Going Rogue - must have list




What do you think it must have ?

1. lots of costume pieces
2. new mission maps
3. search for team function and teams status message visible on searches
4. new travel powers

please feel free to add to the list. dont think of this as suggestions but just what you think it should/must have. keep in mind its not a free update but a pay for add'on so money wise there should be things you're entitled to want.



End game content and lots and I mean LOTS more for 50's to do. Though from everything they have said I expect great things from going rogue.



Another vote for endgame content for 50s. (A feeling is telling me we really shouldn't worry about this.)

More costume options. And many, many more weapon models.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



1. A metric f-ton of new costume pieces/combinations
2. At least 3 new powersets (We've already got 2, I'd like 1 more as a surprise)
3. New Supergroup base pieces/interface
4. A 'Looking For More' option.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
End game content and lots and I mean LOTS more for 50's to do. Though from everything they have said I expect great things from going rogue.
All of that, including raising the level cap and adding new top-tier powers to the primary and secondary powersets. I'm not expecting it, and it's not a make-or-break deal, but after years of rolling and leveling characters to 50 within the same old framework, the whole thing's getting a little old.



I'd hope for an entire mirror-Paragon in Praetoria, all zones in Paragon reproduced with alternate-dimension spin. I believe 3 new zones has been dev-confirmed, to truly satisfy I'd want more of a new world to explore. New powersets, origins, costume pieces, ... hrmmm. Other than more zones (which is really just a question of quantity) I seem to just be restating the already announced feature list.

Gee, I think I'll be satisfied with GR. Hope I'm right.

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



1. Her time as Governor
2. Her family 'values'
3. Her beauty pageant career
4. Her son Trig
5. Her resignation as Governor
6. Her plans
7. Her son Trig
8. Her time as a candidate
9. Her marriage
10. Her son Trig

(serious answer: likely exciting stuff we haven't yet begun to contemplate)



This is really doom.



The only thing I -MUST HAVE- is information. ASAP.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



I wouldn't mind two new AT's, one for each faction..

Support/Melee or Melee/Support

and I think a Ranged Attack/Defense would be fun, but use sub scrapper defense numbers to avoid Tank mages.

*just two completely random ideas off the top of my head*

The removal of Lego Hands!

Shaders, I want to make stuff look metallic or Leatherlike (ala CO)

50+ content would be nice, as long as they avoid any WoW-like End game, I don't want this game to turn into a raid fest.



Just to be different from all you guys listing features, I'd like to seemore development on "The Coming Storm" plotline.
Along with that, a Moon Zone...

I am your tax dollars at work.

Just when you think you've made something id10t proof, they make a better id10t. - Jade_Dragon



Assault/Defense AT would be nice

That said, right now...all I want to see from it, to make me completely happy with it...

Dual Pistols and Thermal Radiation ported to Defenders.

Though that said, I'll easily make a Thermal/DP Corr and go over blue side with it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by SilentSpy View Post
The only thing I -MUST HAVE- is information. ASAP.

I'm guessing we'll get it Saturday sometime.

And by 'guess' I mean know since there's that announcement they're making Saturday at Hero-con

Here's a thought. If I17 (or 18 if GR takes long enough to come out ....) is the expansion patch issue, what sort of features will come along with the patch to help ease the sting for those who don't buy the expansion? I mean, I6 came with three PvP zones and some graphical improvements (among other things ... like ED).

I kind of hope the new player experience they've mentioned and whatever associated zone is the 'free' content that we end up getting (either that or buying the expansion comes with a free month and gives people access to the full game). Really though, the starting experience for a game is always rather important and if they cordon the new improved starting experience behind a payed expansion they'll be giving a less favorable impression of the game than they otherwise could to trial players or folks who just buy the base game to see if they like it before they get the expansion.

That said, I know we'll be getting a good chunk of new game content, so I'll just throw out some things I'd like to see:
More than just the 2 powersets already announced (1 for each AT would be a fantastic sky pie).
One new AT shared by both sides. (see oft bandied about 'spy' or 'incarnate' ATs)

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by MageX View Post
What do you think it must have ?
I prefer not to speculate - both in order to avoid creating unrealistic expectations, and because it's nice to be surprised.

So I guess what I really think it must have is something that surprises me, something that really makes me smile when I read through the features list whenever it's announced, or when I get into game and come across it.

As an example, the new team difficulty sliders and auto SK did that for me when I read the I16 notes - I wasn't expecting them, but they are brilliant changes, and they left me excitedly waiting for the issue even though I'd been taking a bit of a break from the game beforehand.



Return of the fem nipples!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Animated hair
Y'know, when I saw the title of this thread, I just knew that would be here

Anyway, I'd like some new end game content that is actually hard (MoXYZ's don't count, they are just frustrating ).

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



Posi recently tweeted that he was amazed at how much stuff marketing would let him talk about at HeroCon.

Anywho, my wish list.

1. Account-wide inf storage via Vault Storage

2. End-game content beyond TFs and the like.

3. Backpack costume parts

4. Innovative missions (branching dialog, multiple endings, etc.)

5. In spite of 2., seriously awesome TFs

6. Improvments to Portal Corp.


Also on Steam



1) They really need to up the costume creator and add a ton to it as well as more back options. CO just blew this costume creator out of the water.

2) Many new ATs. Original ATs and not just variations of what we have.

3) All new mission maps. I have never seen so much regurgitation of the same thing. Honestly. They may have hundreds of maps but they are all slight variations of the same thing. Less than 10 different looks really. It makes me ill and the main reason I take large breaks from this game.

4) End game content.

5) Innovative and new game play. I have just come back to this game again and it got boring quick.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
1) They really need to up the costume creator and add a ton to it as well as more back options. CO just blew this costume creator out of the water.
Admittedly, I think a lot of us would like more costume pieces, but I don't really agree that CO's costume creator 'blows ours out of the water'. They have a couple different points to attach pieces which I'd like, and the multiple colors can be nice or not depending on the piece. The creator itself though is very poorly organized and there's a lot of gaps in available pieces (or there were when I played in the closed and open beta).

2) Many new ATs. Original ATs and not just variations of what we have.

5) Innovative and new game play. I have just come back to this game again and it got boring quick.
Well, we're going to get number four by all accounts so far, but your suggestions two and five have me curious as to what you'd suggest. I mean, I can't think of any roles our game is missing, so any new AT would kind of have to borrow slightly from anything we already have. If you can think of something else I'd love to hear it. I can think of new gameplay styles they could build towards, but it's just be revising another AT's roll to some extent (which isn't a reason not to do it I don't think, but that's just me).

Also, how do you propose we change the gameplay in CoH? You can't really change the core gameplay without alienating at least some portion of your established player base. So anything done would have to somehow tack itself on to existing gameplay which more than likely wouldn't be nearly enough for the folks who want new gameplay mechanics from CoH. In all likelihood the folks who want different game mechanics would probably be better served looking for them elsewhere. That's not me telling you to leave, just saying, if we tack on a different play-style this late in the game in all likelihood bad things will end up happening.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



a price tag on the box

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Branching mission arcs - the ability to steer the story through dialogue choices or in-mission objectives. The tech to do the same thing in Misson Architect arcs.

They supposedly introduced the tech into the game, what, three issues ago? And all they've used it for is two instances of giving a password to get in (both But Thou Must unfailable) and a few "that's interesting, tell me more" to break up tl;dr text blocks into smaller chunks.

Character index



I like the idea for upgrading the look of the game talked about in another thread. Supposedly it could be done in a way that would actually run BETTER on your computer unless you have a really old one. I know some players do have really old computers, but I was just reading in another thread that other VERY popular games upgrade their look in such a way that would raise minimum requirements....sometimes you just gotta do it. That might give us things like animated hair and fingers right there.

More maps! Like more spacious maps. We have enough corridors and caves to walk through. (Though I'm not opposed to an interesting new map that is confined) It's always a breath of fresh air when we get an outdoor map. (pun not intended) And something like the Eden trial map is just breathtaking. A lot of players have never even seen that one. Coolest map in the game if you ask me.

Another thread mentioned zone events like a hurricane in Talos. How about an event that takes place up near the ceiling? It would require a flying power (which is easy to get now)



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Return of the fem nipples!
No thanks, I think I'll stick with bras.



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
Another vote for endgame content for 50s. (A feeling is telling me we really shouldn't worry about this.)

More costume options. And many, many more weapon models.

More lvl 50 stuff would be nice, but in all honestly, i'd like some new content in the lower levels too. Mid levels as well... ok ok, just a bunch of new content to make leveling new heros/villians even more appealing. WIth the new exemping/sking system in game, you add new content ANYWHERE in the game, and it's new content of all really. You get xp. you get extra powers. Sking and exemping is easy. It's all good.

And besides new content i want new powersets. and i mean NEW. not just plofiliration, which i want too. (i want it all darn it!!)

New content, new powers. That'd make me a happy gamer.

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