I16 Closed Beta




Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Just figured it was worth noting that I've never seen anyone ((talk in OOC quotes)) on any other server, much less in local or broadcast. I've also never seen Pocket D populated by people who aren't just passing through on any other server. Virtue is different. It's not hard to notice it.
It happens on Infinity too when us roleplayers are out and about (usually on friday and saturday nights)

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
Wow, so the devs want to give us a bunch of new proliferated sets, a new power set, then let us level them from 1-50 over 3 days? They're more "dee dee dee" then I thought!
It IS possible to satisfy you, right? I'm starting to have my doubts here.



I am liking the changes. The earth mastery is really fun and not to mention kick <bleep!> broad sward on stalkers. Now, if only we can have improvements to bases and raids/IoP’s back!




Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
It IS possible to satisfy you, right? I'm starting to have my doubts here.
Sure it is, overall issue 16 looks sweet. Could be better if they rolled back pvp to pre I13, but that'll never happen. (Least we can hope for maybe is an "I12" button for arena...)

I just think that releasing a whole lotta proliferated sets, which means a lot of new toons, and then having a double xp weekend "shortly" or "soon" after is stupid. Why do all the proliferating and work when a lot of people, not all, are going to blow through those levels quick as hell. It's only going to lead to more ******** when "Well I got some prolifs to 50, when can we have some more prolifs dawg?"

You could either push back the double xp weekend, or do something crazy like double up on how much Patrol XP you get. That way the toons you're not playing, since you're most likely playing your new shiney proliferated ones, will accumulate that **** up.

As far as Going Rogue, I'm not sure. Not until this new area is revealed anyways. The whole bit about being able to cross into zones is kinda cool, I guess. But in the end most people are going to end up at the MA doing those missions sooooo, yea. What most people are really going to buy Going Rogue for? The new powersets.

The majority of people will be paying just to get at Dual Pistols, and little else. Hell, I'm pretty damn certain they could throw up Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning as a sort of mini booster. Hell you could probably even make a booster out of EACH, charge like 10-15 bucks, and they would more than likely make some good cash off of that JUST because people want dual pistols so damn bad.

Also, when APB online comes out (if it's good) I will be satisfied then.



Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
I figured I'd throw this on the fire....

So a friend of mine got invited to Closed Beta for Issue 16.

They haven't played the game since the Free Week, and hadn't paid for an account for a long time before that, and have no intentions of coming back.

Evidently Comic Con go-ers and people who aren't even interested in this game anymore get a free ride.
There are a few people I know over on the CO Boards I've been talking to that have been invited too, and haven't had an account active in as many as two years.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
What we've done is instituted a "Queue" server, so that on really busy weekends, Freedom won't be listed as "unavailable" if it is full, it will simply put you into the "next available slot" queue. Hopefully, this will alleviate some of the issues that crop up from the full server problem.
I love you. I will set aside a throne at IRON's SG Master Table, and I will announce to all succeeding generations of IRON heroes and villains that, "This seat is set aside for Castle, in whose light we bask every moment of our waking lives."



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
There are a few people I know over on the CO Boards I've been talking to that have been invited too, and haven't had an account active in as many as two years.
Same. It's quite irritating actually. Someone I know quits regularly, and keeps getting closed beta invites. Which she likes, because she likes to know whether or not she'll want to resub for a few months due to the upcoming content.

Whereas I've not received one, evar. EVAR. Maybe I need to add more drama and quit at random intervals?



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Same. It's quite irritating actually. Someone I know quits regularly, and keeps getting closed beta invites. Which she likes, because she likes to know whether or not she'll want to resub for a few months due to the upcoming content.

Whereas I've not received one, evar. EVAR. Maybe I need to add more drama and quit at random intervals?
I just canceled both of mine, so I'm expecting my invite aaaaaany minute now.

**looks at watch**

I'm waiting.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
CoH does that, and I might as well just go play CO who is already using a stupid "mega-server" environment. It destroys the RP communites of Virtue and pennicle by doing that. If they do, I might as well go play another game that destroyed its RP community before launch, heck at least it looks better.

That would be the dumbest thing NC wound ever have done.

Full stop.
You do know there is no official RP server, right? And while Virtue is an unofficial RP server there ARE people on Virtue (Many People I might add) That opt not to RP but tolerate and even entertain to an extent those that do.

If you do decide to go to CO I won't bother asking you for your stuff. You'll be back in a month to reclaim it. That's a promise.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
[...]And while Virtue is an unofficial RP server there ARE people on Virtue (Many People I might add) That opt not to RP but tolerate and even entertain to an extent those that do[...]

That's a rumor; no such community ever made it to Virtue! The RPers on Virtue don't even tolerate or entertain.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I beg to differ. I went to Comic-Con and met everyone there, and still don't have a beta invite. Sorry to burst your bubble there.

"The One"
The way I understood it, you actually had to go to the NCSoft/CoH BOOTH, and then SIGN UP to be invited to the i16 beta while you were at ComicCon. Just going up there and talking to people wasn't enough, so if you didn't actually sign up, that's why you didn't get an invite.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post

This is why we can't have nice things
Come on, BABs -- you like to be the guy at the party that turns down the stereo? I really don't understand the point of this post, and frankly, don't see any tags in what you quoted that were worthy of it (there is at least one since then that probably deserves getting Modsmacked).

I'm not sure what bothers me about BAB's response: The implication that certain features are withheld or get taken away because we, da playahs, are ... what? Undeserving? Uncouth? Unregimented? Or is it that some folks have taken a feature and used it in a way that wasn't intended: as a vehicle for expression and entertainment? Like others have said, the tags have proven to be one of the more entertaining aspects of this waaah-fest (including some in which I see the barbs pointed in my own direction).

[Note: I'm not advocating rule-breaking behavior, and welcome active Moderators; I guess I'm missing what I saw as satire or just plain hilarity in the thread tags that was violative, such that a Dev responded with an implied threat that tagging would be taken away from us.]

EDIT: BTW, still laughing at "giant pancakes" ...



Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
I just think that releasing a whole lotta proliferated sets, which means a lot of new toons, and then having a double xp weekend "shortly" or "soon" after is stupid. Why do all the proliferating and work when a lot of people, not all, are going to blow through those levels quick as hell. It's only going to lead to more ******** when "Well I got some prolifs to 50, when can we have some more prolifs dawg?"
The only reason they're having DXP shortly or soon after is because the last one blew up so handily, and it's certainly the right thing to do. You can't really have them go inventing a new mechanic (doubling patrol XP) when they already have one (plain old DXP) to use.

Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
What most people are really going to buy Going Rogue for? The new powersets.

The majority of people will be paying just to get at Dual Pistols, and little else. Hell, I'm pretty damn certain they could throw up Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning as a sort of mini booster. Hell you could probably even make a booster out of EACH, charge like 10-15 bucks, and they would more than likely make some good cash off of that JUST because people want dual pistols so damn bad.
Personally, if ALL GR was was DP and Demons, I'd pass on it. DP is cool and all, but the entire reason *I* want GR is that I have characters who, from their very inception (since Jack hinted at GR back when CoV went live) were supposed to be Villains-turned-Heroes or Heroes-Turned-Villains. Purely for Story/RP reasons, THAT'S what I want to do. I'd go so far in fact to suggest that Demons and DP will be available "for free" as i17 (or i18 or whatever) content when GR releases, while the other stuff will be confined to having the pack. I highly doubt the "majority" wants DP and Demons and that's all. At least it's not the case with my friends and I, and any RPer I've spoken with on Virtue.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
You do know there is no official RP server, right? And while Virtue is an unofficial RP server there ARE people on Virtue (Many People I might add) That opt not to RP but tolerate and even entertain to an extent those that do.

If you do decide to go to CO I won't bother asking you for your stuff. You'll be back in a month to reclaim it. That's a promise.
Read the rest of my posts in this thread.

1) I have no plans to go to CO, I said that IF CoH did something as stupid as a mega-server environment I MIGHT as WELL do that, because it's just the same to me at that point, as both games made stupid decisions.

2) I also mentioned a few posts down that there's no official RP server, so I covered that.

3) Trust me, I probably know more about CO than you do, and I agree with your assesment of it, I'll leave it at that.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by DarkSpade View Post
Come on, BABs -- you like to be the guy at the party that turns down the stereo? I really don't understand the point of this post, and frankly, don't see any tags in what you quoted that were worthy of it.
As usual, I think someone missed the humor in BaBs post. He was being his ususal sardonic self, and making a comment that as soon as we all got nice shiney new forums, people starting doing evil, hateful (though perhaps funny) things with the new tagging feature, and that this is why we can't be given new things. As usual, all of BaBs posts have to be read with some degree of sarcastic dry humor in them, for me at least it's implied in everything he posts..that tends to help a bit. The point of his post was to make a joke.

I personally like "condescending sycophants" "dreams crushed", "nerdrage herders" and "overinflated entitlement" :P

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
As usual, I think someone missed the humor in BaBs post. He was being his ususal sardonic self, and making a comment that as soon as we all got nice shiney new forums, people starting doing evil, hateful (though perhaps funny) things with the new tagging feature, and that this is why we can't be given new things. As usual, all of BaBs posts have to be read with some degree of sarcastic dry humor in them, for me at least it's implied in everything he posts..that tends to help a bit. The point of his post was to make a joke.

I personally like "condescending sycophants" "dreams crushed", "nerdrage herders" and "overinflated entitlement" :P
I hope you're right about his intentions -- I enjoy BAB's board sarcasm also but probably just missed it this time.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
The way I understood it, you actually had to go to the NCSoft/CoH BOOTH, and then SIGN UP to be invited to the i16 beta while you were at ComicCon. Just going up there and talking to people wasn't enough, so if you didn't actually sign up, that's why you didn't get an invite.
Wait...what? I was at ComicCon and hung out at the NCSoft booth for quite a while; the only "sign-up" for anything I saw was for the Mission Architect 'Guest Author' program. And that was after I got quizzed about my chars/which servers I play on before I could get the costume code.

Are you thinking of last year's Hero-Con, maybe, where we did have to write down our login info and "sign up" to get into the i13/i14 betas?

ETA: Okay, I love the 'bab 4 president' tag!



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
The way I understood it, you actually had to go to the NCSoft/CoH BOOTH, and then SIGN UP to be invited to the i16 beta while you were at ComicCon. Just going up there and talking to people wasn't enough, so if you didn't actually sign up, that's why you didn't get an invite.
As someone who was actually there, and not just speculating about what was there, ther was no such sign-up. No one at Comic Con is getting preferential treatment for closed beta. This is nothing more than unfounded scuttlebutt and secondhand here-say.



Originally Posted by DarkSpade View Post
I hope you're right about his intentions -- I enjoy BAB's board sarcasm also but probably just missed it this time.
It's almost always missed.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
As someone who was actually there, and not just speculating about what was there, ther was no such sign-up. No one at Comic Con is getting preferential treatment for closed beta. This is nothing more than unfounded scuttlebutt and secondhand here-say.
According to Ghost Falcon, this is true. No one who is participating in the closed beta test for I16 got in because of being at at Comicon.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
According to Ghost Falcon, this is true. No one who is participating in the closed beta test for I16 got in because of being at at Comicon.
Pardon my repost. I am glad to hear that exclusivity wasn't extended to those that attended comicon. However, I do have an issue with inclusitivioty not being extended to 60 month vets. I've been with the game since one month after it's launch, and it's been a heckuva ride since then! I've enjoyed it. But now we are about to embark on a new issue that really makes changes to how you start the game, and Veterans aren't a part of that? (or at least my beta invitation got lost in the mail?)

Mitey Marvel
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
It's almost always missed.
It is indeed missed!
If you'd do it more often, we wouldn't miss it so much!!

(And yeah... that pesky winky face is not a bad follow up to such posts... even though I hate doing it myself)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
According to Ghost Falcon, this is true. No one who is participating in the closed beta test for I16 got in because of being at at Comicon.
Yeah I was at comic con, playing with I-16 and I definitely did NOT get into closed beta.



I whole-heartedly agree!

Loyalist, Resistance, Hero, Villain. All boring, Rogue is where the fun is.
40+ month veteran, and only one 50(+3)
My input/requests is just as good as your as I spend $15 Just like you do.