Going Rogue vs. Going Rouge
theme song for going rouge.
possibly worse than a rick roll.
you were warned.
Kittens give Morbo gas.
Get that song out of my head!
We get it, you don't like that people misspell.
Ya know... I think the Science Booster takes care of the first part of Going Rouge.... Haha. Tran-sexuals of the world unite!
Ya know... I think the Science Booster takes care of the first part of Going Rouge.... Haha. Tran-sexuals of the world unite!
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I thought i16 was Going Rouge, since we'd be able to recolor our powersets.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Well my satin worshiper definitely will have to go rouge. After all think of that fine red satin and then using your rouge to properly enhance yourself and set the mood.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
List of Invention Guides
On at least one server the name Rouge Angle of Satin is taken.
Gods you know as a dyslexic it's sad that I really can't see the difference 90% of the time. I try, but going letter by letter just to see a very poor pun always hurts a section of my brain.
Sometimes I do wonder what it is like to live in a world where such things matter and context is overridden by pedantic nature.
And bring a certain bat from a dying franchise into the equation at your own risk.
I feel that it's only fair to point out that this was meant to be sarcastic, and even funny. Clearly, as some have posted, that didn't come through the way I intended.
Oh well.
Le sigh.
I have to admit, I'd buy that Going Rouge expansion in a heartbeat.
I consider this to be a useful and entertaining thread, but I want to suggest a few corrections:
[ QUOTE ][*]You can sommon demons.
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sommon -vs- summon
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Brittany -vs- Britney
I prefer the traditional "Brittany" spelling versus the aberrant, degenerate "Britney" version, but the latter is correct in this context.
Sometimes I do wonder what it is like to live in a world where such things matter and context is overridden by pedantic nature.
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Eh, accuracy is important; details matter. We DO live in a world where you will die if you see a sign that says "Mines" and assume it says "Mimes" and walk into a minefield.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Sometimes I do wonder what it is like to live in a world where such things matter and context is overridden by pedantic nature.
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Eh, accuracy is important; details matter. We DO live in a world where you will die if you see a sign that says "Mines" and assume it says "Mimes" and walk into a minefield.
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I'd actually run away faster from a mime field.
It's not like mines are capable of chasing you. Mimes on the other hand...
Sometimes I do wonder what it is like to live in a world where such things matter and context is overridden by pedantic nature.
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Eh, accuracy is important; details matter. We DO live in a world where you will die if you see a sign that says "Mines" and assume it says "Mimes" and walk into a minefield.
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I'd actually run away faster from a mime field.
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Oh come now -- such a thing is unheard-of.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
<ul type="square">[*]You can use your fame and over-the-top personality to garner the attention of millions. You know, like Liberace, Prince, or the [color= orange]Sham-Wow guy[/color].[/list]
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Do you mean Vince... from Slap Chop?
[*]You can sommon demons. [*]You can dual-wield pistols.
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Where exactly was this confirmed? I see people say it all the time, and I would like it, but I have never seen any official confirmation of these, or any other new powersets in Going Rogue.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
It's not like mines are capable of chasing you. Mimes on the other hand...
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You know, it's easy to get the mimes off you. Just put up an invisible box around them.
[*]You can sommon demons. [*]You can dual-wield pistols.
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Where exactly was this confirmed? I see people say it all the time, and I would like it, but I have never seen any official confirmation of these, or any other new powersets in Going Rogue.
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Positron mentioned it during some sort of event around the 5th ani. State of the game, it was semi-confirmed with the trailer for GR/I believe a dev post has pretty much stated it but I dont remember who made it.

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.
[*]You can sommon demons. [*]You can dual-wield pistols.
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Where exactly was this confirmed? I see people say it all the time, and I would like it, but I have never seen any official confirmation of these, or any other new powersets in Going Rogue.
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Positron mentioned it during some sort of event around the 5th ani. State of the game, it was semi-confirmed with the trailer for GR/I believe a dev post has pretty much stated it but I dont remember who made it.
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During a fifth anniversary chat session whose transcript appeared via a fan posting on the euro boards, someone had asked about new powersets. Positron made a remark saying something to the effect "I thought I'd already mentioned Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols."
Then the GR trailer went live. And a week later the press release stated that the two characters in the trailer are a pistols blaster and a demon summoning MM, both with shades of grey morality.
Take what you will from that, but it sounds like a pretty solid couple of hints that both pistols and demon summoning are all but confirmed elements of GR.
Sometimes I do wonder what it is like to live in a world where such things matter and context is overridden by pedantic nature.
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Eh, accuracy is important; details matter. We DO live in a world where you will die if you see a sign that says "Mines" and assume it says "Mimes" and walk into a minefield.
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Actually here is where context matters. See that context part of the line you quoted? If I saw a sign that said "Warning mime field" I would think "You know that's quite silly, we don't really have such a thing as mime fields, they probably meant mines." and even if my cation was wrong I'd be safe, meanwhile the pedantic sort would snort "Well I'm not afraid of mimes" and get his butt blown off.
Yeah context is a great thing.
[*]You can sommon demons. [*]You can dual-wield pistols.
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Where exactly was this confirmed? I see people say it all the time, and I would like it, but I have never seen any official confirmation of these, or any other new powersets in Going Rogue.
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Positron mentioned it during some sort of event around the 5th ani. State of the game, it was semi-confirmed with the trailer for GR/I believe a dev post has pretty much stated it but I dont remember who made it.
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During a fifth anniversary chat session whose transcript appeared via a fan posting on the euro boards, someone had asked about new powersets. Positron made a remark saying something to the effect "I thought I'd already mentioned Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols."
Then the GR trailer went live. And a week later the press release stated that the two characters in the trailer are a pistols blaster and a demon summoning MM, both with shades of grey morality.
Take what you will from that, but it sounds like a pretty solid couple of hints that both pistols and demon summoning are all but confirmed elements of GR.
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Does anyone have a link to this press release? I can't find it.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
Does anyone have a link to this press release? I can't find it.
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First link that showed up in google after entering the terms "Going, Rogue, Press and Release." Imagine that!
Press Release
From the third paragraph:
Going Rogue will also introduce two primary new fictional characters representative of this alignment shift in the game's lore: Maelstrom, a pistol-wielding hero gone rogue, and Desdemona, a demon-summoning villain who has been redeemed. (emphasis added)
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Okay folks. Let's clear some things up.
Going Rogue
<ul type="square">[*]You can switch loyalties, from good to evil, or vice versa.[*]You can be a spy, using your abilities to work undercover.[*]You can be a vigilante. You don't feel that heroes are working on the right jobs, so you take it onto your own shoulders to do the jobs that need to be done, by whatever means necessary.[*]You can sommon demons. [*]You can dual-wield pistols. [/list]
Going Rouge
<ul type="square">[*]You can don a fabulous costume that makes you appear to be the opposite gender.[*]You can use your fame and over-the-top personality to garner the attention of millions. You know, like Liberace, Prince, or the Sham-Wow guy.[*]You can be anything you want to be, as long as it gains you the adoration of millions. And interviews. There's no such thing as bad press. You are, after all, a superstar. [*]You can summon your loyal entourage. These merely weep and scream "LEAVE BRITTANY ALONE!" at their foes.[*]You can dual-wield your cellphone and teacup chihuahua. [/list]
Get it? Rogues are those who've switched loyalties. Rouge, on the other hand, is makeup.
Class dismissed.