City of Heroes Going Rogue - FAQ - Discussion




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Please use this thread to discuss the FAQ for Going Rogue.



Thanks. Told us just about nothing though STILL EXCITED!!



Can you let us know if there will be significant hardware requirement increases with the new expansion?


Posted this a box expansion like CoV was, or another Issue (as in normal expansion) that comes along in the game updates?

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Is this where Heroes become Villains and Villains become Heroes? This is the first I've heard of Going Rogue

Edit: just found another thread.. yep, changing sides.. cool!



[ QUOTE ] this a box expansion like CoV was, or another Issue (as in normal expansion) that comes along in the game updates?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm assuming a boxed expansion since the FAQ mentions being able to pre-order it in the future.

Also, awesome stuff!



WOW ! sign me up ! When, when ??

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Best news eva! And about time. Thanks guys for all you do.



This has my attention.



heh....*I* coulda wrote that FAQ

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Most of my Villains are goody two shoes, so I'd be willing to switch them... but I've done so much of the content hero side, that it just bores me to tears, so I think I'll stick with villains... I still haven't finished Rikti Warzone, or done anything at all in Cimerora though, and I'm missing a few more story arcs on my main scrapper in the Ouroboros completion list.

However, I'd love to get in and bugtest this in a beta, and perhaps land that coveted bugfinder badge? Hmm? That would be sweet, though at the same time, I have faith in the dev team that by now, they won't really have any major bugs that slip past Q&amp;A that they'd feel like awarding the badge for.



Wow, all this stuff we've wanted for awhile.......just in time for the competitors releases maybe?

Ehh, who am I kidding, I'm still stoked





I get the impression that 'Going Rogue' was not supposed to be out of the bag for some time yet. I guess someone's got some questions to answer about why this was announced now.

Still, all that aside, this looks really good. I'm glad that we're getting a brand new expansion to play.



Just a minor question...

Are the villain missions going to be a bit more villainy? I'm not asked for the whole "MWAH-HA-HA Watch me boil puppies and skin orphans!!!" thing, but as a villain, I seem to spend the majority of my time fighting other villains more than those costumed buffoons of Paragon City.

I'm tentatively possibly excited about this, but please tell me that we're going to be a bit more villainy.

Oh, and does this push back I-15 even further?

"If you build it, they will run you over with it."-RPG Designers Mantra
Working on: YotZ Legends: Even Heroes Die (First Round Edit)



I was thinking last night that my villainess with her halo and white angel wings seems to want a change of heart. Finally I don't have to help others from the shadows.

I would imagine this would be great for smaller servers where the hero population greatly outnumbers the villain population. I can not foresee what this will do to Freedom. Imagine all the Mastermind pets under the Atlas statue.

I'd love to see the roleplaying possibilities this would have on Virtue though.

I wonder how they'll handle badges now. Will we be able to have badges from both sides at the same time if we cross sides?

I guess I'll need more character slots.

"I am a Hero!" "And I am a villain!" "Hey, what's up with the zombie henchmen directing traffic?" "Me? What about your phantom army stealing the wheels off of baby carraiges?"



YES finally i will be able to cross the veil that has had my minions blocked for so long to get to the other side hehehehehe !!!!! i am soooo stoked. all my 50's will get to do something new

Talos Maltalomar lvl 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter - Triumph Server
Arack BloodThrall lvl 50 BS/SR Scrapper - Triumph Server
Rose's Kiss Lvl 50 Mind/Nrg/Ice PermaDom - Triumph Server



Hey I can finally play my pistoleer (pet-less Thugs/Traps MM) as a hero like she was supposed to be!!! And yet another reason to beat up Statesman...

Tatterdamalion 50 AR/Dev Liberty /Defiance 1.0 for Life...uh Death!!!!
Genghis Connie 50 MA/SR Liberty /What do you mean Hami ignores Defense?



I like the philosophical side, are you a Hero for upholding the laws of an unjust ruler? or are you a Hero by breaking the laws and fighting against an unjust ruler?

I am envisioning a city with open PvP or at least PvP flags ...

an open beta is nice but the servers will crash ... lol



More details.... "later this year" ... I'm sticking to my thought that is will be out in late 2010...




This is the greatest thing to happen to CoX since CoV and if you do not agree with me then your opinion is WRONG.

Ask me no stupid questions and I will tell you no stupid lies.



Sounds great!

-Repeat Offenders Network-



I want into the closed beta.
