Dual builds - switching on the fly




Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The only way I would be ok with build switching without visiting an NPC would be:
  • Set Player Health 1
  • Set Player Max Regeneration 0, duration 60 seconds.
  • Set Player Max Endurance 0, duration 60 seconds.
  • Set all powers state to Initial Recharge.
  • Wipe all Buffs/Debuff on character.
In other words, we do NOT want players to be able to situationally change power selections.
I'm totally ok with this, AS LONG AS BASE BUFFS were not affected. Using an entire inventory of salvage for base buffs before a TF, deciding to switch to your other build before you start the TF to be more effective--only to realize all the base buffs had been erased... would be more than a bit maddening.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by Raymaiha View Post
If I as a stone stone go to a mission.. say in Oros.. and take a mission where my granite is gone then realize during the mission that my fire, ice, psy resistance now sucks.. I would like to be able to switch to the other toon that has brimstone or crystals on the build. Is this exploitive?.... I just want to play the game without endless travel back and forth to a NPC and then have to wait 15 minutes to play the game...
So, you start an Oroboros mission and get ported to the contact, who is likely in a zone with a trainer. A quick hop over and a quick hop back and you are ready to go. That does not take 15 minutes.

I am quite sure all those in favor of game balance can rack up endless examples of how this can be exploited. Save your typing. One day would be real nice to see a posting with an answers that are civil and give specific reasons why a complaint or idea wont work.
Like, um, the second reply to this very thread?



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The only way I would be ok with build switching without visiting an NPC would be:
  • Set Player Health 1
  • Set Player Max Regeneration 0, duration 60 seconds.
  • Set Player Max Endurance 0, duration 60 seconds.
  • Set all powers state to Initial Recharge.
  • Wipe all Buffs/Debuff on character.

In other words, we do NOT want players to be able to situationally change power selections.
I for one havn't had need to change builds on any of toons that badly...but this implimentaion of it would work perfectly.