I16 Closed Beta




Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
*waits quietly and hopefully for an invite*

To those who get in, happy bug hunting. Don't forget, if something breaks in a REALLY funny way, film it and save it for the NDA to get lifted, then post it! (Like when shields first broke and you were swinging around the neutral green starting figures on your arms.)

I'm doing the same at this point. I loved being a part of the I14 CB, and would like to do so again for I16. Got all kinds of things I want to try and break.



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
For five years, when they've added new powersets, you could see them in the character creator as soon as they went to test, open or closed.
But you couldn't use them. You couldn't even see what they looked like. You could read descriptions.
Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
For three-plus years, we've been able to see proliferated powersets as soon as they went to test, open or closed.
But you couldn't use them. You couldn't even see what they looked like. You could read descriptions.

I'm sure you see the pattern developing already. As many others have already pointed out, in this case the character generator is the issue (mostly). Why should you be able to use the defining feature of this issue? You couldn't in all those other issues, unless you were part of the beta. Why should you be able to see all the cool new stuff in action? You couldn't in all those other issues, unless you were part of the beta. You can read descriptions, just like you did with all those other issues, unless you were part of the beta.

Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
... offending who knows how many thousands of customers who were expecting to enjoy at least a brief look at the new features list ...
It just so happens there's a "brief look" right here. Has been for a couple of weeks now.

I'm disappointed too, believe me. I was looking forward to logging onto Test and spending a good long while playing with the new character generator. But the fact is, I'm not a beta tester, so there's no good reason, besides my own desire for it, for me to be allowed to to do that. And now there's something enforcing that. Guess I'll wait like everyone else who isn't a beta tester.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
BAB knew full well that beta was starting today when he gave the general direction beta should go in that post. Don't try to say that he posted that in ignorance and didn't know the game plan for beta.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by Ecliptix View Post
Looks like they replaced CP with a new power called Energize. EDIT: This is across all versions... Tanker, Scrapper, Brute, and even Stalker... numbers below are for the Tanker version

Instead of a ~120% end discount like the brute version, it has a 60% end discount, but a 100% regeneration increase and a hefty heal (468 HP @ level 50 unenhanced) The end discount and regeneration buff last 30 seconds, and the power recharges in 2 minutes. Doesnt look like there's a crash or anything. No word if the recharge time is unenhanceable like SoW.
Sounds very cool. Might actually play my brute again.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Ya know, I think us 60+ monthers deserve closed beta slots. I've been around for nearly 63 months, and I've yet to get a single invite to a closed bet. That 'other' game gave me one...but the game I have been so loyal to the past 5 years? Something seems backwards there:P



Originally Posted by FightingCanadian View Post
Ya know, I think us 60+ monthers deserve closed beta slots. I've been around for nearly 63 months, and I've yet to get a single invite to a closed bet. That 'other' game gave me one...but the game I have been so loyal to the past 5 years? Something seems backwards there:P
We are getting spots in Going Rogue's beta. Good enough for me.

NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations



Originally Posted by FightingCanadian View Post
Ya know, I think us 60+ monthers deserve closed beta slots. I've been around for nearly 63 months, and I've yet to get a single invite to a closed bet. That 'other' game gave me one...but the game I have been so loyal to the past 5 years? Something seems backwards there:P
+ Agreement.



There are quite a few people who've been around for launch - I'd be willing to bet there are more of them than there are slots for even the largest closed betas.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by FightingCanadian View Post
Ya know, I think us 60+ monthers deserve closed beta slots. I've been around for nearly 63 months, and I've yet to get a single invite to a closed bet. That 'other' game gave me one...but the game I have been so loyal to the past 5 years? Something seems backwards there:P
Ditto. Sorrowfully, I have 0 interest in just packing up and moving my stuff to a new house when I just spent 5 peaceful years living here with good flat-mates, so I wouldn't glimpse a gander under their bodice if I were paid as well for my time.

This, I would burn out my retina's testing.

No harm, no foul. I will get this feature, it is only a matter of time. I don't /bug everything I see when I do test if I know it has been brought up, what would the point be? I really don't push things to see where they break on test, I play in the same casual way I do on live to see if there is anything obvious that would require attention. I am not a "Game Breaker", a "min-Maxer", or a "Meta-gamer". I am not really the target testing demographic. In short, I am diligent, but not resolute. I assume that is why I never receive a closed invite, and I understand completely.

Let's just hope that since this is a mostly cosmetic issue, that little bugs will be found and I16 makes it's way to live in record time. I needs to color up some stuffs!


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Roswell View Post
But you couldn't use them. You couldn't even see what they looked like. You could read descriptions.

But you couldn't use them. You couldn't even see what they looked like. You could read descriptions.

I'm sure you see the pattern developing already. As many others have already pointed out, in this case the character generator is the issue (mostly). Why should you be able to use the defining feature of this issue? You couldn't in all those other issues, unless you were part of the beta. Why should you be able to see all the cool new stuff in action? You couldn't in all those other issues, unless you were part of the beta. You can read descriptions, just like you did with all those other issues, unless you were part of the beta.
What about that coolio issue with the whole weapon customization? They didn't lock out non-closed people for that, did they?



well, this is a little disappointing, but not huge, i already saw the zek videos, and am really happy about the elec armor changes, so in total its not that bad, and its not like im bereft of other games to play at the moment, so i'll live. I do wish we had been told about this a bit sooner, given that myself and several others in the comics con threads had mentioned wanting to do use the non closed beta functionality it would have been nice at the time for someone to have let us know not to get our hopes up. but again, my main brute is an ss/elec, so overall, im quite happy.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
*waits quietly and hopefully for an invite*

To those who get in, happy bug hunting. Don't forget, if something breaks in a REALLY funny way, film it and save it for the NDA to get lifted, then post it! (Like when shields first broke and you were swinging around the neutral green starting figures on your arms.)

You know, the best part about this whole debacle is seeing that they didn't just let in all of the Hero-Con goers because they happen to say hello for the weekend.

Honestly, I really hope that the whole one server idea doesn't lead to instance-land. Two hour ques for WAR are one of the three things that turned me off to the game (A total crap endgame and really stupid Devs that make Emmert look like Mr. Personality being the other two.).

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Seriously, if CoH adopts CO's version of a single server system, I might as well play CO.

It's one thing that really turns me off from CO. That and they have no atlas park, where you can socialize right out of character creation.



Is there someplace I can find the patch notes for the beta?



Originally Posted by SuburbanHell View Post
Is there someplace I can find the patch notes for the beta?
No there is not, to the best of my knowledge.

They do not release closed beta notes to the general public. To the best of my understanding there is a super-secret section of these forums that only closed beta people have access to. This is where the CLOSED beta notes are posted. As soon as it hits OPEN beta, you will be able to see them.

This is all speculation >.>



My problem with closed is it generates the perception of an elitist club. I am not sure that is the case, but perception is reality in many cases. This step seems to further that appearance.

As I have said in the past, it is pretty easy to tell who gets in, because those who make 20+ posts a day, all of a sudden are only making 4 or 5 on the open boards. It seems to be the same names every time, and that dosen't help the elitist perception.

I took a few months off to start 2 business that I run from home. I didn't expect to get into closed because of that, but was looking forward to taking a gander at the creator in my free time (of which there is very little). I think a large public announcement that the creator is closed would have been a better idea. As it was, I had to dig for Bab's post on why. I am not sure why, but the Dev digest is still not listing posts correctly for me (if you know how to fix this, please PM me).

I look forward to getting in, and I hope at some point ALL of the closed testers are cycled out. I do look forward to a spot in going rogue if 60+ months is the ticket. Kinda kicking myself for not keeping my sub going those few months, but money was needed elsewhere.

Good luck to all of you who are in, and I hope we get a nice minimal bug live release because of your efforts.

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Originally Posted by Nights_Eclipse View Post
No there is not, to the best of my knowledge.

They do not release closed beta notes to the general public. To the best of my understanding there is a super-secret section of these forums that only closed beta people have access to. This is where the CLOSED beta notes are posted. As soon as it hits OPEN beta, you will be able to see them.

This is all speculation >.>
This is how previous betas worked. See the issue 15 development sections on the forums? Those are from the last open beta. Usually they have similar for each beta, just hidden and locked out for the non-participants during closed beta. The patch notes will be in those sections once they show up, though I think they exclude the ones from during closed.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
What about that coolio issue with the whole weapon customization? They didn't lock out non-closed people for that, did they?
Also: Every issue that had new costume parts.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Also: Every issue that had new costume parts.
Don't forget the real numbers system. Along with any issue that had new power sets. We could at least briefly look over the powers in character creator.



Originally Posted by DarkSpade View Post
Very convenient that the server queue code change gets applied at a time when the unanointed and unwashed masses (among whom I miserably count myself) will most want to get a look at character creation, as we have been able to do during every closed beta so far. Timing, as they say, is everything ...
That's right, it's all a conspiracy against the common man and unwashed masses. This sort of thing should only be tested during Double XP weekend, when it has the possibility of crippling the most players. But at least then, the downtrodden won't be trampled under foot by so many elitist players and sycophants



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Nope. Opposite.

Only players who are in the closed beta will be able to log into any part of the training room, including the character creator.

For the rest of you, we hope you can be patient and understanding. Hopefully we'll be able to get through closed beta very quickly, but there's still a number of known issues, crash bugs, etc. that we want to get ironed out before opening the floodgates.
Oh hell, like that's stopped you guys from pushing to live before.


I wonder why you guys can't stick to the SUPER SPECIAL TREAT: CLOPEN BETA like with issue 15? Something the matter with letting everyone in to test now that wasn't present in issue 15? What's the big deal?

Basically they're admitting that I15 sucked long and hard as it did not warrant the need to lockout a big group of the population for its "closed beta" test.

As for this magical queue thing, I might be wrong, but I didn't notice any of the servers going red during dub xp weekend. I DID notice the server virtually taking a **** the last day, however, maybe you guys should focus on making sure that doesn't happen again.



Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
Oh hell, like that's stopped you guys from pushing to live before.


I wonder why you guys can't stick to the SUPER SPECIAL TREAT: CLOPEN BETA like with issue 15? Something the matter with letting everyone in to test now that wasn't present in issue 15? What's the big deal?

Basically they're admitting that I15 sucked long and hard as it did not warrant the need to lockout a big group of the population for its "closed beta" test.
The major features of I15 were a new task force, a new strike force, and some tweaks to the MA. None of those were major enough to warrant closed beta testing, especially with an issue so minor compared to I14 before it and I16 after it.

EDIT: Lol at the tags for this thread.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
The major features of I15 were a new task force, a new strike force, and some tweaks to the MA. None of those were major enough to warrant closed beta testing, especially with an issue so minor compared to I14 before it and I16 after it.

EDIT: Lol at the tags for this thread.
Right Right! But we have to elminate the noise, from all the people testing the SF/TF! Maybe having a real CB would've ensured that the SF wasn't busted when it came out, or the LRSF. Maybe...just maybe (nah it wouldn't).

They're still retarded for throwing up this magical queue patch to lock out everyone who's not in CB.

Really? We need to implement this queue patch not? Freedom gets 3 reds/day? Really? When's the next time we're going to have double xp? Next month? Must be if this is such a high priority.

Hmmmm, when's the next (better) time they could probably test this magical queue patch? Hmmm, **** ****! I know! How about you test it during Going Rogue's Closed beta! That's something people who aren't in the closed beta wouldn't be able to access anyways (IE char creator, since its an expansion). Sounds like that would be a good time to test it, instead of now, right?

Alas, it is lost on them.



Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
Right Right! But we have to elminate the noise, from all the When's the next time we're going to have double xp? Next month? Must be if this is such a high priority.
Actually we do get another 2XP weekend with the release of I16, simply because that last 2XP weekend just kept heaping technical difficulties.

And just to stay on topic:

Oh woe is me! I have to wait like an entire month before I can toy with some new feature! Whatever shall I do!

Me Now Generation indeed...



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Actually we do get another 2XP weekend with the release of I16, simply because that last 2XP weekend just kept heaping technical difficulties.

And just to stay on topic:

Oh woe is me! I have to wait like an entire month before I can toy with some new feature! Whatever shall I do!

Me Now Generation indeed...
We do? Where, show me.