Random Recipe Rolls
Have fun with it, but you are re-inventing the wheel. It is great to have a 2nd source to compare for errors though.
@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Those are the sources I used. I put it into a Excel sheet because with the newer version, I can simply select the recipies I want to be shown. I can then see which range (if any) gives me the option to get EVERYONE of them, and if more than one does, which has the highest % chance to give me one of them per roll.
For example: I am intrested in getting Luck of The Gamblers +7.5's, Numinas +/+, and Miracle +recovery
So I set it up so that these are the only 3 showing. I can now see that they are all 3 available at levels 30-34, 35-39, and 40-44.
In the 30-34 range there are 98 recipies (3/98) I have approxametly a 3.1% chance per roll
In the 35-39 range there are 68 Recipies (3/68) I have approxametly 4.4% chance per roll
Finally, in the 40-44 range there are 66 recipes (3/66) I have around a 5% chance per roll
Just an example though, it is easier to work with than the wiki, because it is the same thing, but more navigatable. Like I said, I have every intention of putting in silver and bronze rolls, but they are MUCH larger selections than the gold rolls.
Also, as a side not, even if you aren't using the newer version of excel, I like to be able to see them in A-Z order
I added pictures of this example to the original post.
The distribution isn't as simple as dividing by the number of recipes available at a given level; some recipes are rarer than others (5:1 uncommon:rare ratio by player testing, according to the wiki), and the Gold/Rare rolls are said to be weighted by usefulness (more commonly used IO types drop more often).
Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse
The distribution isn't as simple as dividing by the number of recipes available at a given level; some recipes are rarer than others (5:1 uncommon:rare ratio by player testing, according to the wiki), and the Gold/Rare rolls are said to be weighted by usefulness (more commonly used IO types drop more often).
Though I'm not sure I agree, because from bronze I get the Regen Tissue: +regen more than any single other IO when I do bronze rolls O.o (or at least I did the week I bothered to keep track of my earnings)
Random roll is random. My Bronze roll random number generator has a penchant for Bone Snaps and Air Bursts...the Regen Tissue unique is cause for a happy dance.
Fixing the Bronze and Silver rolls should be easy enough; just count all of the uncommons five times and the rares once when you determine the percentages (the rares are marked on the wiki). The Gold will be harder, though, since it's less clear exactly how they're weighted.
Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse
Random roll is random. My Bronze roll random number generator has a penchant for Bone Snaps and Air Bursts...the Regen Tissue unique is cause for a happy dance.
Fixing the Bronze and Silver rolls should be easy enough; just count all of the uncommons five times and the rares once when you determine the percentages (the rares are marked on the wiki). The Gold will be harder, though, since it's less clear exactly how they're weighted. |
@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Random roll is random. My Bronze roll random number generator has a penchant for Bone Snaps and Air Bursts...the Regen Tissue unique is cause for a happy dance.
Fixing the Bronze and Silver rolls should be easy enough; just count all of the uncommons five times and the rares once when you determine the percentages (the rares are marked on the wiki). The Gold will be harder, though, since it's less clear exactly how they're weighted. |
I made a spread sheet for recipe rolls, currently it only has gold, but I will be updating it later on with both bronze and silver.
I used excel's table function, so you can make it show you only what you want to see. Unfortunately, this feature is only available in newer versions of excel. I have a back version saved for users who don't have the newest version, but it isn't nearly as nice!
As I said I will be updating with Bronze and Silver rolls, be patient =]
Examples: Click for larger
I give credit for what levels the recipes can be gotten/can not be gotten, and the total number of recipes per roll range to Paragonwiki