Discussion: Gamezone and Powerset Proliferation




[severe snippage]... why are we being marketed to again? We already play.

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Because it's an MMORPG that relies on continued income from subscriptions. We're not being marketing to get us to play, we're being marketed to get us to keep playing, and, by extension, to keep paying.

The difference is most likely profound to someone with a background in advertising or public relations, but to an IT nerd like me, it's minimal.

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Yes, but this isnt a good way to do that either. As someone that is constantly bouncing off that bubble of cancelling, marketing to the people in that mindset in this way is a huge mistake, because you're only increasing the backlash over "poor set choices" being swapped over from that type of player. The player that is considering leaving wants answers -now- normally.

Telling a customer considering departing that you'll bring him good news "tommorow" isn't really good retention, or marketing.

Oddly, for a change, Im fairly happy with the direction the game is taking, and am already sold on the issue due to finally getting VEATs, and any issue with new power set combinations and ways to play the game, is a good issue.

But as somebody that sells services and tries to retain services, I think this "marketing attempt" is just about the worst thing you could actually do.




Darn it...

As for the story... Bleh.

Sorry. I like Doc Brainstorm, but I don't like the game mythos telling me that my powers are the result of this or that. First in Web of Arachnos we are told that Statesman basically loosed all powers on the world, and now we are told that even natural heroes really aren't, they all have powers because of this "mystical network, an energy based control panel for super power distribution". Add in that we are told that Dr. Brainstorm has bugged ALL invention tables, and that he alone is responsible for creating all the new variations of power sets, and I am just... less than thrilled.

I know, I am taking it too seriously. And I can ignore it for my own storytelling (and I will). But I hate having to ignore the game story to tell my own. Its one of the reasons I dislike playing villains more than heroes, as the stories are more stifling and less fitting to my villains.


Ok, I'm done. I'll go back to waiting for tomorrow, like others in this thread. Thanks for listening.

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It's just a theory. A wizard could have done it.

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'Come back tomorrow'?


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That was awesome.

That's NcSoft's version of a Rick-Roll.

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But as somebody that sells services and tries to retain services, I think this "marketing attempt" is just about the worst thing you could actually do.

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Actually, the worst thing they could do would be to not offer the service. Pretty sure that's not going to happen.

I thought it was funny. Folks need to lighten up around here. It's a game!

Global name: @k26dp



Thanks Dr. Brainstorm!

Poor guy minor mishapped his eyebrows right off.

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I'm more impressed that he survived what the article says was a blast equal to that of a neutron star exploding.



Thanks Dr. Brainstorm!

Poor guy minor mishapped his eyebrows right off.

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I'm more impressed that he survived what the article says was a blast equal to that of a neutron star exploding.

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I think it was more around 1/5 of that power, actually. *goes to reread*

Proud Member of Fusion Force.



But as somebody that sells services and tries to retain services, I think this "marketing attempt" is just about the worst thing you could actually do.

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Actually, the worst thing they could do would be to not offer the service. Pretty sure that's not going to happen.

I thought it was funny. Folks need to lighten up around here. It's a game!

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That's why I said "Just about" and not "The".

I just find myself puzzled by the decisions of "NCSoft marketing" from time to time.

Quick Question? How many people here would claim to check Gamezone on a regular basis?



Here is an exclusive preview of part 2 of Gamezone's article:

Dr. Brainstorm: I was conducting an experiment last night and a bolt of lightning struck my exposed brain. This not only necessitated more bandaging, it also completely wiped all memory of the forthcoming powersets being proliferated from my mind. Terribly sorry about that (muahaha). But don't worry, I have the list safely secured in a vault at a lab in Grandville. The vault has an elaborate lock but fear not, I still remember the combination to open it. The lock, however, also has a timer and won't actually open until three days after the combination has been entered. Come back on Monday for more information. Until then, get out of my lab! Muahaha!

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*fade to black*

Note: Change "Monday" to whatever is desired for maximum doomedness.



Here is an exclusive preview of part 2 of Gamezone's article:

Dr. Brainstorm: I was conducting an experiment last night and a bolt of lightning struck my exposed brain. This not only necessitated more bandaging, it also completely wiped all memory of the forthcoming powersets being proliferated from my mind. Terribly sorry about that (muahaha). But don't worry, I have the list safely secured in a vault at a lab in Grandville. The vault has an elaborate lock but fear not, I still remember the combination to open it. The lock, however, also has a timer and won't actually open until three days after the combination has been entered. Come back on Monday for more information. Until then, get out of my lab! Muahaha!

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*fade to black*

Note: Change "Monday" to whatever is desired for maximum doomedness.

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Even better, when Brainstorm goes to enter the code in GV, he constantly gets dc'd and is unable to move to his lab in the first place.

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.



*goes and freezes self for one day, because suspense is killing him*

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Dont do it dude, this happened on south park and eric cartman didnt wakeup until many hundreds of years later well after the fact. So you could wake up around issue 1000 or something. Is that what you want?

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Is Issue 1000 the one with Power Customization, Hero Side Master Minds, The Moon Base, and the addition of lvls 50-100?



I think you're all missing the most important point of all.

Our powers come from a mystical energy field that binds and connects us all.

We're ****ing Jedi Knights!!!!

"Some people wrestle with their inner demons. I stabbed mine in the back of the head. He was a bleeder." - Black Mage

"We've trained you better than for you to use excuses like 'I didn't have control over what I was doing!'" - Major Tasker, Longbow



Hopefully at the midnight hour we can see exactly what the powers are.



Actually, I thought about that too before reading this; I thought originally that it was unessesary as they didn't need it for the archery and sonic set as well as the thugs set for villains.

Though how they've laid this foundation here kinda reminds me of some comic stories like Jack Kirby's Fourth World in which their powers and abilities stem from "The Source" or the DC's [censored]-Magi ( I can't believe they censored this ) Race. Also like the X-Factor gene or the Celestials' discovery of hidden potential in the human race of superpowers in the Marvel universe.

Except that this doesn't sound like not a "be-all" for everyone, though perhaps is like say a catalyst. It's like this "source" opens up the posibility however the how's and why's is still individualized.

So example #1: I have an affinity for plant live and I am a gifted gardner; though after Dr. Brainstorm's experiement (which I had no knowledge of). I found that I could further develop my talent towards actual communication with plants during a unique life or death situation when I was first confronting a new species of carnivorous plant-life. Which would be considered still a natural origin like Poison Ivy. Through this, I was inspired to take my talents to the next level.

Or example #2: An accident that would normally kill me such as a poisonous spiderbite provided the opportunity for the most unlikely scenario that which that particular spider was radioactive or genetically engineered to transfer his genetic traits through his bite. He still obtained his powers scientifically; however some supernatural force inticed the spider to bite him over the hundred other people in the room. We would attribute this normally to strange luck if it wasn't for the fact that this was coincidentally happening around the same timeframe as other industrial "accidents" were creating Incredible Hulks and inspiring Iron Men to heroics.

Eventually heroes may learn that they are more fundimentally connected and dependant to a common destiny-driven power source; though at that point it's based on open-mindness and some may brush this revelation off with a grain of salt.

Just like the Unified Field Theory of physics; I can definately see a Lord Recluse or any "mad" theoretical physicist investing in this idea for the perposes of gaining an over-arching control mechanism or influence on the superpower community. Even the strings of fate itself.

I liked how in Web of Arachnos; the Pandora's Box aura was presented as more of like a promethean level "kick-start" inspiration for superhumans rather than the be all of it; as Dark Watcher developed his powers much earlier; with the opening of the box, he seemed to get a significant power boost. Even how Maiden Justice was a natural hero with nothing special about her. Though she started to develop that glow which helped pushed her beyond what she originally planned to do with her judo and investigational skills.

This actually leads to a question I have; will the Pandora's Box in Web of Arachnos be touched upon in this Issue as well as the Powerset Poliferation canon reasoning?

I'd like to see more of this merging of the out-of-game stories like the comic book included into the expansions like the Time Travel TF's in I11.

It seems that what Dr. Brainstorm tapped into was that power source in his own way. Maybe this might be used to explained the inspiration trade-in mechanic as well; also we may get more story into the origin of superpowers through the Cimeroa Zone content according to the initial announcement.



So... nothing useful in the article at all. Pointless.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



So... nothing useful in the article at all. Pointless.

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Essentially yes; for gamer's anyway



(Jumps up and does a James Brown split) HHHEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!!

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



*goes and freezes self for one day, because suspense is killing him*

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Dont do it dude, this happened on south park and eric cartman didnt wakeup until many hundreds of years later well after the fact. So you could wake up around issue 1000 or something. Is that what you want?

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Is Issue 1000 the one with Power Customization, Hero Side Master Minds, The Moon Base, and the addition of lvls 50-100?

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*Goes and freezes himself*




"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! They're gonna tell us everything tomorrow instead of telling us a little bit today!"


Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Tomorrow!?! DO NOT WANT!



New powersets being added should not be part of the in-game canon. What if my plant controller existed before I12? Powersets being added is OOC, not IC. Don't blur the lines.



Well looks like I'll go cheese out for a day or so....



If Dr. Brainstorm appeared in the game, I wonder what his Strike Force would be like...

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Permadeath for all characters who attempt it and fail. And, of course, the good Doctor would turn out to be a robot duplicate anyway.

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&lt;Insert mandatory reply to Castle, since no one's replied yet &gt;

Edit: that sounds like the worst TF ever... Jack's idea?

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LOL! You know, I wouldn't be a bit surprised. I was always suspicious that putting Carnies together with Malta in the PI Safeguard was likely Jack's parting 'F.U.' to the CoH player-base...



There's something odd about a person using an assault rifle and devices as having some kind of 'cosmic connection' that some how gives him/her the ability to shoot guns and toss webgrenades.....

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And how do you think they carry the never ending supply of ammo and grenades?...

@Oroborous and @Oroborous2
Avatar by HeroPortraitStudios
From the Groundhog Day Attempt at Citadel: GM, "There's no badge for breaking a TF."