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  1. I haven't been home yet today to test it myself.

    But, can anyone else post their experiences following the maintainence today? I am curious as to how it is for folks so far or if it was even related.

    I have to believe their silence on this issue belies a lack of confidence in diagnosing the problem and fixing it.

    Silence will sometimes lead to wild speculation and if that last statement was such, I apologize.

    What else can I do though? lmao
  2. Tested and confirmed on 9/14/09

    Red spikes are back on Liberty with a vengence.

    Delayed animations, delayed effects.

    I am going through Atlantic Broadband in the NE region.

    Sorry NCsoft, I LOVE this game...but I don't even play it now. I can't connect to the new characters I made on Champion while I still have things unfinished with my Liberty characters.

    I only log in to check the performance now and typically am out in less than 15 minutes.

    I am done. I won't go over to the other game because the last thing I want to do is extended beta testing for a rushed game. (the former was my opinion and mine alone, debate it with me over PM's not here).

    You could offer me another free month of play, but I would turn it down. What do I want with a free month of play in a game where I can't play for more than an hour or so without a disconnect, horrible lag on powers and graphics, and worse when I am grouped.

    Sorry, but the $15 a month I spend will be going to a game where I can actually play as intended.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send out some type of mailers to subscribers who cancelled during the time of this issue.

    You fix it, I will return.

    In the mean time...I wish you all well and bless you all for your patience...I personally have run out.

  3. Not trying to stir the pot...so to speak.

    But, I haven't been able to bring myself to really even log in and see if the EC problem is still there.

    Every time I think its gone its comes back.

    We have a Double XP weekend coming up, I know I for one would just like to know where we stand...

    When I get home tonight I will check the netgraph on Liberty...but how about the rest of you folks....What is the status on your servers? Still red spiking and not getting clean play?


    Patience is a virtue that I am not to skilled with...I am really trying though.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Unlike my theatrical namesake, I was born and bred a city boy on the east coast. Hell, I never even saw a live RABBIT in person until I moved out to Iowa for college.
    That reminds me of my buddy's family from NYC that came to stay at his family's house one summer in Elkton, Maryland.

    He had some friends over for some weekend slacking and beer while they were there.

    The kids were like, maybe...6 and 10.

    So, anyway, we are shooting darts, drinking some brews..and it starts getting towards dark. The time when the Fireflies come out and start their little lightshow.

    I darn near lost my shiite when I heard the older brother say in a VERY distinct NY/Brooklyn accent, "What da f*** is that? Yo! Come here and look! (to his sister) Those bugs a**** are glowing! How do dey do that? Dats f****** CRAZY!"

    He and his sister just went bonkers over them. We got him a jar with some holes in it and sent him home with some.

    I NEVER heard a young kid curse so prolifically before or after that. He will make a fine sailor one day :P
  5. Title: Question for Farmers

    Body: Why?

    Farmer tans are cool? Blue Collar comedy is at an all time high and therefore farming is cool? Cause you get to bring yer hoe with you everywhere? Chicken thigh? Because it's almost 2012 and the mayan calendar says that will be the best harvest ever...so you should start now?

    Any of them work?
  6. I don't get the joke...

    I am not bright though....

    Let Me See If I Can Follow The...OHHHHHHH


    Now I see.

    SuperGroup Bases though...

    Don't worry so much about the med bay as a teleport bay at first. You get more health back at the hospital than at the base.


    Thats it. My brain is dry. I have cotton-brain.
  7. Feihung

    Sg names

    Okay. Will do. Thanks kindly.
  8. Feihung

    Sg names

    Can someone on Champion report The Hepcats for infringing on a band name for me?

    I really want to change it lol.

  9. Well, here are a couple of suggestions from a nitwit. Me.

    If you are like me, and are as intent as I was on starting a SG and having a personal base...here are some suggestions.

    Start your SG right at level 10. Enter Super Group Mode. On your chat windows, there is a SG button, click it. It opens a roster of your SG and next to, on the right hand side is a "Enter SG Mode" button. Entering SG mode makes it so you earn Prestige (SG "Bucks") through fighting and missions and such.

    Get a friend on that server to join your super group and invite your alts in. Try to invite as many as you have. Each new member gives you 20,000 prestige. It won't give any prestige after the 15th new member.

    If you don't have anyone on your server you can trust to help, send me a private message via the forums with your server and char. name. I will make someone that can invite your alts. Then you can kick him out.

    You want to get at least enough Prestige to buy an Oversight Center and a combo power unit.

    After getting that, you can go back to playing as usual. Eventually you can save up enough to get your transporter room and a workshop.

    You will find the transporter to be useful right away. But make sure you get exploration badges for the places you wish to teleport to...and make sure you are in SG mode when you get them.

    If you weren't...then just go back in SG mode and "get" them again. (you already have the badge, you just need to go by them again in SG mode.)

    Some basic stuff from a dunce. :P
    Good Luck and enjoy the game.
    Let me know if you need some help with anything.

    __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________

    That guy down there below me is agreeing with that guy there above me.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _____ View Post
    that was a pretty good post combination

  11. No thanks.

    I dont like popularity contests. It always leads to idiots fighting over something and causes a disruption in the community.

    No thanks.
  12. Feihung

    A little unfair?




    This was jokeski right?
  13. This place still has that new forum smell....


    Or is that me?

    I hope this helps all the othersiders find more groupings and ehh...super groupings...


  14. Agreed.

    I and my buddy made a few toons on Champion to be able to play. We had agreed we were just going to let the subs die if it weren't fixed.

    But he got antsy in the pantsy and went out and resubbed us (yay for time cards).

    So, we are re-establishing our SG's there to a degree.

    He was encouraged by all the responses and emails I have been getting from support. He and I are pretty confident that they will have it sorted out before too long.

    FWIW, I think, from their correspondence with me, they are pretty aggressively trying to fix this thing.

    Who knows though, about the only thing us affected can do is try to exercise that patience we gamers are famous for....you know...

    FIX IT NAO!! OR TEH CANCELS!! lol j/k


    Joking about it hurts lol
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    You want to know what will really piss me off? Is if I can't enjoy i16 when it is finally released because of this latency issue.. Really hoping this latency problem gets resolved soon.
    I agree.

    No change today as far as I can tell, but I did get another message from support which is encouraging.

    They seem to be taking this very seriously. There may not be much mention of it officially on the boards, but I have had at least 4 emails from support giving me updates and thanking me for my patience.

    Who knows, maybe I will just stick it out a bit longer here and see what goes on. I hate to say it though, but I have to abandon Liberty for now. I don't know how long I can be satisfied not playing my mains...but...after all this...the name Patience better be available :P

    We should all start a SG on Champion Villain side called the The Disconnected lol.
  16. Oi vey.

    I figured it would be good for me to submit a support ticket on this before my sub expires on the 2nd. The response I recieved was not too encouraging.

    On the off chance that posting a copy of that email is against forum rules, the basic gist of it was this:

    At this time we are still working to resolve the issue and do not have an update yet as to when it will be fixed.

    I think they would have a timeframe or something if they had an idea of what was going wrong.


    I sent back a reply that it might benefit their sub numbers if they sent out a mailer when they finally do fix it...

    Oh well. I guess I don't have to let my EQ2 sub end after all...since I want to have something to play...
  17. "Price line Negotiator!"

    "Go Meat!"
  18. Any new word on this?

    Went to play on my main server, Liberty...where I have all my stuff, and promptly lost connectivity as soon as I clicked a power inside a mission.

    Netgraph was almost solid red/yellow.

    I started on Champion...and gotta say...I am not too into trying to rebuild what I have on Liberty.

    I am not going to pay to transfer those characters.

    I am not going to rebuy character slots on champion.

    I am not going to continue playing if this is not going to change. Thats not a threat, I would not do that. It is simply the reality of the situation.

    I just came back...I have only been back a month...I got my desire to play back but that isn't enough.

    I need to be able to play as well, lol.

    Man, I hope this changes soon.

    kk, done venting...I feel a bit better :P
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    I am still hoping for a red name response or an ETA on this fix. It is so bad now.

  20. AngryC, Take care. It may not mean much, but I offer my sincerest congratulations on your mature decisions regarding college and gaming. The first year is the toughest, get through that and evaluate yourself then.

    Maybe you still don't return, but it would still be for the right reasons.\

    Good luck and make yourself proud as well as your parents.

    As for advice:

    While in college myself, I found money very hard to come by. I did not have a meal plan and had to work part time while in that first year.

    One of the ways I got food...and I can't believe I am admitting this...is to sneak in the back door of the dining halls.

    They ALWAYS have back doors

    Just dont get caught, I hear in Texas that is an executable offense :P

    Buy Ramen noodles, lots of ramen noodles.

    Take care of that big brain A_C
  21. [QUOTE=Bubbawheat;2141381]I collect these as well. Here's one that's not horrible, mostly just funny.


    Best origin story EVER!

    The one where the thieves poped out of the fridge was close...(the image of some thieves in big pope hats and in a pope mobile coming out of the fridge is pretty amusing to me)...but you can't beat being frozen in ice and thawed out by radioactive walrus urine...
  22. Playing on Liberty. I am experiencing lag on animations, powers, and blinking NPC's and PC's.

    After time, I end up crashing. All in all it amounts to a few crashes every session.

    I hope it is fixed relatively soon, as I am about to consider it unplayable (imo) and head back to more relatively stable environs.

    I don't have remotely any similar occurrences happening in any other game.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post

    Thanks alot, I was grappling with the search feature to find some of those posts...never would have guessed it was an east coast thing.

    Can I blame Michael Vick? j/k, thanks again
  24. I am putting this here under player questions, as I am asking one and am interested in the answers.

    My buddy and I both play on Liberty. We are crashing at least 2-3 times a session.

    We get waves of "lag" (for lack of a better word) that...while our characters seem okay, everything else gets hurky jerky.

    He tells me that is related to lost packets going from the server to the computer. This is based off of his findings here on the forums, and using an in game command to bring up a netgraph or something...that shows periods of bad lag as red lines and such. As you can see I don't know the tech term for what he is looking at...

    But he says it apparently is something that does not affect Champion. He has tested that server several times and has read testimonies finding the same result.

    MY Question though, anyone else experiencing similar things on other servers or on this one? Liberty?

    Is this an issue that is in the process of being fixed? It happens regularly enough to make me not think it is related to server loads...whats the deal?

    I have 40 characters on Liberty and two supergroups....so...any input would be very much appreciated.
  25. This can't be real. The OP can't be serious.

    I mean...seriously? You believed that? You thought it odd...but true?

    lmao, you CAN"T be serious!

    Someone sell this man a bridge NAO!