108 -
Malwarebytes for the win. I've had a similar thing happen to me recently, and the use of that along with a nice program called combofix helped me out. If Malwarebytes can't find it, it probably isn't something you need to worry about.
Ah, and I just grabbed my neighbor's wireless connection, and same issue.
Set up port forwarding for that port, and rebooted the router. Now downloading at full T1 speed. -
Quote:First stop and then restart the updater. The updater will remember how much you've downloaded. There are a number of download servers perhaps the one you originally got is having network problems.
Second, if that didn't work is to modify the updater shortcut to use one of the alternate download ports. The default one happens to fall within the standard port range used by Bittorrent clients and who knows if somebody somewhere is messing around with traffic shaping in that port range.
Do a right click on the shortcut and select Properties. Now at the end of the Target line add -port 13094, include a space before the -. Your Target line should now look something like this;
"C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -port 13094
The other port you could try is 23094
I have tried this previous to posting (Though why I didn't say that earlier is beyond me.)
Tried it on another computer with the same issue. Got another idea? Maybe I should try proxying to another server? -
So I've also had this problem.
I'm downloading right now at 17k/sec. 17k a sec. seventeen Kilobytes a second.
I've never downloaded this slowly before. It says it will take 38 hours to download.
Anybody got a suggestion? -
Okay, so when I click on new posts (Which was what I used to do before the forum change (That I am displeased with)) I get a bunch of posts from the french and german forums. That wouldn't be a problem, except that I can only speak in English, bad English, and cat-in-the-hat vocabulary Japanese.
Is there any way to set this thing so I don't even see those forums, and they aren't included in the "new posts" part? -
Your Kheldian might be a redneck if you have more than three fluffies, and they're all named "c'mere boy"
Why do they need patron arcs?
[/ QUOTE ]
Because, that's why! -
Black Dwarf Mire's recharge and Duration was dropped to somewhere around 10ish seconds. Because of this, BDM isn't going to be as good for buffing Nova damage, but would still help out with human powers like quasar.
Other than that, I'm really no help. -
Just to straighten things out Dark/Dark Corrfenders get an AOE Rez power. Just gotta have an enemy nearby. That was the selling point for me. Might be for you too.
Maybe in a future proliferation we'll have dark/dark blasters. That would be hot. Meanwhile, Corruptor might be more your speed? -
Also character improvement: build, slotting, accolades, set bonuses, etc
[/ QUOTE ]
Psh, who needs a good build? My borked one is great! Slotting? Nothing but flurry and jump kick.
I'll work on accolades, but I'm not going to use set bonuses to force a character to be better. I'll play around with the build a bit and see what I can come up with. -
That's my perception of the problem of course, and YMMV and all that, but still, no one can deny that TriForm Kheldians (or even Human-only) have a playstyle to them that is usually more involved and requires more game-mechanics know-how and ingenuity.
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I agree, Khelds are definitely more involved. A couple of weeks back I was on the infamous DR. Q TF with my Triformer WS. No tank on the team, so I was part tank, part blaster, part vampire and was pulverizing the foes. Quite fun.
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And the chance to mess things up if you're not on top of things, is 3 times than it would be if you had but one role...
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I think this is another reason Warshades get such a bad rap (I should have said Wrap, but I'm not sure anyone remembers that.)
Seriously, on my Dwarfshade™ if I pop out of dwarf to Eclipse during a long fight, and die in the process, I get blamed hardcore for dropping dwarf. No matter the excuse. When I did use nova, every time a knockback happened I got yelled at. Every time I pulled too much aggro, I got yelled at.
Seriously, when playing multiple AT's at once, you have to take in account that we have multiple AT's worth of mistakes that we have to be ready to counter. -
While I agree in spirit with Pipsy, the truth is the main reason imho Kheldians are STILL stamped with the gimp lable, is because they are not standardized as other AT's are. There ARE many ways to build a Kheldian and most will "work", but there is ALWAYS a most efficient, most effective manner to do anything.
This is why people found the perfected builds on other AT's. They realized that yes you can build it any way you like but with only a few alternate possibilities "this" one will yeild the best results.
Kheldians have never gone through this stage of the game because the high end players of the AT are ok with the Kheldians being the "scrapperish tank with jump kick and flurry attacks" concept characters. And nobody "myself included" is willing to accept that their methods might not be the most effective.
Their content to play the AT as what they invision it to be and not look at the hard performance numbers until a single (again with a few alternate options for individual taste) best type of build can be achieved.
And possibly worse yet when it is suggested that certain build ideas are performance wise superior, there is a general "well the way I do it works fine." attitude that wont argue that it's not a better numerical plan but also will not acknowledge that it is infact better than what they are doing so that other or new Kheldian players can take advantage of knowing what the most effective builds are.
This imho is what leaves the Kheldians in such a mediocre state as we have today.
[/ QUOTE ]
I get you, I do. In a lot of ways I agree. The thing that gets to me is that you aren't the first person to say that Kheldians are mediocre, but I've not seen it. I mean, I do have fun with other ATs, but my WS is possibly the best MMO character I've ever had, "funwise."
I can see that it is mediocre from the point of 'nobody has made the ultimate build that every strives for' like other builds. But to me, most of the fun is the discovery. Granted others have discovered things time and time again, but throwing sets into powers for the sake of throwing them around has been a real journey for me.
But anyways, yeah, people have a hard time agreeing that other Kheldian builds (That are fairly different than theirs) are worthy. We won't admit that we're built "wrong" or our build isn't the best. I know for Warshades at least, it's in part that they own under most conditions. That ownage makes it a bit hard for us to agree that there's a better build out there. -
One end mod. I've never needed anything more.
If I am in situations where I regularly have to hit Stygian every 15 seconds for the sake of staying alive, then I need to be out of that situation. -
I did a KHTF with a Warshade last night. Folks kept calling him sushi and seafood and so on, and he said:
"My favorite movie is Alien. It was hilarious when the little kid burst out of the stomach of that monster."
[/ QUOTE ]
I woke up my roomate laughing, and I think I might have pee'd a little. -
Yeah, a WS can't heal your team. That is true. Doesn't the WS blasts slow mobs? I though slow mobs meant damage mitigation. You know, because they can't hit as often. Eh, I guess that's just my take on it.
I can't get my AR/Fire to solo minions, let alone AVs. I've gone through a couple of guides, and found that I'm doing things similarly, and not had much luck.
Now my ice ice is pretty hoss, though. Meh, maybe it's just playstyle. -
I have difficulty figuring out what power selections I want in those 40's.
I dinged 47 on a Warshade yesterday, and spent probably over 10 minutes trying to figure out what I wanted to get, as there was nothing I really cared for. Some human-only usable powers that only duplicate other stuff, no chance for fly in human form, some shields that have limited usefulness to me, and some epic pool powers that only seem usable in human form. I finally settled on the aid other in the Med pool.
I remember thinking on my PB that I wished I could swap a power selection for more slots, and that held true here again.
Anyone having similar troubles, or have suggestions for those of us that tri-form and prefer Nova/Dwarf in combat? I don't really want anything that won't carry over to the forms, and I dislike the idea of grabbing a power just to slot an IO set for a bonus.
P.S. Devs - I'd *love* for our "epic pool" to just be the ability to choose slots instead of powers!
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If you are shooting for perma eclipse or as close to perma as you can get it, perhaps Stealth, Grant Invis and Invis, no extra slots added to them and all 3 are slotted with an LOTG 7.5% recharge booster.....?
Also I agree that at 41+ Khelds should gain more slots for their powers.
[/ QUOTE ]
I disagree with additional slots, only because Kheldians can go different directions with a build (And all of them are awesome.) I'm afraid that adding more slots will standardize most Kheldians into the Tri-Former role, instead of someone making their own concept. -
I'm going to have to back up LordXenite on this one. I've never seen him post anything that differs from what he has posted here. This game was made for SO's. In fact, the entire invention system is listed as OPTIONAL, even in the tutorial mission you get in game. The game was not made harder because of inventions, and I have seen no post or dev note saying that they will make the game harder because of it.
IO's can be used to bridge a gap. That gap being players. I can purp out a set, and remove an entire player from my team, because they aren't needed. With many IO's soloing becomes even easier, and sure there are instances where you can solo AVs. It's not something everyone can do, and not something that every power set can do. I'd love to see an AR/Fire blaster do anything besides earning debt. -
Yeah, so Here's how I roll, at least:
Dwarfshade. You'll find no Nova on me.
The only pool powers I currently have are Hasten and Superspeed (For fun.) Hasten was required for my pets.
I do spend most of my time in Dwarf form. That being said, I think the only power I rarely use is Unchain Essence, but I've been told by a few that not hitting UE makes me a failure of a kheldian.
Yeah, no power pool stays with you when you change. Things like Hasten, that have a duration, will stick while you're in forms. Toggles, autopowers, and clickie powers, do not work when not in human form.
Which means you would have to find a power pool with a clickie duration buff, if you wanted to use a power pool. Yeah, your choices are very limited now.
All human form Kheldian? Sure, pick up aid other and stimulant. Sounds good. Kheldian former? Don't touch them. You should be killing with hasten up.
~The end -
I guess they could set it so the power can't activate more than once a second. That would allow for a single buildup (instead of say 10), and not totally overpower our AT, maybe?
And here they are:
Hro gets a makeover
I wish stone tankers could do this.
The colorwolf
[/ QUOTE ]I suddenly see the downside of this new feature.
[/ QUOTE ]*dig a grave*
No one talk about this. This secret stay with us.
[/ QUOTE ]
Did anyone else look at the Quarry and instinctively want to fix it's UV layout? Anyone?
[/ QUOTE ]
I had hoped that someone would figure out my dastardly color-scheme. -
I usually tell them to switch to another build, and buy the AoE Taunt from the presence pool. Slot that puppy up with recharge, acc, and maybe some increased taunt, and have them buy everything else as normal.
Then have them head into an AE farm alone (Not to farm) to test how the taunt works for them in BG mode. If all else fails, they can switch back to the initial build and call you dumb.
Honestly, becoming a tankermind is the only thing that's kept me going this long. The last few levels have blown by. -
I had a problem on test where seekers would go through walls. Did they stop that from happening? Nothing like having one slide into a wall, and see a mob in another room.
If something starts beating on you, and all your pets are defensive, just take it for a minute. The damage they take from BG makes pet aggro. I've always had a pet save my bacon when something goes wrong. YMMV