2 purples on a TF, anyone else?




This is a first for me, I was just wondering how frequenty others have this happen? I was running my cold/sonic def on ITF tonight, near the end I was so happy to have gotten an Armageddon (Rech/Acc), and just as it was ending I got another drop, Grav Anchor (Imb/End). On top of that, I had a Red fortune triple drop (not great, but better than my usuall) :P Anyway, I marking this down as my best drop day ever and wanted to know if else has had this happen It was a nice 40 minutes for me!

@MARTy McFly



Very nice haul. My best drop day was the day I made 4 gold rolls with AE tickets and got 3 Miracle +Recovery, and then got another one the next day, and another one about 2 days later....I made a lot of money that week



Did an LRSF on the weekend, got a purple (HOLD) and a LOTG +7.5% from mob drops.

More than made up for the dam/rng SHO

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I run an ITF just about every night split between 2 very good brutes who always seem to put great teams together and I have had 2 purple drops in a single ITF about 3 times.

I got another drop last night to the amazement of the leader. To my knowledge he has not gotten a single drop and it drives him crazy lol



I suppose yesterday was a good day for the RNG because I got a purple drop while running Tina's arc with some friends. The last time I got a purple drop was actually a double drop while farming a BM map before I14. I'm always happy to receive a little love from the RNG.



I've never looted two purples on a single TF (it's rare enough I get one), but I have looted three purples in around half an hour in the same location.

When I need to pass some time waiting for my regular duo partner to log in (especially at weekends) I often take my L50 Archery blaster to Cimerora's walls. The loot is a nice bonus, but it's not my main intent (I have around 2bill blueside with little I want/need to spend it on atm) - I just love watching all those Romans falling over to Rain of Arrows.

Over 3-4 months, 1-2 times per week, I've filled his inventories dozens of times over on that wall (and I usually vendor the recipes/salvage that I know aren't worth much to save travelling to Wentworths too often) - but I had not looted a single purple in all that time.

Then last week I looted an Armageddon purple and a few days later in a single run I looted THREE purples (1 Ragnarok and 2 Coercive Persuasions). Probably never happen again, but then it could happen every week from now on - that's randomness for you. I guess it all averages out, but perception-wise it's nice to feel the RNG is trying to compensate you for being miserly beforehand.

In other RNG-related shenanigans I've never had a Miracle +recov or LotG +7.5 from a merit roll, but post-I14 when I rolled around 800 merits across all my L50s I did get 5 Numina: +regen/+recov and have had another since - it just seems like the RNG only wants to give me that unique, if any.

Funny how we humans try to impose patterns on randomness.



I had this happen once on a Lady Grey TF. Sadly, both were very sucky on a value scale: Sleep and Pet recipes.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Recently got a purple hold recipe on an ITF, on the same ITF got a Numina +regen/recovery proc from one of the Minotaur EB's. I then did an RSF where I rolled a Ribo for the reward roll. About 350 million right there in about an an hour and a half.

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



I've twice seen a teammate get two purples in a single TF, and had it happen to me once. One of the teammates got both their purples in a single mission.

It's rare, but so nice when it happens.



My very first ITF (very recent like around January, I had a bit of a break) I got two purples. The second one, I got one purple, the third, another one. I assumed that everyone got one on the ITF, and was a bit miffed when my luck ran out



I don't recall ever getting 2 purples. . .but there is an odd occurance that happens to me.

When ever both my account and my friends account run an ITF together I have gotten a purple. . .EVERY TIME, this includes when they are ran back to back. And I'm not talking a purple on one account or the other, I get one on my account everytime. . . this is still occuring in issue 15, sooo. . . if it is a glitch I'm not sure how it is working >.>

Actually, the friend refuses to do ITFS with me any more, simply because she hates that that I get them and not her :P. So I have to resort to dual boxing to get her account on them with me, hehe

Edit: I'm not talking about clear alls either, several of the times were on 20 minute speed runs =]



I haven't scored a purple on a TF in ages.

Many, many months ago, back in early '08, I had 2 consecutive purples drops on the BM map. No inspirations, salvage or enhancements had dropped in between the 2 purples. Looked something like this...

Spawn #16;
Critter #5 - defeated
Critter #6 - defeated => Purple drop
Critter #7 - defeated

(Supersped over to Spawn #17)

Spawn #17;
Critter #1 - defeated
Critter #2 - defeated
Critter #3 - defeated => Purple drop

My most peculiar experience with the RNG by far.

Repeat Offenders



Originally Posted by Bubblerella View Post
This is a first for me, I was just wondering how frequenty others have this happen? I was running my cold/sonic def on ITF tonight, near the end I was so happy to have gotten an Armageddon (Rech/Acc), and just as it was ending I got another drop, Grav Anchor (Imb/End). On top of that, I had a Red fortune triple drop (not great, but better than my usuall) :P Anyway, I marking this down as my best drop day ever and wanted to know if else has had this happen It was a nice 40 minutes for me!
A month or so ago I got 3 purples in the final mission of an ITF. The bad news..... I was on the test server at the time.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



I have gotten 4 purple drops since they were released. I'll never get my L50 warshade slotted properly.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



Awhile back I got a hecta and apoc proc in the span of three kills in rv.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by RagManX View Post
I have gotten 4 purple drops since they were released. I'll never get my L50 warshade slotted properly.

I hate how this game is biased against the casual gamer!