warshade charecters...




i am thinking about makin a character with darkness powers. he will also have teleport. i dont no if i should wait until i get 1 charecter to lvl 50, and makin him a warshade, or should i make him now and just make him a blaster with dark/dark
wat should i do?any suggestions?



I think you would be more pleased with Dark/Dark Defender since there is no Dark/Dark Blaster, and Warshades seem to require more work than a Dark/Dark Defender although they definitely can pack much much more *OMPH!*

The Dark/Dark Defender is just the more immediate route to go.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Or a dark/dark corruptor.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Just to straighten things out Dark/Dark Corrfenders get an AOE Rez power. Just gotta have an enemy nearby. That was the selling point for me. Might be for you too.

Maybe in a future proliferation we'll have dark/dark blasters. That would be hot. Meanwhile, Corruptor might be more your speed?



I think you would be more pleased with Dark/Dark Defender since there is no Dark/Dark Blaster, and Warshades seem to require more work than a Dark/Dark Defender although they definitely can pack much much more *OMPH!*

The Dark/Dark Defender is just the more immediate route to go.

[/ QUOTE ]

o thats wat i ment
k, il try it, thx!!!!!!