I16 Closed Beta




The reason for locking non-beta people out of the character creator is that the character creator is all they are testing right now. Beta people can't even play the characters they create at this time (or existing characters). All they can do is try to break the creator and bug it in the beta forum threads.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
I've played on other servers also. I spent a short time on Freedom (something I never want to repeat ever again) the sheer amount of leetspeak and unintelligable broadscasts was nearly deafening.
Hyperbole FTW!!!!



Originally Posted by Ssyrie View Post
The reason for locking non-beta people out of the character creator is that the character creator is all they are testing right now. Beta people can't even play the characters they create at this time (or existing characters). All they can do is try to break the creator and bug it in the beta forum threads.
you couldn't be more wrong.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Just play and report anything that you think is unusual. Things to keep in mind...

Power Customization - VFX
  • Do all of your powers FX appear the way you expect them to appear, based on the colors you've selected?
  • Do the FX appear the way you expect them to appear on critters and/or allies?
  • Do continuing (Fire damage over time) and/or conditional FX (block of ice hold) appear correct on yourself, allies, and/or targets?
  • Do your customized FX stay persistent when you zone, when you enter missions, supergroup bases, log off/log in, exemplar, sidekick, etc.
  • Does everything work as expected when you switch costumes, switch costumes that involve a gender change, use temporary disguise powers such as the Halloween costume change powers, etc.
  • Do other players VFX appear the way they expect them to appear? Do your VFX appear the way you expect them to appear to other players?
Power Customization - Animations
  • Do customized animations play consistently as expected?
  • Do they play consistently while flying, while jumping, while moving, while various toggles are active, while disguised, etc? (If not, be very specific about the particular combination of body types, toggles, etc)
  • Do other players' animations appear the way they expect them to appear? Do your animations appear to other players the way you expect them to appear?
the things i have italicized are things you cannot do just testing the creator.

edit: yes, I am aware that everything is italicized.



Ohhh Obsidian, where'd you get that stuff from?




Originally Posted by Ghost_Vision_NA View Post
Ohhh Obsidian, where'd you get that stuff from?

it's over in the "Testing Colors?" thread in this very forum!



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
I've played on other servers also. I spent a short time on Freedom (something I never want to repeat ever again) the sheer amount of leetspeak and unintelligable broadscasts was nearly deafening. Now imagine for a moment if you will, merging those people with the people on Virtue. You have to admit this will not lead to a positive outcome.
I rarely see roleplaying in broadcast on Virtue. I conclude most roleplayers speak in team, global channels, or in local. My serverless vision would not eliminate any of those options.

It would be akin to having a lived in a gated community or owned a Condo, and suddenly now anyone is allowed to move in without even a background check, or meeting the qualifications of the community you've set up, Some might see that as positive (those who want in but couldn't get in before) others who were there, and liked the way their communiy was working, likely would not.
I believe global channels allow those gates to exist much more readily than separate servers do. All of the "other" people we might not want to let into our communities can freely log onto and create characters on "our" servers right now. They cannot join my private channel freely.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



One thing I'm loving about the issue 16 release is that suddenly it seems the AE doom threads have gone quiet. For now. xD



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Hyperbole FTW!!!!
Truth FTW!!!!

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Doctor_Daedalus View Post
Paragon Studios is powered by rage. They feed off of it. It's like blood to a vampire for them.

I was kind of mad at first, but then I read about the electric armor heal and now I am not mad.
But doesn't that mean you are hurting the game? What if you not being angry weakens them and they take out the heal? Give in to your anger and make the game strong! Get mad! Gnash your teeth! Pound the desk! Gnaw the monitor!


Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Caleb_Nokama View Post
What call was there to be nasty about it? Have I offended you in some way that I'm not aware of? I'm certainly sorry if I have.

I didn't feel that the summary explained to my satisfaction whether or not the animations themselves were customizable, and I thought I'd ask about it. I didn't realize I would anger people with my inquiry, I'll just go back into obscurity where I belong.
Tempers are high on this thread at the moment, please don't take it personally. I can understand the confusion. Yes the color of dark itself is customizable, I've seen screenshots from hero con, Dark looks sexy in red.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I rarely see roleplaying in broadcast on Virtue. I conclude most roleplayers speak in team, global channels, or in local. My serverless vision would not eliminate any of those option
No, RP doesn't happen in broadcast on Virtue (except sometimes during RP in PvP zones), but I don't recall ever claiming it did, what I did say was we'd have a lot more griefing and Freedom-ized leetspeek in broadcast than we do now (Atlas Park excepted). You are correct most RP happens in local, team, and SG channels, but that doesn't mean I want everyone else having the potential to mess up my RP either.

Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I believe global channels allow those gates to exist much more readily than separate servers do. All of the "other" people we might not want to let into our communities can freely log onto and create characters on "our" servers right now. They cannot join my private channel freely.
Sure, if you ignore everything that happens in the streets in your once gated community (re: local) and only focus on your own house and keep your door locked (I.e. private globals) but before when your community was gated (or at least had an officer at the gates) less of those people came into it, and your streets were cleaner.

yes, they can freely log in and create a character on "our" server now, but to do that they must take the effort to do it, for the express purpose of going there, either to grief, to RP, or to hang out with friends they know there (RP or not) the same is true if you use a server transfer now. But by dumping everyone into the same "pot" now all of those people are together, without any special "effort" to be there, just everyone dumped together.

There is a difference between starting a new game in serverless (i.e. Champions) and taking a 5 year old game, with 5 year old community/server boundries and trying to force them together, and it shouldn't be done. It will, at least personally, impact my enjoyment and my gameplay experience, and considering I'm on the fence as it is (though i16 and GR look promising) this would certainly push me over.

It is the primary reason I am NOT interested in champions, is the fact they're doing a single server archetecture. There are other reasons, but that is the primary reason).

Edit: There is also the fact that, purely from a business standpoint, it knocks NC out of selling character transfers, so that's quite a bit of money they wouldn't get, another reason I can be fairly sure they won't do it.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Hyperbole FTW!!!!
Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Truth FTW!!!!
I'm afraid that I'm gonna have to agree with Peerless on this one. I started the game on Freedom, and played there for many months. The game was fun, the community's attitude and direction was not one I wanted to be in though. I later returned to the game, this time playing on Virtue (at a friend's suggestion) and found an awesome community. Now and then I'll pop my head back onto Freedom (I never deleted the character I had there), and within minutes I find it just as obnoxious as I always did. Sometimes worse. Within moments I'm getting team invites and tells (almost always in leet speak), almost always disreguarding the notes by my name in the search window.

Now I saw this not to say One Server > Other Server, but that the communities within them are different. They've developed different cultures and styles over the years that this game has been around. While not all do, many players stick to one or two servers because they find the people or attitudes there to be what they're looking for.

Shoving all of those people, those varried communities, forcibly together into one mega-server would cause a CoH culture shock that could drive many people away. It would also result in the game's community to reform anew, into something I, or Peer, or anyone for that matter may find is totally opposite to the one that helped to cement our love of the game.

(Please forgive any spelling errors in the above, my typing is extra debuffed today )



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
you couldn't be more wrong.

the things i have italicized are things you cannot do just testing the creator.

edit: yes, I am aware that everything is italicized.
Actually you're wrong. Bab's post was made BEFORE the closed beta started. His post was just an answer to Bionic_Flea about testing the new features and bugging ANY problems that occur. His post had nothing to do with how the start of the closed beta was going to be handled. If it was, his post would have been in the Closed Beta forum threads that only people in the closed beta currently have access too.



Originally Posted by Ssyrie View Post
Actually you're wrong. Bab's post was made BEFORE the closed beta started. His post was just an answer to Bionic_Flea about testing the new features and bugging ANY problems that occur. His post had nothing to do with how the start of the closed beta was going to be handled. If it was, his post would have been in the Closed Beta forum threads that only people in the closed beta currently have access too.
So either you're in the closed beta and are breaking the NDA by telling us what is and isn't allowed, or you've been talking to someone who is, and is breaking the NDA by doing so. either way.

put up or shut up. prove me wrong.

BAB knew full well that beta was starting today when he gave the general direction beta should go in that post. Don't try to say that he posted that in ignorance and didn't know the game plan for beta.

Edit: I mean, it's not like it matters either way, but don't tell me i'm wrong without backing it up with something, especially when I've given credible evidence to the contrary.



Fair enough, I deleted that post cuz I figured no point in me picking a forum fight over something so stupid.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Fair enough, I deleted that post cuz I figured no point in me picking a forum fight over something so stupid.
Then I will do the same.

I wasn't trying to start a fight or anything, hell I don't touch freedom because I just don't like the high population servers. so I can't say one way or the other about what happens.

edit: I just know a lot of people, especially lately, talk in that stupid text speak for some reason, and a lot of people consider that l33t.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Truth FTW!!!!
Definitely hyperbole.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
So either you're in the closed beta and are breaking the NDA by telling us what is and isn't allowed, or you've been talking to someone who is, and is breaking the NDA by doing so. either way.

put up or shut up. prove me wrong.

BAB knew full well that beta was starting today when he gave the general direction beta should go in that post. Don't try to say that he posted that in ignorance and didn't know the game plan for beta.

Edit: I mean, it's not like it matters either way, but don't tell me i'm wrong without backing it up with something, especially when I've given credible evidence to the contrary.
It's simple. If BAB was posting instructions to the beta testers, he would have done so in the closed beta forums (which only the beta testers can currently access). If you actually read his entire post you would see that he was just answering a question from Bionic_Flea about things to look out for and /bug once you actually get into the beta. Remember, instructions to the beta testers would not be visible to to people not in the beta.



Originally Posted by Ssyrie View Post
It's simple. If BAB was posting instructions to the beta testers, he would have done so in the closed beta forums (which only the beta testers can currently access). If you actually read his entire post you would see that he was just answering a question from Bionic_Flea about things to look out for and /bug once you actually get into the beta. Remember, instructions to the beta testers would not be visible to to people not in the beta.
so avoiding the point of my previous post.




Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Which does make one wonder why they'd need a queue system at all, given that only 2 of the servers are ever busy enough to need one (Virtue and Freedom) and then really only during DXP weekend, which yes, might fix the problems we had during the past DXP weekend. Let's just hope it doesn't lead to discussion of a massive serverless/mega-server environment, because..well it would suck. Some of us like the specfic makeup (more or less) of the server we're on...
My guess is that they want to get the queue system down and coded correctly for the new XPac. This way when that system goes live everything is in place and things will be much more smooth than the CoV launch.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Who is this "us" on Virtue you speak of? I play on Virtue. Yet I have not met you, unless in a PuG. How did I (and thousands of others you probably do not know) not ruin your community already? What features exist on Virtue that do not exist in the rest of the game? Where do you roleplay? Do you really think Virtue is that different from the other servers, because take it from someone who plays on multiple servers, it is not different.
Just figured it was worth noting that I've never seen anyone ((talk in OOC quotes)) on any other server, much less in local or broadcast. I've also never seen Pocket D populated by people who aren't just passing through on any other server. Virtue is different. It's not hard to notice it.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Sure, if you ignore everything that happens in the streets in your once gated community (re: local) and only focus on your own house and keep your door locked (I.e. private globals) but before when your community was gated (or at least had an officer at the gates) less of those people came into it, and your streets were cleaner.

yes, they can freely log in and create a character on "our" server now, but to do that they must take the effort to do it, for the express purpose of going there, either to grief, to RP, or to hang out with friends they know there (RP or not) the same is true if you use a server transfer now. But by dumping everyone into the same "pot" now all of those people are together, without any special "effort" to be there, just everyone dumped together.

There is a difference between starting a new game in serverless (i.e. Champions) and taking a 5 year old game, with 5 year old community/server boundries and trying to force them together, and it shouldn't be done. It will, at least personally, impact my enjoyment and my gameplay experience, and considering I'm on the fence as it is (though i16 and GR look promising) this would certainly push me over.
I can understand your concerns. In order to alleviate those concerns then we would want to maintain some divisions beyond just global channels, and it may be entirely appropriate to utilize more than one method. One obvious method is multiple instances (Atlas Park 1, Atlas Park 2, etc.). Another method is the fluctuating instances (like Guild Wars, and apparently CO have).

Another method is to maintain the current servers as is, but place the character choice first. Start Game, Check for Updates, Load Log-in Server, Log-in, Load Character Selection Screen, Choose Character, Load Server Select Screen, Choose Server. That way your characters are not limited to one server, you can maintain current communities, but if you find a need or desire to head somewhere else, it is a simple matter of logging out and then logging back into another server for that night, that play session, the next hour (this idea could be accomplished with multiple static instances instead of random, fluctuating instances).

Having enjoyed some events on Test where I can join up with forumites I would normally not be able to play with because we are on a variety of servers, I have found that I am really addicted to the idea of being able to play the character I want, with the people I want.

Edit: There is also the fact that, purely from a business standpoint, it knocks NC out of selling character transfers, so that's quite a bit of money they wouldn't get, another reason I can be fairly sure they won't do it.
Possibly. It is hard to say what would generate more revenue, as I believe there is a lot of potential business lost due to the server structure in this game.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



*waits quietly and hopefully for an invite*

To those who get in, happy bug hunting. Don't forget, if something breaks in a REALLY funny way, film it and save it for the NDA to get lifted, then post it! (Like when shields first broke and you were swinging around the neutral green starting figures on your arms.)


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I didn't feel like reading all the posts so I just wanted to clarify Castles post about test. Did he say that unless you are invited you should not even be able to log into Test even to the server select screen? Not sure what he meant



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
I wasn't trying to start a fight or anything,
Oh I know. It was all me. My tone was all wrong in the post. It's all good. No harm, no foul.