Why is Teleport the Only Travel Power that takes lots of Energy?




It seems that on the blue side all the travel powers are energy efficient except for teleport travel? Why is it not energy efficient also?



Because teleport cant be immobed or slowed. Its a get-outta-jam-free card.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



It's also THE fastest travel power. It's faster than capped superspeed before you even put enhancements in it, and it's got full 3D motion.




Use the 'free' slot for a single endrec SO (or IO) and you can pretty much go anywhere without resting assuming you aren't running lots of other toggles.

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Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Because teleport cant be immobed or slowed. Its a get-outta-jam-free card.
I thought that it was because it had longer range at one time. But then when they nerfed its range, they forgot to reduce its endurance cost.



Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
It's also THE fastest travel power. It's faster than capped superspeed before you even put enhancements in it, and it's got full 3D motion.
The same argument was made about Fly back when it cost hideous amounts of endurance to run, and yet that was rectified at some point. It still costs a lot, but not nearly as much as it used to. I wonder if I can't find Big Pippy's planner to see how much it used to cost...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
It's also THE fastest travel power. It's faster than capped superspeed before you even put enhancements in it, and it's got full 3D motion.
The same argument was made about Fly back when it cost hideous amounts of endurance to run, and yet that was rectified at some point. It still costs a lot, but not nearly as much as it used to. I wonder if I can't find Big Pippy's planner to see how much it used to cost...
No, the argument about Fly being fastest never was made. Teleport is quite simply worth the extra cost because:

1) Faster than capped Super Speed, even before slotting/Auto-Boost Range from Energy Manipulation.
2) Get outta Immob/Slow free card.
3) Full 3-D movement.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
No, the argument about Fly being fastest never was made. Teleport is quite simply worth the extra cost because:

1) Faster than capped Super Speed, even before slotting/Auto-Boost Range from Energy Manipulation.
2) Get outta Immob/Slow free card.
3) Full 3-D movement.
I don't buy that... a travel power is there to be a travel power, not a combat tool. If it is designed this way, I would consider that a bad decision, not a fair justification.

As for speed and 3D movement, I rather think that's balanced already by the fact that it takes fairly intense concentration to use, lest you faceplant from eight hundred feet. It is way more susceptible to lag than the other travel powers - Super Speed is fairly affected too, but its stealth component means you get a bit of leeway (as opposed to falling to painful crushing earth every few seconds). Plus, its gateway powers are, save for niche situations, vastly less useful than those of other travel powers (Teleport Foe or Hasten... which would most players prefer?).

Since Fly's endurance cost and speed were rebalanced, Teleport is more the redheaded stepchild of travel powers than ever. Last I checked, it was considered a subpar choice by everyone but Stone Tankers.

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Depends on what you consider to be subpar. I generally take SS on toons, but that's usually because I'm taking hasten. RFriend isn't much use to me as I solo a lot, and TPFoe has been nerfed out of utility, so as a pool it's subpar, but Teleport itself is great. I've had it on many toons, and have still have it on a few heroes simply because it's fast, it doesn't suppress, and it's just cool.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
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Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
No, the argument about Fly being fastest never was made. Teleport is quite simply worth the extra cost because:
1) Faster than capped Super Speed, even before slotting/Auto-Boost Range from Energy Manipulation.
2) Get outta Immob/Slow free card.
3) Full 3-D movement.
The argument for it being the fastest may not have been made, but the argument that "it's so great it deserves its high cost" most certainly was. After all, it offers travel in completes safety and is, in fact, fail-safe. It allows you to keep out of range of melee enemies indefinitely. It gives you full 3D free range movement. The list goes on and on. And people were adamant that that deserved its ridiculous cost. Lo and behold, the developers disagreed, as they both upped its flight speed and slashed its cost by around half.

The arguments may be worded differently about Teleport, but the fact remains - its cost isn't balancing for any perceived advantages the power has. It's an artefact of an old age that no-one bothered to even look into.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Teleport is also the only travel power that does not benefit from the jump pack.

And it is a total joke in PVP now.

Since fly and its prerequisite hover were buffed, and SS got the jump pack and raptor pack, teleport has gotten progressively less balanced.

The first thing that should be done to fix it is to adjust its hover time by distance to ground. Its hover would be increased, but supressed if within 50ft of ground.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Something needs to be done to it, but most suggestions involve new tech being created for just this one power. Personally, just decreasing its cost would be a nice start for me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Teleport is also the only travel power that does not benefit from the jump pack.
It buffs Fly speed so you can move during the Hover period, and it can also be used to maintain your altitude, regain control of a fall or maneuver around (somewhat) after the Hover period ends.



Originally Posted by FoxLee View Post
I don't buy that... a travel power is there to be a travel power, not a combat tool. If it is designed this way, I would consider that a bad decision, not a fair justification.
Well, if it were designed to not work if you were slowed or immobilized, the Stone set would be a lot less attractive.



Originally Posted by Ahmon View Post
Well, if it were designed to not work if you were slowed or immobilized, the Stone set would be a lot less attractive.
Stone might have to find a way to deal with its drawbacks? Horrors.



Originally Posted by FoxLee View Post
I don't buy that... a travel power is there to be a travel power, not a combat tool. If it is designed this way, I would consider that a bad decision, not a fair justification.

Combat jumping is technically a travel power. . .what stoner doesn't have teleport? Hover is a travel power. . .oh yeah, and the Blessing of the Zepher Set? +3% defenses isn't it? That can make it awfully helpful as a Combat aide.

Just saying. Also, many master minds take teleport, because no matter how far away their pets are, if they teleport, so do their pets. . ."here I am, unprotected come get me" *gets attacked and teles* *suddenly has 6 angry pets surrounding it which will take damage for it, and kill it's attacker.

As has been mentioned, tele is also the fastest travel power. Also it is the only travel power that doesn't have a direct movement cap (Range cap effects it, but. . .if you hit that you are moving to fast O.o)

Edit: Just remembered that SS has a low grade stealth, again a combat tool. Several blasters have fly, and use that to avoid melee combat. Actually as I recall. . . that is why all AE custom critters must have ranged attacks now isn't it? Because fly was being used as a combat tool. The only one I have left out at this point is SJ. . .granted I can't really think of a good one for that one other than maybe kiting, which is better done with CJ and SS.



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Stone might have to find a way to deal with its drawbacks? Horrors.
Someone has to play devil's advocate!



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Stone might have to find a way to deal with its drawbacks? Horrors.
They have.

They use teleport.

Besides, why would a slow or immob affect Teleport thematically? It makes sense for the other powers to be affected - but you're not *moving* between point A and B with Teleport. You're simply ignoring the space between them and appearing where you want to be (or at the far end of range.)

Also, you can't be affected during travel with Teleport - If you want to move 200 yd away, a mob at 100 yd can't see you in between and attack. There's also no -teleport powers to affect you (there is, of course, -fly, -jump, and slow.) Yes, I'm aware of PVP suppression and Teleport, but (a) that's such a minor part of the game, and it just falls into the list of powers that 'nobody takes to PVP' now, and (b) Castle doesn't even like the solution (and is, or was, looking for a different way,) but doing a -range affected *all* powers on the character, not just teleport.



I'm more wondering where this dovetails into the idea that this power, out of the box, should be so endurance and effort intensive. Or how its two gateway powers are on par with hasten/combat jumping/hover/air superiority.

Someone has to have the worst gateway, I suppose.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
They have.

They use teleport.
The way teleport is now is basically designed to benefit the stone sets. If you took that away from the stone set it would not only force them to deal but make them pretty much useless to any team ever. As the only thing they could consistently for the team would be distant taunt. Forget herding, gauntlet and all the other tank things that the other tank sets take for granted. Also don’t forget the –recharge that stone tanks also deal with in addition to the –movements.

In summery TP has always been a combat travel power, I wouldn’t be opposed to lowering the end costs. But any changes other than end costs would involve a misbalance in the stone sets.



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Stone might have to find a way to deal with its drawbacks? Horrors.
Like... Swift! O noes!

Seriously, there are ways out of everything, and arguments can be made about how much Stone Armour SHOULD have to get out of, but it doesn't make sense for Teleport to cost as much as it does because it helps Stone Armour avoid a lot of its drawbacks.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Nights_Eclipse View Post
Combat jumping is technically a travel power. . .what stoner doesn't have teleport? Hover is a travel power. . .oh yeah, and the Blessing of the Zepher Set? +3% defenses isn't it? That can make it awfully helpful as a Combat aide.
Combat Jumping and Hover are not, nor have they ever been, "travel powers." They are combat powers in precisely the same way Jump Kick and Air Superiority are.

Just saying. Also, many master minds take teleport, because no matter how far away their pets are, if they teleport, so do their pets. . ."here I am, unprotected come get me" *gets attacked and teles* *suddenly has 6 angry pets surrounding it which will take damage for it, and kill it's attacker.
Also not true. Henchmen teleport to the Mastermind only if they fall behind a certain distance, which is several times more than the range of a single teleport. You can force this to happen even with simple Fly. Unless you're talking about Group Teleport, of course, and even then... Ugh!

As has been mentioned, tele is also the fastest travel power. Also it is the only travel power that doesn't have a direct movement cap (Range cap effects it, but. . .if you hit that you are moving to fast O.o)
It's only the fastest if you spam it, such that you queue the next teleport as soon as you pop into existence, as the power's recovery animation can be interrupted. Achieving this kind of speed is VERY expensive even with endurance slotting, and is decidedly NOT sustainable over long distances, say getting from place to place in Independence Port. As well, people keep clamouring about speed, when just using the power is one of the worst, most obnoxious mechanics in the entire game, just in itself more than making up for whatever speed the power may have over the others. Personally, I feel like I arrived faster via slow flight than via fast teleport, because I worked so much on teleporting around it felt like ages.

As well, Super Jump can just about catch up to Teleport, only default slot provided, and that power costs next to nothing, takes only token effort to use and is pretty much just as safe. It's not a case of Teleport being the fastest, it's a question of Fly being the slowest.

Edit: Just remembered that SS has a low grade stealth, again a combat tool. Several blasters have fly, and use that to avoid melee combat. Actually as I recall. . . that is why all AE custom critters must have ranged attacks now isn't it? Because fly was being used as a combat tool. The only one I have left out at this point is SJ. . .granted I can't really think of a good one for that one other than maybe kiting, which is better done with CJ and SS.
Super Speed's stealth buff is intended to assist with in-the-field movement. Being the only power that doesn't allow you to void enemy aggro radius, it's the only one that gives you the tools to avoid needing to. If they could, I guarantee you they would make the Stealth component active only when you're moving. It's also intended to simulate the way the Flash can't be seen well when he's running too fast.

Fly is a TERRIBLE power to use in combat. It suppresses down to stupid-slow speeds every time you so much as think about combat, costs far too much to be a reasonable toggle to run, and it drifts all over the place. The point of Hover is to replace Fly in combat, hence why it's a combat power where Fly isn't.

Super Jump is similarly not very useful in combat. It doesn't cost much, but it costs too much for what it does, suppressing as it does and being far outshined by Combat Jumping. While kiting IS possible, Sprint is a better tool to do so than Super Jump, and because of how air control works, Hurdle is actually better for it than Combat Jumping.

What's more, Teleport is even LESS useful in combat compared to all the others. Not only does it cost MUCH more than all the other powers combines, but it also takes around 2 seconds to animate, which is often longer than most of your actual attacks. And about the only time that getting out of an immobilizing situation is useful is if you're running. If you want to use Teleport to port around the battlefield, it's cheaper, easier and faster to just walk. Well, for anyone other than Stone Armour. Seriously - just use a break free. It's what they're for.

About the only people it's actually useful to mid-combat is PermaGranite Tankers and the occasional misguided Brute who thinks doing that has any point for his AT. I don't believe the power should be such a pain just because it has such use for Granite Armour.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dragons_Bane View Post
The way teleport is now is basically designed to benefit the stone sets. If you took that away from the stone set it would not only force them to deal but make them pretty much useless to any team ever. As the only thing they could consistently for the team would be distant taunt. Forget herding, gauntlet and all the other tank things that the other tank sets take for granted. Also don’t forget the –recharge that stone tanks also deal with in addition to the –movements.

In summery TP has always been a combat travel power, I wouldn’t be opposed to lowering the end costs. But any changes other than end costs would involve a misbalance in the stone sets.
I cant have much pity for the stoners, sorry. The price of a tier nine that doesn't crash in two minutes and take three minutes to recharge should be high. The ability to only take three or four powers from your defense set and be indestructible should have a high cost involved. I say let the stoners move about freely, speed them up to normal speed but make Granite like the other tier nines, two minutes of uber and done.



I have really only two complaints about tp.

1) You can't tp to a target, only to a floor, wall, or end-of-range area.

2) If you're using the tp stealth proc, your stealth gets broken every time you tp. Consequently, every time I'm tping across FF I get sniped, even tho I'm theoretically "stealthed." The irony is that if you want to benefit from the tp stealth proc, you have to stop tping.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

What's more, Teleport is even LESS useful in combat compared to all the others. Not only does it cost MUCH more than all the other powers combines, but it also takes around 2 seconds to animate, which is often longer than most of your actual attacks. And about the only time that getting out of an immobilizing situation is useful is if you're running. If you want to use Teleport to port around the battlefield, it's cheaper, easier and faster to just walk. Well, for anyone other than Stone Armour. Seriously - just use a break free. It's what they're for.

About the only people it's actually useful to mid-combat is PermaGranite Tankers and the occasional misguided Brute who thinks doing that has any point for his AT. I don't believe the power should be such a pain just because it has such use for Granite Armour.
Sorry, Sam, have to disagree. A breakfreee won't get you out of Caltrops or Quicksand, for instance. Teleport certainly will. And I have, indeed, used Teleport as a combat power on non-Stoners - many Controller AOE holds, for instance, are PBAOE, as well as several buffs/debuffs (it's a standard part of my Warshade play, for instance - TP/Eclipse/Mire - and I've done similar things with my Ice/Psy, given Arctic Air/Drain Psyche.) I *could* do that with sprint, sure - and eat plenty of incoming fire on the way.

I've also used it to *avoid* groups and get into a better position. I used to use it on one of my blasters to get from the ground up onto a shelf for a snipe.

Hell, I've even used the much-maligned Team Teleport - it's fun to have a group of Electric blasters hop in, drain (and stun - cheap procs can do nice things) everything in a good size group and then finish everything off.