53 -
Here's the thing - new players might surge into Pinn, they might not. It's been the norm for a long time that anyone who isn't one of the core Pinnacle players from days prior just doesn't have a team to run with. For soloists, that's fine. For newcomers, that will be either terrifying, or boring. ...or both. Does anyone here remember what it's like to see a new player anymore? I sure as hell don't. :P
I'd rather stay on Pinn, but we've all done this song and dance before with NC's various "bring in newcomers" ideas - tons of people surge in, screw around, and rage-quit. The idealist in me would love to see new blood take to the game like a duck to water, but the realist in me says it's not going to happen. -
Quote:Now this idea, I like. It would allow for what I was asking for, in a sense, without any worry about breaking elements outside of the MA.While I like the gym idea, I feel its more something for test server. Sure, turn test servers in Mids-in-action. That been said, I really like the OP's idea, however for entirely different reasons. The other day I decider to create arcs for all my characters, telling their backstory in a more interesting way. However, what I would really like is the ability to have other players control my character for certain mission. So when my character tries to escape from prison, you actually control him, instead of just being there and helping him. So basically, when you select the mission, you see a custom character warning, followed by a brief build description (powersets, powerchoices). So the custom character never leaves MA, its just a mission entity like your everyday glowie. As for teaming? Only leader gets to play the custom character. No xp/inf/reward sure is a turnoff, since people expect to lvl while having fun in MA (story arcs, not farm/speed runs), but I don't really see another, xploit-free, way.
There wouldn't be anything forcing you to use said system, which is part of the point. It would be specifically designed -not- to interfere with standard gameplay, and not be mandatory for anyone not wishing to purchase it.
Hi there! Long-time lurker, not-oft poster here. I'm going to be taking a break until GR launches, but something occurred to me today, something that might be worth considering for the future of CoX.
I've always thought that there was something of a dichotomy to the game, a never-ending battle to merge two parts which can never make a seamless whole: superb player customization (costumes, custom missions, etc) and the necessarily rigid structure of the MMO. Over the years, this has created numerous points of friction, between RP'ers and PvP'ers, casual and hardcore gamers, and so on. The above-mentioned are, of course, not the only contentious groups of players, but for most, the ones most seen or heard. Now, what I'm suggesting might help somewhat - or not - but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.
As I let my sub lapse, I stopped to think about exactly why I am doing so. I thought long and hard about it, and came to an interesting conclusion: my only reason for repeatedly returning was missing the feeling of running characters, decked out, and radiating with (good or evil) glory. For me, the enjoyment of the game was having a variety of 50s - slotted, mostly - and either running content with them for the joy of doing so, or running custom arcs (my own or others') with said characters. I LOVE making characters, I love fine-tuning how their powers and outfits look, I love taking these grand displays of raw power, fluid grace or what-have-you, and being massively heroic (or villainous) with them. Given the opportunity, I could play that way forever, generating countless stories and characters for myself until the servers shut down. However, what kept me leaving in the first place was not enjoying the process of grinding to 50, then griding for weeks or months on end to keep up with the market, to slot them to my liking. I've lost many a character that I would've otherwise loved to play (and would still have) to this.
That being said, there are obviously a few things in the above paragraph that some (if not most) players will disagree with. Many may not care about the look of the character, or think me lazy for wanting the instant gratification of yet another 50 (to tack onto the 8 or so I already have ;p) without stopping to consider how it affects others, either by teaming, the market, earned rewards, and so on. They would be right to think this, of course - the game is fun for everyone in a different way, and having fun in a way that directly impinges (or is even at the expense of) others' enjoyment of the game isn't very nice, and can lead to unpleasantness. I thought about it for a long time...how exactly could I play CoX the way I want to, without exploits, without harming others' enjoyment, or somehow cheapening their accomplishments? Well, funny enough, my idea builds off of what the devs have given us already: the Mission Architect.
The MA allows us to create whatever kinds of stories we can think of. A quick run through the mission arc list (farms notwithstanding) shows us a staggering variety of story types. Mysteries, action arcs, canon, non-canon, themed, pop-culture, the list goes on and on. Heck, my own DC arc is a metaphorically humorous poke at the frustration of writer's block. I've always believed that the devs created the MA for this purpose, allowing us to make our own stories, our own fun, when we found the constant repeating of the content we all know so well to be a touch dull, after the 87th run through it. Too much of a good thing, you know. :P So my thought was, "Why not allow a character creation process that follows this same line of thinking?"
What I mean by this is, the MA is essentially VR entertainment. We already create custom stories, environments and characters within it...why not allow a similar system to create playable characters? We choose their level, powers, colors, and so on. More specifically, I'm proposing the following conditions and limitations for this particular type of player-character:
- A new character can be made, at level 50
- AT, starting costume, colors etc. are chosen as normal
- The character then goes through a version of the respec, picking powers first, then slots
- The character is able to slot (from a Mid's-like interface) what to slot where, from the available SO, IO Hami and Set pieces
Additionally, there would need to be special considerations for this type of "holo-character":
- The character would not be able to earn, accept or trade Inf, Enhancements, Salvage or any other commodity whatsoever, to prevent near-instant destabilization of the market
- The character would either be unable to earn badges not related to the MA, or any at all
- Any team that the holo-character leads gains no rewards, to prevent egregious abuse of farming/power-leveling with insta-50s (this includes tickets, salvage/enh. drops, inf., XP and any other sort of earnable commodity or reward). The character's status would be visible, whether by name color, or a special icon on their character bar when selected. As an alternative, the character may not be able to leave the MA building, or perhaps has an alternate instance/server where such things couldn't possibly interfere with the normal environment
- As the character is unable to trade for or buy Enhancements, they could visit a respec NPC as normal, simply going through the leveling process again. Much like swapping builds on a normal character, there would be a time limit between visits, to prevent abuse of the system
I may have missed a few finer points, but it should be apparent what I'm getting at. It's my hope that this type of character would serve two distinct purposes; to allow people more interested in merely playing characters without cheapening the achievements of those who wish to earn rewards (such as badges, inf, accolades and so on), and to hopefully lessen the impact of discovered exploits (typically used to achieve, in essence, what I've described), so that such things do not grievously de-stabilize the game for those who wish to enjoy it as it was made.
Availability is certainly a concern...perhaps this "mode" can only be accessed by a one-time fee, like a pack or expansion. Perhaps it requires that the account have so many months of veteran time, I'm not sure exactly. Still, that's my idea, in a nutshell. I'm not asking that it be implemented, simply that it be read and considered for ideas - in whole or in part - for the future. Additionally, I humbly request that any discussion be kept civil.
That said...thoughts? Comments, questions? -
Given how far away GR is, I don't expect anyone to return until sometime in the spring.
Quote:Redside, and Enforcer. ^_^are you hero side or vil side. id bet my bottom dollar it was hero side....
and what pants does he have on in that? i know its armoured, and it sorta resembles vanguard stuff but i dont recall vanguard pants having the sideways stripe on them.... unless its the 'anime armour' tech sleek. -
EDIT: disregard, issue resolved, albeit in a MacGuyver sort of way.
Mods, please delete thread. -
Quote:I'd get behind this, actually. I like this idea.The only way I would be ok with build switching without visiting an NPC would be:
- Set Player Health 1
- Set Player Max Regeneration 0, duration 60 seconds.
- Set Player Max Endurance 0, duration 60 seconds.
- Set all powers state to Initial Recharge.
- Wipe all Buffs/Debuff on character.
In other words, we do NOT want players to be able to situationally change power selections. -
I've already reported this one, but I thought everyone should see this, the most awesome sky texture ever.
Clearly, the game is telling me to play more.
While I didn't get a screenie of it, my loading screen from Ouro to Cap was, instead, a bank of clouds with a loading bar. Good times. -
Quote:That's a negative. Wife and I were testing that on a storage group yesterday, Arena kills do not count towards that badge, unless the issue changed something.Correct on both counts. Many of the kill task oriented badge, including the SG badge for the Fusion Generator, now require less kills to make them less grindy.
To the OP: IIRC, Arena match kills also count, so if you can get someone to help, you can get some kills in the privacy of some private matches. -
...because it's now bedtime, and I'm logging off. The game will, of course, be restarted tomorrow.
Carry on. -
Quote:I love bacon. It's so delicious, and goes well with shrimp.I love how subjects jump around in threads... I click on "last page" of a thread with the subject line "Issue 16 Release Date", and read a bunch of posts about CoX and Cryptic's sound effects libraries...
"The One" -
Quote:t's been my experience that most employers don't have an issue with self-employment, as long as you don't tell them you own/owned a business. The latter tends to get them thinking "So...this guy's just gonna stick around until he gets his own business back off the ground?" The former, may or may not convey a desire and dedication to work, even in an environment not conducive to job hunting.thread tagged
Okay, soo I have a question.
If I were to say that I have been self employed by selling things like clothes on eBay for almost a full year and have been making more money than I ever have a full time job, will an employer look at that and think I've done nothing for the past year like mentioned above? No paychecks, just the recipient of hundreds of paypal payments. I only have my job because I know the owner. I'm just wondering what my next employer will think when he asks me why I didn't have a job for almost a full year.
I mean. It's either tell the eBay story or say I saved up money from the Navy and went on a nation wide surf trip with intentions to surf every spot from the East coast < to > the West coast. Yes, I've actually done the eBay story, but I've heard enough stories from my dad about his coast to coast surfing road trip to pass it off as my own if on the spot. -
Quote:This. There isn't much that an employer hates more than seeing a giant gap of "I'm too lazy to do anything" on an application. Now, it doesn't mean that you actually were too lazy to do anything, but that's the perception nonetheless. Better to tell them "Hey, I worked McDonalds because I'll do ANYTHING to get the job done" as opposed to "Well, that job is beneath me. I'm only gonna do what I like."well put your name in for something basic be it grocery/department store etc and get SOME sort of income flowing....even if it may seem like a lame job its probably better to go into a real interview with something inbetween school and work rather than large spans of time with nothing
Quote:You're doin' it wrong. I haven't worked in nearly 3 years, don't live with my parents, and it's awesome. Every day is a party - wake up, play CoV, eat, play more, sleep when I feel like it.My work life is nonexistent. Friggin' economy.
(In before "I wish I didn't have to work". I'm almost 26 and live with my parents because I can't find a job 3 months and possibly longer after graduation, tell me again how awesome my life is.)
As for my feelings on work: it needs doing. What more is there to say? -
Did you get a purp drop when you dinged your new age?
Quote:Again I say, taking XP out of the MA will have next to no impact on how those who have a clue farm. For the purposes of this example, "farmer" and "PLer" are not conducive. Farmers use the MA for tickets, inf and prestige, so a lack of XP will not impact their activities in the slightest. Taking XP out of the AE entirely will, however, create only two groups who still use the AE:I thought AE was for user created story arcs not for farming. The incentive would be if your tired of stealing Egons ID for 3000th time you could look to new intresting missions.
It would also force the casual player back into the correct zone playing on teams what an intresting concept. Getting to lvl 50 and know what sirens call is or how to get to grandville. Prior to AE I dont remember those kind of questions in broadcast several times a day.
And as the devs have done since the release of AE is to discourge and delete farms to make the content easier to find.
There will always be farms in the game but since AE the game has centered around farming not around the game.
- Those who want non-canon distractions, RP fodder, etc
- Farmers
As for the MArc babies - is it annoying to get hit with a tell or see Broadcast hammered with questions about how the game works? Maybe. Then again, I'd argue that these people are trying to learn the game's "normal" content, even if it's somewhat out of order, and slamming them for PLing their characters instead of offering a hand only serves to drive them back into the AE, instead of further filling out PUG teams, SGs and the like. From their perspective, the AE was at least friendly and somewhat accommodating, where those outside of it are grumps who yell at and condemn them for wanting to know how to fly, or get to a specific zone. Everyone was new to this game at one point or another, and none of us came into it as vets. Personally, I think it's wonderful that we have so many new people around.
This seems like the point where I start getting the "How to play the game the 'rightâ„¢' way" argument, but since that's entirely subjective, I won't get into that. Everyone has a slightly different 'right' way to play, and short of exploits, I don't see a wrong way.
Frankly, I don't see where any one player has a right to "force a casual player" to do anything. It's their money, they can play how they like. -