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  1. Loved this mission ("Defeat the Hero Scouts and Destroy Their Cookies!"), a lot of fun. Great costumes, great variety and combinations of powersets, and it's hilarious to watch the metahuman girl scouts run around kicking butt (at least they beat up my zombie minions pretty good). Fun story. Big thumbs up!
  2. What's the limit to the amount of currency you can send in one email?

    I've heard that you can only hold 3 billion inf. on a character -- (I've never had anywhere near that much on one character so I don't know for sure) -- so I'm guessing the limit you could send via email would be the same, 3 billion.

    Just curious about this, since you can always just send another email with more currency.
  3. Quote:

    In-Game E-mail: You can now use in-game e-mails to send Influence/Infamy to your own characters or to other players' characters via in-game e-mails. (You still cannot send Influence, Infamy, or items from a Hero to a Villain or vice versa.)

    Can we email currency between characters on different servers?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    No one knows the exact way it will work. All we know is a toon will be limited to one specific market. If you can access WW, you won't beable to access the BM.

    Personally, I just hope that, a hero can have the option of going full redside, so they can access the BM. And vice versa...not just switch sides to do missions on the other side.

    Ah, thanks.

    I have a bunch of heroes that I'm pretty much done with, and one of them has an epic melee IO that is one of two that I need to finish the set on my favorite brute, who could also really use all the loads of currency that my heroes have no use for.

    I will gladly ruin my heroes' reputations and crime-fighting careers -- and bankrupt them in the process -- just to help my little brute get ahead in the (under)world!
  5. I have a few pressing GR questions, considering the free transfers are ending soon:

    Can a hero who goes rogue use the villain market, and trade infamy and items with villains?
    More importantly, will any influence a hero has when he goes rogue become infamy?
    (And will a rogue hero no longer be able to use the hero market or trade with heroes?)

    Apologies to Thong Snapper for tacking my questions on to your thread.
  6. Please let players skip the first power of the secondary pool, and pick a different power instead if they choose to.

    I don't like having to waste a power slot with several of my blasters on a single-target immobilize. Same for my defenders, whose attacks are already weak, being forced to take the weakest attack power in their secondary pool. Or scrappers having to take a defense power they don't want, or tanks getting a weak attack they don't want. These are just examples off the top of my head from toons I've played recently, but I see this as a problem for many of my characters.

    Being forced to take the 1st power in the secondary pool just seems like some dusty old vestigial remnant from the earliest days of this game under Cryptic, and with a lot of improvements already having been made to character customization, I'm just hoping that this power slot will be freed up one of these days.
  7. I agree with the mentions of new epic archetypes like Rikti or Coralax. I would personally love to play a Mu. Same for Carnies, Freakshow (anything from tank to meat doctor), Banished Pantheon, Malta, you name it. If you're not going to add any more depth to the set-in-stone 9-tier powersets, and if new ATs aren't going to expand much beyond something like a new minion (demon) for MM, or two guns for blasters instead of just one, then you might as well expand the game by opening up new epic ATs.

    I've really enjoyed the villain EATs. Just got a crab spider to 50 today, almost there with a night widow, and plan to keep playing the bane spider, fortunata, and plain old Arachnos soldier to 50 also.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    End game content and lots and I mean LOTS more for 50's to do. Though from everything they have said I expect great things from going rogue.
    All of that, including raising the level cap and adding new top-tier powers to the primary and secondary powersets. I'm not expecting it, and it's not a make-or-break deal, but after years of rolling and leveling characters to 50 within the same old framework, the whole thing's getting a little old.
  9. Either remove the email system entirely, or allow for the option to disable it, or even just add a new button to "Delete All" emails at once rather than having to delete every message individually if you want to clear your email box.

    A "Delete All" button should be easy enough.

    Although at this point I don't even look at any email anymore, and I just ignore the red email text. It's already dead, at this point the only question is whether the corpse is going to be removed or just left to sit there and rot.
  10. I consider this to be a useful and entertaining thread, but I want to suggest a few corrections:

    [ QUOTE ][*]You can sommon demons.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sommon -vs- summon

    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Brittany -vs- Britney

    I prefer the traditional "Brittany" spelling versus the aberrant, degenerate "Britney" version, but the latter is correct in this context.
  11. He beat the hell out of my plant/thorns dom several times, with the difficulty at 4th or 5th level, making him really tough. I remember him regenerating pretty quickly and negating much of the weak damage I was dishing out; he also broke free of my stacked Domination holds on him near the end when I almost had him.

    He's just like any other boss against a group though. I have yet to try soloing him with a melee character.

    I see there's already a gaming store, I was thinking you could have a comics store that players could enter. You would see posters on the walls of CoH comics art (like you can see in bases with the 24-month vet reward), and portraits of signature heroes and villains.

    A really nice touch would be to have multiple badges, with the badges being little mini versions of comic covers or signature hero/villain portraits. I'd love to be able to look at these while I'm traveling across Nerva, or waiting for teammates, and have time to kill.

    I saw this kind of feature in those X-Men console games where you unlock comic covers by exploring. My favorite part of comics tends to be covers anyway, so to have my own in-game portable collection of cover art would be great.

    This could be expanded on to include other gamer collectables like cards or miniatures. I saw a card collecting minigame on that Neopets website that I thought would fit perfectly with a CoH theme as a part of badge collecting. You don't play with the cards, just collect and admire them the same way you do badges.
  13. This issue looks fantastic, thanks for the announcement.

    Very happy to see Shields in the game. I also love the idea of "day jobs" - adds an interesting dimension to the MUD/MMO cliche of logging out in an inn. I'm also eager to see what player-created missions are all about.

    I wanted to play a shield stalker! (It makes at least as much sense as a dual-blades tanker.) Maybe a stalker with a killer frisbee or something. Ah well.
  14. I appreciate the 2 free slots, thanks for that at least. It does seem a little skimpy though (skimpy as in 1 additional slot per year of paid account time), considering the capacity for 36 slots *per server*.

    I'd buy 5 slots per server for 20 bucks, but 5 slots total is crap. Almost as bad a deal as a wedding costume or two for $10. 5 more slots on 11 servers would run me, what, $220?! Please correct my math if it's wrong, but it looks to me like maxing out your 36 slots on all 11 servers will cost you about $1000.

    Well at least you don't charge $25 per character transfer, like Blizzard. Although, considering the way things are going, who knows what to expect.
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    Smoothing the XP Curve
    One thing that we constantly examine is the rate of advancement in the game. In a future version, we intend to smooth out the leveling curve by changing how much experience is given out for defeating opponents. The intent is to smooth out the "bumps" where players typically get stuck leveling up their characters. Keep an eye on coming patch notes for specifics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is excellent news, thanks very much. I enjoy the game and playing with all of my alts, but sometimes advancement comes so slowly that it drives me to cancel my account.

    WofWCraft is very rarely better than CoH, but Blizzard did come through by speeding up leveling - on top of the already very nice "resting" xp bonus, which is hugely helpful with a load of alts. Here's hoping that CoH comes through again.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Real Numbers
    As a general quality of life improvement we will be adding new functionality in a coming version of the game to display the "real" numbers behind your characters and their powers. This includes a user configurable display of important characteristics such as movement rate, regeneration rate, resistances and many more! Additionally, you will be able to see how those statistics are affected in real time by buffs and/or debuffs affecting your character.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't emphasize enough how much this f*@#&! rawks. Thank you so much. Please give players as much detailed information as you can.

    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    the above items

    [/ QUOTE ]

    please stop using "above" like this
  16. These are fantastic, lots of great work. Just to name only a few, I absolutely love Gemstone (great use of the hands!), and Synapse and BAB look right-on.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    a temporary power that turns them into one of the many popular non-player characters

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love the sound of this, well done. Just off the top of my head I can think of Red Cap, Carnival, Tuatha de Danaan, and various Vahzilok as personal favorites that I'm hoping for.

    If I misread this and this 'trick' really turns you into a pedestrian or one of the big-name NPCs, that's fine too.
  18. "Dave & Busters" is a s*hole, please reconsider. There has got to be a better location for this in the Bay Area.
  19. Dual blades is a disappointing choice to begin with, and the screenshots of teh Drizzt phantasy scimitars only make it worse. Congrats to whoever likes this stuff, but it gets two emphatic thumbs-down from me.
  20. Thank you! I'm doing a celebratory appreciative interpretive dance with my little Positron heroclix, a la Will Ferrell on Conan O'Brien. Happy Birthday Positron . . .
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Only grief I have:

    There is still no system to e-mail drops, salvages, recipes, influence... to another character on the same or another server.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is number one on my wish list - it could even work only for characters on the same server, that'd be fine with me.

    I admit that I haven't seen as much of Issue 9 as I should have, mainly because I've been spending so much time getting money for my lowbie alts by fishing for high-level enhancements at the consignment house with ridiculously low bids. Anything to speed up their progress* and secure their retirement fund - although my morale is suffering from the cheesy nonheroic loopholeishness of the process.

    *that is, whatever progress they might make when (or if) I actually get back to playing with them

    [edit:]And what I've found with my level 50 is that I hate the lack of storage. I can't store enough to really begin to get into crafting, so I just focus on trying to make a few things at a time and throw all the rest at the consignment house, where 95% of the stuff sells for next to nothing... largely because I have no room to wait for things to sell, especially if I want to make any bids at the same time.
  22. I vote for a Tentacles melee powerset - or possibly Body Manipulation. Some famous examples would be Dr. Octopus and Omega Red, and I'd also count Lord Recluse's spiderlegs. Even an elongated version of the Kheldian nova form's "tentacles," for use in melee carnage, would be nice.

    Speaking of Carnage, he and Venom have a sort of tentacle attack, but it's more of an extension of themselves thrusting out from their bodies at victims. Without going overboard and allowing players infinite possibilities a la Plastic Man, or Sandman, or the liquid-metal Terminator (2), you could still come up with a set number of Body Manipulation sort of attacks.

    [Body Weaponry might be a more common term]

    These may be more villain-themed, but lord knows there are plenty of "dark" anti-hero types who'd love this.