Dual builds - switching on the fly




Instead of having to visit a trainer I should be able to switch on the fly for character purposes...please either shorten or remove the timer. For example I have a robot toon with a battle costume (offensive power build) and a defensive costume, I would love to be able to switch between builds on the fly as the situation demands it.

What do you think?



The Devs have already indicated that they want it working as it is and gave their reasons.

I doubt their viewpoint on it has changed much since then.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



If you could switch on the fly, and without a timer, it'd be so exploitable. Have a power with a long recharge? Change it instantly. Permahasten without any IOs. Heck, 10x hasten. You could on the fly. The way it works now is balanced.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
If you could switch on the fly, and without a timer, it'd be so exploitable. Have a power with a long recharge? Change it instantly. Permahasten without any IOs. Heck, 10x hasten. You could on the fly. The way it works now is balanced.
Okay point taken, how about a 5min timer, or heck I just want to be able to do it without having to see an NPC. I'll accept the timer whatever it is lol. I just want to be able to flip it in missions.



Originally Posted by Texas_Justice View Post
The Devs have already indicated that they want it working as it is and gave their reasons.

I doubt their viewpoint on it has changed much since then.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I would be happy ifthey just removed the time limit myself



If they had the time to put into it they could adjust the Dual Build system to where it does NOT reset any of the powers if they were already activated or recharging.

All in all this isn't so much of a bad idea just more of one that would end up being more problematic than others.



So... you want to exploit.

Nice knowin ya. :P



It's not a horrible idea I'm just not sure it's a problem that needs a solution. Unfortunately, this may end up causing more trouble than necessary.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



The way i see it, for the longest time there was only a single build per character, and we survived that way. So now that we have two we should just be thankful. =]



I support removing the need to visit a trainer. Why on earth do you need to see someone just to change powers you already know? If it was set change, sure, I could accept that. But IC wise it makes no sense, OOC wise it can be a pain.

Keep the timer, by all means, although if they let you know how long you had to wait it'd be nice.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I assume the whole idea of making these switches require a trip to a trainer -and- a timeout period was to eliminate any possible way to exploit it during any PvE or PvP activities.

I can understand why these limitations are annoying to some people, but the ability to build switch was never intended to be a 'tactical' option in the first place. Frankly if you think about it just about the only reason you'd ever want to be able to instantly change your build would be to exploit a tactical situation with different powers.

Clearly the Devs didn't mind us having a feature to have dual builds available but they also clearly didn't want us to be able to abuse it either. It's remotely possible they might make a new high level Vet award which would allow a build switch without a trainer at some point. I personally think that'd be a waste of a high level Vet Award but that might just be me. Regardless of that I highly doubt they would ever lower the timeout period on switches. Switches are meant to be strategic decisions, not twitch-tactical ways to min/max particular situations. *shrugs*

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Not looking to exploit, just want to be able to switch without having to visit the trainer. Like I said fine keep a timer, like 1 minute would be nice. I'd like to have an all out offense and defense build for my toons.



Originally Posted by Icebeam_NA View Post
Not looking to exploit, just want to be able to switch without having to visit the trainer. Like I said fine keep a timer, like 1 minute would be nice. I'd like to have an all out offense and defense build for my toons.
That's still way too exploitable.


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Originally Posted by Icebeam_NA View Post
Not looking to exploit, just want to be able to switch without having to visit the trainer. Like I said fine keep a timer, like 1 minute would be nice. I'd like to have an all out offense and defense build for my toons.
Wow I can see it now one high level fire blaster, seven level ones walk into a mission, the lowbies stand by the door whilst the fire blaster wanders around doing

Aim > Build Up > Inferno > Self Destruct > Rise of the Phoenix > Switch Builds > go to next mob > Repeat untill no more mobs.

Yeah that wouldn't be at all exploitable



Problem with that scenario, TheHawkes, is that Self Destruct is on a much, much, much, much longer timer than 1 minute. So, after the first build change use, you couldn't repeat that attack chain, because "both" Self Desctructs would be already used, and wouldn't charge for quite some time.. In fact, that would count for pretty much any long-term recharge power....

On top of that, the Devs already seem to have some sort of system already in place that keeps timers on powers, regardless of the fact you just switched a built--i.e. Vet Teleport power or Mission Transport power. If you use the Vet Teleport power, then switch builds, it doesn't reset it automatically.

So, this isn't entirely a bad suggestion, really. If the Devs would implement that same system on ALL the powers (Hasten, Nuke, ect), It wouldn't matter if you switched builds, because the timer on the powers would still be going. You wouldn't be able to activate Hasten *again*... Everything would still be the same time-wise, therefore avoiding the "exploit" possibilities.

If the Devs would implement this system on all powers, I'd be in full support of a "switch build on the fly" or "switch build in 2 minutes" feature. 15 minutes it a bit too long for me... There's been many situations where I switched to my tri-form build on my WS for a planned TF, and if no one showed up for the event, and I wanted to just join my coalition mates for a different mission, I couldn't switch back to my "normal gameplay" human-only build for 15 minutes. Argh! :P

Not that it's "entirely" a huge inconvenience or anything... It's just that new suggestions like this I think should be welcome, as long as people are trying to come up with solutions for it, instead of just shooting it down, without thinking of a way that it could work.

Devs DO pay attention to suggestions, 'ya know!

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
If you could switch on the fly, and without a timer, it'd be so exploitable. Have a power with a long recharge? Change it instantly. Permahasten without any IOs. Heck, 10x hasten. You could on the fly. The way it works now is balanced.
It wouldn't have to be like that. There are still ways they could regulate it without having to go to the trainer or wait for the timer. Switching once per mission, making recharge times for the same powers in both builds still applies.

And don't say it's not possible. Half the stuff they've rolled out in the last year, at some point someone said would never happen.

It can happen.



So, after the first build change use, you couldn't repeat that attack chain, because "both" Self Desctructs would be already used, and wouldn't charge for quite some time.. In fact, that would count for pretty much any long-term recharge power....
Builds don't "remember" the state of their recharge. The power recharges completely, instantly.

On top of that, the Devs already seem to have some sort of system already in place that keeps timers on powers, regardless of the fact you just switched a built--i.e. Vet Teleport power or Mission Transport power. If you use the Vet Teleport power, then switch builds, it doesn't reset it automatically.
Actually, they do recharge automatically. This is why people have joked that Mission Teleport has a recharge of 15m.

Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
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Originally Posted by Dalantia View Post
Builds don't "remember" the state of their recharge. The power recharges completely, instantly...automatically. This is why people have joked that Mission Teleport has a recharge of 15m.
Like Dalantia said, with two identical builds no power has longer recharge than 15 minutes as long as you can go to a trainer. Reducing the recharge or allowing to switch on the fly would be very, very broken. Changing this would be non-trivial, perhaps requiring a costly rewriting of the basic game code for a minor benefit.

Doesn't mean it's impossible, but unless it comes as a side-effect of some other changes i doubt we'll get build switching on the fly.

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Originally Posted by Dalantia View Post
Builds don't "remember" the state of their recharge. The power recharges completely, instantly.

Actually, they do recharge automatically. This is why people have joked that Mission Teleport has a recharge of 15m.
Oh, it does? I stand corrected. I must have been mistaken...Sorry 'bout that.

Too bad not everyone can be as polite as you when correcting someone....lol! That being said, I gotta go test that out right now!

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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Keep the current time limit and remove the need to visit a trainer.

Is that still really exploitable?

Either that or make it so villains can use Warwitch to change builds, like we used to be able to for crying out loud.



Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
Keep the current time limit and remove the need to visit a trainer.

Is that still really exploitable?
Very exploitable. Anything that would allow for instant induction resetting would be exploitable to a fault, for both pvp and pve.



Originally Posted by Caleb_Nokama View Post
Very exploitable. Anything that would allow for instant induction resetting would be exploitable to a fault, for both pvp and pve.
...Right once every 10-15 minutes.

Extremely exploitable I know. Then you could pop off two infernos once every....

10-15 minutes?

Extremely exploitable, I rescind my idea because of how deadly and exploitable this really is.



Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
...Right once every 10-15 minutes.

Extremely exploitable I know. Then you could pop off two infernos once every....

10-15 minutes?

Extremely exploitable, I rescind my idea because of how deadly and exploitable this really is.
You're forgetting Accolades and defensive Tier 9s.

This could lead to powers such as the Vet Recall being perma, among more trifling items. Just having Archmage up all the time would be pretty nice though, as would be having Geas, Elude, other Tier 9s...insta-dual builds would just be over the top good.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
You're forgetting Accolades and defensive Tier 9s.

This could lead to powers such as the Vet Recall being perma, among more trifling items. Just having Archmage up all the time would be pretty nice though, as would be having Geas, Elude, other Tier 9s...insta-dual builds would just be over the top good.

i agree. Being able to effectively double the duration/output of accolades and tier 9's every 10-15 minutes would be incredibly exploitable. The final battle of many SF's/TF's comes to mind, just for a start.

i like biff, he reliably makes good bad examples.

Dr. Todt's theme.
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