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  1. Just to let you know, the Monday Night FRads were there in spirit. Hyperstrike wanted our team join in the fun but we also wanted to squeeze in an STF, so we ran a successful MoITF about an hour before your event.

    On behalf of the FRads, thanks for allowing us to participate during previous events. It's been great fun!
  2. Tidbit


    Hi Pinnacle

    Wanted to give a shout out to the first server I played on, and the one I consider my home and main hero server over the last seven years. I've had a blast. And though I've branched out to several other servers, I plan to spend my final hours in the game back home, on Pinnacle, with my name-sake, Tidbit. Hope to see you there for one last drink!
  3. I've had no problem but a friend was also not able to get into it. Seems random.
  4. <-- Radical Burner. It was great fun. I will miss this.
  5. It has been great fun. Thanks to all the organizers and participants over the last year or so. I will miss this. Take care!
  6. Will definitely be there! Hope to see some absent friends on this final run.
  7. Not quite on topic, but this came to mind. Sort of a fitting song, considering . . .

    AWOLNATION Kill Your Heroes
  8. I may have to dust off my Tanker on Pinnacle and join the fun.
  9. I will be there for sure on Sunday. I'm hoping to get my Corruptor to +3 before then (just need the rare), otherwise will be on with my brute.
  10. Tidbit

    coXso finale


    Remaining Numbers:
    16, 32, 35, 39, 60, 62, 65, 72, 80, 85, 90, 91, 94, 96, 97
  11. Tidbit

    coXso... GTNwIA


    Numbers Remaining:
    10, 15, 25, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 48, 56, 60, 64, 70, 74, 80, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 94, 97, 100
  12. Very nice! Looking forward to the video.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    When I saw Swan go down in about 65 seconds, I knew this was going to be the one.
    It was amazing. It was all I could do to keep my hands from shaking when we faced Tyrant. The contrast from previous attempts to last Sunday was quite remarkable. Makes me wonder what was so different. Ultimates? ATs?
  14. I'd like to contribute:

    Radical Burner/@tidbit
    Fire/Rad Controller
    T4 Seers
    T4 Ageless
    T4 Assault
    Achilles Heel
    Call to Justice
  15. Tidbit

    Really Hard Way

    I'll be there. Hope to get my cor up to snuff.
  16. Very beautiful, and very sad. Brilliant work. Thanks DR.
  17. Crimson Falls in Cascade Archipelago. Kinda like the music . . .
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    There has never been heal aggro in this game.
    It's funny, but I think there was a time when healing would cause aggro. I think I even recall a dev confirming this in the forums because at the time I was actively playing my illus/emp, and it was disappointing to learn this. But I don't have details to provide.
  19. Tidbit


    Mine finally posted yesterday, and was apparently submitted on 9/26, so a 5 day delay.
  20. Tidbit


    Has anyone not received theirs yet? I haven't, and don't mind waiting, just would feel better knowing there were others still waiting.
  21. I recently bought a computer and installed a new video card, so was finally able to enjoy some of the advanced settings of the game (love seeing my shadow as I fly near objects). A week later we get the news . . .
  22. Take care, Z. Best to you and your family.