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  1. SaikoMantis

    Forever applying

    My client has been applying forever. It's been at 5.4M/3.1G for the past hour. I came back in, closed it and reopened it, left it there for awhile, and it is still there. :/ Any ideas? I tried to search the forums but no luck.
  2. Don't forget to flag me for beta before you go.
  3. CoX unfortunately, is getting boring.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    26 seconds?
    Timed recall friends are useful.

    For the regular slope, if you're just going for the gold, follow all the advice given. If you want a really really fast time, you do NOT want Intertial Reduction. While it offers fantastic air control, the really sharp turn is hard to navigate with it since sometimes you go OVER the gate you're making the sharp turn for. All you want is a maxed out jump, with super jump and hurdle.

    This is a screenie from when they were testing on live a few weeks back. This is with just super jump, super speed, sprint, and hurdle on. No SB, IR, or recall friend.
  5. Anyone want to take a stab at Joker's Jackpot? He's got my most favorite costume on him. The purple is from a safeguard power or something.

  6. SaikoMantis

    Global Channels

    Infinity Hamidon, Inf Badge Seeker, Infinity Badges. Those are the only ones I'm part of, otherwise most of the other channels drop my IQ and try my patience.
  7. I don't.

    Good thing my brother offered to buy it for me.
  8. Quick question -- why does it take a bit longer to apply tailor tokens? I mean it's no problem for the older players who have like 50 tokens stacked up plus the vet ones, but what about the newer playes who have to actually (*gasp*) spend money on their costumes, or wait 3 days to tinker around? Just curious as to why it takes longer.
  9. To update, destroying Moses in trophies/achievements in Arkham Asylum.
  10. Noon. On a Sunday. Eastern time. I make it my goal on Sundays not to get up before noon over here on the Pacific!
  11. SaikoMantis

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by FightingCanadian View Post
    Ya know, I think us 60+ monthers deserve closed beta slots. I've been around for nearly 63 months, and I've yet to get a single invite to a closed bet. That 'other' game gave me one...but the game I have been so loyal to the past 5 years? Something seems backwards there:P
    + Agreement.
  12. Thank you very much, 'tis appreciated!
  13. I've searched the forums, Wiki, and Google. Maybe my search-fu is weak, but I am looking for the program that allowed you to change the settings of the game before even opening it. Any help?
  14. It happens. You got silenced without enough research put in to it -- and as it was only 24 hours there's no reason for them to actually look in to the problem.
  15. I loved watching you guys totally flip out when I teamed with you and an O-portal would be summoned. Half the time it wasn't even me. Only half.
  16. Hey, thanks for all the attempts at fixing it. I was in the middle of running a HiJackThis and a dxdiag per request, and it shut down on me again. So me and a friend tore it apart. It was the RAM. Everything is good now. Thanks!
  17. The thing is, there is no pattern. I could be playing, I could not be. I could be surfing YoUTube, I could not be. I've taken it back to him and every time I do he says nothing is happening for him.
  18. Howdy all. I just spent 1700 on a really awesome system. The only problem is it will randomly reboot, among other things, and none of us can figure out why. Someone tried to tell me it may be the plasma monitor that I'm using. Could this be true? If not, let me know all the information I should provide to get help on fixing this issue. I'm still a bit of a noob at computer crap.