Funniest things you've said while playing a Kheld

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Rainbow_Avenger View Post
Using Nova form, slither up to teammate all inconspicuous-like. Type:

/e Lays eggs in $target's ears.

Tends to get me slapped.
Originally Posted by Adeon_Hawkwood View Post
On an ITF with my Warshade one of the other players made a comment about fighting my cousins and I respond:
"I know, I can't take them anywhere. I suggest a vaction to ancient Rome and what do they do? Take over the place!"
I laughed so hard I almost got fired!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
My warshade has a running gag. When on PuGs, she talks about what the souls of the villains she's devouring (via Stygian Circle) "taste like" to her occasionally.
Not quite this, but I play my Warshade as a channeler (she summons fish ghosts!) and I will occasionally use Stygian Circle while shouting "OM NOM NOM", or Extract Essence while saying "Yarr, spirits from the vasty deep!"

Of course, Dwarf form is the mighty Claw Shrimp. Lives in the deep. Big as a man.

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During ship raids:
"Death to aliens! Oh ... wait ...."

After Proton Scatter->Luminous Detonation->Solar Flare->Photon Seekers:
"May the Freem be with you!"



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Not quite this, but I play my Warshade as a channeler (she summons fish ghosts!) and I will occasionally use Stygian Circle while shouting "OM NOM NOM", or Extract Essence while saying "Yarr, spirits from the vasty deep!"

Of course, Dwarf form is the mighty Claw Shrimp. Lives in the deep. Big as a man.
Holy crap, someone else calls dwarf form "Claw Shrimp!"

Anyway, I guess my funniest is - I was on a team with a second peacebringer, we were hitting one of those lab rooms with the hallway circling the larger central room with catwalks, a balcony, and lots of cryptic machinery. Anyway, we hit the entrance, and the other peacebringer zooms in just as I say "There'll be a quantum/void boss up there."

And then he dies, because there was.

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I just thought of another one... My coalition mates and I have this ongoing inside joke about the costumes we have (Boss Freak Costume, PPD Hardsuit, Knives of Artemis--and yes, we did go there to get them)--we always tell "n00bs" who ask "How did you get that costume?" that we got it from the "Eden Bank Mish." We of course, then start seeing broadcasts in every possible channel "Where do I get the Eden Bank Mish?" and we all laugh...

Well, I recently "sort of" applied that type of joke to my Kheld when a toon asked me "How did you turn into that squiddy form?" I told him that the game unlocked it for me when I solo'd the Hamidon in the Hive with my Elec/Elec blaster...

Hey, he deserved it. He was lvl 50 with only AE badges. :P

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



While flying in Nova form through the endless narrow corridors on a huge Oranbega map (being Speed Boosted on top of that) with, errrm, some difficulty:

"Do you know the Kheldian name for Oranbega? - Splat."

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.




followed by:

"PTERODACTYL!" (nova) or "MASTADON!" (darf)

usually gets me some lulz from the SG mates



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
My warshade has a running gag. When on PuGs, she talks about what the souls of the villains she's devouring (via Stygian Circle) "taste like" to her occasionally. It started out as just a lark, to relieve the tedium (always a good origin!) and then just grew from there while on a Task Force.

Their souls taste like ...
  • Freakshow: chicken
  • Council: beerwurst
  • Clockworks: car keys
  • Carnies: cotton candy
  • Hellions: red hots
  • Banished Pantheon: day old bagels
  • Malta: pop tarts
  • Knives of Artemis: fish
  • Warriors: microwaved peeps
  • Tsoo: soy sauce
  • Rikti: leftovers
  • Nemesis: pennies
  • Rularuu: pudding pops
  • Circle of Thorns: ice cream
  • Skulls: toast
  • Vahzilok: hamburger from the back of
    the fridge (fixed)
  • Crey: potato chips
... and so on ...

Because of this, I changed my Battle Cry to something more appropriate to the running gag ...

Your soul is my chew toy!
Originally Posted by Talonflash View Post
During ship raids:
"Death to aliens! Oh ... wait ...."

After Proton Scatter->Luminous Detonation->Solar Flare->Photon Seekers:
"May the Freem be with you!"
Originally Posted by Sitriel View Post
While flying in Nova form through the endless narrow corridors on a huge Oranbega map (being Speed Boosted on top of that) with, errrm, some difficulty:

"Do you know the Kheldian name for Oranbega? - Splat."
All of these in a row made lol so hard I fell out of my chair, this thread is almost as good as the rude tells thread funny wise, too bad there aren't many khelds out there for this thread.



Originally Posted by Player99 View Post

followed by:

"PTERODACTYL!" (nova) or "MASTADON!" (darf)

usually gets me some lulz from the SG mates
that's the best one. i need a bind for that



Originally Posted by Sitriel View Post
While flying in Nova form through the endless narrow corridors on a huge Oranbega map (being Speed Boosted on top of that) with, errrm, some difficulty:

"Do you know the Kheldian name for Oranbega? - Splat."
Isn't the Kheldian name for Oranbega Splortch?



God...this thread is amazing! I think I woke the kids up from laughing! God I'm a dweeb!



I rarely use squid form anymore, but I used to switch using a keybind that said "Ia ia Bunthulhu fhtagn!". (Bunthulhu being the name of my bunny WS)



"Excuse me while I slip into something a bit more comfortable"



Originally Posted by Ignatz View Post
"Excuse me while I slip into something a bit more comfortable"
Omg! bahaha



Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
Battle criy: "Klaatu...Verata....Nictus!"
That is awesome on so many levels, lmao!

Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool



Originally Posted by Ignatz View Post
"Excuse me while I slip into something a bit more comfortable"
Twilight Dream sometimes does something similar...

/em gets naked

Then she goes from this...

to this...



I was grouped with a fire blaster last night on my Warshade. I told him:

"You bring the fire and I'll bring the squid. Together, we will be... TEAM CALAMARI!!!"

Ok, so it's not that funny...



I have one that's not that funny...In Nova form with my WS I will float up to ppl and say..."Hey! Pull my finger!" Normally they just type *shudder* lol.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I have one that's not that funny...In Nova form with my WS I will float up to ppl and say..."Hey! Pull my finger!" Normally they just type *shudder* lol.
LOL! I going to try that one!

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I have one that's not that funny...In Nova form with my WS I will float up to ppl and say..."Hey! Pull my finger!" Normally they just type *shudder* lol.
I usually get the shudder when I pull out my "I'm every Japanese schoolgirl's wet dream!" bind ...

-- War



Originally Posted by Warmaster View Post
I usually get the shudder when I pull out my "I'm every Japanese schoolgirl's wet dream!" bind ...

-- War
Apparently, their mothers dream of that too!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Funniest moment playing a Kheldian. I was with a pickup group and we were running paper missions and ended up with Hellions. During one encounter, the conversation went something like this...

Me: We gotta take out that Damned Quantum.
Teammate: Calm down dude! We got it!
Me: No, look, that's his name... Damned Quantum

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".