What's with all the lazy kins lately?




I only ask for SB in certain situations:
A) I'm having endurance problems
B) We're fighing an AV and I want a faster attack chain
C) I happen to not have a travel power yet and have to go a long way. (I don't feel the need to take travel powers as soon as they're available anymore)

On my claws/regen (my main) I frequently request that I NOT be given speed boost because it's detriment (I move too fast and overshoot targets) outweigh it's benefits (neither the end recover or the recharge really help me that much anymore)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



People wouldn't need to harp and ask for SB if kins did their job. It's not hard to watch the buff icons and see when SB needs to be reapplied. It takes seconds to buff 7 team members every 2 mins. Give me a break if that is too much for a kin to do. I manage to do it on my kin with no problems. I am tired of kins broadcasting and advertising that they are a kin for a team MA mish knowing that the are gonna get picked quick to join the team only to have them not SB the team (the very reason they were picked to begin with).



People wouldn't need to harp and ask for SB if kins did their job. It's not hard to watch the buff icons and see when SB needs to be reapplied. It takes seconds to buff 7 team members every 2 mins. Give me a break if that is too much for a kin to do. I manage to do it on my kin with no problems. I am tired of kins broadcasting and advertising that they are a kin for a team MA mish knowing that the are gonna get picked quick to join the team only to have them not SB the team (the very reason they were picked to begin with).

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You make a rather ridiculously arrogant assumption here about what a kin's "job" is. Last I checked, there are 9 powers in the Kinetics set, of which SB is merely one. A kin's "job" is to use their powers (THEIR powers mind you, not yours) to buff and help the team out in whatever way they deem best. Don't go calling someone a lazy or a bad player because they don't play THEIR toon the way YOU want them to.

�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne

�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin




I maintain SB all the time. It's lovely what some simple number pad binds can do for you.

That said, I'm also vindictive as hell and because I'm quite adept at maintaining the buffs, I'm also quite skilled at not maintaining your buffs if you happen to annoy me. I don't go so far as to give people a rocket boost to their death but I wouldn't say I'd be above it if pushed.


That all said, "SB PLZ" is a myth. I still have yet to ever see it except in sarcasm.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



I ask to be SBed whenever we start a mission and the Kin hasn't done it, then I remind that player whenever it drops. The first is to let them know I want it, many Kins for some reason assume people don't. The second is to let them know that it's dropped so they don't have to pay attention to buff icons. As has been said, it's an amazing buff and should be applied whenever possible (you can add easier lineup of melee cones to the list of good things).

If you don't like reapplying SB then don't play a kinetic or atleast don't take the power. This is my approach, I don't play any sets that needs to reapply buffs because I find it too annoying. Doing anything less than your best on a team is just rude, in my opinion.



I only ask for SB in certain situations:
A) I'm having endurance problems
B) We're fighing an AV and I want a faster attack chain
C) I happen to not have a travel power yet and have to go a long way. (I don't feel the need to take travel powers as soon as they're available anymore)

On my claws/regen (my main) I frequently request that I NOT be given speed boost because it's detriment (I move too fast and overshoot targets) outweigh it's benefits (neither the end recover or the recharge really help me that much anymore)

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1) Then you need fix those problems and not depend on a kin. If you're melee, transference does the job w/o needing SB.

2) This is one of the few times I'll "consider" SBing teammates. But again, if you want faster attack chains, get set bonuses that give you +rech.

3) If you need SB because you didn't take a travel power at a low level when it became available, too bad. Maybe if you're lucky, the map wont be cleared by the time you make it in the mission.

As far as tanks are concerned, the only ones that I will ever SB consistantly are stone tanks. I have one myself and I know how bad it sucks to move around while in granite. I myself dont ask mainly because I can move just fine with teleport, but I'm sympathetic to those who didn't chose that travel power. Not everyone gets a stone tank build right.



If you don't like reapplying SB then don't play a kinetic or atleast don't take the power. This is my approach, I don't play any sets that needs to reapply buffs because I find it too annoying. Doing anything less than your best on a team is just rude, in my opinion.

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It isn't rude if the mechanic in question decreases a player's enjoyment of the game significantly, because, in the end, the objective of the game is to have fun. Rebuffing SB is a fairly tedious task, and if it isn't critical for the success of the task at hand, then it is -- in my opinion -- the personal decision of the Kin whether to apply it or not. There are plenty of other ways in which a Kin can contribute to a team, and I don't care if he or she doesn't want to go through the rebuffing treadmill every couple of minutes.



I don't know if it's a symptom of MA but lately all the MA teams I have made have have lazy kins (kins that never SB anyone). Why play a kin if you don't wanna SB people?

I have now started kicking lazy kins!

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Wow! That's a fairly draconian attitude. What other powersets fall under the "Use X power when teamed with me or get kicked!" rule?

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



On my Kin/Elec Defender, I have SB and ID in the 1 and 2 powerslots for easy useage. I try to buff SB on the team every other spawn as standard (as much as possible) and buff with ID when needed. If a teammate doesn't want the buffs, I ask them to be patient while I break the auto-buff habit.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



I have had exactly one Kin... I loved it, all the way up until SB. As soon as I had that, it was like anything else I had to offer was a complete waste of time to the team. My Kin was a sapper. It was REALLY good at removing endurance from the entire mob almost immediately. No one seemed to care about that and would always cry for SB.

No one ever seemed to understand why the last mob in the mish seemed so easy to go up against, but this next one was way harder. But at least they had SB! Why bother caring what else I did for the team!

But I do understand why people value the Kin's SB. I am a big fan of it myself. However, I deleted my Kin because I got tired of only being useful for SB. It's not how I like to play. I like to "arrest" things to death.

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



I only ask for SB in certain situations:
A) I'm having endurance problems
B) We're fighing an AV and I want a faster attack chain
C) I happen to not have a travel power yet and have to go a long way. (I don't feel the need to take travel powers as soon as they're available anymore)

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Define "endurance problems" because your reasons for asking for Speed Boost all sound an awful lot like things that could be addressed within your own build and\or play style.

In my mind, if you have purposely built out or play your character with the caveat that he or she requires a buff by another character then you need to rethink your character.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



This same person posted the same thing on the Controller forums. I suspect its a troll post motivated by boredom. I might be wrong. *shrug*

Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



So I love my tanker dearly. When SB starts getting thrown around, the entire team cheers for SB! YAAAAY SB!

So I wanted to be the hero, and rolled a Kin. MA'd him up to SB. Now I want to delete him. He can't solo for [censored], and seriously everyone just wants SB.

So when they start [censored] about SB, I stop using other powers, and for some reason the team slows down, or doesn't perform.

As my tanker I do love SB. Why? For crowd control. If my taunt comes back faster, it'll help me be sure that every mob is on me. Aggro is something I'm very conscious about. But seriously, the only thing I want SB for is to get my taunt back faster.

On my Kheldian's Dwarf form, or my Stone Brute, I want SB just so I can move at a decent speed, nothing more.

Seriously, Kins, I feel your pain. 1/8th of your playtime shouldn't be getting grief about trying to have the fun. I've come to the point where every SB is giving away my fun, and the question they're actually asking is:

Gimme your fun plz!
Gimme your fun plz!
Gimme your fun plz!
Gimme your fun plz!
Why aren't you giving me all your fun? I want to have fun!
Gimme your fun plz!



Why do that?

It doesn't fit into the tanker archetypes general attitude, right?

This is one of the reasons that I generally try to avoid inviting tankers to teams.
It is good to see this kind of post, it helps me reaffirm my belief that a good many of them are just too full of themselves.

Some tankers need to take a chill-pill, ease up, and learn to work with a [u]team[u].

I certain hope all those kins that Winters_Rose is kicking put Winters_Rose on /gignore and 1 star rate Winters_Rosein Notes.
I know I would.

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Me thinks someone is a tank-hater. Why are you trolling these boards then?

Global: @FuzzyOne
Find me playing these servers: Champion, Justice, Freedom, Virtue and Pinnacle



Why do that?

It doesn't fit into the tanker archetypes general attitude, right?

This is one of the reasons that I generally try to avoid inviting tankers to teams.
It is good to see this kind of post, it helps me reaffirm my belief that a good many of them are just too full of themselves.

Some tankers need to take a chill-pill, ease up, and learn to work with a [u]team[u].

I certain hope all those kins that Winters_Rose is kicking put Winters_Rose on /gignore and 1 star rate Winters_Rosein Notes.
I know I would.

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Me thinks someone is a tank-hater. Why are you trolling these boards then?

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I have to agree why the tank hate. I've seen many a contollers, defenders with high and mighty attitudes. Who feel like a team won't survive with out them. It doesn't but that doesn't stop me from inviting them to a team. To blame everyone who tanks is just silly not to mention excluding certain groups tends to leave teams unbalanced. Frankly tanks and kins go to gather like peanut butter and jelly, ham and eggs, Tequilla and lemons. .
As for lazy kins. I feel that they shouldn't need to buff all the time as that tends to get kind of boring. Who wants to stay out of the action. Frankly I tend to forget to ask anyways.



People wouldn't need to harp and ask for SB if kins did their job. It's not hard to watch the buff icons and see when SB needs to be reapplied. It takes seconds to buff 7 team members every 2 mins. Give me a break if that is too much for a kin to do. I manage to do it on my kin with no problems. I am tired of kins broadcasting and advertising that they are a kin for a team MA mish knowing that the are gonna get picked quick to join the team only to have them not SB the team (the very reason they were picked to begin with).

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If kins did their job... which is apparently a mobile delivery system for SB and nothing else.

Watching the buff icons... and picking your SB icon out of the row of 15-20 buff icons stretched out next to each player's name, all the while trying to contribute more to the team than just spamming SB.

It takes seconds to buff 7 team members every two minutes... assuming that all seven team members are in range and haven't dashed off after another mob. Then you get to listen to them whine about your letting SB drop on them when they do come back. I've been on ITFs where I've only had two team members within range of SB at any given time in the last two missions, but I'm still expected to run around to keep SB on them all.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



People wouldn't need to harp and ask for SB if kins did their job. It's not hard to watch the buff icons and see when SB needs to be reapplied. It takes seconds to buff 7 team members every 2 mins. Give me a break if that is too much for a kin to do. I manage to do it on my kin with no problems. I am tired of kins broadcasting and advertising that they are a kin for a team MA mish knowing that the are gonna get picked quick to join the team only to have them not SB the team (the very reason they were picked to begin with).

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If kins did their job... which is apparently a mobile delivery system for SB and nothing else.

Watching the buff icons... and picking your SB icon out of the row of 15-20 buff icons stretched out next to each player's name, all the while trying to contribute more to the team than just spamming SB.

It takes seconds to buff 7 team members every two minutes... assuming that all seven team members are in range and haven't dashed off after another mob. Then you get to listen to them whine about your letting SB drop on them when they do come back. I've been on ITFs where I've only had two team members within range of SB at any given time in the last two missions, but I'm still expected to run around to keep SB on them all.

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K, was goin to stay out of this but this brings in my phalosophy. If SB drops and your not in range even if no one gets it, your not gettin it for another 2 mobs(Roughly 2 mins). My role when im not soloing mishes set for 8 is to keep green and blue bars topped off while makeing sure everyone is setting nice and snug above or near the damage cap. If you can wait the 20 or so seconds it takes transferance to recharge and you need the end so badly, guess its my fualt you made bad decissions slotting up your tank, ill tank the next mob why you rest, Hows that? And when the team realizes the troller is tankin why the tanker is resting up 2 mobs back and hes still complanin he hasnt gotten hit with SB, not my fualt you are slowying the team down.

OK end of my rant , But seriously i SB once at mish start(before first mob is enganged) and then once every 2 mins to maintain the buff. ALOT of people complain at first until they realize im not chasin em half way cross IP to give em a buff when if they would just stop for half a second after the 2nd mob died they would get a nifty buff to help recharge. Other wise see above about how i feel :P



this is why i dont play kins. SB doesnt last long enough, and i end up just being a buffbot. If i wanted to be a buffbot, I'll just go play a FF mastermind and keep trying to bubble EVERYONE, including my many pets. People get way too ansy when a speedboost has run out, and ive heard of some people actually crying when the warning flashes start to go off. Especially on a troller, my only job isnt to be someone's lackey. I have control, damage, safety, FS, heals, SB, and whatever else to worry about at once. If i forget to SB someone, my bad. But again, thats why i dont play kins, SB is just too short for my tastes, and I dont like having to deal with the whole perspective people can have on it.




Seriously, people get too worked up about it. If your teammates are buffing pretty well and helping you, it's all good. No need to kick or be angsty because you didn't get your SB crack the second you wanted it. Withholding it is bad for a Kin, I suppose, but they can do a lot as well beyond SB.

Seriously, it's about as bad as the whole "need a healer" thing. I love it when I get complimented for my heals as an Earth/Storm, like O2 Boost heals a lot or something. It's my buffs and debuffs that are really helping. So ease up, relax. Be polite. Makes things a lot easier in game and in the world.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory




It is good to see this kind of post, it helps me reaffirm my belief that a good many of them are just too full of themselves.

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Yes, please ignore all the other Tanker Forumites who give the AT a good name. Couldn't the same be said for any other AT? I'm not sure how this post is anymore enlightening than the OP's, yet seems full of itself enough to act like it is. I'm gonna hand this one the "Ironic Post of the Day" award.

I understand the OP's frustration. But I'd rather a kin hand out FS more liberally than SB. IMO, that's going to move things along a lot faster, and requires less End output from the team for more damage. Now, Kins that just don't used FS at all, or SB? That does get my goat. But as mentioned, if someone is actively participating, even if it's not the way you prefer, kicking them isn't the answer. Make your request, or leave team. There's plenty of others to play with.

Ask them in a tell, too. It's less likely to make them feel put on the spot.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



I only ask for SB in certain situations:
A) I'm having endurance problems
B) We're fighing an AV and I want a faster attack chain
C) I happen to not have a travel power yet and have to go a long way. (I don't feel the need to take travel powers as soon as they're available anymore)

On my claws/regen (my main) I frequently request that I NOT be given speed boost because it's detriment (I move too fast and overshoot targets) outweigh it's benefits (neither the end recover or the recharge really help me that much anymore)

[/ QUOTE ]2) This is one of the few times I'll "consider" SBing teammates. But again, if you want faster attack chains, get set bonuses that give you +rech.

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I hope you know that not everyone can afford IOs.



I'm one of the tanks that doesn't like SB except under x circumstance, but thats because i am not a slow moving tank i tend to stay a step ahead of the team and know the archtype really well.

I do have a stone tank though and i have a kin i run with that sb's me and they know it's he only toon that gets sb and keeps sb. i sympathize with kins though and thats one reason i don't get the buf is so they have more time to do things other then SB.



I don't know if it's a symptom of MA but lately all the MA teams I have made have have lazy kins (kins that never SB anyone). Why play a kin if you don't wanna SB people?

I have now started kicking lazy kins!

[/ QUOTE ]

How about this for an idea. If you dont like the "kins" you have been getting go roll your own.

I play all archtypes and powersets including kinetics characters. I never complain when someone says "sb please, can I get an sb please" however it is rare they have to ask.

However when they say "SB me" or ask for an SB when they are 300 yards away I typically ignore them.

So in return I ask you this. What is with all the lazy players that can not play their characters without SB.

*readies fire extinguisher*



To those not wanting SB. Most people do not mind skipping you in the buff cycle.

However it is habit to sb EVERYONE so when they start getting uppity about me SBing them by accident now and then thats when I pull out Power Boost and make a point of using it before I SB them.

*readies fire extinguisher*



I quit playing /kin because people are so obnoxious about speed boost.

Let's face it, the buff display in this game is [censored] terrible, and having to spend 10 or 20 seconds rebuffing everyone every two minutes is lame.

They should just make SB work like siphon power does. Shorten it's duration, make it a pbaoe buff with a ranged hitcheck, and it would be a much better fit for the set.

@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)