minions, at least.



Knives of Artemis. But not just regular mobs.
I'm talking about those specific knives of artemis, who hate your guts so much, they chase you around the map in "Perma-Ambush-Mode".

I once had around 10 or so of the evil wenches chasing my scrapper all over that cemetery map. I ended up in a horrid situation where the caltrops were stacked so thick, that I lost count of how many caltrop icons were on screen, and I could barely move, and was actually dieing & had to pop a truckload of green inspires.

The only thing I hate more than the ambushing knives of artemis, is, the knives of artemis boss (i think the name is Hand of Artemis).
This boss has the nastiest and epicly longest stun in game. *shudders*.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



I read this thread sipping coffe and nodding in wry agreement.

I can't contribute anything which has not been already discussed, but my pet "Enemy I hate to fight without a breakfree" has got to be the Madness Madges. So glad they do not last ingame for long.

Lisa-who has learned the power of Breakfrees, Yellow, and Purple inspirations the hard way

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
Never thought the warriors were particularly bad. Cimerorans are worse--they're Warriors but with healers and burn patches. And they chuck real javelins at you instead of use girly-man crossbows. The Warriors never learned how to throw 'em.
There's a reason why, whenever you see a mixed spawn with the Warriors and some other group, where there is one mob being pounded with a baseball bat, the mob being pounded is always a Warrior...

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Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
It also makes me wonder why dominators/controllers aren't as valued for the lockdown they provide. Many a dopey team has invited my Ill/emp controller, who is less about empathy, more about illusion, and then proudly say "we have a healer!" When the team isn't taking much damage due to problem targets locked down/confused/terrorized, I get 'good heals!' *Boggles*
Just think of it as an undocumented eleventh power in the Illusion set, an autohit AoE against your teammates, to confuse them about what it is you're really contributing to the team.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Vanguard Sword are like sitting ducks, if you're ranged. But yes, the PPD Glue Ghosts. Long after they are dead, you're still immob'd.
Not to mention the quirky little bug where sometimes after being hit with the loogie gun, the visuals and sound don't go away on your character until you zone, long after the actual effect of the power is gone.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers