Discussion: Gamezone and Powerset Proliferation




Tomorrow... "Tomorrow" isn't a problem, and in fact, is pretty informative all on it's own, compared to the oft-quoted: Soon™...

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And just think, we've got more goodies for you next week too!

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*gasps* more goodies, he says? Is it the Muffin Man? I have a thank you present for LH for this generous information.

Warning: For Lighthouse eyes only



... I'm going camping in the catskills tomorrow ...

@Bengal Fist - Freedom - Authority SG
Bengal Fist (SS/EA) - Thirt3en (Time/Elec) - Aussi (Elec/Shield) - Potamoi (Water/Time) - Parkr (Staff/Ela)



Getting the info faster won't get Issue 12 live any quicker, so we might as well just relax and take the info as it comes.

I mean, they could give us info on Issue 13 and 14 as well, but all that would do is make the wait for those issues seem even longer. The same applies to I12.



If Dr. Brainstorm appeared in the game, I wonder what his Strike Force would be like...

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Permadeath for all characters who attempt it and fail. And, of course, the good Doctor would turn out to be a robot duplicate anyway.

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<Insert mandatory reply to Castle, since no one's replied yet >

Edit: that sounds like the worst TF ever... Jack's idea?



Based on this intriguing information, I think it's safe to say that... I'll never visit the Gamezone site again.



Im just confused as to who they're actually trying to market to. Non-players are going to see that, read through it, realize there's no information in it, and not bother checking tommorow, because if they had the interest in CoH to check for daily updates, they'd probably already be playing.

And yes, it works out great as a teaser for people that are already playing and paying for the game, but... why are we being marketed to again? We already play.



That's NcSoft's version of a Rick-Roll.

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I have to admit it--I LOL'd at "come back tomorrow". Yeah, I want to know the new powersets too, but come on ... it was funny .

Maybe just to me .... Maybe I'm a closet sadst and didn't know it.



Ok, this is great and all, but...couldn't this have been an actual police band mission? Like some really small chance, akin to a purple drop, that you just have an optional glowy in your "punch crey!" mission. The glowie is a tube where "It appears Crey is studying (plant/psychic/elec/whatever) villains for some nefarious purpose!" Or some prototype of the kinetic capacitor. The game wouldn't have to spell it out for us, but dropping hints like this would have been a great experience.




Darn it...

As for the story... Bleh.

Sorry. I like Doc Brainstorm, but I don't like the game mythos telling me that my powers are the result of this or that. First in Web of Arachnos we are told that Statesman basically loosed all powers on the world, and now we are told that even natural heroes really aren't, they all have powers because of this "mystical network, an energy based control panel for super power distribution". Add in that we are told that Dr. Brainstorm has bugged ALL invention tables, and that he alone is responsible for creating all the new variations of power sets, and I am just... less than thrilled.

I know, I am taking it too seriously. And I can ignore it for my own storytelling (and I will). But I hate having to ignore the game story to tell my own. Its one of the reasons I dislike playing villains more than heroes, as the stories are more stifling and less fitting to my villains.


Ok, I'm done. I'll go back to waiting for tomorrow, like others in this thread. Thanks for listening.



Tomorrow... "Tomorrow" isn't a problem, and in fact, is pretty informative all on it's own, compared to the oft-quoted: Soon™...

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And just think, we've got more goodies for you next week too!

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Ummm, would it be safe to say it'll include a 'Tune in for the week after next for details of the goodies next week!?



Tomorrow... "Tomorrow" isn't a problem, and in fact, is pretty informative all on it's own, compared to the oft-quoted: Soon™...

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And just think, we've got more goodies for you next week too!

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Ummm, would it be safe to say it'll include a 'Tune in for the week after next for details of the goodies next week!?

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same bat time, same bat channel?

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.



[severe snippage]... why are we being marketed to again? We already play.

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Because it's an MMORPG that relies on continued income from subscriptions. We're not being marketing to get us to play, we're being marketed to get us to keep playing, and, by extension, to keep paying.

The difference is most likely profound to someone with a background in advertising or public relations, but to an IT nerd like me, it's minimal.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.




From the UK Boards:
By the way, you do know that "tomorrow" is American for next week?

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As for the story... Bleh.

Sorry. I like Doc Brainstorm, but I don't like the game mythos telling me that my powers are the result of this or that. First in Web of Arachnos we are told that Statesman basically loosed all powers on the world, and now we are told that even natural heroes really aren't, they all have powers because of this "mystical network, an energy based control panel for super power distribution". Add in that we are told that Dr. Brainstorm has bugged ALL invention tables, and that he alone is responsible for creating all the new variations of power sets, and I am just... less than thrilled.

I know, I am taking it too seriously. And I can ignore it for my own storytelling (and I will). But I hate having to ignore the game story to tell my own. Its one of the reasons I dislike playing villains more than heroes, as the stories are more stifling and less fitting to my villains.


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I was kind of thinking the same when I saw the info about the Midnight Squad discovering the source of powers.

There's something odd about a person using an assault rifle and devices as having some kind of 'cosmic connection' that some how gives him/her the ability to shoot guns and toss webgrenades.....




I'm sorry, but the princess is in another castle.



If Dr. Brainstorm appeared in the game, I wonder what his Strike Force would be like...

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Permadeath for all characters who attempt it and fail. And, of course, the good Doctor would turn out to be a robot duplicate anyway.

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<Insert mandatory reply to Castle, since no one's replied yet >

Edit: that sounds like the worst TF ever... Jack's idea?

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I did...

Kinda after the fact though

And if it was Jack's idea it would include a 3/5ths reduction to your existing defense bonus as well while on the TF.



If you don't have this info tomorrow morning, I'M CANCELLING EVERYONES ACCOUNT!!! (not really, but I wanted to be dramatic too.)



Regardless of all that, if Gamezone has banner ads, it's really too bad, that my looking at that page won't net them any extra clicks on account of me having numerous adblock type features. Ha ha. Jokes on you.



Well... tomorrow. Maybe Soon™



TOMORROW!?! You make baby angels cry!



Tomorrow... "Tomorrow" isn't a problem, and in fact, is pretty informative all on it's own, compared to the oft-quoted: Soon™...

[/ QUOTE ]

And just think, we've got more goodies for you next week too!

[/ QUOTE ]

You are SUCH a big meanie. When you walk through the park, do you kick puppies and pop balloons? How can you sleep at night?

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Hmmm, judging from the length of this thread I'd say their cheap marketing ploy is working as intended.

Leader of the Insanity Guns
"We rush in where fools fear to tread!"
Joe Insanity 50 AR/Dev Blaster - Infinity
CykaTek 50 Bots/FF Mastermind - Infinity



As for the story... Bleh.

Sorry. I like Doc Brainstorm, but I don't like the game mythos telling me that my powers are the result of this or that. First in Web of Arachnos we are told that Statesman basically loosed all powers on the world, and now we are told that even natural heroes really aren't, they all have powers because of this "mystical network, an energy based control panel for super power distribution". Add in that we are told that Dr. Brainstorm has bugged ALL invention tables, and that he alone is responsible for creating all the new variations of power sets, and I am just... less than thrilled.

I know, I am taking it too seriously. And I can ignore it for my own storytelling (and I will). But I hate having to ignore the game story to tell my own. Its one of the reasons I dislike playing villains more than heroes, as the stories are more stifling and less fitting to my villains.


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I was kind of thinking the same when I saw the info about the Midnight Squad discovering the source of powers.

There's something odd about a person using an assault rifle and devices as having some kind of 'cosmic connection' that some how gives him/her the ability to shoot guns and toss webgrenades.....

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Wouldn't that be cosmically blocked for accessing most any other powers? :P

Still here, even after all this time!