Funniest things you've said while playing a Kheld

Adeon Hawkwood



What's some of the funniest things you've said or made newbs believe about the capabilities of your Kheld?

One "in-game-hilarity" to me is the many misconceptions about Khelds by people who have never had one... Several have told me that they think Khelds can pick any power they want from any power pool... So, I've had fun entering missions with people and saying things like:

"Hold on, please! Setting traps!"
"Gather for RA!"
"Yell out if you want CM"
"Stay close for bubblez!"

I'd like to hear some of your stories...

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



My second day of the game, I saw a Warshade teleporting around Atlas that was level 2. Sice I was only a level 6 noob, I asked him, "how did you get teleport at level 2?"
The guy didnt even respond. I feel kinda stupid now for asking that, but thats not the worst part.

Since the WS was in a medevil armor/ Spartan look to him, I assumed warshades were like time travling warriors or something. I thought that every WS was a warrior theme like the one I saw.....



Not quite "while playing a Kheldian", but involves a Kheldian (or a Nictus rather).

During Romulus' final cutscene when he confesses his failure to his Nictus masters, people often shout something stupid in the background. Not this time. Just as Rommy begins to transform...

"Oh, YEAH!! Put the SQUID in me! Ohh, BABY!! This is AWESOME!! DEEPER!! DEEPER!!!"

I mistimed my Phantom Army after that and faceplanted because I was laughing too hard. I also remember this every time I transform on Extor Umbral. Yeah, I know it's lowbrow, but I'm easily amused.



Not quite "while playing a Kheldian", but involves a Kheldian (or a Nictus rather).

During Romulus' final cutscene when he confesses his failure to his Nictus masters, people often shout something stupid in the background. Not this time. Just as Rommy begins to transform...

"Oh, YEAH!! Put the SQUID in me! Ohh, BABY!! This is AWESOME!! DEEPER!! DEEPER!!!"

I mistimed my Phantom Army after that and faceplanted because I was laughing too hard. I also remember this every time I transform on Extor Umbral. Yeah, I know it's lowbrow, but I'm easily amused.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO... I think I would have done the same... That's great!


"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Kelly Marrey, my 50 WS, has used a few binds for the ITF cutscene, right after the "I AM NICTUS" line:

"So am I, and you don't see me going all psycho about it!"
"Join the club!"
"Never a void around when you need one..."
"I'm a Nictus, you're a Nictus, wouldn't you like to be a Nictus too?"

The one earlier in the thread was more... interesting, though.

Oh, and I also tell the team to blame any Voids/Cysts on the Cimerorans, occasionally just going "damned Romans" when one pops up instead.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Sorry I don't have anything better at the moment, but long ago, after I've heard about the Omega Bomb, I used to run my PB in Dwarf form straight into a spawn, taunt them and herd them around, while yelling "I AM the OMEGA BOMB", and once they were all nicely packed, I'd hit my binds to initiate PhotonSeekers+Pulsar (or Dawn Strike when available)+EssenceBoost and quickly finish off what was left after the dust settled.

It amused most team-mates/spectators and I'd even get some Empaths (who weren't used to Kheldians, I bet) trying to use their heal powers on me and expressing some surprise seeing I wasn't even scratched.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Petite female troller wannabe in human form. The fear powers from the presence pool are -very- useful for comedic value, especially since they're almost unseen in game.

A lot of hilarity ensues when someone asks "What power was that?"

My favorite is: "Let me tell you about Dwarf/Nova mating rituals!", followed by Invoke Panic and Shapeshift."

Teammate smacks the images out of his head.



lol DeS_Tructive, before I run off and respec my 2nd build just for that, my best one is changing into a Void Hunter costume pulling out a Confiscated Beanbag Rifle and sneaking up on Sunstorm. Hilarity ensues when heroes try to target me and activate powers to save Sunstorm.



I did a KHTF with a Warshade last night. Folks kept calling him sushi and seafood and so on, and he said:

"My favorite movie is Alien. It was hilarious when the little kid burst out of the stomach of that monster."



I used to use these binds for shapeshifting:
To Nova form: "I choose you Pikacthuluchu!"
To Dwarf: "I am a meat popsicle" (still in use on my WS)
Battle criy: "Klaatu...Verata....Nictus!"



"My favorite movie is Alien. It was hilarious when the little kid burst out of the stomach of that monster."

[/ QUOTE ]

Gotta remember that one.



I did a KHTF with a Warshade last night. Folks kept calling him sushi and seafood and so on, and he said:

"My favorite movie is Alien. It was hilarious when the little kid burst out of the stomach of that monster."

[/ QUOTE ]

I woke up my roomate laughing, and I think I might have pee'd a little.



Though totally not related to a Kheld, it is nonetheless tangentially related...

My Spines Scrapper's F10 is set to "Gather for [Spine Burst]!" It gets the occasional "LOL" and makes me giggle about once every third mission.



"...And then he said, 'hey, that's not a duck!'"

Good times.

Good times.

@Amarlex in game, on the Virtue server.



I still dont have one but i remember being in wentworths looking at one and asking "who left their pet?"



When I first heard one saying something along the lines of "I'm an ex-Japanese Hentai actor looking for work", I thought that was pretty humorous.

The many similiar quips I've heard since now make me roll my eyes, but the first was funny...



When I made my first PB I would sit outside buildings and chat in local to lvl 1s that went by things like:

"Hey, [thier name here], come over here. I have a job for you"
"Don't feed the squids or rhinos please"



About the funniest thing I can ever muster is "Splortch!"

But normally Twilight Dream just ends up talking about the most prevalent TV shows over in the Rogue Isles (Uncle Recluse's Neighborhood Playhouse, The I Love Me Hour with Captain Castillo, Dr. Forrester's F-ed Up Science, and the Sands and Nocturne Variety Hour, which always ends up with the cohosts beating each other within an inch of their lives.)

Yeah, my Warshade comes from the Rogue Isles (Nerva Archipelago). Her Human half is host to a reformed Nictus that her brother liberated from the Council during a caper for Shelley Percy.



My warshade has a running gag. When on PuGs, she talks about what the souls of the villains she's devouring (via Stygian Circle) "taste like" to her occasionally. It started out as just a lark, to relieve the tedium (always a good origin!) and then just grew from there while on a Task Force.

Their souls taste like ...

  • Freakshow: chicken
  • Council: beerwurst
  • Clockworks: car keys
  • Carnies: cotton candy
  • Hellions: red hots
  • Banished Pantheon: day old bagels
  • Malta: pop tarts
  • Knives of Artemis: fish
  • Warriors: microwaved peeps
  • Tsoo: soy sauce
  • Rikti: leftovers
  • Nemesis: pennies
  • Rularuu: pudding pops
  • Circle of Thorns: ice cream
  • Skulls: toast
  • Vahzilok: mushrooms
  • Crey: potato chips
... and so on ...

Because of this, I changed my Battle Cry to something more appropriate to the running gag ...

Your soul is my chew toy!

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Using Nova form, slither up to teammate all inconspicuous-like. Type:

/e Lays eggs in $target's ears.

Tends to get me slapped.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



On an ITF with my Warshade one of the other players made a comment about fighting my cousins and I respond:
"I know, I can't take them anywhere. I suggest a vaction to ancient Rome and what do they do? Take over the place!"



Originally Posted by Rainbow_Avenger View Post
Using Nova form, slither up to teammate all inconspicuous-like. Type:

/e Lays eggs in $target's ears.

Tends to get me slapped.
LOL! Wow, I almost woke some people up in the house here after laughing out loud. I gotta try that on some of my friends now...

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)