Why is Teleport the Only Travel Power that takes lots of Energy?




Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
I'm more wondering where this dovetails into the idea that this power, out of the box, should be so endurance and effort intensive. Or how its two gateway powers are on par with hasten/combat jumping/hover/air superiority.

Someone has to have the worst gateway, I suppose.
Looks like my other reply got eaten by earlier 'net connection problems.

TP Foe and Recall Friend are not the "worst" gateway powers. I'd give that to Jump Kick and Flurry.

TP Foe - Remove a problematic foe from a group. Yes, you can aggro the rest - you'll still have this single foe separated, probably around a corner, and dead by the time the rest get there. Warshades with half a clue do this with Voids quite often, and it works with other powersets as well.

And Recall Friend - you're *really* saying that's useless? Or one of the "worst gateway powers?"



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
2) If you're using the tp stealth proc, your stealth gets broken every time you tp. Consequently, every time I'm tping across FF I get sniped, even tho I'm theoretically "stealthed." The irony is that if you want to benefit from the tp stealth proc, you have to stop tping.
Snipers will snipe you no matter how stealthed you are.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by Nights_Eclipse View Post
Several blasters have fly, and use that to avoid melee combat.
You generally don't want to use Fly in combat, because it does have a sizable end cost. While you don't run out of End flying around with your toggles on, flying while fighting with toggles will drain you rather quickly (just like forgetting to turn off SS or Superjump will). Hover is more useful for blasters than fly in combat.

However, I have Fly/Air Superiority on a couple of tankers and scrappers, and that's a good combo. You can knock those fliers out of the air and then pound them into the ground.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Sorry, Sam, have to disagree. A breakfreee won't get you out of Caltrops or Quicksand, for instance. Teleport certainly will. And I have, indeed, used Teleport as a combat power on non-Stoners - many Controller AOE holds, for instance, are PBAOE, as well as several buffs/debuffs
I really enjoy queueing EM Pulse on my Rad/Dark Defender while Teleport animates. Even better if I hit PBU before Teleport. I arrive in the spawn first, and nothing fights back

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I've also used it to *avoid* groups and get into a better position. I used to use it on one of my blasters to get from the ground up onto a shelf for a snipe.
I've occasionally used Teleport to supplement Stealth (not invisibility). Stealth lets me get close, TP lets me get past without getting too close.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Hell, I've even used the much-maligned Team Teleport - it's fun to have a group of Electric blasters hop in, drain (and stun - cheap procs can do nice things) everything in a good size group and then finish everything off.
I remember we used Team Teleport on the /Traps superteam. We discovered that if you started setting Trip Mine, Triage Beacon, or Acid Mortar when the teleporter started animating TTP, the trap would come with. It reduced travel time, setup time while under fire, and number of attempts needed to lay Trip Mine, since half its interrupt period had already passed when we arrive at the enemy.

Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
Snipers will snipe you no matter how stealthed you are.
That's not true. Snipers only have 149ft of perception; if you have 150ft stealth (like, oh... Hide), they can't see you, even if you're standing next to them.

It's the Rikti Drones and Rularuu Sentries that can penetrate any amount of stealth.




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Sorry, Sam, have to disagree. A breakfreee won't get you out of Caltrops or Quicksand, for instance. Teleport certainly will. And I have, indeed, used Teleport as a combat power on non-Stoners - many Controller AOE holds, for instance, are PBAOE, as well as several buffs/debuffs (it's a standard part of my Warshade play, for instance - TP/Eclipse/Mire - and I've done similar things with my Ice/Psy, given Arctic Air/Drain Psyche.) I *could* do that with sprint, sure - and eat plenty of incoming fire on the way.

I've also used it to *avoid* groups and get into a better position. I used to use it on one of my blasters to get from the ground up onto a shelf for a snipe.

Hell, I've even used the much-maligned Team Teleport - it's fun to have a group of Electric blasters hop in, drain (and stun - cheap procs can do nice things) everything in a good size group and then finish everything off.
Well, I never said you can't use Teleport in combat, but merely that it's no more useful than, say, Super Jump or Super Speed for it. Heck, you can do that even with Flight for a fraction of the cost. And while Warshades get Teleport for free and it doesn't make sense NOT to use it, they are an exception. Generally speaking, you can move in to initiate an alpha strike with any travel power. You can super-jump in, super-speed in, fly in and yes, even Sprint in. I do that a lot, and I don't eat nearly as much return fire as that. And while I do appreciate the ability to teleport past spawns, a variety of other powers allow you to do that and they don't have ridiculous costs. Heck, a properly executed Super Speed dash can allow you to run right through the centre of a spawn and not receive any aggro. Trust me, I used to run to the dam and back in the old, non-flooded Faultline and I had to pass clean through a lot of spawns in those narrow cracks.

My point isn't that Teleport doesn't have out-of-combat utility, but rather that, Stone Armour aside, it doesn't have THAT much more utility than all the other travel powers, yet they don't cost nearly as much as Teleport. I teleport as slowly as I can, waiting until I'm literally dropping out of the sky before initiating the next teleport, and I STILL run out of energy along the way, something that NEVER happens with any of the other travel powers even without Stamina and with a bunch of other toggles. It doesn't need to be this expensive, that's all I'm saying.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Well, I never said you can't use Teleport in combat, but merely that it's no more useful than, say, Super Jump or Super Speed for it. Heck, you can do that even with Flight for a fraction of the cost.
Not to get out of caltrops. The only travel power besides Teleport that'll help you get out of caltrops (and quicksand, etc.) is Hover. All those ground patches are now spheres, and most of them have -fly. And even hover doesn't do much when you get a good stack of caltrops from KoA or Chimera's minions, because it'll surpass Hover's -fly protection. And you'll be dropped to a crawl even in SS. Teleport is the only power that is a "get out of stacked Caltrops free" card. Same goes for stacked quicksands (from ETCs).

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Stone might have to find a way to deal with its drawbacks? Horrors.
What he said.

Originally Posted by Nights_Eclipse View Post
Combat jumping is technically a travel power. . .what stoner doesn't have teleport? Hover is a travel power. . .
No, they're not. They are combat tools which happen to include enhanced movement. Do people take Combat Jumping instead of Flight? Do people take Hover instead of Super Jump? The gateway powers are their own category, not directly comparable to the level-14 unlocks.

oh yeah, and the Blessing of the Zepher Set? +3% defenses isn't it? That can make it awfully helpful as a Combat aide.
What you can use them to get out of recipes is irrelevant to their actual function. My friend's Stalker used his Patron Snipe to get defence IO bonuses - does that make it a defence power? Hells no. Besides, the bonuses are independent of whether or not you're using the power, so that doesn't change its function.

As has been mentioned, tele is also the fastest travel power. Also it is the only travel power that doesn't have a direct movement cap (Range cap effects it, but. . .if you hit that you are moving to fast O.o)
As has also been mentioned, its speed is compensated for by the fact that it takes the most skill and attention to use (as opposed to, say, Fly, where you can get some height and autorun while you fix a nice snack). It's also the only travel power whose effectiveness is mauled horribly by lag.

Even if it were fair for teleport to cost the most out of all the travel powers (something has to be the best/worst, one way or another) that doesnt really justify the huge gap there is now. As it is, I can't go from one end of a zone to the other without running out of end. Can you factor in the time I have to spend waiting to recover my end, and still tell me it's the fastest travel power?

Edit: Just remembered that SS has a low grade stealth, again a combat tool. Several blasters have fly, and use that to avoid melee combat. Actually as I recall. . . that is why all AE custom critters must have ranged attacks now isn't it? Because fly was being used as a combat tool. The only one I have left out at this point is SJ. . .granted I can't really think of a good one for that one other than maybe kiting, which is better done with CJ and SS.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but those bonuses mostly suppress in combat - along with the speed that is the point of your travel power - and the end drain generally makes travel powers unfeasible for in-combat use anyway. The lower-tier powers in the pools, which are combat-oriented tools, are what truly serve this function.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Besides, why would a slow or immob affect Teleport thematically?
Why should Super Speed or Flight suppress in combat, thematically? It is never acceptable for thematics to be placed above balance. Period. Down that road lies "Blasters should get huge defence powers because I wanna play Iron Man".

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Originally Posted by halfthief View Post
It seems that on the blue side all the travel powers are energy efficient except for teleport travel? Why is it not energy efficient also?
  1. Teleport Self is the least-DEV-loved of the Travel Pools.
  2. Teleport Self is the only non-toggle travel power.
  3. It requires more skill than any of the other travel powers.
  4. It took years to get the red-ring-of-death resolved.
  5. You can't target short while in the air, it is either all or nothing.
  6. It is the least forgiving of all travel powers. Other players can argue, but I know that I really need Hover to keep from falling out of the air while using Teleport Self quite often.
  7. And it is an end-sucker. Hover helps in that situation to as Hover is low end and you can take a moment to safely recharge some end before continuing.

As to the advantage of getting somewhere quickly and being out of end and someone showing up 2-5 seconds later with full end, ... well ... that should be obvious. Is getting some where that little bit fast really worth all that end?
For most people, the answer is no.

Teleport Self does need to be looked at and improved.

And I do believe that TP Self is suppressed in PvP like all the other travel pools, unless something was changed again.



Originally Posted by FoxLee View Post
Even if it were fair for teleport to cost the most out of all the travel powers (something has to be the best/worst, one way or another) that doesnt really justify the huge gap there is now. As it is, I can't go from one end of a zone to the other without running out of end. Can you factor in the time I have to spend waiting to recover my end, and still tell me it's the fastest travel power?
I don't know about you, but I can make it half way across the length of IP before I have to rest, using Teleport. That's unslotted. If I had conserve power, I wouldn't need to rest at all. And I don't need Hover either.

However, I do agree that the Endurance cost could stand a little tweaking.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Looks like my other reply got eaten by earlier 'net connection problems.

TP Foe and Recall Friend are not the "worst" gateway powers. I'd give that to Jump Kick and Flurry.
Isn't Jump Kick basically an Air Superiority clone now, apart from only having a chance to knock up?

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Snakebit View Post
Depends on what you consider to be subpar. I generally take SS on toons, but that's usually because I'm taking hasten. RFriend isn't much use to me as I solo a lot, and TPFoe has been nerfed out of utility, so as a pool it's subpar, but Teleport itself is great. I've had it on many toons, and have still have it on a few heroes simply because it's fast, it doesn't suppress, and it's just cool.
actually it DOES suppress. Its just there isnt much in the game that has -teleport. I found out however, that the swarms in the eden trial do.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
actually it DOES suppress. Its just there isnt much in the game that has -teleport. I found out however, that the swarms in the eden trial do.
Won't anything with -range do it? I seem to recall being in two Hurricanes from Tsoo Sorcerors at once and having a teleport range that was about 1 foot. Not that -range is that common... always wondered why it's not a more common debuff.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
actually it DOES suppress. Its just there isnt much in the game that has -teleport. I found out however, that the swarms in the eden trial do.
Devoured Swarms in the Eden Trial have -teleport, -speed, -jump, *and* -fly. They exist to disable all travel powers as punishment for going too high.

Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Won't anything with -range do it? I seem to recall being in two Hurricanes from Tsoo Sorcerors at once and having a teleport range that was about 1 foot. Not that -range is that common... always wondered why it's not a more common debuff.
I think the only -range in the game is in Hurricane and Taunt/Provoke. And the critters don't have taunt/provoke.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
it is an end-sucker... getting somewhere quickly and being out of end and someone showing up 2-5 seconds later with full end
2 endrdx SOs, and the only zones you'll have trouble getting through without running out of endurance are Independence Port, Nerva Archipelago, and the Shadow Shard. And that's without Stamina, too. Considering with zero enhancement, it's already faster than a maxed-out Super Speedster, I don't think that's too much to ask.

Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
And I do believe that TP Self is suppressed in PvP like all the other travel pools, unless something was changed again.
Yes. In PvP, Teleport is effectively useless.

Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
And the critters don't have taunt/provoke.
I've seen the Taunt icon in my status bar when facing Black Scorpion and against Dwarf-form Peacebringer PPD. According to City of Data, though, neither Black Scorpion's Taunt nor the PPD White Dwarf's White Dwarf Antagonize have -range.

Interestingly, while White Dwarf PPD have White Dwarf Antagonize, neither White Dwarf nor Black Dwarf Nictus have it.

Also: Challenge/Provoke from the Presence pool do NOT have -range.
