What's with all the lazy kins lately?




And as soon as you can show (from my post points that you ignored) why sb is NEEDED and not just wanted to maximize xp/drop/inf rates and why you believe powergamers are some sort of be all end all of playstyles everyone should adhere to I will be happy to take on your points. "

[/ QUOTE ]

Needed? No, usually it isn't NEEDED. However, it is ALWAYS a large force multiplier. It's the same as Fulcrum, it isn't needed in order for the team to function, but it greatly benefits the team to have it. And it's not like you can't do everything else a Kin needs to do on the team and still find the time to keep SB up on everyone... that's just what a good Kin does. SB does more for the team as a whole than anything else you can do short of possibly Fulcrum Shift.

I've been on both sides of the debate; I have 3 Kinetics characters myself. A 50 Mind/Kin 'troller, a 35 Kin/Rad defender and a mid-20's Kin/Electric defender. I haven't ever had any difficulty maintaining SB while also dealing with everything else the characters may need to do. Saying you're too busy to bother with SB is just taking the lazy way out.

It's kind of like an Emp not using Fortitude on anyone because they can't be bothered to keep the buff up. When you invite an Emp to a team you expect then to hand out buffs like Fort... and a good one will do just that. Same thing with a Kin, you can tell a good one by how they keep the team SB'd in addition to taking care of everything else.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



If you really want to go that route thats fine, but to me I'm playing a debuffing set that has the side effect of having some buffs in it much like I concider Howling Twilight a auto-hit high mag stun that happens to have the side effect of rezzing teamates.

I said it before and I'll say it again, I do use SB occassionaly here and there during missions, when I have the time and inclination to do so. I also SB the entire team when fighting something difficult such as a GM or AV. I do not however subscribe to the philosophy that SB must be maintained at all times or even the majority of the time on an entire party for normal average to semi-hard content and I'm still waiting for anyone to explain exactly what it is that makes this a need and not a want?

If its a need great I obviously have it all wrong somehow, but if it is just a want (one that as one poster put will require me to spend 1/8th of my play time buffbotting) then its my choice on if its needed or not or if its worth MY time or not.

So many posters of the "must have SB at all times" mentality have glossed over or completely ignored this point. What is it that makes this needed for a team to succeed? What makes your fun more important than my fun? I took SB because there are times I do want to use it, or I think that particular situation makes it needed. I use it when "I" feel its needed or when I just WANT to use it. There is no use it all the time or dont take it rule. So please explain to me why its needed.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



If your complaining about buffing a team with a support set you "chose", then maybe a support toon isn't for you.



Post deleted by Moderator 08



So, basicly we agree it isnt a need but a want. Thats cool, I love getting SB myself, but I have never asked for one outside of an AV/GM fight because its not important enough to me.

I enjoy 7 out of 9 of the kinetic powers (hate the bounce bubble and SB is alright) so by some of the reasoning posted because I dont enjoy playing buffbot with SB I should skip Kinetics altogether? That seems silly.

I have played a Kin/ to 50 another Kin/ to 36 and another /Kin to 45 and not once has anyone complained about the work I have done as a Kineticist, ever.

But obviously all the people I have played with in the last 3 years werent as skilled as the "Must have SB on all team members at all times or I'll kick you." people.....or the people complaining are such a small fraction of the playerbase that this is just a silly debate to get into as the remaining "I dont really care how you play your toon." people are the vast vast majority on the matter and I can just not care what the vocal minority has to say.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



I do use SB occassionaly here and there during missions

[/ QUOTE ]

Well that's all you needed to say! I thought you were one of those types that have it but refuse to use it.

You are a great person again.



I don't think anyone said that SB is needed, but it greatly benefits the team. The same thing with Fulcrum Shift, it's not needed but helps out the team. And I'm sure people will complain if you never use Fulcrum Shift. The people saying "Must have SB on all team members at all times or I'll kick you." are just ignorant. I just hate it when there's a kin on the team who nevers SB at all even if they have the power.



The cliff notes comment was a nice touch. Over the top but not bad. I'll make this short since I know your not into that reading or debating points logicaly thing.

#1 Not everyone is a powergamer super focused on playing at 100% all the time and the majority dont play with that kinda extream performance fixation.

#2 There is nothing wrong with either style and the two never have to play together.

#3 neither side is any more or less skilled that the other, choosing not to play at 100% in no way means they cant do it.

#4 As bad as I may or may not be at playing a Kineticist you are by far worse at anything resembling an actual debate as you ignore anything that will not support your views and actually think saying blah blah blah after not reading much less trying to understand and argue against points made against you makes you witty and cool.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



So, basicly we agree it isnt a need but a want. Thats cool, I love getting SB myself, but I have never asked for one outside of an AV/GM fight because its not important enough to me.

I enjoy 7 out of 9 of the kinetic powers (hate the bounce bubble and SB is alright) so by some of the reasoning posted because I dont enjoy playing buffbot with SB I should skip Kinetics altogether? That seems silly.

I have played a Kin/ to 50 another Kin/ to 36 and another /Kin to 45 and not once has anyone complained about the work I have done as a Kineticist, ever.

But obviously all the people I have played with in the last 3 years werent as skilled as the "Must have SB on all team members at all times or I'll kick you." people.....or the people complaining are such a small fraction of the playerbase that this is just a silly debate to get into as the remaining "I dont really care how you play your toon." people are the vast vast majority on the matter and I can just not care what the vocal minority has to say.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me repeat myself from my previous post:

SB does more for the team as a whole than anything else you can do short of possibly Fulcrum Shift.

[/ QUOTE ]

While all characters should be self sufficient, having buffs available allows the team to step up to another level of effectiveness. Of the buffs a Kin has available, only Fulcrum Shift is arguably more powerful than Speed Boost.

But I can see that there's no convincing you of that fact so I'll leave you to play at less than your best. Personally my feeling is that a Kin who can't be bothered to keep SB up most of the time is playing well below his potential and should probably be playing a different powerset. I probably won't kick him from the team but I'll avoid teaming with him in the future.

I feel the same no matter what character I'm playing... if I'm playing a second Kin on the team then I'd appreciate the buff as well, and double stacking on the rest of the team does awesome things for the team's DPS.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



a Kin who can't be bothered to keep SB up most of the time is playing well below his potential and should probably be playing a different powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]




a Kin who can't be bothered to keep SB up most of the time is playing well below his potential and should probably be playing a different powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because Kinetics is nothing but SB and with 8 filler powers. Oh, and if it's a controller, I'm sorry but I want them controlling first and then buffing if they have time. Not buffing first then controlling. Otherwise I would have invited a defender, not a controller.



You just can't play at the level that other people better than you at playing anything kinetics do, evidenced by the fact that some people can keep sb up and do eveything else you do on a team.

I don't think any further justification is necessary, you just aren't that good.

[/ QUOTE ]

So from what I can tell your saying that your a crappy kin. if you cant, or dont keep sb up on everyone at all times.....isnt that kind of like saying your a crappy tank if you dont keep everything taunted at all times...i mean its the tanks job to taunt right....so he should be able to taunt everything all the time, and he should do it because its his job? Some kins dont like keeping everybody speed boosted....some tanks dont taunt all the time (i know i dont)...doesnt make them any better, or any worse than other players. They are just choosing to play that particular toon a little differently than others

Death Wolf-50 Blaster- Energy/Engery/Force
Gabriel Delane-38 Scrapper- Dual Blades/Willpower

Hidden Shadow-50 Stalker- Katana/Regen/Soul
Lucian Nightwolf-50 Brute- Energy/Electric/Soul

Hero Super Group- Paragon City Maltia

Villian Super Group- Arachnos Legal Division



You just can't play at the level that other people better than you at playing anything kinetics do, evidenced by the fact that some people can keep sb up and do eveything else you do on a team.

I don't think any further justification is necessary, you just aren't that good.

[/ QUOTE ]

So from what I can tell your saying that your a crappy kin. if you cant, or dont keep sb up on everyone at all times.....isnt that kind of like saying your a crappy tank if you dont keep everything taunted at all times...i mean its the tanks job to taunt right....so he should be able to taunt everything all the time, and he should do it because its his job? Some kins dont like keeping everybody speed boosted....some tanks dont taunt all the time (i know i dont)...doesnt make them any better, or any worse than other players. They are just choosing to play that particular toon a little differently than others

[/ QUOTE ]

In my opinion yes, a tank who doesn't hold aggro is a waste of space. That's always been my philosophy ever since I rolled up my first tanker way back in issue 3... if there's any stray aggro then I'm doing my damnedest to get it under control. That's what I'm there for. There are, of course, a lot of ways to accomplish that goal and Taunt is simply one of several tools I have to do that. No, I don't need Taunt every mob, but it comes in handy more than often enough to justify it's place in my tray.

I've always felt that anytime a teammate faceplants while I'm tanking that I should have been able to prevent it absent gross stupidity on the teammate's part. If I'm doing my job correctly then the rest of the team should be able to pour on the pain with impunity. If aggro gets loose then I've screwed up somewhere. If that loose aggro kills a teammate then nobody is to blame but me... it's my fault I lost control of that mob. That's not to say I can't contribute damage as well; damage is after all my secondary reason for being on the team... and it adds to my ability to hold aggro as well.

I admit I have very high standards for any tanker's performance... those are the same standards I hold myself to. I'm a perfectionist in that regard, and no, I don't always manage that perfection but I'm ALWAYS trying for it. I haven't teamed with very many tankers I respect but the ones I do have earned it.

So yes, I do think it's part of the Kin's job to keep SB up just like it's part of the tank's job to hold aggro. And you know what? I've always found that keeping SB up and handling all the other functions that a Kinetic/whatever may have is much, MUCH easier than being a good tanker. Somehow my 50 Mind/Kin 'troller manages to lay down controls, deal out damage, hold troublesome mobs, confuse other mobs, pop Fulcrum Shift, refill the Blaster's end after a nuke with Transference, hit Transfusion as needed, kill mobs and still keep SB up on the entire team. Come on, it isn't that tough and it has a dramatic effect on the team's performance.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



The difficulty is that there are many reason to pick a powerset, when someone recruits me to a team they may make assumptions but I play my toon for my enjoyment not theirs.
For instance I know of several ill/kins who are built to recharge PA as fast as possible and to feed phant with a steady stream of siphon power. Would you blame them for not having speed boost or the team captian who recruited them without asking if they were set up as a team buffer?
There is not a single "right way" to build and play a toon in this game. The main thing that keeps me here is the ability to blur class lines and suceed with nonstandard approaches.
Frankly I have more patience for nonstandard build/playstyle than I do with these stupid expectations of what others should be doing for your benefit.
It's a good bit of the reason why I play a lot of tanks and only rarely play a buffer these days. If someone wants to gripe me out for not granting them perma god mode they need not kick me, I will save them the trouble by quittting and adding a concise note so as not to inconvenience them again.
You think a SBing kin is so bloody vital for the team you go play one.

Taking It On the Chin I-16 Tanker Guide
Repeat Offenders



I agree with you: when I'm tanking I take it personally if someone dies. I've learned that it isn't always my fault as AOE's and other players aggressiveness can certainly take that control out of my hands. It still doesn't make me happy.

This part isn't directed at you Awesome:

As for being a Kin, if you've taken SB like most Kin's do, you should use the power to help your teammates. Like any power you've taken, if it can help you or your teammates with the "job" at hand you should use it. I don't expect anyone to spam it constantly even though I certainly miss it when it's not. We all get focused on what we're doing in the game, be it fighting or in conversation and PM's etc. that hitting the buffs can some times get missed as no one is perfect. Real life will also intrude. As long as there's an effort being made to being a good team member that's all you can ask/hope for. Not everyone in this game has been playing for years, nor do they all approach it with a min/max mentality.

If I'm teaming with a kin and he/she's not SBing me I'll send them a tell asking if I could get a hit when they have a moment. I'll also send a thanks when they do. If after the tell I still don't get a bump I'll look to see how long they've been playing the game. Newer players get slack. Older players, not so much. I don't leap to judgment right away, but I'll certainly make an opinion as the team moves forward.

When I'm a kin I try my best to keep the buffs up but sometimes the fight at hand gets distracting. Heals, FS, Transference and other powers will take priority at times which means your "Speed boost crack" will have to wait. I'll get to you when I can as often as I can. SB certainly helps in many ways, but it isn't the only way.

Conversely: If you've run off from the main group, sorry dude, but I'm not chasing your [censored] around to give you a SB hit unless I'm side-kicked to you, but that's all about self preservation . If you don't wait for me to zone before running off and start whining about "SB plz", again you're going to have to wait because I'm sticking with the pack (see that part about self preservation). If the group's run off before I can zone and buff, don't whine for SB before I can even rejoin the group, you all will get your "crack" once I'm there. I can't SB from three rooms over no matter how much you'd like the game to let me. Give me time to get to the group and spread the buffage. If you as the player can't figure out that the Kin is no where close enough to give you that SB, maybe you're not as good a player as you'd like to think.

I had one team where the scrapper would stealth to the end of the mission as we zoned in and wait for everyone to fight to him. He would then constantly spam "sb plz" like it was some personal joke. Needless to say he was removed from the gift list.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



So yes, I do think it's part of the Kin's job to keep SB up just like it's part of the tank's job to hold aggro. And you know what? I've always found that keeping SB up and handling all the other functions that a Kinetic/whatever may have is much, MUCH easier than being a good tanker. Somehow my 50 Mind/Kin 'troller manages to lay down controls, deal out damage, hold troublesome mobs, confuse other mobs, pop Fulcrum Shift, refill the Blaster's end after a nuke with Transference, hit Transfusion as needed, kill mobs and still keep SB up on the entire team. Come on, it isn't that tough and it has a dramatic effect on the team's performance.

[/ QUOTE ]

If SB has a dramatic effect on the teams performance then its a pretty crap team, fulcrum shift has a dramatic effect, SB brings nothing that a good build doesnt give you.



SB brings nothing that a good build doesnt give you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Neither does Fulcrum Shift, it only brings damage and a good build already brings damage. Both gives more of the good, however, FS bringing more damage and SB bringing more recharge, end recovery and run speed. Which brings more depends on powersets and situation. SB helps my DM/SD scrapper waaaay more than FS.



This same person posted the same thing on the Controller forums. I suspect its a troll post motivated by boredom. I might be wrong. *shrug*

[/ QUOTE ]

Odd that the OP didn't post in triplicate, and put this in the Defender's Forum as well. Unless they didn't have the required metric tonne of flame retardant it would have required.



So, basicly we agree it isnt a need but a want. Thats cool, I love getting SB myself, but I have never asked for one outside of an AV/GM fight because its not important enough to me.

I enjoy 7 out of 9 of the kinetic powers (hate the bounce bubble and SB is alright) so by some of the reasoning posted because I dont enjoy playing buffbot with SB I should skip Kinetics altogether? That seems silly.

I have played a Kin/ to 50 another Kin/ to 36 and another /Kin to 45 and not once has anyone complained about the work I have done as a Kineticist, ever.

But obviously all the people I have played with in the last 3 years werent as skilled as the "Must have SB on all team members at all times or I'll kick you." people.....or the people complaining are such a small fraction of the playerbase that this is just a silly debate to get into as the remaining "I dont really care how you play your toon." people are the vast vast majority on the matter and I can just not care what the vocal minority has to say.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me repeat myself from my previous post:

SB does more for the team as a whole than anything else you can do short of possibly Fulcrum Shift.

[/ QUOTE ]

While all characters should be self sufficient, having buffs available allows the team to step up to another level of effectiveness. Of the buffs a Kin has available, only Fulcrum Shift is arguably more powerful than Speed Boost.

But I can see that there's no convincing you of that fact so I'll leave you to play at less than your best. Personally my feeling is that a Kin who can't be bothered to keep SB up most of the time is playing well below his potential and should probably be playing a different powerset. I probably won't kick him from the team but I'll avoid teaming with him in the future.

I feel the same no matter what character I'm playing... if I'm playing a second Kin on the team then I'd appreciate the buff as well, and double stacking on the rest of the team does awesome things for the team's DPS.

[/ QUOTE ]

Completely disagree. I would rank transference, siphon speed (helps get FS up faster) and FS as being > sb. just saying.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



SB brings nothing that a good build doesnt give you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Neither does Fulcrum Shift, it only brings damage and a good build already brings damage. Both gives more of the good, however, FS bringing more damage and SB bringing more recharge, end recovery and run speed. Which brings more depends on powersets and situation. SB helps my DM/SD scrapper waaaay more than FS.

[/ QUOTE ]

And transference would help waaay more than sb. Hell not every kin even slots for endurance. That's what most folks fail to realize. In fact on ALL my kins it gets a recharge or end redux in it in the default slot. That's it.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Okay, posted in your dupli-thread. Figured I'd post here.

I play a tanker. I don't care to be SB'ed most of the time (deep into an AV fight is an exception). It makes me too fast (one of the reasons I don't take SS either) and my positional control (Inv/SS) goes out the window.

Additionally, I'm currently levelling a Grav/Kin troller up. Without SB. Why? Because he's soloing (and quite nicely I might add).

As such he's a GRAV/Kin, not a Grav/KIN. I've got most of my Grav/ powers maxed pre-40. Now I'm working on the /Kin side a bit more. Stuff like Siphon power and the heals were useful for soloing, so I took them. Stuff like SB, which buffs teammates, isn't. Heck, the only reason I took Siphon speed is for in-zone transit (before SJ) and now I use it primarily for the Slow component.

When I team, I make it clear to people that my current build doesn't include SB. I also make it a point to keep up stuff like Siphon Power, Transference, etc. During his first ITF, pre-Fulcrum, in addition to chucking holds, slows, and immobs left, right and center, I made sure that whatever slack was left by our defender for health issues was taken up by me. And kept everyone at 50+% endurance.

Ask any of my teammates if I was a drag on the team because of lack of SB.

Oh. And we finished the ITF in 39 minutes and change.

Simply ASSUMING that you're OWED SB by every kin on your team is selfish and stupid. PERIOD!

If you're expecting an SB buff-bot, either make SURE you communicate this desire to your Kin ahead of time and give them the option to opt-out, or buy another account and build yourself a pocket kin.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



You just can't play at the level that other people better than you at playing anything kinetics do, evidenced by the fact that some people can keep sb up and do eveything else you do on a team.

I don't think any further justification is necessary, you just aren't that good.

[/ QUOTE ]

So from what I can tell your saying that your a crappy kin. if you cant, or dont keep sb up on everyone at all times.....isnt that kind of like saying your a crappy tank if you dont keep everything taunted at all times...i mean its the tanks job to taunt right....so he should be able to taunt everything all the time, and he should do it because its his job? Some kins dont like keeping everybody speed boosted....some tanks dont taunt all the time (i know i dont)...doesnt make them any better, or any worse than other players. They are just choosing to play that particular toon a little differently than others

[/ QUOTE ]

In my opinion yes, a tank who doesn't hold aggro is a waste of space. That's always been my philosophy ever since I rolled up my first tanker way back in issue 3... if there's any stray aggro then I'm doing my damnedest to get it under control. That's what I'm there for. There are, of course, a lot of ways to accomplish that goal and Taunt is simply one of several tools I have to do that. No, I don't need Taunt every mob, but it comes in handy more than often enough to justify it's place in my tray.

I've always felt that anytime a teammate faceplants while I'm tanking that I should have been able to prevent it absent gross stupidity on the teammate's part. If I'm doing my job correctly then the rest of the team should be able to pour on the pain with impunity. If aggro gets loose then I've screwed up somewhere. If that loose aggro kills a teammate then nobody is to blame but me... it's my fault I lost control of that mob. That's not to say I can't contribute damage as well; damage is after all my secondary reason for being on the team... and it adds to my ability to hold aggro as well.

I admit I have very high standards for any tanker's performance... those are the same standards I hold myself to. I'm a perfectionist in that regard, and no, I don't always manage that perfection but I'm ALWAYS trying for it. I haven't teamed with very many tankers I respect but the ones I do have earned it.

So yes, I do think it's part of the Kin's job to keep SB up just like it's part of the tank's job to hold aggro. And you know what? I've always found that keeping SB up and handling all the other functions that a Kinetic/whatever may have is much, MUCH easier than being a good tanker. Somehow my 50 Mind/Kin 'troller manages to lay down controls, deal out damage, hold troublesome mobs, confuse other mobs, pop Fulcrum Shift, refill the Blaster's end after a nuke with Transference, hit Transfusion as needed, kill mobs and still keep SB up on the entire team. Come on, it isn't that tough and it has a dramatic effect on the team's performance.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think your missing my point. We both agree that its a tanks job to hold aggro and taunt, and that its a kins job to boost and provide support. What im saying is just because the kin isnt spamming sb doesnt mean there not a good kin. You said yourself you dont taunt every group, but its a handy tool. SB holds a place in the tray of allmost every kin. Why? Because its a valuable tool when needed. Its up to the individual player to decide when that tool is neeed, and how to best put it to use. Just like taunt is a valuable tool....when needed

Death Wolf-50 Blaster- Energy/Engery/Force
Gabriel Delane-38 Scrapper- Dual Blades/Willpower

Hidden Shadow-50 Stalker- Katana/Regen/Soul
Lucian Nightwolf-50 Brute- Energy/Electric/Soul

Hero Super Group- Paragon City Maltia

Villian Super Group- Arachnos Legal Division




I think your missing my point. We both agree that its a tanks job to hold aggro and taunt, and that its a kins job to boost and provide support. What im saying is just because the kin isnt spamming sb doesnt mean there not a good kin. You said yourself you dont taunt every group, but its a handy tool. SB holds a place in the tray of allmost every kin. Why? Because its a valuable tool when needed. Its up to the individual player to decide when that tool is neeed, and how to best put it to use. Just like taunt is a valuable tool....when needed

[/ QUOTE ]

What I was getting at was that a tanker is there to maximize the team's effectiveness by holding aggro and dealing damage thereby freeing the rest of the team from having to worry about aggro. The Kin maximizes the team's effectiveness by several means as well, and the recharge buff from SB is one of the set's most powerful means of doing that. The whole point being that giving an entire team significantly more recharge means that attacks recharge faster allowing for more damage/buff/debuff output.

We're comparing apples to oranges here with Fulcrum vs SB, both are buffs and team efficiency boosts but they accomplish it in different ways. And there's nothing stopping you from having and using both powers... you're playing below your peak if you do.

SB recharges in 2 seconds and takes 1 second to cast... you'll spend roughly 21 seconds every 2 minutes keeping SB on 7 teammates. That leaves over a minute and a half free to do other things like blast, control, pop Fulcrum, hit Transference/Transfusion or whatever else you need to do. It almost never is an either/or situation with using SB or some other power; you should have plenty of time to do BOTH and that 50% recharge bonus makes a very noticeable difference. There's no time in combat when a team won't benefit from that recharge buff.

Early game SB makes the difference between your scrappers and blasters having a complete attack chain and having gaps while waiting for powers to recharge. Later on it allows them to use their heavy hitter attacks more often and avoid having to use lower damage "filler" attacks thus increasing their DPS... this is regardless of what other recharge boosts they may have. It's like the old Scrapper saying on recharge, until your attack chain is Headsplitter, Headsplitter, Headsplitter then you need more recharge .

Is having SB drop in the middle of combat for a few seconds a disaster? Of course not; but the more consistently you can maintain the buff the better your teams overall kill speed will be. You want your team using their most powerful abilities as often as they can; you have the ability to give them almost 2 more SO's of recharge for every power, unaffected by ED. Why wouldn't you want that?

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



and why wouldnt you spam taunt constantly as a tanker?

Death Wolf-50 Blaster- Energy/Engery/Force
Gabriel Delane-38 Scrapper- Dual Blades/Willpower

Hidden Shadow-50 Stalker- Katana/Regen/Soul
Lucian Nightwolf-50 Brute- Energy/Electric/Soul

Hero Super Group- Paragon City Maltia

Villian Super Group- Arachnos Legal Division



I've been trying to say that Awesome, but it seems the boards have nothing but posts like; "I don't NEED SB", "I wish it were berfed", "I only need it during an AV fight", etc. Of course I've played on plenty of servers(Virtue included) and never heard a player tell me "no Sb please". Those who know what it does say yay, those who don't follow the naysayers. In the end, it never makes sense when a player declines a famous buff.

I've played three tanks and 2 scrappers to 50. I've always enjoyed Kins for what it brought to the table. Saying its not needed is obvious, but saying its not useful like many have, is just dumb. A buff is just that, a better way of getting the job done. And as for the people saying its "too fast". You seriously fail at this game when a power slower than SS is "uncontrollable" in your hands. If you think SS is too fast you need either A. a better computer, or B. sometime to get to know HOW to play the game.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."