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  1. I don't recall ever getting 2 purples. . .but there is an odd occurance that happens to me.

    When ever both my account and my friends account run an ITF together I have gotten a purple. . .EVERY TIME, this includes when they are ran back to back. And I'm not talking a purple on one account or the other, I get one on my account everytime. . . this is still occuring in issue 15, sooo. . . if it is a glitch I'm not sure how it is working >.>

    Actually, the friend refuses to do ITFS with me any more, simply because she hates that that I get them and not her :P. So I have to resort to dual boxing to get her account on them with me, hehe

    Edit: I'm not talking about clear alls either, several of the times were on 20 minute speed runs =]
  2. Another quick question. . .Hazard zones no longer have Level requirements, so. . .will this apply to Cimerora? I ask because you can't get the mission to get into the zone until level 30+ (vilalins side at least), but the zone doesn't have that level req on it anymore?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xyzyx View Post
    Go into the My Enemy Groups tab, click Edit on the group you want to rename, click Save As and give it the name you want to have. Then delete the old group.
    I guess that works too >.>
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xyzyx View Post
    Random roll is random. My Bronze roll random number generator has a penchant for Bone Snaps and Air Bursts...the Regen Tissue unique is cause for a happy dance.

    Fixing the Bronze and Silver rolls should be easy enough; just count all of the uncommons five times and the rares once when you determine the percentages (the rares are marked on the wiki). The Gold will be harder, though, since it's less clear exactly how they're weighted.
    When I make the spread I will probably give a separate "Rare" tag to each of the rare recipies, so that you can do that.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    Before we went and removed this playstyle completely from City of Heroes we wanted to make sure we were doing the right thing. We did extensive datamines to see how many accounts were actually participating in a “bridge” team, and were surprised to see just how low of a percentage it actually was. This may be a case where it is possible that the “advertising” in /broadcasts for bridge teams actually made the practice seem more pervasive than it really was.

    Not that I really care, but I am going to put this out there. Did you take into consideration AE currently cuts out the need to bridge? This will effect a lot of people with in AE who are using the AE mechanics to be the 'bridge'. I'd be willing to bet that if you looked at the numbers just before i14 and architect came out, you'd see that they were a lot larger.

    Even look back to when the first Double XP was (can't remember, that was awhile ago. . .). While we didn't have the ability to freeze XP to bridge back then, several people would get to 46 themselves, then shoot up to 50 REALLY fast, because they bridged. On the server I play on at least, that was pretty much accepted, and people were excited when they could finally be asked to bridge. Most would put it in their search comment, as would the few that didn't want to.

    So I guess my question is this, how is it going to effect the AE missions? Are you also eliminating what I'm going to call the "System Bridging"?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xyzyx View Post
    The distribution isn't as simple as dividing by the number of recipes available at a given level; some recipes are rarer than others (5:1 uncommon:rare ratio by player testing, according to the wiki), and the Gold/Rare rolls are said to be weighted by usefulness (more commonly used IO types drop more often).
    Is that so? I knew about the bronze and silver class working like that, but didn't know about the gold.

    Though I'm not sure I agree, because from bronze I get the Regen Tissue: +regen more than any single other IO when I do bronze rolls O.o (or at least I did the week I bothered to keep track of my earnings)
  7. Well. . . I'm not positive, but I believe the name it uses for the group name is the name of the file. So. . .you could always rename it in the .txt file on your PC. Of course you can't "Update and Publish" you have to actually republish it to do that.

    Another option is to,again, tamper with the .txt file of the arc itself, and there should be a section devoted to your custom critters, at the very top it will have the name of the group, then go down into the custom critters 1 by 1
  8. Um. . .mids has ice as a secondary on defenders. . .it is the most up-to-date builder out there to the best of my knowledge, especially if you add in the PvP IOs yourself. . .
  9. Nights_Eclipse

    setting AE lvls?

    Depends what difficulty you are on.

    Set it to difficulty level 1, and see if it still sets them to 46. Sounds to me like you are probably on difficulty level 5? The Minimum level is for the baddies within the mission, not the players. So it spawns the baddies no lower than level 48, but will spawn the player so that the baddies will be the appropriate difficulty for their setting. Hope that makes sense.

    In short. . .

    Difficulty level 1 or 2=same as minimum level set on mission
    3 or 4= one level below minimum level set on mission
    5= two levels below minimum level set on mission
  10. Those are the sources I used. I put it into a Excel sheet because with the newer version, I can simply select the recipies I want to be shown. I can then see which range (if any) gives me the option to get EVERYONE of them, and if more than one does, which has the highest % chance to give me one of them per roll.

    For example: I am intrested in getting Luck of The Gamblers +7.5's, Numinas +/+, and Miracle +recovery
    So I set it up so that these are the only 3 showing. I can now see that they are all 3 available at levels 30-34, 35-39, and 40-44.
    In the 30-34 range there are 98 recipies (3/98) I have approxametly a 3.1% chance per roll
    In the 35-39 range there are 68 Recipies (3/68) I have approxametly 4.4% chance per roll
    Finally, in the 40-44 range there are 66 recipes (3/66) I have around a 5% chance per roll

    Just an example though, it is easier to work with than the wiki, because it is the same thing, but more navigatable. Like I said, I have every intention of putting in silver and bronze rolls, but they are MUCH larger selections than the gold rolls.

    Also, as a side not, even if you aren't using the newer version of excel, I like to be able to see them in A-Z order

    I added pictures of this example to the original post.
  11. Is this the same skin as you can now select without doing any coding on your own from the user CP?
  12. I made a spread sheet for recipe rolls, currently it only has gold, but I will be updating it later on with both bronze and silver.

    I used excel's table function, so you can make it show you only what you want to see. Unfortunately, this feature is only available in newer versions of excel. I have a back version saved for users who don't have the newest version, but it isn't nearly as nice!

    As I said I will be updating with Bronze and Silver rolls, be patient =]



    Examples: Click for larger

    I give credit for what levels the recipes can be gotten/can not be gotten, and the total number of recipes per roll range to Paragonwiki
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cavatina View Post
    according to the devs, badges like empath were intended to be gained over multiple years of play and they had no idea people would farm for them >.>
    Well. . .3 years almost exclusively playing a thermal, and a good friend of mine (Ifrits on pinnacle server) still doesn't have all of them, I don't think she even has the 5th yet! =]
  14. Yeah, I made the other post, but. . .as I said there. Mine before yesterdays patch it would SPIKE at around 110MB. . . now I'm constantly sitting at around 900+MB

    Sorry, something smells fishy to me. I was neither in MA or Base Edit, it is sitting at 900 almost as soon as I load up
  15. Nights_Eclipse

    Todays Patch?

    Just gonna post in the other more populated topic . . . but no I wasn't using SG or MA. . . it was as soon as I loaded the game up. It used to use under 1/10 of a GB. . .now it is about 9/10ths at the least :/
  16. Nights_Eclipse

    Todays Patch?

    Has anyone else noticed that after todays Patch City Of Heroes is being more of a memory hog than usual? On my system it is using 5Xs what it was before the patch today. . .and i've rebooted, defragged, done everything I could think of :/
  17. He said he beleived

    Sorta depends on how they function though :/ I'm thinking of back in the olden days on Diablo II on single player typing in /player 8 or some such made it spawn the whole instance for 8, as if there were actually 8 people there.

    If the difficulty fills your team with Pseudo-teamates. . .
  18. I was wondering about these. . .they sound wonderful, but I have a couple of questions about them?

    Will they work outside of instances?
    Normally this isn't something I think people would consider to test, but. . .think about when you are hunting down fake nemesis in PI, or trying to get marcone bosses in Port Oaks. Do you not usually make a bigger team, because it SEEMS like they spawn more. (I say seems because I'm not positive they do. . .)

    The other thing I was wondering about. . .this is mainly to make sure it gets tested. How will it work with Task Forces/Strike Forces?
    For Example, say you are going to run a LGTF, but you just can't seem to get that last person, will you be able to set it to spawn for 8, and be good to go? what if you have 6, or 5, or you want to try it solo!? These are all things that need to be tested . . .on several task forces that require a range of People to begin.

    Further more. . .say that setting it to 8 doesn't work to START it. . .I remember long long ago you could get a team on a TF, then everyone could QUIT, and just leave one person on a task force. This has since been fixed. However, what if everyone quits but 1, and the last person is set to a 2 man spawn? Will he/she be left on the team, or will it auto kick him as it did Pre-i16?

    I sorta have to wonder though if these can be tested without a response from the devs first. If they simply don't want you running it solo because it would be to easy for the reward. . .that would no longer apply if it is set to spawn for 2 would it? Which you can do on ANY task force currently, should you so choose. As for the setting it for an 8 man spawn to start it. . .you could just turn it back down again once you are started. But then again, you could have also just gotten a padder.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FoxLee View Post
    I don't buy that... a travel power is there to be a travel power, not a combat tool. If it is designed this way, I would consider that a bad decision, not a fair justification.

    Combat jumping is technically a travel power. . .what stoner doesn't have teleport? Hover is a travel power. . .oh yeah, and the Blessing of the Zepher Set? +3% defenses isn't it? That can make it awfully helpful as a Combat aide.

    Just saying. Also, many master minds take teleport, because no matter how far away their pets are, if they teleport, so do their pets. . ."here I am, unprotected come get me" *gets attacked and teles* *suddenly has 6 angry pets surrounding it which will take damage for it, and kill it's attacker.

    As has been mentioned, tele is also the fastest travel power. Also it is the only travel power that doesn't have a direct movement cap (Range cap effects it, but. . .if you hit that you are moving to fast O.o)

    Edit: Just remembered that SS has a low grade stealth, again a combat tool. Several blasters have fly, and use that to avoid melee combat. Actually as I recall. . . that is why all AE custom critters must have ranged attacks now isn't it? Because fly was being used as a combat tool. The only one I have left out at this point is SJ. . .granted I can't really think of a good one for that one other than maybe kiting, which is better done with CJ and SS.
  20. Hmm. . .now that you posted this, I give it 24 hours before there is hundreds on the market, all for 50mil +. . . =] We are eebil like that
  21. Nights_Eclipse

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by SuburbanHell View Post
    Is there someplace I can find the patch notes for the beta?
    No there is not, to the best of my knowledge.

    They do not release closed beta notes to the general public. To the best of my understanding there is a super-secret section of these forums that only closed beta people have access to. This is where the CLOSED beta notes are posted. As soon as it hits OPEN beta, you will be able to see them.

    This is all speculation >.>
  22. I already sent this in a bug report, but I figured I would post it here so hopefully some others could test it for me.

    It appears that this power remains effecting it's target, and maybe others surrounding it (I have not tested this part) even when you are "Only Affecting Self" such as when in rest.

    I discovered this on accident when I was farming (I know tisk tisk shame on me) for the damage taken badge on my brute. On one build I don't have this power, and I had been doing this the other day on the build that did. I thought nothing of it and went to farm without changing to the build with it.

    In short, I died from the exact same thing I had been getting beat on the night before, a level 50 Behemoth Overlord (lieutenant). I was puzzled, so I decided to switch to the build that did have it. . . sure enough the EXACT SAME Behemoth Overlord that had just killed me seconds ago on my other build could no longer kill me while I was in rest. Not that it would have mattered, but I made sure that all toggles (excluding Darkes Night) were turned off during these tests.

    One of the first questions you will probably ask is "Does the build with Darkest Night have set bonuses?" The answer is no. I purposely made a 2nd build with no slots because of how the bonus HP works (and since I'm on a will power. . .) for damage taken badges. So the build that I can actually take the beating on has less HP, and thusly less HP/Sec regen, even when in rest.

    I see no other possibility, I even made sure he was using the same attack on both builds (Fire Sword). The only difference could be the "-21.00% strength to all damage on target" from Darkest Night, at least as far as I can see it.

    Please test, or inform me of what is really going on! Thank!
  23. I have experienced BOTH . . .it seems like sometimes it would let me add the rooms with the desks there, and other times it wouldn't.

    Often though, before deleting a ton of desks, make sure that there aren't any wall items on that section, or floor items on that section that AREN'T floated! Sometimes it will work, othertimes it won't as I said. It is a real annoyance when it won't. Same with freaking stairs. . . pathing rules shouldn't check for those when they are often used to conect rooms *sigh*

    Hell, pathing rules shouldn't check for any of it being there any more since they were removed for the placement of them should they!?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm just gonna continue yawning at all this dramacorn-bait.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have no idea what that means, but I find its syntax and rhthym intriguing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd guess that dramacorn-bait is what you use to catch a dramacorn. I think they're related to the jackalope.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, snipes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Huh? Are you inferring that they are real!? because snipes are real =]!
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I like this idea. Seems easy to implement. A custom group would be considered invalid to use until a Minion class was added. Then the game could automatically weight it so there are more minions than bosses.

    I like it, I think it's a strong idea.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If would be very problematic if you want a single custom AV/EB for an arc that otherwise uses normal enemies. Not to mention that implementing this now would invalidate zillions of arcs (not that that's anything particularly new).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What do you mean? if you wanted a single one, just use the "Defeat Boss" function. . .that is the only way to get a single premade AV to the best of my knowledge anyways. Only way it could cause problems is if you wanted an EB/AV (and nothing else) ambush as far as I can see.

    Edit: I see what you meant now, As to Geko's post, that would work to. . . this was just sorta a basic idea, a rough draft if you will.