Going Rogue - must have list




5 more costume slots.
Rikti EAT, with the whole side swapping, Traditionalist/Restructurist arcs.


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The ability for Rogue/Vigilante Characters to travel freely between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles... or at the very least the ability to be a "Good Guy" in the Rogue Isles and a "Bad Guy" in Paragon. (Which I think is one of the main points of the expansion...)

Some costume tweaks (My Hair does not need to match the band on my hat Jay! D

More information on what the hell the Blood of the Black Stream is...

Oh, and Rikti as an AT would be cool. Coralax too.



I'm expecting it to be a delivery of content on par with CoV, but the only thing on my 'must have' list is Fun.

I'm not concerned how they go about delivering it and prefer to not get too caught up anticipating this or that specific feature.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Must have NEW **** to do.
Must have ALOT of NEW **** to do.

If it has new **** for me to do, I will be really really happy.



I agree with the mentions of new epic archetypes like Rikti or Coralax. I would personally love to play a Mu. Same for Carnies, Freakshow (anything from tank to meat doctor), Banished Pantheon, Malta, you name it. If you're not going to add any more depth to the set-in-stone 9-tier powersets, and if new ATs aren't going to expand much beyond something like a new minion (demon) for MM, or two guns for blasters instead of just one, then you might as well expand the game by opening up new epic ATs.

I've really enjoyed the villain EATs. Just got a crab spider to 50 today, almost there with a night widow, and plan to keep playing the bane spider, fortunata, and plain old Arachnos soldier to 50 also.



God, this is going to be a LONG two weeks until the reveals at Hero-con.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
Option to make more muscular women in costume editor, with bulky arms
Cutscenes in MA, using external sources (like youtube videos)
Youtube videos eh? Inb4rickroll.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Must have NEW **** to do.
Must have ALOT of NEW **** to do.

If it has new **** for me to do, I will be really really happy.
Agreed? Wow.



1. Lots (and LOTS) of new mission tilesets/maps/artwork

2a. SGs that add/use global names instead of char/toon names...that way you can have 75 global names/accounts in an SG and not have to worry about everyone's 5th alt getting to join the SG

2b. Along the same lines, if I'm in a SG with my global name/account, and I make a new toon, it should automatically have my new toon in the SG...again, that way I don't have to wait for someone to invite me to the SG.
2c. If that's not possible, then have the ability to invite yourself to the SG (without the toon being online).

3. More free character slots

4. More powersets

5. A power like the Ouro portal that has the ability to go to all zones that you are able to get to (with the same time recharge (5 mins))...or just make Ouro portals allow access to all zones....

6. A WW/BM merchant/computer item that you can put in your SG's base

7. Trainer & difficulty changing NPCs that you can place in your SG's base

8. A power (that everyone gets for free) that shows you where the last hostage/glowie is (as well as the last mob in the defeat all missions) that recharges in 60 seconds

9. The ability to send yourself (or a toon) IOs, recipes, enhancements, salvage and/or the ability to store them in an SG bin of some sort so that you can get to it without having to wait for people to transfer back and forth

10. More costume pieces


11. Hero/Villain market merge

12. Having the devs go back in all of the old CoH content and having all of the contacts give their phone number out after the 1st completed mission (or at least after the 2nd or 3rd mission)....even TF/Trial contacts.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by MageX View Post
What do you think it must have ?
What is advertised when all of the information is released. I expect nothing more and will accept nothing less.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Must have NEW **** to do.
Must have ALOT of NEW **** to do.

If it has new **** for me to do, I will be really really happy.
Well, if new superhero **** is your thing, there's a whole pile of it on the other side of the fence

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I don't know what fence you are on, but it's not the same fence that I am on.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
What is advertised when all of the information is released. I expect nothing more and will accept nothing less.
I heard the box says GR is a life changing experience, and will set in motion a new age of enlightenment for the whole world - it's between the side switching system and the new end game content on the features list on the back.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I don't know what fence you are on, but it's not the same fence that I am on.
I don't sit on any fences

I sometimes jump them on my horse though

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
What is advertised when all of the information is released. I expect nothing more and will accept nothing less.
Is this a new sentiment for you? just curious cause I don't personally put a lot of stock even with what the box says since CoV...



1)the GR costume creator must allow me to make fat toons, I want a hero with a potbelly, I want a villain that is horribly obese.

2)GR must ship with a toggle that caps my run speed and stops my hips from swinging side to side so much. call it a walk toggle.

3)increase the number of character slots per server.



9. The ability to send yourself (or a toon) IOs, recipes, enhancements, salvage and/or the ability to store them in an SG bin of some sort so that you can get to it without having to wait for people to transfer back and forth
You can already do that with enhancements (IO or otherwise) using an enhancements table and you can use the salvage racks for salvage transfers. Recipes are still untransferable as yet, but here's hoping.

I'm kinda with the endgame group on this one. I love the game, I really do, but even I have to admit that the number of events for higher level players is miniscule. What's more frustrating is that virtually all of the content revolves around the same thing -- beating enemies up. I'll grant you that thats really what the whole game is about to an extent, heroes versus villains and all, but even heroes need to take a break for more leisurely pursuits now and then.

I've had a few endgame ideas milling around for a while and since the population is steadily becoming more dominated by the level fifties, it would be nice to see something like them implemented.

[1] Gambling minigames at the Golden Giza.
Play simple games like Poker or Blackjack by betting with merits. The higher the stakes, the higher the rewards. Unique badges could be awarded as well as gambling accolades if you're exceptionally lucky.

[2] Duelist arena.
Not a PvP arena as the name suggests, but a custom battle against an opponent of your choice. You select the team size, the enemy (or enemies) to battle, and have at them. This differs from MA in that all opponents will be scaled as if they were player characters. This means archvillains will have considerably less HP, but by the same token the minions you battle are now considerably tougher. You can also set personal handicaps and will receive special awards for winning battles when the odds are stacked against you.

[3] Special escort mission
Lead a small band of non-combat NPCs to their destination across the zone while fending them off from predatory villains. You will be exemplared down appropriate to the villains in the zone for the duration of the mission, you cannot be affected by players outside of the team (heals etc) and you no longer have the option to visit the hospital. Ressurection works fine, as long as there is at least 1 active team member alive, but should all members fall the mission is failed. All restrictions are lifted if a player either exits the team (cannot rejoin) or manages to get the targets to their destination.

Anyway, just a couple of ideas I had kicking around. I'm sure the devs could come up with far better pursuits. I'm just after a few more events to involve myself in. This really is a great game, but it needs more things to do besides the obvious.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
3. More free character slots
I'm hoping for this too, but also expecting that it'll happen. The last expansion gave us more slots. Though, to be fair, it also gave new archetypes and a whole new world. But this new expansion will have a new world, and we don't know about archetypes. All I know is I'm full at the moment with around 25 characters and already plan to make at least two new characters when GR hits. Probably more if there's more than just Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning waiting for us.

I think GR would be a good time to up to 48 slots per server, and give everyone who buys it about 4 (give or take) free slots to experience the new stuff with. Would rake in some dough for all the people who would start buying past the current 36 limit.

5. A power like the Ouro portal that has the ability to go to all zones that you are able to get to (with the same time recharge (5 mins))...or just make Ouro portals allow access to all zones....
Travel is already getting a lot easier, with jetpacks and all the ways to get to other zones. Some zones are still irritating to get to though, especially blueside. I also hate having to memorize what zones each method (Pocket D, Cim, Oro) goes to. Would be nice to offer more universal travel options.

6. A WW/BM merchant/computer item that you can put in your SG's base

7. Trainer & difficulty changing NPCs that you can place in your SG's base
And a tailor. Maybe like a computer you can use to access Icon's online store!

9. The ability to send yourself (or a toon) IOs, recipes, enhancements, salvage and/or the ability to store them in an SG bin of some sort so that you can get to it without having to wait for people to transfer back and forth
A mail system like WoW has would be very nice and convenient. It wouldn't allow us to do anything we can't already do, just with fewer steps.

10. More costume pieces
This one probably goes without saying since I doubt they'd launch an expansion without new stuff. However, I do have high expectations for both the quality and quantity of new parts considering how quiet Jay's been lately, and since they hired another artist girl.

11. Hero/Villain market merge
I feel as though it may be a must-have once we can switch sides at will. What would happen to all your stuff on the market otherwise? But I agree it's about time they were joined.

12. Having the devs go back in all of the old CoH content and having all of the contacts give their phone number out after the 1st completed mission (or at least after the 2nd or 3rd mission)....even TF/Trial contacts.
Especially those damn patron contacts!! It would also be nice to revisit some older content and cut down on some of the mindless hunts and zone-switching. Redside did its best to avoid all the "hunt 75 x in another zone, then come back here and be sent to another zone" stuff. And newer content is less annoying. It makes old content too bothersome to play.

I'd like to add this to the list:

Some uniformity and balance between hero/villain accolades. Especially since the recent tweak, redside accolades are a lot easier to earn. Hero ones are very time-consuming and grindy. I've never earned Task Force Commander (because it requires you to do half a dozen full Task Forces) or Eye of the Magus (because of illusionist decoys). I've only earned Portal Jockey (because of all the AV fights) and Geas of the Kind Ones (...all the requirements really) once.

Whereas I have no trouble getting any of the HP/end accolades on all villains (although Marshall takes more work, but at least it's only 1/2 a TF instead of a full one or SIX of them). Magus is easy to get, and even Force of Nature wasn't that hard, although it did require a day's worth of grinding out mayhems. Still nothing compared to some of the hero accolades.

And if when we side switch, we have to re-earn those accolades on the side we're on? My widow is not going to be very happy at all.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Oh, almost forgot

Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of new mission maps (retroactively fitted to old content too)

Always remember, we were Heroes.



This list is getting kinda off track...

This list is for Going Rogue... not a wishlist for all the stuff they should have add to Villains but didnt over the past 2 years =p Stay on track people!



Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
Option to make more muscular women in costume editor, with bulky arms
That alone would be enough for me.

Add to that new ATs and/or new powersets, a few new zones and the mandatory extra costume bits, and I'll have everything I want.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My dream would be for at least ten new entirely original mission maps to be designed and put into the game where usable. Museums, hotels, mansions, old subway lines, shopping malls. Anything to spare me from another office or warehouse crawl. Maybe give more factions their own base maps, like a Devoured Earth old, overgrown greenhouse, or a Sky Raider base, or a Nemesis base filled with golden pistons and gears in constant movement.

I don't see the point in adding new zones, they're useless. They've been useless since XP was adjusted to favor running missions instead of street hunting, and the newspaper/radio missions and Aeon Entertainment just twisted the knife more. Any further zone work should be used for adding more features and updates to the zones that are already in the game, or only for zones which are completely conceptually impossible with the current zones. Space stations, Cyberspace, Underwater, Medieval fantasy dimensions. On second thought, you could just use those as more mission maps.



LONGSHOT HOPE: A complete graphic overhaul

REALISTIC HOPE: Everything they've already promised.



Another vote for more slots.

Larger bio space; after all, many people will want to explain why their hero/villain went to the other side without erasing the rest of the bio.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I want end-game freakin content!!!!