Its been a great 4 yrs....thanks for all the fun!!
Nooooooo *sniffs* i'll miss ya
I've heard a lot about Aion. I may have to put it on the list of MMOs I check out. It was great getting to team with both you and Mr OSHA a few times. My only regret is that I didn't get to meet you guys sooner.
Have fun in all your game journeys and I wish you both the best of luck.
Can I have your stuff?
PL me in Aion?
So long and thanks for all the lolz.
edit: o yeah: *annexes OSHA Academy*
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
gl hf.
Thank you for bringing fun to the City of Heroes/Villians!!You shall be missed!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Best wishes and what not.
The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
Always Allow/Disallow Mystic Fortune Prompt!

My son and I wish you and Mr. OSHA well in your new adventures
P. S. - We don't want "all your stuff", but if you're looking for someone to donate your purple IO's to...
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
I teamed with you a couple times, Mrs. Osha, so I'll be missing the company and rather fun nature you provided.
But all in all I completely understand that you feel like you need to move on to a new game, and if Aion is the thing for you then stick with it until it gets screwed up or shut down I say!
These are just games after all, so no need for hostile loyalty
d00000000000m see u guys on AION
Take care Osha, same to the mista
Can I have your stuff?
PL me in Aion?
So long and thanks for all the lolz.
edit: o yeah: *annexes OSHA Academy*
[/ QUOTE ]
You can't Annex OSHA Academy.....YET.......
I am still here.... for a short time...
Alright! That's it!! The OSHAs have a legacy here and thus are NOT permitted to leave!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
What about *my* legacy?
Oh yeah...
Carry on...
Can I have your stuff?
PL me in Aion?
So long and thanks for all the lolz.
edit: o yeah: *annexes OSHA Academy*
[/ QUOTE ]
You can't Annex OSHA Academy.....YET.......
I am still here.... for a short time...
[/ QUOTE ]
Already annexed.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
So sayeth the Slax in his Slaxy minions on temp accounts
Got a guild on Aion for the North American servers?
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Once the game goes live we will have a Legion/Guild for the US Servers... send me an e-mail at and register on our forum site at and we'll be taking all those who wish to join We look forward to as much fun there as we have had here.
We will be most likely on Poeta Server at release. We are on Siel Server now in Beta. Send me an e-mail for our vent info and you can join us there for the duration of beta... Next Beta, if you are in, is July 2nd-6th.
If you purchase a pre-order code from Game Stop, it gives access to all beta events and they are essentially every other weekend until release.
Got on the beta since I played Tabula Rasa when they announced it closed. Currently have a level 11 Elyos Spiritmaster, 11 Elyos Ranger (not playing him anymore), and a level 10 Asmodian Spirtmaster. Not sure which is on what server.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
At the moment I have a lvl 19 Elyos Templar, a Lvl 10 Elyos Spiritmaster, Lvl 10 Asmodian Spiritmaster, Lvl 10 Asmodian Cleric, Lvl 10 Asmodian Assassin, and a Lvl 6 Asmodian Warrior. Of them all, I think I like the Spiritmasters best for solo play. The rest are pretty darned awesome as well though.
I was just sick and tired of playing a Scout and Ranger and having all my hard work to defeat one lone mob go to waste due to a Mage taking my spoils. With a Spiritmaster I get a cool pet and they are pretty awesome.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Thinks he must become Ghost Blader the templar and serve under OSHA , as an oshay minion pet ghosty thingy thing XD.
Hi....haven't teamed with you and Mrs O in a while but I remember some fun times in TFs and events. Good luck in whatever you do next!
Just bought the Aion preorder so will try to get into the 3rd Beta weekend. Hope to see you there!
lolz I preordered. Worst case I wasted 5 bucks.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Like so many others its my time to say goodbye to everyone. It's been an awesome 4 yrs for me. I've made so many friend in game and some that we've developed friendships offline that I hope will last for many years to come.

To those folks in The League of Extrodinarily Indebted Heroes, Kings Row Taxi Service, Morrigan's Ravens, Hands of Destiny, Dragon Legion, Children of the Gods (my first SG <3 Kurt and Steph), The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria and The all are what makes our coalition so awesome. Such a great group of folks to team with and if your looking for a home to hang your cape in, any of these SG's are a great place to do so.
I will still be in game as my one account is still active til November but I won't have the ability to post on the boards anymore so I'm saying my good byes now. This acct goes dead on the 24th and honestly there is no reason for me to reactivate it as neither OSHA nor I are really playing at all. We are too captivated with Aion....we just finished our 2nd beta weekend and it is another amazing game that NcSoft is putting out there. There are quite a few of our SG mates coming over with us which makes us happy
If you want to get in touch with me you can reach me at
Our SG website will still be active and the link is in my sig
So happy teaming to you all its been a great run but all good things must eventually come to an end