Discussion: Gamezone and Powerset Proliferation




Also keep in mind that we haven't seen exactly what powers are in each of the "new" sets, or in what order they appear, or numbers...etc. Don't let yourselves be underwhelmed until you test it.

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Bah, you don't really expect people to follow reasonable advice, do you? I thought the whole Psy Blaster debacle proved that being reasonable has no place here.



Scroll up Nymh.


And I am not unhappy. I am just underwhelmed by some of the choices. Others seem rather cool. no pun intended but I can't wait to see Regen scrappers with Frostwork on them...

Invuln tanks with ice sheilds being completly untouchable.

Forge AND Fortitude on people during praet arcs (though i imagine we will see Forged Fire tanks now on certain missions)

Masterminds getting ANOTHER pet with Tornado....yeesh. Though I am having trouble putting the Storm with a primary conceptually, its still early.

So I am happy with some of the ports, severely confused about others, but over all just not Excited by certain choices.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
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...Also keep in mind that we haven't seen exactly what powers are in each of the "new" sets, or in what order they appear, or numbers...etc. Don't let yourselves be underwhelmed until you test it.

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Hear, hear!

Bunny Power for the win!!!



Wow. It feels kinda lonely being the only happy person around.

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Welcome to an internet forum! You need to start complaning now or you will never fit in.



New Primary - Plant Control
New Secondary - Thermal Radiation

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...your name scares me...

Bunny Power for the win!!!



Please keep in mind that this list is just the beginning. There will be more sets ported/morphed in the coming issues. If you don't see what you want, don't despair. (Unless it's Ice Melee for Brutes...then you'll be waiting for a loooong time).

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And Kinetics for MM, by the article's comments.



Wow. It feels kinda lonely being the only happy person around.

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I'm happy about the new powersets. Of course, I'm still puzzled by some of the choices but that doesn't keep me from enjoying them.

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I'm happy. Choice is good. I know alot of Villain fans for underwhelmed and I can see why but I'm sure this is just the first trickle of ported powersets.



From a PvP perspective this is bad.......really bad.



From a PvP perspective this is bad.......really bad.

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That's an improvement, then. Before, it was "horrifically screwy." I credit the Storm Summoning.



Please keep in mind that this list is just the beginning. There will be more sets ported/morphed in the coming issues. If you don't see what you want, don't despair. (Unless it's Ice Melee for Brutes...then you'll be waiting for a loooong time).

Also keep in mind that we haven't seen exactly what powers are in each of the "new" sets, or in what order they appear, or numbers...etc. Don't let yourselves be underwhelmed until you test it.

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Well, I am an open minded player. I am stoked about some and pissed about others. I play both sides, but as it stands right now. they comepletely and utterlly destroyed any pvping.

you just completely wiped out 3 maps, siren's bloody bay and RV. the only pvop map is gonna be WB, and its gonna be heros vs heros with the occasional stalker.

Good Job


After A lil thinking, F- for killing pvp B+ for some cool pve sets



whoopie fire scrappers...... So many better choices they could have made there.

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I'm pretty disappointed but not suprised. But at least scrappers finally have access to fire swords...

Are all the devs playing blasters or what?



Now tempted to roll up an ice/thermal controller so I can set Jack Frost on fire.



Now tempted to roll up an ice/thermal controller so I can set Jack Frost on fire.

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Damn, that's an awesome visual. Now I'm gonna have to do that too.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Now tempted to roll up an ice/thermal controller so I can set Jack Frost on fire.

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Damn, that's an awesome visual. Now I'm gonna have to do that too.

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/agree.. awesome idea...



Now tempted to roll up an ice/thermal controller so I can set Jack Frost on fire.

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Damn, that's an awesome visual. Now I'm gonna have to do that too.

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/agree.. awesome idea...

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very awesome.

i'm waiting to see the light show generated by bot/storm masterminds too



Now tempted to roll up an ice/thermal controller so I can set Jack Frost on fire.

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Damn, that's an awesome visual. Now I'm gonna have to do that too.

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/agree.. awesome idea...

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very awesome.

i'm waiting to see the light show generated by bot/storm masterminds too

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I was actually hoping even more for /cold. Three ice covered fire imps would have been even funnier.



i Stil have yet to see my assualt weapeon stalker nothing would be cooler than a point blank 45. to the head for assassin strike........... not to mention some serious shotgun stuff ............... shame everything is fine accept electric stalkers it just doesnt pan out............ electric crackling shiny sparks........... completely against the quiet stealthy nature of a stalker when stalking................ now a gun is loud........... but only after is to late.......... thats the definition of a stalker.



I'm a little disappointed. I thought the idea behind powerset proliferation was not only to expand each AT's powerset selection, but to give access to powersets the other side didn't have.

Blasters are getting a defender blast, but also an entirely new set
Brutes getting two primaries from tankers
Controllers getting a dominator set and a corruptor set
Corruptors getting defender sets
Defenders getting corruptor sets
Dominators getting a controller set and blaster set
Masterminds getting a defender set

But scrappers are getting tanker sets?
Tankers are getting scrapper sets?
Stalkers are getting brute sets?

What the hell?

There is no electric/electric representation on the heroside, so why not port that over to either tankers or scrappers? There's no ice melee and ice armor reprentation villainside, so why not port that over to stalkers?

I mean, if I want a fire/fire melee hero, I could just build a tanker. And if I want an elec/elec melee villain, I could just make a brute.

I'd really love to know what the reasoning behind the choices for these 3 ATs were.

And no, this isn't just whining for the sake of whining. I'm not entirely thrilled with some of the choices they made for the other ATs, but at least with those they're really spreading the love around. Ice controllers get no love while fire controllers do. MMs get only one secondary while brutes get two primaries and a secondary... I get that there are no other pet powerset ATs to share over to MMs, but at least they could have gotten two secondaries to compensate. Still, at least the one set they got they got came from the hero side and wasn't just another villain set.




It sounds like a good first step in power proliferation to me. I hope that the next few issues continue with more PP.

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Gotta agree with this. I'm really hoping to give an Archery/Trick Arrow Dominator a try someday...

I'd also love to see Power Proliferation used as an excuse to grant a wider variety of epic power pools, like a Dual Pistols set for Tanks and Scrappers

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.




On the bright side, could /elec manip. for doms mean that the ever requested Electric control set may be in our future (i13 or 14)? They do like combining themes.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff




But scrappers are getting tanker sets?
Tankers are getting scrapper sets?
Stalkers are getting brute sets?

What the hell?

There is no electric/electric representation on the heroside, so why not port that over to either tankers or scrappers? There's no ice melee and ice armor reprentation villainside, so why not port that over to stalkers?

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I agree. Guess maybe we'll get more in an issue or 2 down the road. But most people thought Elec was going hero.



My immediate guess as to why Elec Melee/Elec Armor didn't go heroside is because of the necessary color change. If it were THAT easy, we'd have power customization already.

I'm still holding out for Ice/Ice stalkers in a future installment. I really think that should have been done this time around.

Still, I am rather excited to see how everything pans out.

=^..^=. o O (Nothing to see. Just a cat.)
(_ _)~
*Recipient of a Sentai Sage thumbs up of approval.



Now tempted to roll up an ice/thermal controller so I can set Jack Frost on fire.

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Yellow. . . Snow. yumm. . .