Worst Mobs Ever.




Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Mask of Vitation is the most overpowered debuff in existance. Always thought it could be toned down.
sure, admit it, its only over powered because you dont have it :P

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
KoA win that IMO. While they are not the most deadly (not to say they are pushovers), the spammed pile of caltrops makes any mission with them in quantity an utter nightmare. Even on an electric armor character with slow resistance it still is unbearable. I just don't both with any arc full of them.

Of course add in the fact that their perception is through the rough so they swarm all over you from half a map away and it really gets to suck.
It's not through the roof, IIRC. They're just one of the ones set to ignore stealth values X.X

The Caltrops bit is what gets me with KoA. My level scrapper fifty once almost died to three KoA. Because they manage to pin him in a rectangle bordered with a stone ledge. Nothing big, but just enough that I needed to jump to get out of it, and they were just beyond melee range. It was worse, I think, because he was Dark/Dark, so if I couldn't hit, I couldn't heal (Had no greens at the time, I think.)

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Crimson Vanquisher View Post
I'm surprised at the amount of people hating Night Widows and Mu, I always thought all Arachnos troops were underpowered.
Arachnos are some of the most effective troops in the game short of Vanguard and Rularuu. I consider them more dangerous than Longbow.

The thing about them is that they have something for everyone. They deal exotic damage all over the place (Toxic, Psi, Energy and Fire are all highly represented). They have a wide variety of resistances. Mu are strongly resistant to cold, fire, energy and negative. Fortunatas are resistant to Psi and some have mez protections. Tarantula Mistresses have have good resistance to all damage types, high resistance to Psi and a hideous toHit and defense debuff. Mu are dangerous end drainers, and the Mu bosses are insane about it. Fortunata Mistresses attack with non-positional Psi attacks. Bane Scouts and Executioners deal really hideous amounts of smashing and toxic damage if you let them, and even the Bane minions hit pretty hard.

One on one, they're not particularly notable, though you may have one or two types that are a problem for a particular character. On the lowest team size settings, they're not really scary. But if you start turning up your team size, look out. Those debuffs, drains and exotic damage types get downright ugly.

Personally, I think they're one of the best designed groups out there, exactly because they're heavily diversified. Too many groups do one thing to excess, which eats your face if your're weak to it and makes them a cakewalk if you're not. If you face enough Arachnos at once, you're pretty much guaranteed to face something you're going to be weak to. On the flip side, you don't have to worry about every spawn containing something you deal like half damage to unless the RNG really decides to hate on you.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Also, Hitmen. Particularly Mook Hitmen. Not because they're hard, but because they're just freakin' annoying. I avoid Mooks because of them.

*run away*
well, I guess I'll wait for him to come back...
(2 minutes later) *Blam!*
*run away*
*sigh* Well, I guess I'll move on, I'm never gonna kill this guy without chasing...
*run to the next group, start the fight...*



Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
Death Mages can be remarkably hard, but it's fighting hard. Dangerous, deadly.
Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
People actually find Kadabra Kill to be difficult?

Despite the "Hero" tag, he's hardly tougher than a Red-Con LT really. I've always found him and Sigil to be pushovers.
And both of these I had to quote because - again, "AT differences."

For instance, we went down into the Abandoned Sewers (yes, some people go down there!) After going through the just-annoying Hydra, we hit some Rikti (what we were really looking for) and... COT. The oh-so-FUN COT spawns with 3 (I believe one or two even had *four*) Death Mages.

Friend on a scrapper was having a heck of a time just trying to hit them.

Then my confuses kicked in. Talk about an immediate difference. You could tell, even without the confuse graphics. It went from "I hate these things!" to "Wait, they're dead already?" like flipping a switch. Which, I suppose, I did.

Then there's KK and Sigil. Sigil's pretty cut-and-dried. Pull away from the group, since KK's usually close in one of the missions, and have a good old fashioned beat down. KK... ugh. Played heck with my masterminds, IIRC. Dominator? *pop* *hold* *Kadabra Killed.*

Of course, this is part of why I have so many alts - the game can play so *differently* not just with a different AT, but between sets in the SAME AT.



Death Mages and Madness Mages. These are what grind an 8 man PUG posi TF to a crashing halt. 3 Death mages that get their dispersion bubbles on and you just as well reform and start again.

You can't hit them and their friends, you can't mez them and their friends, and they are simultaneously mezzing you and cutting you to ribbons with the ease of a hot knife through butter.

Worst mobs ever and they come packaged with all those nasty ghosts.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Death Mages and Madness Mages. These are what grind an 8 man PUG posi TF to a crashing halt. 3 Death mages that get their dispersion bubbles on and you just as well reform and start again.
Psst... Ruin. Death are later. Ruin = blue robes, Death = darkish purple or so.



Some handy ways of dealing with some of the problem mobs:

Sorcerers: Kb/mez. Many sets have at least one of those. while getting up, they cannot port or do anything. mez shuts off toggles....if you can, use range. All of their debuffs effectively give them melee defense, but none elsewhere. Watch the debuff disappear with distance, then fire away. (If you can.)

CoT lieut ghosts: see above for debuffs. Though the invis/run away and heavy heal are nasty, this is their one true trick. Hitting them with a hold/stun/confuse eliminates this.

Vahz: covered this earlier, pulling is golden.

Longbow: they don't fare well vs. controls, though officers give unholy ammounts of confuse resistance. I find much of their AoE is placed, so aggro away from where you want to fight, leaving the sonic grenades and fire patches behind.

KoA: stun or kill them all. They all are troublesome. Un the other hand, going all-flight helps a lot.

PPD equalizers: glue patches give no -fly or -flyspeed. Raptor packs=win. Hate the acid mortar, though.

Malta: control/defense/-tohit. That's it; make sure stuff isn't hitting you. If you can't lock down the mobs consisting of TP'ing gunslingers and their unholy defense, operatives and their stacking alll-fight long duration stuns, the sappers and their bright blue energy vacuum, you will have a tough fight ahead of you.

Vanguard: controls/range. That's it.

Romans: controls, but do NOT use a stun/fear/sleep/hold on centurians. This cues a mass break free, making the entire group mez resistant. Confuse? not the case.

Nemesis: lieuts must die last. (Snipes as well.) Vigilance with it's +defense/damage/mez resistance is best left to when it only affets the last bit of health on a lone survivor.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
CoT Ghosts - Immune to hold/sleep/knockback/etc, lowers your accuracy, and drains your health.
I know they are not immune to knockback. Well, at least not knockdown. In fact, it is rather satisfying hitting one with AS or Focus and seeing it get knocked on its spectral rear.

I am also pretty certain I have been able to hold and stun CoT spooks as well. Can't remember if I have ever slept one of them though.

Sorcerers: Kb/mez. Many sets have at least one of those. while getting up, they cannot port or do anything. mez shuts off toggles....if you can, use range. All of their debuffs effectively give them melee defense, but none elsewhere. Watch the debuff disappear with distance, then fire away. (If you can.)
Best way to deal with Sorcerers is to confuse them, then they work for you. And now that anyone can get a confuse power by defeating a Greater Mystic Aspect, the claim that there are not many powersets with confuses is no longer a valid excuse.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Malta: control/defense/-tohit. That's it; make sure stuff isn't hitting you. If you can't lock down the mobs consisting of TP'ing gunslingers and their unholy defense, operatives and their stacking alll-fight long duration stuns, the sappers and their bright blue energy vacuum, you will have a tough fight ahead of you.
Locking down entire mobs is a catchall solution that can deal with anything in the game short of a Night Widow. It's also a solution that almost no-one who can deal any respectable amount of damage can do. Scrappers, Blasters, Stalkers, Brutes and even Masterminds just lack the area effect control ability to just lock everything down. And locking down just one thing isn't effective, since they spawn multiple lieutenants so often.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Ascendants -- those stupid shield-toting "nyaa -nyaa - you can't touch me til I drop my folding shield" goons.

Also, the rooftop snipers in Founders Fall. My poor level 30 blasters ... trying to unlock their origin-based stores...



My most annoying mobs:

Longbow: One word: Nullifiers, with their sniper-ranged Slug power and their debuffs in the higher levels. Ballistas are also one of the few enemies I actually fear.

Rikti: Generally, they're not that bad. However, one of the nastiest things I've ever been faced with was a particularly large group composed primarily of a mixture of Guardians and Drones. Doesn't matter how good your accuracy is, when the Guardians manage to shield those damned things, as well as eachother, you're not hitting them. And things really get bad once they start popping AM. Need I also mention the constant heals?

Circle of Thorns: Spectral Demons, pure and simple. Ruin and Madness Mages I hate in the lower levels. Past 40 though, they're what I consider cuddly

Vahzilok: Vomit of doom, tranquilizer guns, and suicide bomber zombies. Need I say more?

Vanguard Sword: No explanation needed...

Cimerorans: The -Def makes my Bane Spider cry.

Rularuu: Observers. "Defense? What defense?"

Malta: While I consider the group relatively easy, I've been laid low by overlooked Sappers once in a great while.

PPD: Where to start... Equalizers with their Glue Grenades and Acid Mortars, Ghosts with their Flashbangs and Tear Gas, as well as the entire Kheldian division (which needs to die painfully in a fire as far as I'm concerned)

Knives of Artemis: Caltrops, duh. Also, the occasional and often lethal critcal hits inflicted by the bosses.

Red Caps: They hit relatively hard, plus they have a chance to change into a higher-ranked mob.

Tsoo: Yellow Ink Men are a particularly nasty wake-up call in the lower levels, and Sorcerers are, simply put, the most annoying mobs in the game.

Notable Individuals:

Lord Recluse: His channelgun attacks sap your endurance, plus he spam summons Bane Spiders when things get desperate for him.

Ghost Widow: Has a Mag ∞ Hold.

Statesman: Simply because his Unstoppable power recharges in (I think) 5 minutes.

Kadabra Kill: A Gravity/Kinetics/Empathy Controller. Not much more needs to be said.



If I don't have KB protection, Mook gunners annoy the crap out of me. They always run, then turn and use their KB laser. I finally get up and get over to them... and they run... Grr.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
It's not through the roof, IIRC. They're just one of the ones set to ignore stealth values X.X
Actually I think they have high perception in addition to ignoring stealth. If you fight them on a large map, they see you from way the hell away and start swarming.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Arachnos are some of the most effective troops in the game short of Vanguard and Rularuu. I consider them more dangerous than Longbow.

The thing about them is that they have something for everyone. They deal exotic damage all over the place (Toxic, Psi, Energy and Fire are all highly represented). They have a wide variety of resistances. Mu are strongly resistant to cold, fire, energy and negative. Fortunatas are resistant to Psi and some have mez protections. Tarantula Mistresses have have good resistance to all damage types, high resistance to Psi and a hideous toHit and defense debuff. Mu are dangerous end drainers, and the Mu bosses are insane about it. Fortunata Mistresses attack with non-positional Psi attacks. Bane Scouts and Executioners deal really hideous amounts of smashing and toxic damage if you let them, and even the Bane minions hit pretty hard.
Night Widows and Huntsman and Crab Spider bosses also have some mezz protection. Widow darts do -regen. Defense debuffs are sprinkled liberally through their powers, too. They really do have something for just about everybody.

My /Elec brute was the closest I've had to having no problems with them. As long as I beat Toxic Tarantulas into a hole very quickly and didn't get swamped by too many Banes, I was usually alright. Even still, Arachnos is one of the very few factions that make me regularly rely on my end drain as protection.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I have not played any lowbie clockwork content in years outside of synapse TF. The constant end drain at that level is mind numbing.

I would say at low levels, anything vahz Haas my vote.
mid level, CoT demon lords for sure.
High level, Malta with Rularuu bosses a close second.

I do want to pitch the KoA. These deliciously evil honeys do not get enough love. Where is the AV?....They deserve a more dedicated story arc or TF.....And at the very least a badge.



Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
There's also a line between difficult and annoying, or at least fun and unfun.

Death Mages can be remarkably hard, but it's fighting hard. Dangerous, deadly.

Spamming caltrops - just damned annoying. Quicksand, ditto.
I agree. Something can be hard and fun or hard and tedious. For me, it's fun to feel like I'm in danger, as long as I have a hope of winning and whether or not I win depends on something I do. It's tedious if the fight takes a long time, especially if there's really no chance that I'm going to fall.

There are a lot of enemies that I don't hate, but I recognize the tactical necessity of defeating them first, like sappers and sorcerors. There are some enemies I love to hate, like Nosferatu. I haven't fought him in a while. I'm looking forward to a rematch.

The enemies I really hate are people like the Knives of Artemis. It's like they know they can't win, so they don't even bother to try. They settle for just annoying me with their last dying breath. They stand there throwing caltrops over and over as I chop them down. That's pathetic. It's annoying and time consuming but not the least bit dangerous.

The "phase and runaway" guys are the same. If it wasn't a defeat all I wouldn't care. Let 'em run. The police can handle the stragglers later. But on a defeat all, I have to stand there in the hallway waiting for some ghost to reappear so I can whack off the last sliver of his life, or chase down the ancestral spirit and wait for him to phase back in. It feels like a waste of my time. I've already beaten them so badly that they fled in terror. Now I have to wait for them to reengage in their own good time? When they are ready to fight again, they're alone and badly injured. That's not a challenge. It's a time sink.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Psst... Ruin. Death are later. Ruin = blue robes, Death = darkish purple or so.
Yeah, I feel like I'm adequately equipped to deal with Death Mages later in my career. Ruin Mages in the teens? Deadly.

Back in the day before the Beginner's Luck +accuracy for the first 20 levels and when you could easily get three Ruin Mages in a mob (and mobs could be closely stacked) were... not fun. I think they were the reason I only had gotten through the Posi TF once in many, many tries (we usually stalled out a few missions in when we hit Ruin Mage city). I think they're still the reason it's easier to get through the Posi TF with a team of 3-5 than 6-8.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Sorcerers - Very irritating lieutenants for melee builds. They just teleport all over the damn place and even heal the guy you're trying to kill in the meantime.
I tend to play mostly melee types so I've run across a strategy that is fairly dependable for fighting sorcerers. When you approach the group hit the sorcerer first, this should start his teleportation ritual. Next select another target from the group and use your low end attacks on it; trying to avoid defeating it outright. The sorcerer should now start teleporting back to the fight to heal up the other mob; when he does hit the sorcerer with your stronger attacks until he ports away again at which point you switch back to the "bait" mob again.

I have found that using the AI against itself like this minimizes frustration and makes relatively quick work of the sorcerer. Now if you have multiple sorcerers in a group I would suggest avoiding that group if at all possible.

For really super annoying I have to go with the Knives of Artemis and their endless supply of caltrops! Unless you have some form of flight or teleport you are doomed to doing a Marcel Marceau impression for a bit after the fight is over.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



KoA are the primary reason I get my raptor pack from the first mayhem/safeguard mission.



Most of my obvious choices have been covered already: Spectrals Whatsits at low levels, low-level CoT bosses, and Malta, which seems to have been designed as a place to put all the "challenge" enemies that were left out of other factions. (I've long maintained, based on background and difficulty, that Malta should rarely or never fill entire missions; they should appear to support other groups, as they do in the mission in which they're introduced. But that's another discussion.)

Other enemies I can't stand include:

-Rikti drones. Impossible to hit and impossibly resistant to lethal damage.

-Arachnos drones. Excessively resistant to a common damage type, yet they spawn at a level when most attacks aren't well-enhanced.

-Mu at low levels. The endurance drain of these things is just brutal, pre-stamina. They also resist a fair number of damage types.

-Higher-level Consiglieres and the unique boss Kadabra Kill. In theory, these aren't especially challenging, as mid-level bosses go. However, all of them summon Singularities AND have their own Gravity Control powers. That makes it easy for them to stack holds. These enemies are some of the few that have wiped out my melee characters even without help.

Oddly, I generally don't hate Carnies. While they tend to phase a lot, they don't run away the way other phasing enemies tend to, or at least not as often, and it's possible to avoid their endurance drains. However, the real reason I like them is that they're one of the very few groups at high levels that isn't highly resistant to lethal damage (common to both my preferred AT's, scrappers and blasters). In fact, they're vulnerable to it! For high-defense Lethal characters with mez protection, Carnies are like xp-snacks.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
For really super annoying I have to go with the Knives of Artemis and their endless supply of caltrops!

^ This. Also, Chimera's gang. I've never understood why the AI is such that you can have a dozen or more caltrops throw down on you.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by Lachlin View Post
I have not played any lowbie clockwork content in years outside of synapse TF. The constant end drain at that level is mind numbing.
With the new exemplar which allows you to keep powers +5 to your exemplared level, you can now do Synapse with Stamina right at the start (assuming you have it).

Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
I tend to play mostly melee types so I've run across a strategy that is fairly dependable for fighting sorcerers. When you approach the group hit the sorcerer first, this should start his teleportation ritual. Next select another target from the group and use your low end attacks on it; trying to avoid defeating it outright. The sorcerer should now start teleporting back to the fight to heal up the other mob; when he does hit the sorcerer with your stronger attacks until he ports away again at which point you switch back to the "bait" mob again.

I have found that using the AI against itself like this minimizes frustration and makes relatively quick work of the sorcerer. Now if you have multiple sorcerers in a group I would suggest avoiding that group if at all possible.
I have figured out the tricks to defeating Sorcers with minimal effort.

For a meleer, you described my technique: use the Sorcerer's pal as bait. Just hurt the bait enough for the Sorcerer to come back.

For a ranger, it is even easier. First, just ignore the Sorcerer's pal (or mez him if you can) and don't damage him. The trick is to not chase after the Sorcerer. As long as you don't close to a certain distance from him, he won't teleport away. So you can just shoot the sorcerer from afar and he doesn't retaliate. The sorcerer will use his teleport every time he can, but if you stay at range, he'll just tp in place.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Heh, I took a special kind of joy throwing blinding powder on Knives and confusing the lot of them to turn their massive caltrop fields against them on my stalker.



While folks have keyed in on the Cairns of the DE as a pain in the neck, and they are, I tend to find the DE Guardians and their Quartz eminators most annoying. Unless your survival is purely resist-based, ONE single Quartz sitting anywhere in the area and the team gets shredded like tissue paper. :P

It is notable that CoT start off horrible from the get-go, transition through semi-horrible, and end up relatively trivial in the end-game. Once you get past the spawn levels for spectrals and earth thorns things mellow out quite a bit.

I concur with most of the things mentioned thus far as being very ebil, and also with the assessment that it's ALL about the AT.

Ranged or melee, lockdown or stealth, defense or resist, there's something out there that has your number...big time.

However there are some mobs that honestly it doesn't matter what you are. They are either annoying or deadly or both...plain and simple.

In this category I put KoA. 'Trops/stun/webnades and +Perception along with a tendency to launch ambushes from half-way across the map... if I see a mission with Knives, I look for the fastest way to finish it. Some troller/dom types get off easier, but not always. Also Vanguard, for the reasons mentioned previously.

68 Level 50s, all made the old-fashioned way.
Original: Quasar Lad - Fire/Kin troller. Latest: Asp Kicker - Grav/Poison troller.
Completed the "Full Alty Challenge" - level 50 in every archetype, and "Alty's Ultimate Power Challenge" - level 50 in every available powerset in the game.
Member of the Repeat Offenders