55 -
Quote:No Hyperbole intended. And are you sure that's what they meant? They're adding.. dark powers to the arctype? Pardon me that's not a huge change. That's just an addition. No wonder I am confused. (It's also been rumored that the melee staff fighting power is coming out with issue 22 and that issue 22 isn't that far off.. but again I am merely goin on rumor here..)You're adding hyperbole to what the Devs said at the time. They said that there was something in the pipes for Dominators, but that they didn't have time to get the animators on it until I22. We now know that it is Dark Control and Dark Assault for Dominators, and a modified version of Dark Miasma for Controllers called Dark Affinity.
I guess that everyone has forgotten. Once upon a time the developers had hinted that there were HUGE changes coming to the dominator archtype. As a matter of fact, it's the reason why there were no power proliferation changes to the archtype the last time around. And yet, all this time there's been no word, no hint, not even a sneak peak of what this huge change is suppose to be?
Has anyone heard anything? -
Well I got a look at the new costume parts for the Fire & Ice set. I know that I am going against the grain here.. but I am not that much of a fan. Everything seems very clunky, the only piece that I was moderately interested in at all were maybe the phoenix wings, but they don't fold like the other wings. Even the Celestial version of wings has a "wing span" version. while the shape is great for them, they look like cardboard.
Don't get me wrong. I am a HUGE FAN of costume pieces. The latest additions of the gunslinger stuff, Circle of Thorns stuff, even the Barbarian stuff has been top notch! They've also feel as if they were more detailed than what this set was. I only spent ONE token because there was nothing else that I liked. And I am confused. It says that the Celestial stuff will be cycled out when Tier 9 VIP rewards are released.. I thought the Fire & Ice set WAS a tier 9 vip reward intended to take it's place? -
This just in! I got off the line yet again with Time Warner support for the third time (I am pretty sure by now they know me. heh)
Now according to this rep, ALL of the regions that have time warner support are indeed experiencing the same slowdown and connectivity issue. Like we couldn't tell that from all the reports here on the forums alone? However, once again they stated that their engineers are working on the problem and will get it fixed as soon as they can.
(that sounds alot like a Soon(tm) in disguise.. )
So. Cards anyone? Well. not online cards. The server would hang.. -
Quote:Well at least you can GET to the game. I just got ahold of time warner again for an update. Just proof that information is spreading as they now report that every region that has time warner is affected and that their engineers are working to try and get things fixed.I can't switch zones without losing the map server. I'm on Time Warner/Road Runner in central NY, and the tracert to the east coast client server is dubious. Anyone else having problems?
... I am soooo asking for credit -
UPDATE! I talked to a live rep yet again. Tho THIS time they told me the following: "We are currently experiencing problems with the "Browsing websites, DNS issues and others" and you will not be able to Browse websites, DNS Issues, Other. Our engineers have been made aware of the problem and are working to resolve it as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience as we work towards a resolution as quickly as possible. I apologize for any inconvenience caused to you."
If you're a time warner customer and you're having difficulty.. call in and ask for credit for the day since the service is not working as intended! It's not much but it's a little off the bill! They said that it will be "resolved as soon as possible". -
Quote:Heh. I am not surprised. You're right tho, it does look like its Chicago! What is strange is that when I tried my tracer route it wouldn't go past 13. I am guessing that the person that works at time warner wasn't doing the traceroute WITH me. Tsk.Funny they had me do the same thing. Told me it was there issue and their engineers were aware of it.
Lets see.. maybe it's time ONE more time to talk to the live rep and get em to report and fix it! heh. -
Okay! UPDATE! I got off the line with Time Warner, after quite a few little tricks which included pinging the site.. and tracerouting all over the continental US it seems.. They seem to think that it's the server for the game. I also tried to call the support line for the game, but it says that they are CLOSED! heh.
I'm not pointing any fingers or anything but the trace route went el smacko kablewey when it got to Dallas.. I am NOT saying that something is down in Dallas, but wow. I went from New York to Chicago to Dallas to.. ::smacks wall::
Of course now when I try to launch the game the launcher at first hiccups, and then it will log me in and HANG at the server selection screen. It is a good day for a movie. A very good day I suppose! I laughed when the time warner lady's suggestion was "try again in a couple of hours". -
You know. I am gonna contact Time Warner live chat one more time and mention this game specifically.. I am not sure how else to contact the game's support.. or if they would even be there on a saturday.. but if it's not Time Warner.. then it's gotta be the server end for COH. Here goes! ::dives into live chat with Time Warner tech support::
well one thing is for sure.. I still can't get the NC Launcher to connect to the actual game. It keeps saying it times out as well. I contacted Time Warner tech support and they of course say that there's no outage in the New York area.. and yet it seems this isn't an isolated incident. AHHH! MUST.. put on SPANDEX!..
Quote:While I can certainly understand your frustration, and believe me there's a lot of us that are frustrated, what I believe we should do most importantly is to remind NC Soft and Paragon Studios that when they "ported" this to the Macintosh, they then brought the game to a community that is going to need support. The only way we GET that support is to be vocal. I will admit it wasn't until mid august that I went and downloaded the Beta client and saw on a whim all of the errors that were going on. I had presumed that it went through testing on the Mac as well as the PC prior to it being released.
This is a MAC. I'm not supposed to have to jack around inside registry settings, make backups of obscure files buried inside of properties, etc. If I wanted to do all of that stuff, I'd stay gaming on my Windows rig.
I'll still play this game but these guys have spoken very loudly and very clearly to me with all of this: Mac is an "optional but not fully supported" gaming client for this game. If you don't want to deal with all the hassles of crashing, see the graphics at modern levels of detail, etc....stick with Windows. Otherwise, here...have this little half-baked melange of code we outsourced to some folks in India on the cheap and be glad we give you anything.
Whether that is the case or not, is speculation. Only the internal testing people will know. However, they have been forthcoming in saying that they know things are broken and that they are going to fix it. (Still I am miffed that the fixes are not rolled into the LIVE publish.. but that's my beef.) My point without sounding too long winded, we're gonna have to roll up our sleeves and become mac proponents to get them to squash these bugs before something like this EVER happens to the mac gaming community again.
I'm a Mac gamer. And I am not going to go away. ::em picket:: -
Quote:Mmm it's not just you at all. I'm already predicting that this particular corner of the forums is going to become quite hot as people get home and want to play.. Still. If you can get the fixes to work, then you can enjoy the game!Maybe it's just me, but does anyone else consider these workarounds to be ridiculous? After a long day of work and a few added hours of school afterwards, the last thing I want to have to do when I try to relax and run a few missions is fumble around with getting the game started.
Quote:heh. Well the support is currently coming from the Mac community! But heck we're all in this together! I'm not one of those geniuses like CuppaManga and Winterminal, but I am happy to help and point out where you can find their cup of genius at!I'm more happy about this then upset! This means the support has an answer. Phew!
Hope it helps you get back to playing! -
Howdy! I'm using 10.6.8 just like you are, and here's how I got the workaorund for it. I have highlighted the line you were looking for, and here's what you should do. First, copy that info.plist to your desktop so you have the original if anything goes wonky. Then.. open the plist in Text Edit and change the line to say:
That's what I did and it did patch the new version of Cider. It'll do a couple other fixes before it then says "everything is good with the world and you may now play."
Fingers crossed!
-Mitey -
Quote:I'm going to venture a guess that you're using Mac OS 10.5.8. If that's true, then ta daa, more fixes! This is from the post by Winterminal last night:When I went to patch it is when all this started.
The Launcher, which I've used before, says its not compatible for this version of mac.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=271360 -
hmm. I send a PM to Winterminal about this and am waiting to hear back til any of us answer. Did your game at least patch up all the way?
Quote:I am presuming that what you are trying to do is to put the "coh old" folder that you made on your desktop BACK into the c_drive folder. If this is correct.. first make sure that you have renamed the folder back to coh... and then again OPTION click and move it into your c_drive folder. This will prompt you if you want to replace it... it also is merely copying what you have on your desktop back in. (you can simply try to move it back in if you don't want to keep a copy.. but I am not trusting the updater today, so I am keeping a copy of my preferences on the desktop.)And now I'm on the last few steps, and it appears c_drive can not be modified, not allowing me to replace the old information?
I hope that helps! -
Depending on your version of your Mac OS, it probably is a good idea to copy out your COH settings anyhow as indicated in the instructions. The link is for a "new" updater.. Right now as I am trying to patch the game I reach 76% and then it hangs. So now off to try the new updater! However I would recommend at least copying your COH folder to your desktop. The transgaming folder is underneath "tgApplyPatch".
Quote:Probably around the same time that you started thinking that "getting it fixed after it's posted" was acceptable as opposed to "I documented all of this in the middle of august during open beta".When did so many of the mac users turn into negative nancy's? I know we got the short end but we're getting it fixed now.
I'm not arguing that it's getting fixed, what I am saying is that I PAY for the game. I am going to have no access (well access if I want to crash and not be able to play the game without intensively fixing the launcher again) to the Paragon Market to buy the stuff that Joe X, the PC user, will be able to do from day ONE. What surprises me more is that Mac users haven't become more infuriated at being told "wait. we'll roll your fix after." -
Quote:Please note the use of the word SHOULD. And I am sorry you all, but as I said in another post it is not acceptable that the LIVE version coming out today has none of the fixes in it that will be in this "up and coming" patch. Like I said, mac players pay for the game too, and with this patch are NOT going to be able to use the Market which is the corner stone of issue 21.Kitsune already posted it, but here it is again, with the important part highlighted.
One week later, four days later, however many LATER is still later. And that.. is not.. head start. -
Quote:that's a very good question. Zwillinger's fix was for the beta client and was directed at using the repair tool for the NC Launcher. In all likelihood that's not going to work. There is another forum thread called "What to expect on i21 launch day" with instructions on how to back up what you have.. and then how to proceed with patching it up, that is with the supposition that NC Soft is going to tell you to "delete and reinstall." I don't recommend deleting and reinstalling. Read the posts for "What to expect on i21 launch day" by CuppaManga and take notes. Read the WHOLE thread as there are updates.. then proceed. And of course.. stay off the market til it's patched. It's like during the 50s.. us Mac people shunned! no shopping for us!I knew about that....but if we do use the market (I just want to purchase Beam Rifle & a Rocket Board), will Zwill's workaround from Beta work to fix the launcher issue?
Quote:No Kitsune. There was a post from Zwill. He said that it'll be approximately a WEEK before they patch the mac fixes. They aren't rolling it out live. As of right now, there are NO fixes. zip. Zero. Nada. That is to say.. there are no fixes that are rolling out with the LIVE version. They say they have fixes and are fairly confident that they work.. but won't be rolling THAT patch out for a week.Unless Manga has information we don't, there's still the chance they'll have some fix out beforehand for the market and/or the launcher. I don't see what's the hangup with the launcher (other than likely having to get some other division in NCSoft to actually do something), the issue should be relatively easy to fix (the code base should be tiny in comparison to CoH/the Windows Launcher).
The Market is quite likely to be fixable via a tiny bit of tweaking to the page source (we already know some fonts work, so it shouldn't be too obscenely difficult to get the Mac version to just fall back to that known-working font). -
Heh. Oh yes. If you use the market for more than 5 minutes, or even use the market at all, you will crash after awhile and not be able to start the client again. It happened in beta for days. Garbled text is NOT the only issue.