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  1. I have been with COH for a long time and I am becoming more and more frustrated at the commercialization of COH. Now, only the wealthy and insanely rich can enjoy the game fully. If you are on a limited income you can only use basics and not look as nice or fight with as much style as a rich person. IT sucks and is about to drive me from the game. I am sure most of you do not care but I had to say my piece.
  2. The tech support people said the costume piece was discontinued.
  3. Recently I took an old toon and went to ICON to get a cape. When the costume screen appeared my costume had changed. A mask I had disappeared and left the toon bare headed. When I got the cape and exited the mask did not reappear so I contacted Tech Support. One guy had no idea why so escalated me and the next guy said the costume part had been discontinued! WHY?! Once a costume part is created at ICON it should stay. People develop costumes they use as identity for their toon and if they are mucked around with the toon becomes something different. My toon's identity is lost and as I played it after that I found I was playing a toon I did not identify with The look was just wrong. It matters not that there are costume change available with each issue. The look I chose was destroyed because someone decided to delete a costume part. That is just not right to do. Why delete it anyway? Was the database full? Did the piece cause crashes? Or did someone just F-U?

    Our free choice is being ***** by devs who do not seem to care about players as they throw their weight around deleting things, creating new content rather than fixing problems in the game that people have reported for over 6 years now.

    Unlike many who are playing this game for free, I pay a monthly fee to play. I deserve better than this. So does anyone who takes time to play this game.
  4. Yo referred me to the Nov 17 that below said Nov 13. That is why I was confused.

    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    See this previous thread on the subject.
  5. Last night I tried to log on but before I could Something from COH downloaded on my machine. I looked for patch notes and saw nothing to explain what it was. I went to the liver server update information and they had a note dated for the 17th but the actual posting was Nov 13.

    Anyone know what was loaded on my computer last night?
  6. halfthief


    Thanks so much for the variety of "Support" (mostly wise cracks or simply defense of COH regardless of the issues.) I tried coming to the forums to report problems as the techies insist if you send a petition and it proved to be just what I thought, a useless undertaking.

    All stand up and Cheer, I will not be back, not even to see posts to this statement.
  7. I use the LOS ploy but it does not even work half the time.
  8. Works if you even have an area of attack
  9. It is not easily fixed with a quick petition. I report it when it happens and have only had help maybe two times but the problem is frequent.
  10. There responses are why I hate it when the Devs say post to the forums when you have a problenm and send apetition. The comments that were made are mostly foolish and do not answer the question but just make excuses for the inadequacies of the game.

    And to the person who accused me of touching myself at night...Who would even think of that if they are not doing it themselves and love it so much they have to bring the subject up out of context of the topic?
  11. Why are none of the blue side pets controllable when MMs can control theirs. Fire imps are almost more a hazard than a benefit.
  12. It seems that on the blue side all the travel powers are energy efficient except for teleport travel? Why is it not energy efficient also?
  13. While the sun rises and sets we have no other way to gauge the time of day in the game. Some things we do require a knowledge of the time. Vampires only come out in Striga after dark so how else can we tell how long we must wait if we need to hunt them for a badge. Vahzilok seem to come out mostly at dark in the Fault line and one TF has to hunt them so hw do we know how we have to wait if there is no in-game clock? Just an idea. It could be just a little digital reading on the screen instead of a clock face.
  14. I have played COH for 4 ytears and in all that time I have had to contend with NPCs stuck in objects or getting knocked into objects, where they can hit me but I can not touch them. I and other people have repeatedly reported this and still the problem exists. Doe it matter to the game managers that flaws exist or what is really going on that such errors still exist after all these years?
  15. halfthief

    SG Messages

    It would be nice if there could be a bulletin board available to put on SG walls to leave messages for members who are not on line at the moment, This would help in scheduling events and keeping in touch. Would it be so hard to make this happen?
  16. I am hoping that with this changing sides the entire game does not become a pvp. If so, I quit.
  17. I play all the servers but mostly Virtue and Freedom and Guardian. If you are on during a Rikti attack or a zombie attack you will lots of people complaining about lag.
  18. Since I!$ came in and AE caught on there is so much lag that the experienc is miserable. Why can;t the servers be larger so accomodate the load instead of punishing the subscribers by lagging them and disconnecting them. Worse, when a
    Rikti attack or a zombie attack takes place the servers are nearly paralyzed. The last one I was in half my powers never would go off and others if I stubbornly waited for it to work would take as long a 18 seconds (I timed it) for one attack. Where is the fun in that?

    If the devs blame it on my machine then my reply is that it did not use to be like this so if the game is growing beyond my machine then I will have to quit playing because I will not replace a computer just to play this game.
  19. The Mission Architect is a real frustration for me. To my way of thinking it has just about killed the rest of the game. It is very hard now to find regular mission teams and task forces. It is difficult to make money outside the architect because prices are way down on items because no one is buying since they can get them in architect. I can no0t make enough money anymore to even buy enhancements. It is like the outside AE has regressed back to before the wentworth's system came in.

    Worse. Many, many of the AE missions are not well balanced for the players abilities and seem to just be some one trying to go power crazy and beat up on other toons, but, until you try a mish you do not know if it is balanced or not so there is a lot of time wasted.

    I am sick of AE and I am not sure I can see a future in this game to keep my interest for me to reach my 5 year mark.