Going Rogue - must have list




I just need to know when it's coming out! Should I expect it for Christmas?
Aside from that, can I have a sheath costume piece? I'm tired of sticking this Broad Sword up my butt!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
I just need to know when it's coming out! Should I expect it for Christmas?
Aside from that, can I have a sheath costume piece? I'm tired of sticking this Broad Sword up my butt!
unknown, but unlikely. the closed beta hasnt started yet, that we are aware of, and is unlikely to start before herocon, thats only 2 months to test, id be very surprised, maybe not happily, im hoping for a lot of content that will need tested. My uneducated guess is march 21st, seems to be a date a lot of better caliber games hit, would give them a third of a year to test, and just generally feels likely to me. if im wrong, no surprise, im guessing, if im right i want some pizza.

as for what i want, given the lack of these in the last few issues, im expecting that the mission content and costume guys have been making a lot of content, if its less than going rogue, i will be disappointed. we know that there will be the alignment bar, so some degree of interaction in missions is likely. various personal dev quotes indicate that more high level content is coming, and some extra advancement options have seemingly been hinted as well, im expecting those.

One thing id like to see is back options, i recall years ago a comment being made that there are a number of backpacks already made, im hoping we see them. In you-know-where, i have back options on all of my characters, and its an aesthetic option that i like. If those are in gr, i will be break dancing in the main street. if they could throw in throwing, then the dance will continue till the break of dawn.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Underwater volcano moonbases!
Dern skippy or I'm defecting to the first game that gets an underwater volcano moonbase in it, even.... if its a sony MMO!

but seriously, I'd really like some more back options (like really seriously) from an actual cloak liker err well Cloak or Spawn had to something like the Vanagard backpacks.

this guy just doesn't do capes well and I really want something I can honestly call an CIWS

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



1) Really, for me it just comes down to getting some of the Hero starting zones revamped and a bit more added to villains starting zones.

I'd say make the feel of Galaxy City and Atlas Park very different so you have a reason to start in either. Make the starting missions something that is more likely to drag a player in who is trying out the game. I'd also revamp King's Row and have it be the start of "Reactive Missions"

Which brings me to...

2) Reactive Missions. Yeah, I ripped it off from an article but I think it would be really cool if there were broadcasts put out and markers would form on the map for both instanced missions just for you and for zone-wide events, ala Fires. Make them give more rewards and have the enemies be scalable like the invasions but have them more localized. In Perez or Kings, you could have a Dimensional Rift created by the CoT that you have to quell. Just interesting things like that.

3)More IO sets. I want lots more sets. Customizing my toons that way really floats my boat.

4) Ability to colour APPs/Pool powers.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I just looked at the title of the thread. i didn't notice it stated "in addition to what we know". Incidentally, my opinion of what constitutes a meaningful amount of "end game" probably differs from the devs' view. In fact I know it does.
It just seemed a redundant comment in a wish list of features is all. Now I'm honestly curious though, what sort of meaningful "end game" content do you want to see? I've personally played and liked pretty much all the "end game" type content out there in some form or another over the years and when the content's done well I like them all really, so there's no bias behind me asking you that.

Look at it another way, the time spent on a zone revamp can do one of several things.
1. be wasted
2. be better spent doing something else
3. further dilute the small player base
4. be so good they create a new hub effectively killing an existing one

Think of it as trimming the fat so that CoX can emerge as a faster, more efficient game.
The same could also be said for any sort of new zone though. Whenever you add in any sort of new content it's either not going to pan out and be wasted, or be well done and draw players there.

Also, I don't know that diluting the playerbase is quite so bad a thing here in CoH as it is in other games out there. With the speed of travel in between zones being so low, and the global chat system letting people communicate with each other regardless of which zone their in or even which server they're a player (who knows how to use the chat system ... there really should be more in-game information about that) can end up with a far less 'empty' feeling than they would in another game's lower populated zone.

I don't know if I, personally, want an efficient game. I'd prefer a fun game. For me that's a game with a lot of fun things to do, which isn't always terribly efficient. It's why I wish they'd be able to revise some of the lesser used content in CoH, since there's really a lot of potential there for great content. (Not that I'm even slightly against new zones mind you)

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
I wouldn't mind two new AT's, one for each faction..

Support/Melee or Melee/Support
I made an AT suggestion that's very much this for villains in this thread.



1. Ability to re-color Pool Powers.

2. More IO Sets!

a. An optional additional IO Recipe (7th in most cases) for existing sets - especially those with Uniques.
b. Replace "Debt Protection" with something worthwhile, or significantly jack-up the tiny existing % ... to higher % people MIGHT actually value.
c. Same as above with + Knockback % Bonuses (Yes, I'm looking at you Air Burst).
d. More "Universal Sets" = Universal Accuracy slot-able in existing Heal, Debuff, (etc?) Sets that would count as a set recipe - for purposes of set bonuses. (Example: Place a 'Universal Accuracy' in instead of one of the Dark Watcher's To Hit Debuff IO's - and still get the "6th slotted" set bonus.)
e. More Travel sets (for example: a Leaping set slot-able in Hurdle, or Running/Flying in Swift - and/or fix the "Stealth IO in passive/auto powers Problem".)
3. Another Villain Zone - (just one, an alternative to Cap D', say... level 15-30 or 20-35?)

"Flashback-able" Mayhem/Safeguard Missions. Some sorta "Rogue" versions that resemble them... (Destructible Objects would be a 'must have' in these, Mayhems are way more fun than Safeguards, because of this difference!)
5. "Gun-Kata" type Secondary!!!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



More genuinely villainous villain content... which hopefully some of the stuff we get for continuing to advance in our original factions instead of switching sides will qualify for. New Hero NPC groups to fight? New Villain Strike Forces? New Villain-only zones? Yeah. I'm... not holding my breath.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm really excited for this expansion. But its description is sadly incompatable with the hopes and dreams at the very top of my list.

Also, the next time someone suggests to me that side-swapping a villain and playing all the Hero content counts as New Villain Content, I'm going to dedicate my life to their downfall and misery, Dr. Doom style.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - scorpany@yahoo.com or <sameasmyAIM>@aol.com (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Im sorry but hero side there is let me name what to do
4.rikti mothership raid
5.Hamidon raid
6.Khan TF

Ya lots do do lots /e sarcasm
At 50 for TF's you missed
Justin Augustine
Sara Moore
Rikti Respec

Under the new system you also get your full powers on Doc Quaterfield. And lose only your level 49 power on the Freakspec.

just sayin'

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Star_Engine View Post
Just to be different from all you guys listing features, I'd like to see more development on "The Coming Storm" plotline.
Have you read Maelstrom's "full Biography" on the Going Rogue site yet?

He was "Whirlpool", then became "Maelstrom", and has non-"subordinate"/Ally status in relation to Tyrant - a seemingly unique thing in Praetoria.

IDK what that means - if anything so far as the storyline, but it could!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
It just seemed a redundant comment in a wish list of features is all. Now I'm honestly curious though, what sort of meaningful "end game" content do you want to see? I've personally played and liked pretty much all the "end game" type content out there in some form or another over the years and when the content's done well I like them all really, so there's no bias behind me asking you that.
I get your point, but lots of things listed in this thread are redundant. I mention End Game because I'm stressing the importance of it. The population is aging, leveling is on avg faster than ever and there has been a pretty large shift in support for people that don't want to play the reroll game anymore.

What I'd personally like added to the list of meaningful and engaging end game content is world activities. Random disasters, better and much more varied invasions. Where's the arachnos invasion when they overrun Siren's Call, or Recluses Victory that spills out into Steel canyon or where ever?

I can go on and on, but in short most of what I'd like are things that bring life back into the "world" aspect of the game that they have all but killed off entirely. I want to see lots of heroes/villains engaged in something that is bigger than one individual instance such as the STF.

I want a warning to pop up that villains are kicking butt in SC and that arachnos are about to spill out of the zone if you don't do anything about it. When they spill out of the zone I want a bunch of destructible objects and hero npcs fodder to spawn that the arachnos crush. And then I want a warning to pop up saying that if you don't go kick arachnos *** they are going to "do x" that will weaken all heroes. If you fail to act and arachnos wastes SC then all heroes regardless of zone are hit with a minor-ish debuff (like -5% def, some -speed/recovery, etc).

I realize not many would jump on board with such ideas right away as it disturbs the "easy street" set up we have, but I'd like it.

The same could also be said for any sort of new zone though. Whenever you add in any sort of new content it's either not going to pan out and be wasted, or be well done and draw players there.
Definitely, I think it is safe to say that 90% of heroes occupy ~5 zones and that the other ~25 you are more likely to encounter a tumble weed than another hero. While they are pretty and neat to visit now and again when so few people get any use out of them all they are is bullet points on a feature list rather than something that actually matters.

Also, I don't know that diluting the playerbase is quite so bad a thing here in CoH as it is in other games out there. With the speed of travel in between zones being so low, and the global chat system letting people communicate with each other regardless of which zone their in or even which server they're a player (who knows how to use the chat system ... there really should be more in-game information about that) can end up with a far less 'empty' feeling than they would in another game's lower populated zone.
I disagree very much. Just like in rl texting them isn't the same as seeing them. But this is just a difference of opinion so meh.

I don't know if I, personally, want an efficient game. I'd prefer a fun game. For me that's a game with a lot of fun things to do, which isn't always terribly efficient. It's why I wish they'd be able to revise some of the lesser used content in CoH, since there's really a lot of potential there for great content. (Not that I'm even slightly against new zones mind you)
I'm sort of against new zones, yes I'm looking forward to the ones that GR brings, but it is mixed emotions for me. One one hand we have dozens of zones that are little more than empty space. I'd much prefer less quantity and far more quality.

Look at it another way. I'd rather they spend time improving the content we see 97% of our playtime than a Boomtown revamp. What I'm saying is I'd much rather the artists and level creators flex their muscles and work on the instanced maps that exist and will be introduced in GR. I think we are beyond needed reskinned maps and need actual new maps which means overwriting a bunch of existing ones.



Merged Markets
Ability to carry my loot/accos/slotted IOs over with me when I cross over.
Trading between heroes and villains.
High end tasks and medium-level tasks.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



i dont think the devs got the importance of high game content until this past year

however it might be too little too late honestly...people need to have a real reason to play get to 50 then just "getting" to 50

i love being lvl 50. but theres not enough to do and they need to put something in place badly and not just a new shiny..its needs to be indepth..and no im not talking the ae either..the nerfed lap dog of a buncha bad arcs no thanks.



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
i dont think the devs got the importance of high game content until this past year

however it might be too little too late honestly...people need to have a real reason to play get to 50 then just "getting" to 50

i love being lvl 50. but theres not enough to do and they need to put something in place badly and not just a new shiny..its needs to be indepth..and no im not talking the ae either..the nerfed lap dog of a buncha bad arcs no thanks.
They do? Funny, I didn't notice. I have just as much fun playing my level 1s as I do my level 50s, and all the levels in between. I didn't realize I had to have a reason to get to 50 other than I get experience for beating up the bad/good guys and foiling their plots. I must be doing it wrong.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
They do? Funny, I didn't notice. I have just as much fun playing my level 1s as I do my level 50s, and all the levels in between. I didn't realize I had to have a reason to get to 50 other than I get experience for beating up the bad/good guys and foiling their plots. I must be doing it wrong.

ya well lots of us get bored easy with boring low level content that drags. like i said previously i love this game so but I enjoy a million times more playing with my level 50's that are at the top of their game and truly super then playing some low level that has to rest every other spawn and only an attack or 2 to use.

Your confused alright.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
At 50 for TF's you missed
Justin Augustine
Sara Moore
Rikti Respec

Under the new system you also get your full powers on Doc Quaterfield. And lose only your level 49 power on the Freakspec.

just sayin'
Bravo you just named the worst content in this game that hardly no one ever plays and excatly what should NOT be added in GR. Lets start shall we

Faathim: No phone the whole time and multi zoning equals bad idea and pointless time sink

Justin Augustine: It was ok at first but then the last mission is so foggy way more so then even Dark Astoria it left a really sour taste in my mouth not being able to see 3 feet in front of me

Dr.Quarterfield: /wrists if i ever get myself into a 5 plus hour TF without knowing again

Sara Moore: From the other shard TF experiences no thanks you i learned my lesson so can't really comment on this

Respec Trial: Yay for the exact same 3 trials just with different enemys and waiting times in the lovely reactor room.

Bravo if this is the kind of content that is seen in GR I will leave 100% certain and not for another game just with lack of satisfaction.



Absolute must have: There must be some sort of method for me to buy it.

What would be nice: A new Epic AT or two. I'd really like to see Coralax and Incarnates as playable. What would be best for Incarnates would probably be just something available to any level 50 for some sort of endless advancement.



Costumes and content.

As someone with multiple one person SGs, either the ability to stay in an SG cross-faction, or the ability to invite your own alts without dragging someone else into it.

Merged markets.

Back options.

Longbow revamp. Make them less generic; like the PPD.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
They do? Funny, I didn't notice. I have just as much fun playing my level 1s as I do my level 50s, and all the levels in between. I didn't realize I had to have a reason to get to 50 other than I get experience for beating up the bad/good guys and foiling their plots. I must be doing it wrong.
You are called TWISTED Toon, y'know...

Well twisted or not ITA with ya. I've never really felt too tied down to one character, and it took me nearly all three years of playing so far to hit my first level 50. Don't feel like any of that time was wasted a bit.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



A release date.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I've never played any other MMO and only play this one cause i love super heroes and the gameplay here is everything I think it should be. This game needs not only more level 50 stuff to do but it also needs to get a significently harder at high level.

Enough of this nonsense *this game isn't balanced around IOs*. Alot of the players I run into have set bonuses and lots of them lets start making the game harder because of it.
I have to disagree with you here.

"A lot of the players" seems a little sketchy. If you make the game harder at level 50 (i.e. "balance around IO's") you change that to "all the players will have to use IOs".

It's pretty hard to have sympathy for someone that works that hard to make their character powerful and then complains that the game is too easy. Do they not realize it's optional and they decided to do it?

Currently I have options. Some characters I frankly don't invest as much into and just randomly throw enhancements at. SO's still work fine and that's nice. But if I do decide I want to "uber" it up a bit, I have the option to start shopping and crafting to achieve some better capability. It's like a different (and more time consuming) version of the difficulty slider.

And there isn't any set "level" I have to get to either. I can go from SO's to generic IO's and get better performance or start with set IO's for dozens of other combinations. I can start throwing serious money at a character if I want and make it into a mini god (purples and such). It's my option...and I love options. A "harder game at lvl 50" takes away the more casual options.

So which of the levels I just described do we balance around? How many of the options get taken away?



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Bravo you just named the worst content in this game that hardly no one ever plays and excatly what should NOT be added in GR. Lets start shall we

Faathim: No phone the whole time and multi zoning equals bad idea and pointless time sink

Justin Augustine: It was ok at first but then the last mission is so foggy way more so then even Dark Astoria it left a really sour taste in my mouth not being able to see 3 feet in front of me

Dr.Quarterfield: /wrists if i ever get myself into a 5 plus hour TF without knowing again

Sara Moore: From the other shard TF experiences no thanks you i learned my lesson so can't really comment on this

Respec Trial: Yay for the exact same 3 trials just with different enemys and waiting times in the lovely reactor room.

Bravo if this is the kind of content that is seen in GR I will leave 100% certain and not for another game just with lack of satisfaction.
The 'foggy' final mission is Sara Moore not Augustine, so I'll take those as reversed comments.

And I wasn't necessarily saying they were 'good', but if you are listing things that a 50 can do, a comprehensive list is much better than an incomplete one.

Of those litsed I find the respec, Sara Moore and Augustine more fun than the the Khan TF

Faathim is about on a par.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by JeetKuneDo View Post
I have to disagree with you here.

"A lot of the players" seems a little sketchy. If you make the game harder at level 50 (i.e. "balance around IO's") you change that to "all the players will have to use IOs".

It's pretty hard to have sympathy for someone that works that hard to make their character powerful and then complains that the game is too easy. Do they not realize it's optional and they decided to do it?

Currently I have options. Some characters I frankly don't invest as much into and just randomly throw enhancements at. SO's still work fine and that's nice. But if I do decide I want to "uber" it up a bit, I have the option to start shopping and crafting to achieve some better capability. It's like a different (and more time consuming) version of the difficulty slider.

And there isn't any set "level" I have to get to either. I can go from SO's to generic IO's and get better performance or start with set IO's for dozens of other combinations. I can start throwing serious money at a character if I want and make it into a mini god (purples and such). It's my option...and I love options. A "harder game at lvl 50" takes away the more casual options.

So which of the levels I just described do we balance around? How many of the options get taken away?
I totally understand where your coming from but we serioosly need more challenges like for example,having to take down the towers before you can take down Lord recluse. There is strategy here and not every tank in the game can handle Recluse even with an emp and there back.

I'm looking for more content like this. There is already enough content in this game that is riduciosly easy.

And yes it is my choice to make my characters more powerful but it's because i love all aspects of this game. To tell you the truth I kinda feel sorry for those that don't use IOs as there a wonderful part of a game and if I didn't use IOs or this game was devoid of them, I woulda left this game before my 3 month vet reward because of shallowness.

IOs make this a deep and rich game in my opinion and what's the point of putting something in your game if not to make it harder, just for the hell of it?

Come on already I'm not talking about making low level content any harder I'm talking about level 50 content harded.

Any ways this is what I need to hold my attention and I have a feeling NCsoft is gonna deliver anyway

PS: when single toon can solo Giant monster because of IOs for christ sakes make this game harder