Kheldian vs. AV




Just what it sez on the cover.

Can a Kheldian solo an AV? Would a PB or a WS have a better shot (if any)?

Have you done it?



To beat an AV you have to combine 3 things, debuff the AV's regenerative abilities, pack enough DPS, and keep yourself alive. These 3 factors have to be consistent and constant and this causes Kheldians to be less capable of AV soloing than other AT's.

Rare cases may be able to accomplish this, especially using external DPS sources (Shivans, Nukes, etc..) and trays of Insps, and not every AV can be taken down even like that.

EDIT :: I forgot to mention, but a PB would probably have an easier time defeating AV's since it does not require enemies to either buff or heal itself. That said however, a WS would be able to, at least for short bursts, pack more DPS for the short length of time that Mire buffs were still available, but while focusing on the AV, the enemies around the WS may cause too much disruption on their own.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



<QR> Technically, any AT can solo an AV.

Just, some may die from old age in the process

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



I've yet to see a build that couldn't solo at least one AV given enough temps and insps.

With enough temps, you could probably sit back and watch them kill the AV.



Let's be realistic here, c'mon.

My main, the Ill/Rad, barely notices AVs (unless we're talking someone ridiculous here, like Romulus or Reichsmann). My En/En blaster on the other hand can barely scratch the Psychic Clockwork King, who is the scrub of all AVs, despite being IO'd out to the gills.

A successful AE solo = damage output + mitigation + optional -regen. And staying power, of course. Some ATs can never furnish the requirements. Some powerset combinations can never furnish the requirements either...

And I'm talking unassisted solo here, no Shivans or wolves or Amy. Inspirations and "self only" tempts acceptable.



If you include temps (even self only), the answer is "yes" for every AT and every powerset combination.



Exactly Extor. No temps, summons and inspirations, nothing but your Kheldian and the AV... well, most likely result would be a constant defeat for the Kheldian despite how well you can play your Kheldian.

No AT was actually designed to solo AV's and the ones that solo AV's without external aid are to be taken as an exception, not a rule.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



No AT was actually designed to solo AV's and the ones that solo AV's without external aid are to be taken as an exception, not a rule.

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So you're saying that 11 out of 12 ATs are an exception?



Show me that 11 AT's with each and every build option can solo most AV's in the game, without Shivans, Nukes, Inspirations or any other external aid that doesn't come from the build itself, and I'll change my mind.

Oh yes, and please also show me how any AT/build combination can accomplish this using SO's only, because if you recall, everything was designed around SO's.

IO'ed purple builds are still the exception.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Switching your stance from "ATs who can solo AVs without insps/temps are an exception" to "show me every build option can solo most AVs with SOs" is a very, very, VERY big leap to make from one post to another. I doubt anyone would discuss the latter, but at best it's barely related to your previous claim.



Show me that 11 AT's with each and every build option can solo most AV's in the game

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I'm sure I can eventually show you 11 ATs that can solo most AVs, but for now you can start with the 4 in my sig

I never claimed that every single build combo can solo AVs with SOs, I simply said that there are 11 ATs who can solo AVs =)



Since the game is still designed around SO's, I still consider IO purple builds on the same level as Shivans/Nukes/Wolves and other temp powers.

I view and divide the playerbase into two categories; the Rule, i.e. the masses who do not have the time or do not wish to dedicate the time to gather enough resources to build and hone an AV killer, and the Exception, i.e. the players who will do anything and everything in their power to gather the required resources which would be anything from putting together a purple build to getting Wolves/Shivans etc.

I do not belong to those exceptional people who solo AV's (well, OK, on my Controllers/Defenders, I am, but that's besides the point here), therefore, I place myself with the rule... especially when it comes to Kheldians attempting to solo AV's.

For better, or worse, the game is evidently designed to please the masses and not to challenge the exceptions to the rule, therefore when I'm asked about soloing AV's, my answer would always be that by-design, it isn't something every AT is able to do.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Show me that 11 AT's with each and every build option can solo most AV's in the game

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I'm sure I can eventually show you 11 ATs that can solo most AVs, but for now you can start with the 4 in my sig
I never claimed that every single build combo can solo AVs with SOs, I simply said that there are 11 ATs who can solo AVs =)

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Believe me, I've seen your work, and I've solo'ed AV's with and without Shivans/Wolves etc.

I just use AT as a term to include ALL possible build combinations available to that AT, so if just one build-combination is capable, it still doesn't mean the whole AT can... sorry for being so restrictive and fine-grained.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



As you like rules, you might want to remember one of the first rules of conversation is to use socially accepted definitions for words. If you make up your own definitions and use them, you might want to mention it ; otherwise, it's safe to assume you're using the same language as everyone else.

As a foreigner, speaking english is already hard enough for me to have people making up their own, different definitions for words on purpose, so you'll excuse me if I won't bother reading your posts from now on, as I lack the mindreading skills that allowed you to discern the devs' intended design.



...I won't bother reading your posts from now on...

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OK, no problems there.

...mindreading skills that allowed you to discern the devs' intended design.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was about to explain how my wonderful mind-reading skill to discern the Devs' intended design was merely based on analyzing what I see in-game, coupled with some long gone forum posts about how the Devs haven't re-balanced any NPC groups around IO's and the game is still based on SO's, and that AV's essentially are team-content and all that, but you know, since you won't read my posts anymore, I won't bother.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I posted a few weeks ago in the scrapper forum regarding the idea of Khelds soloing AV's. While it certainly is not easy, and yes, your build to do it will not be as useful outside of just working AV, I firmly believe it is possible without using temp powers or insps.

Nihilii had posted some great build ideas on that thread and I've been working on it ever since. I modified some of his build, merged it with mine and am fine tweaking. I'm using a fairly purple'd out warshade (the build needs a heavy amount of +recharge), hanging in human form with an attack chain of shadow blast, gravity well, shadow blast, essence drain. The dps of this chain is enough, not a huge amount over, but enough. The idea relies on bringing in extra mobs, but not summoning essences, so that they do not destroy the mobs you need for eclipse. Keeping eclipse and mire perma, you can slowly take the AV down. The build includes close to 300% regen, 20% melee def, and using the self heal allows you to survive the damage that comes through. My HP in the build is close to 1500 as well.

Is this the build I like to play with normally? Do I feel it's the "best use" of a warshade? Absolutely not, I prefer a tri-form AOE destruction machine. But, I love my WS and thought it would be a fun challenge to see if I could accomplish this. My most recent attempts validate that this is possible as I've gotten Bobcat to about 60% health on both. It's easier to damage her due to a weakness to neg energy damage, but she hits harder than other AVs, such as Marauder. I tried Nightstar the other day, but was unable to make sufficient progress on her health, however she couldn't touch me so I had plenty of time to keep trying.

I don't post often, but I lurk constantly. I would consider my WS my main so I will keep trying at this. If I succeed I will post a screenshot (if I can figure out how to do that), otherwise no, I don't have any screenshots of my current progress.



I'm going to have to back up LordXenite on this one. I've never seen him post anything that differs from what he has posted here. This game was made for SO's. In fact, the entire invention system is listed as OPTIONAL, even in the tutorial mission you get in game. The game was not made harder because of inventions, and I have seen no post or dev note saying that they will make the game harder because of it.

IO's can be used to bridge a gap. That gap being players. I can purp out a set, and remove an entire player from my team, because they aren't needed. With many IO's soloing becomes even easier, and sure there are instances where you can solo AVs. It's not something everyone can do, and not something that every power set can do. I'd love to see an AR/Fire blaster do anything besides earning debt.



Soloing AVs is not something intended for every regular player to do, yes, no need to state the obvious. But when comparing the 12 ATs ingame (counting Khelds as 1 AT and VEATs as 1 AT) there's at least 1 build that can do it with no temps/insps, once it's properly built with enough IOs (purples not required) and as long as the correct strategy is used.

AR/Fire? Ring of Fire + Burn + Ignite + Bullets? that's infact one *very* viable AV soloer if built correctly, you just need the right approach



I can't get my AR/Fire to solo minions, let alone AVs. I've gone through a couple of guides, and found that I'm doing things similarly, and not had much luck.

Now my ice ice is pretty hoss, though. Meh, maybe it's just playstyle.



Also character improvement: build, slotting, accolades, set bonuses, etc



Also character improvement: build, slotting, accolades, set bonuses, etc

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Psh, who needs a good build? My borked one is great! Slotting? Nothing but flurry and jump kick.

I'll work on accolades, but I'm not going to use set bonuses to force a character to be better. I'll play around with the build a bit and see what I can come up with.