I16 Closed Beta






It would seem even Beta Testers can't get in, based on the last comment.

I need to figure out how to post a link as text on this new forum. Oh well.



Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post


It would seem even Beta Testers can't get in, based on the last comment.

I need to figure out how to post a link as text on this new forum. Oh well.
[ url = URL HERE ] text here [ /url ]

Remove the spaces inside the brackets, those are just to keep the stupid system from automatically trying to convert the above to a link (the code /code doesn't work in this case). You have to do it by hand on this board - it doesn't provide a nifty shortcut like the old one did.

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Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
This is why we can't have nice things
But we CAN have pink energy blasts Thanks to you! YAY!



Originally Posted by FightingCanadian View Post
Ya know, I think us 60+ monthers deserve closed beta slots. I've been around for nearly 63 months, and I've yet to get a single invite to a closed bet. That 'other' game gave me one...but the game I have been so loyal to the past 5 years? Something seems backwards there:P
You didn't get an invite to the CoV closed beta? I know that worked largely like the GR beta will, in that it seemed that people were given closed beta slots for having been long-term subscribers.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I am able to get to server selection, but when I click on the test server, it says "Disconnected from server DB".... You might want to have that looked at. I sincerely doubt I have a closed beta invite, so I thought I'd give you a heads up on this, considering you said "you should not be able to get to server selection."

Possible bug there.

"The One"
yeah mine is the same way. previously it would say "this account doesn't have access to the test server at this time due to the issue x closed beta blah blah", but now it's just saying "lost connection to dbserver" when i click training room.

⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃
@6X - Arc IDs: 9882



Originally Posted by sixecks View Post
yeah mine is the same way. previously it would say "this account doesn't have access to the test server at this time due to the issue x closed beta blah blah", but now it's just saying "lost connection to dbserver" when i click training room.
I get the exact same result. It's the ultimate hope-smasher.

...Trying again...

Lol, now I get "You must fill out the account and password fields to log in to your account!" when I click the training room.

This --> linky <-- pretty much sums up how the message makes me feel. Le sigh.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
You didn't get an invite to the CoV closed beta? I know that worked largely like the GR beta will, in that it seemed that people were given closed beta slots for having been long-term subscribers.
I know I'm not. And I'll be out of town after today. So no trying until next week.

And there's nothing in that 'loyalty reward' that states you will be first wave closed beta (more likely last or 2nd to the last wave before open beta, I bet.)

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
I know I'm not. And I'll be out of town after today. So no trying until next week.

And there's nothing in that 'loyalty reward' that states you will be first wave closed beta (more likely last or 2nd to the last wave before open beta, I bet.)
For some reason that first sentence doesn't make sense to me. I was mentioning the City of Villains closed beta from way back when.

The 'loyalty program' folks will be getting in the second 'tier' of beta, that's folks who keep their accounts active from 8-15 to 11-15 (along with a shiny badge). Players who have more than 60 months of time will be in the first 'tier' of closed beta. That's just information from the announcement they made while the forums were down the other week. Over here.

To me that first tier seems like what they did for the CoV beta, where people were getting invited to the closed beta in waves that seemed largely dependant on how long they'd had their accounts open (I think I got in on the first or second one of those things). That was the closed beta that immediately followed the whole 'friends and family' beta.

I would imagine that the subscription length folks will be in much earlier than the second wave before open beta myself.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
To me that first tier seems like what they did for the CoV beta, where people were getting invited to the closed beta in waves that seemed largely dependant on how long they'd had their accounts open (I think I got in on the first or second one of those things). That was the closed beta that immediately followed the whole 'friends and family' beta.

I would imagine that the subscription length folks will be in much earlier than the second wave before open beta myself.
I'm not sure how it worked for anyone else, but as far as I can tell I've never been invited to any closed betas, and I've been playing CoH off and on since CoH final beta, minus one month when I closed my subscription. I have a tendency to keep emails too, and I've searched my email box and found either all or most of the emails I have regarding CoH, all the way back to March 2005 (some older are possibly archived from a previous windows install). None were regarding beta invites. The way I got into the CoV beta? Fileplanet. I might have gotten in after that by preordering CoV, but I can't quite remember at the moment.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Wow, so the devs want to give us a bunch of new proliferated sets, a new power set, then let us level them from 1-50 over 3 days? They're more "dee dee dee" then I thought!



Originally Posted by Cende View Post
[ url = URL HERE ] text here [ /url ]

Remove the spaces inside the brackets, those are just to keep the stupid system from automatically trying to convert the above to a link (the code /code doesn't work in this case). You have to do it by hand on this board - it doesn't provide a nifty shortcut like the old one did.
Yes it does provide the ability. Go to your User CP (Upper right corner of the page), click on Edit Options (in the column on the right side of the page), and at the bottom of that page, under Miscellaneous Options, set your Message Editor Interface to either Standard or Enhanced, then Save your settings at the bottom of the page. For the record, if you really want to know about how things work on the board, you could try reading the FAQ, where they have information like this.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
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Originally Posted by Hellguard_NA View Post
Lol, BAB tweeted about my article on MMOsite (here) about why CoH should be worried about CO. It appears he missed the previous article on why I think CoH will hold its own just fine though (linked in my signature).
Oh that was you! There has been much speculation on other threads about the author's identity.


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I am sorry if this is cross posting but I need some help. I am having a problem here. In the past when I was not part of closed beta I always got the following message that bascially said the following IIRC. "Your account has not been flagged for closed beta." But now when I get to the log in screen.

Type in my password I get to the page where the training server shows up. I click on the training server and after about thirty seconds I get a message that says Lost connection to DBserver. Is this the new way of telling players that they are not part of closed beta? If it is then it is a strange way of telling us.

Ebony Fists: Level 50 DM/Regen Scrapper, Gloom Piston Robotics/Dark mastermind level 34, QueenFireMare: Level 34 Fire blaster (pure fire),



I figured I'd throw this on the fire....

So a friend of mine got invited to Closed Beta for Issue 16.

They haven't played the game since the Free Week, and hadn't paid for an account for a long time before that, and have no intentions of coming back.

Evidently Comic Con go-ers and people who aren't even interested in this game anymore get a free ride.



Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
I figured I'd throw this on the fire....

So a friend of mine got invited to Closed Beta for Issue 16.

They haven't played the game since the Free Week, and hadn't paid for an account for a long time before that, and have no intentions of coming back.

Evidently Comic Con go-ers and people who aren't even interested in this game anymore get a free ride.
Hmmmmmm that is very interesting........

I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04

"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5



Originally Posted by Hellguard_NA View Post
(It's funny how one-sided some people think everything should be. I write an article about how CoH will be fine and get insulted and told about how great CO will be. I write an article about how CO might give CoH a run for its money and then I get accused of being overly negative about CoH. )
Some of the comments I saw in those threads actually kind of scare me. It's scary how some folks can come across as near-zealots for just a game.

Granted, I'm more than a little pro-CoH personally, but the game has its flaws and I'll certainly acknowledge them.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
Wow, so the devs want to give us a bunch of new proliferated sets, a new power set, then let us level them from 1-50 over 3 days? They're more "dee dee dee" then I thought!
You had better be hit with the ban hammer for referencing Carlos Mencia.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Hellguard_NA View Post
Really? Haven't been keeping up with the forums as much since they switched. I'll hafta seek 'em out.

(It's funny how one-sided some people think everything should be. I write an article about how CoH will be fine and get insulted and told about how great CO will be. I write an article about how CO might give CoH a run for its money and then I get accused of being overly negative about CoH. )
I read both articles and thought they were both good.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post

This is why we can't have nice things
Come on now, Giant Pancakes is pretty good.

(weird, quoting the tag cloud broke it.)



Originally Posted by Justice_Blues View Post
Originally Posted by Cende View Post
Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
I need to figure out how to post a link as text on this new forum. Oh well.
[ url= URL HERE ] text here [/url]

Remove the spaces inside the brackets, those are just to keep the stupid system from automatically trying to convert the above to a link (the code /code doesn't work in this case). You have to do it by hand on this board - it doesn't provide a nifty shortcut like the old one did.
Yes it does provide the ability. Go to your User CP (Upper right corner of the page), click on Edit Options (in the column on the right side of the page), and at the bottom of that page, under Miscellaneous Options, set your Message Editor Interface to either Standard or Enhanced, then Save your settings at the bottom of the page. For the record, if you really want to know about how things work on the board, you could try reading the FAQ, where they have information like this.
Oddly enough, I had previously set the message editor interface to enhanced. I'm replying, in fact, with the enhanced editor interface.

And when I click on the insert link button, I get a form to fill in the link. Once the form is filled in, and "okay" is clicked, the link is inserted, but no form or box is provided to insert text for the link - the link is just placed into the reply.

Now, I happen to be using Firefox. There might remotely be a different option under IE. Regardless, however, I suggest you look under "insert link" in your darling FAQ and see what you come up with for an answer (hint: there isn't one).

Perhaps the standard editor actually does provide a text box, where the enhanced does not. I cannot answer that.

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Write your text first, then highlight it and click the insert link button .



Just hope that the "que" feature will be like this. You login (pass the que) choose our server and your character... play abit and then when you feel the urge to alt. You log out of your char and gets to the characters on your server (No entering the entire password and waiting in que again).

Else for me, looking for the tidbits of news (I look forward to the Dev Tracker), try to follow the discussion and looking for news of when the Beta will hit the EU server (no info so far).

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Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
I figured I'd throw this on the fire....

So a friend of mine got invited to Closed Beta for Issue 16.

They haven't played the game since the Free Week, and hadn't paid for an account for a long time before that, and have no intentions of coming back.

Evidently Comic Con go-ers and people who aren't even interested in this game anymore get a free ride.
I beg to differ. I went to Comic-Con and met everyone there, and still don't have a beta invite. Sorry to burst your bubble there.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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