Kheldians and Going Rogue




Though I know that most certainly no one has any sort of information regarding this, my aberrant thinking appendage (not that one, the OTHER one) has latched onto an idea and refuses to let it go unless I can manage to infect others with it.

Well, not really an idea, more of a question, really.

Assuming Going Rogue allows proper blue to red side changing (and from the material released thus far, it seems quite safe to assume this), there is likely going to be something that needs to be done regarding Kheldians, the patron arcs, and patron powers.

The easiest thing to do would be simply to allow Khelds to do the arcs and get the badge, but not get power pools as a result, which would be a bit of a bummer, but quite understandable.

I wouldn't think that the arcs would be unable to be gotten by Khelds, as thus far every character on a side has been, theoretically, able to get every badge.

Most interesting would be Khelds able to do the arcs, and gain access to the patron power pools. But as Khelds have such a wide variety of powers, I find myself unable to determine what would be a good 4-5 powers for them to have for each patron.

And if they get patron powers villainside, then they would likely need to get access to Epic powers heroside to balance things out, which I think would be kind of neat.

I find myself looking over my 32 Warshade and finding that there is pretty much nothing I want aside from the nuke and the god-mode power from what I have left to chose, and a few more options would be quite welcome.

My overactive brain thus is plotting ideas for what sort of thing epic Kheld powers would have. My brain says sets of 4 additional powers, 1 set for Dwarf form, one for Nova form, and 5 more representing each of the heroic archtypes, representing Kheldian flexability.

But as this would likely be an absolutely massive effort put in to what are the two least often played AT's (I think? I heard it mentioned somehwere), so odds are the "Can do arc, but no patron powers for you" is going to be the option that gets done.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Judging by the current state of Acillary and Patron powers, access to the respective pools is determined by something that's hard coded into each individual AT. It's what allows the game to determine which powers from those pools a particular toon will have access to.

If that's the case it would be incredibly difficult to allow Kheldians access to Patron Pools if they switch sides or even Ancillary Pools if they remain in Paragon City. Not to mention the fact that, unlike certain pool powers, being able to choose those powers would come with the added burden of assigning slots on an already slot hungry AT. It's an interesting idea but runs into some practical issues rather quickly.



This is a significant question. This leads us down a road of pure speculation - but that's what forum threads are for!! I see a few scenarios:

1) Easy Answer: Don't do anything. The arc is available, as is the badge, but the powers simply aren't available. Obtaining a patron badge is no longer linked to your power choices anyway - so the importance of this arc has been lessened.

2) Broken Answer: Oops...turns out Kheldians can get Patron Powers. I would assume they'd get the same Picks that VEATS do, although this is up for discussion. It remains to be seen whether or not this would help or harm a Khelidan Build, since having access to certain Patron picks would really twink out a Kheld build. I wouldn't expect Warshades to have access to Soul Drain...but perhaps we may see Peacebringers with both Light Form & Power Surge???

3) Thematical Answer: When Khelds swap sides, they get pressed into the service of Arachnos. As a result, they get a forced respec when they complete the patron arc - and get a completely different set of patron-based abilities to choose from. While this is possibly the coolest of all scenarios, it is also the most work to implement with the least reward - thereby making it the least likely.

Let the blind speculation continue!!

Why do I do do do things I do
Nobody was ever there for me to talk to
Once I was youngster, pure and true
Now I'm running with a sick, sick crew.



I'd think they'd be locked out again. I don't believe the Devs would want to take out the time to create 4 Sets of PPP around the Kheldian needs, and then for parity's sake do similar APP.

I've been long against giving Khelds additional powers, but have suggested if it's truly desired give some team Buff/Debuff types which the AT lacks in it's Jack of all trades theme. But now I will add thinking about it, why not also include a Click that gives them Mez protection that works only in human form, or ma carry over, I don't know, but it's my compromise to folks who want Mez protection in Human form.



How about being able to unlock a fourth form... Depending on the arc, you can take the form of a shark-like leviathon, freaky spider, pure ball of mu energy or dark shadow of nictus...

I know, then we'd have to bring up quad-form builds and figure out how to slot the mofos...



I do not think there will be PB, WS, Widow, or SoA. I think there will be a new Epic AT(s) with Rogue, or as when CoV originally came out, none.



Hopefully that epic at will require one 50 lvl hero and one 50 lvl vil which I have both.



off topic but the new characters show on the page are they going to be playable?



If you mean Desdemona, Maelstrom and Emporer Cole, no, those are NPCs.

If you mean the Demon Summoning and Pistols powersets, yes, those have already been confirmed as upcoming additions.

Not sure what you're asking here since "the new characters show on the page" is a bit vague.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Why do they need patron arcs?



Why do they need patron arcs?

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Because, that's why!



Why do they need patron arcs?

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They don't. However, "need" is not the topic of discussion here. It seems that the issue really stems from whether or not a Kheld will be able to earn the badge associated with the Patron arcs, and if so, if that will give the powers. And if not, then one needs to ask why that "villain" is cut out of a portion of the storyline and a badge that every other villain can presumably accomplish?



Why do they need patron arcs?

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So you can patronize them, silly Kat!


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Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
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Semi-off topic but still semi-on topic... Hm,

Is "Going Rogue" going to be an expansion, like CoV was to CoH, or is it going to be it's own Issue?

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



Semi-off topic but still semi-on topic... Hm,

Is "Going Rogue" going to be an expansion, like CoV was to CoH, or is it going to be it's own Issue?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well definetly be an expansion. That is confirmed. Whether it's tied to an issue is unknown, but highly likely, IMO.



Semi-off topic but still semi-on topic... Hm,

Is "Going Rogue" going to be an expansion, like CoV was to CoH, or is it going to be it's own Issue?

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Well definetly be an expansion. That is confirmed. Whether it's tied to an issue is unknown, but highly likely, IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bleh, there's more money I need to get Understandable, though. It's a huge thing and probably too big for an Issue.

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



Semi-off topic but still semi-on topic... Hm,

Is "Going Rogue" going to be an expansion, like CoV was to CoH, or is it going to be it's own Issue?

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Well definetly be an expansion. That is confirmed. Whether it's tied to an issue is unknown, but highly likely, IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]



So there has been some speculation on the boards about the content of Issue 16, and its relationship to the Going Rogue expansion. Due to some poor link naming in the initial Going Rogue email, many of you are under the mistaken impression that Issue 16 will be Going Rogue.

I am here to set the record straight. Issue 16 is NOT Going Rogue.

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Semi-off topic but still semi-on topic... Hm,
Is "Going Rogue" going to be an expansion, like CoV was to CoH, or is it going to be it's own Issue?

[/ QUOTE ]
Who knows, maybe in time, Going Rogue will become free just like Going Rouge did

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



The patron power for warshades will be you transform into a dark cyst emanator.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



I would so respec for my 12th time for this power.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Hopefully that epic at will require one 50 lvl hero and one 50 lvl vil which I have both.

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I would assume it would require a lvl 50 GR toon, just like the blue epic AT's for a hero needs a lvl 50 hero, and red epic AT's needed a lvl 50 villain.


If you mean Desdemona, Maelstrom and Emporer Cole, no, those are NPCs.

If you mean the Demon Summoning and Pistols powersets, yes, those have already been confirmed as upcoming additions.

Not sure what you're asking here since "the new characters show on the page" is a bit vague.

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They are. One is a blaster the other is an MM.


Semi-off topic but still semi-on topic... Hm,

Is "Going Rogue" going to be an expansion, like CoV was to CoH, or is it going to be it's own Issue?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. I am approaching from the same view as CoV. A separate map/world (I hope it is all one big zone and remove the loading zone carp (just like WoW, ya travel outside a certain area and BAM! Ya dead), and one big server like Eve), some new AT, new missions, TF/SF/WhateverForce, and a blue and red V rouge zone, PvE for all three, and maybe a similar RWZ. For the vets, they know of Tyrant and Praetorian. Going Rouge is going to expand on that history which already exist in the game.



I am personally against any of the Epic AT's being able to sideswitch, normal AT's I can make sense out of but the Epic's are Epically Good or Evil and I personally do not wish to see good guy Arachnos running around AP.

If they were to implement this feature for Epic AT's the only sensible ports I could imagine are twofold.

a) Warshades reverting to their evil Nictus ways when goin' redside.
b) Arachnos switching to Longbow coming across when deciding to go true blue

Just my two cents worth



Originally Posted by Twinkle_Boy View Post
I am personally against any of the Epic AT's being able to sideswitch, normal AT's I can make sense out of but the Epic's are Epically Good or Evil and I personally do not wish to see good guy Arachnos running around AP.

If they were to implement this feature for Epic AT's the only sensible ports I could imagine are twofold.

a) Warshades reverting to their evil Nictus ways when goin' redside.
b) Arachnos switching to Longbow coming across when deciding to go true blue

Just my two cents worth
Well, you pretty much answered your own complaint. Warshades could become Nictus on the redside without changing anything at all, and while Peacebringers going evil are rarer, it does happen. There's a Peacebringer arc about it.

As for Arachnos, considering there are so many Longbow/Arachnos double agents in the CoV story arcs, I would be surprised if any SoA WASN'T secretly being contacted by Longbow to turn coat. The Longbow uniform is easy enough to make in a standard costume slot, and while the Crab backpack might look suspicious on a Longbow, the standard machinegun or claws wouldn't. (There are Claws Scrappers in Longbow)

As for the other issues brought up here, this is something that's going to have to be determined more widely than just with Kheldians. Tankers are not Brutes, Defenders are not Corruptors, and Blasters are not Dominators. When they switch sides, something is going to have to be done about Epic Pools and Patron Pools. Either whole new Patron Pools will be come up with for the heroes or (more likely) they will continue to use the existing choices. Either way, there is a disparity in heroes not needing to do an arc, and villains needing to do one, which will need to be addressed. (At least now once the arc is done, the hero and villain Pools work identically)

And if there's a third Epic AT, it will probably be added later, much like the 40-50 levels and Epic ATs were added to CoH and CoV later. I'm guessing that the mechanism will be to get a character to 50, but one that isn't "pure" and has switch sides or gone Neutral. It won't be like either Maelstrom or Desdemona, though, they're a side switched hero and villain, respectively.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Why do they need patron arcs?

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They don't. However, "need" is not the topic of discussion here. It seems that the issue really stems from whether or not a Kheld will be able to earn the badge associated with the Patron arcs, and if so, if that will give the powers. And if not, then one needs to ask why that "villain" is cut out of a portion of the storyline and a badge that every other villain can presumably accomplish?
If Khelds can't get the Ancillary powers then they shouldn't get Patron powers, either. Let em take a patron if they want for the sake of getting the Patron badge and presumably Usurper for taking down Recluse at the end of the Patron's last arc.