270 -
Personally I'd say yes it is. I'm sure others will disagree, but I've always found psi blast weak, with its myth of being so great because it is "so rarely resisted". Same as you the only place I could enjoy it was with the higher base damage of a blaster (and a psi/fire blaster in my case so my secondary added a significant damage boost and gave me a non psi damage mix).
Kinetics at higher level will make it better so sticking it out may be worth it, but just be aware kinetics is more about offense, not defense, so you'll always be more squishy than a lot of the other secondaries, unless you IO/incarnate up significantly. -
Quote:And I'm not really seeing the big difference between the issue device blasters will have and several other powers. Not only stalkers as has already been mentioned, but the numerous ones who have shadowfall, steamy mist, and arctic fog. Those offer significant protection and have to be shut off during escorts. In fact those are even more of an issue imho as those mess up the escort tracking for not only that player, but usually the whole team. It almost gets to the point where I need a macro, "turn off shadowfall! or x or y " everytime I do an escort mission on a team as at least one person invariably has one of those aoe stealth powers and fails to turn it off.It'd be almost the equivalent of telling SR Stalkers -- and only SR Stalkers -- that their entire secondary should shut off in escort situations. Stalkers as a whole AT lose Hide; they don't lose all of their defenses in escort missions.
Arcana makes a good point. The escort thing will have to be addressed for Devices Blasters. This issue also neatly encapsulates why I hope that Drain Psyche will be retooled in I-24.
Yes, it is an issue, but I don't see device blasters suddenly making it a top priority. Happy to be wrong I suppose, but I don't really see it is a big issue, most of the time I get the escort to the door before I even run into an ambush anyway (if I'm solo). If you are on a team, let someone else lead the sucker out. -
Well, with the snipe change, AR now gets great ST damage to go with its great AOE damage. It will give fire a run for its money and maybe even surpass it, assuming you can keep your +tohit high enough. I liked AR even before, can't wait.
Quote:Don't forget Bots/Nature.that's ok with me, your rants make sense when explained and came up with the flow of conversation. also, i concurr.
but yaaaaay nature affinity!!!!
i hope it pairs well thematically with other sets besides plant/earth control and maybe water blast :/
wind blast nao! <3Actually I tend to shy away from "perfect" matches and prefer the odd combo's, it makes me come up with more interesting stories.
Sums up my feelings about it. I wouldn't mind a 50% uptime if it was actually a really good power.
That's what gets me, even if it was up 100% of the time the way it stands now I'd still rate it as the least powerful among all the incarnate powers released so far...and it'd be the first one I'd drop if I had to drop one for some reason. On top of that it is only up 50% of the time? I'm just not understanding the reasoning.
Yea part of my feelings are probably due to the fact that I built a tier 3 hybrid control before realizing, oops, it doesn't work for pets at all. My current main is an illusion/dark controller so probably 3/4ths of my damage and control is from pets. Total dud.
Support I'm assuming won't work on my non-buffable phantom army so another dud there.
I'm rarely in melee so another dud there.
Assault I discovered for whatever strange reason works on phantom army (at least the doublehit version I've tried so far), but doesn't work for any of my other pets. Better than nothing so I have my...winner...I guess of the choices I have. Interface I'm feeling is a lot more powerful as it is up all the time and works for all my pets (except for poor dark servant since he doesn't take damage enhancements means he is ineligible, hate that, but that's another rant).
I've gotten conflicting information on whether or not they are suppose to work for pets, some say it is a bug they don't, others state the devs specifically designed them not to work for pets except for hybrid support. So I'm totally confused on what the future plan is for these.
So in short, underwhelming with the possibility to be somewhat decent if they make them pet friendly, or with the possibility to be an almost complete waste of time if they decide hybrid assault working on phantom army is a bug. -
Quote:Yea further testing and phantasm never got the doublehit., it was only PA..but another twist, the decoys the phantasm was spawning did.Heh, looked over that completely. Makes me wonder if that's the bug, because I recall hearing that only pseudopets were supposed to inherit Hybrid powers.
Phantom Army also wouldn't benefit from Support due to that whole unable to affect them thing... Maybe they made a special case for PA with the Assault power? *scratches head*
Hopefully that doesn't change, illusion doesn't have as many "regular" control powers, so the control tree I find really is weak for them, imho. I can imagine how nice it'd be for my plant controller who can spam roots every couple of seconds, quite a difference.
Support would be weak because as you said it wouldn't affect phantom army. Assault is the only one I'm finding worth the time, unless they decide to make PA work with the control hybrid as well. -
Ok, I first went down this tree as it sounded good for my illusion controller to add a bit of extra control and damage.
After some testing however, I've found it does not work for pets, at least the damage proc part of it doesn't. I put down a spectral terror or flash and since enemies are now controlled I start to see "Waylay" messages from my own attacks, but none from my phantom army or phantasm. Strangely enough, I did get a "control" message from my spectral terror on occasion though.
Now I tried assault instead and what do you know, I see doublehit damage showing up in my pet combat window for phantom army decoy. Also kind of curious there is text spam for when control works, "waylay" and "control", but no "doublehit" message, but that's a side issue.
Anyway, interface, hybrid assault, and of course hybrid support work for pets, but control doesn't. Seems...odd. That really the way it is suppose to work? It ends up making assault a better pick for my controller than control, which to me is also odd. -
Ok, it seems I have a temp power that is now stacking every time I zone and not going away. It is a +end power so I basically am getting unlimited endurance. I already sent in a /bug about it, anything else I should do? Seems almost to the level of exploit or maybe it is, so don't want to give too many details.
Really hoping this works on illusion control's phantasm pet. A knockback power *I* can control I have no problem with. I took torrent on my dark blast corrupter and am amazed at how useful I found it.
A cone knockback power on a pet that just uses it randomly? Horrible design imho. I don't even bring phanty out when I team. Solo I'm forced to put up with it as I need the damage.
I think the devs even know it is generally a bad idea to give big kb powers to pets as I know they changed the thug and necro MM pet kb attacks (handclap and torrent) to knockdown. Wish they'd do the same to phantasm, proc or no. -
Also goes the other way, when I first started playing CoH at release I sometimes almost felt like I was playing The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall again. (Yes talk about old school). But I always swore the ambient background music you hear inside of a lot of the missions in CoH, particularly office maps, was the same as you'd hear in a Daggerfall dungeon.
Quote:Everyone went to plant control.Whoops, I Put psi in the title, I really want to focus on fire control.
I remember the glory days where Fire doms owned the world.
Fleets of them covered the sky so as you would think it was night....
But i rarely see people talk about Fire Control these days.
Has the great beast fallen to the wayside or is fire control just a known "AWESOME" that no one discusses it anymore out of fear and repect?
Can some Fire control afficionados give me some feedback?
I don't need a build, but if you want to show me some I would definatley take a look.
Any feedback on what some build goals you had (Ranged Def, melee Def, S/L def, Theme, or AOE or Single Target) would be appreciated. -
I'll not play sets because of the sounds, no question. There are too many other powerset choices. I'm not going to play a set with sounds I find annoying and that make my play experience unpleasant. Sonic blast, kinetic melee (not a NASCAR fan), and now dark control make my top 3 worst and ones I'll never play.
And no I don't like to play with no sound or digging through pigg files or whatever to blank them out. Part of it being I know others still have to suffer through them even if I don't hear them. Why don't the devs give a no sound power option in the character creator if it is so easy btw? They give it on some of the powers for graphics options.
Anyway, I just find it interesting that everyone complains about the wolf, when it is the loud drone of the dark immobilizes that drove me away from the set. Not to mention I always think thematically that dark powers should be kind of like, I don't know, on the quiet side and not sound like a helicopter taking off? At least sonic blast being loud and annoying makes a certain kind of sense.
Yea, I never even got to the wolf. -
Definitely a few that were missed. Most blatent to me was always stone armor's crystal armor power. Every other toggle in stone armor has its sound fade, but not crystal armor. Been bugging it forever to no avail, last time I checked a few months back it was still bugged.
Seer pet also rarely used its heal. Was pretty good keeping fort up though.
Quote:In my experience da is much sturdier in "regular" content than electric.I agree that "end drain resist" and "psionic resist" is nice.
The main problem I had with my /DA during the leveling process was that you have so many toggles its ridiculous. And what do we do to add defense and recharge to our builds? More pool toggles. Fire, on the other hand, has two essential toggles. One offensive toggle. Etc.
Now, obviously fire has the farming advantage. However, I would say that /electric is stronger in regular content than dark. You can have your psi resistance. I'll take my 90 percent resist to energy over psi resist any day of the week. I mean, what are you going to fight in a ticket farm with /da? 20 mobs with -to hit negetive attacks stacking all at once? Good luck with that.
Dark armor to me is more of a resistance/control/regeneration hybrid, whereas electric armor is pretty much just a straight up resistance set. Electric's heal and control are minor compared to dark's. I find having more variety, more layers of mitigation give more potential.
Your farming comment makes me think though, it'd be cool if they gave dark armor -tohit debuff resistance, I'd be all for that buff and it'd be thematic.You can get it in focused accuracy, but it is end expensive and takes an epic pool.
The whole "dark obscures your costume" that continues to get spewed is becoming a pet peeve of mine. Cloak of darkness does not have to obscure your costume anymore unless you choose it to at the tailor. The "no fade or pulse" option has been there for at least a year now I believe, can't remember exactly when they added it. But it was quite a while ago now and yet I still see that complaint leveled against dark armor constantly. Once that fix went in I found dark armor less obscuring/annoying than fire armor's graphics even. They do need to fix the brute version of dark embrace though as the "no fade/pulse" option doesn't work on that power, but does on the scrapper and tank versions. -
Quote:I took one look at the DPA of the crab attacks and went "blech". Considering I like to go for high recharge builds, bad DPA is a big warning sign for me. That pretty much made my decision to stay huntsman/bane. I find huntsman the nice middle ground capable of good single target and AoE. I plan on a pure bane (except adding in venom grenade) for my 2nd build. VEATS are one of the few AT's I bother with 2nd builds on, love their flexibility.My bane's secondary build is actually a huntsman.
Now that my bane is 50 and his build is "complete", he's mostly based around his own performance, what with taking only TTM and TTA as far as the support powers go. He's got softcapped ranged defense to take alpha and also has a very large bag of tricks up his sleeve that allows him to support the team in other ways while also soloing an AV if need be.
With the crabs forcing players to have that backpack even while on a bane build, I had to go to a different build. So I went with a support wolf and took double leadership in everything except tactics. I can stay at range and shoot enemies up, and also I have Bayonette which is an awesome power. There's just something cool about meticulously running down cimerorans and stabbing them with the pointy end of my assault rifle. Though he doesn't have nearly the single target DPS my bane build has.
Comparing a huntsman to a petless mastermind? I'm taking that as a joke if he means effectiveness, because it must be. If he means rarity, that also doesn't match my experience. I've yet to ever come across one of these petless masterminds, but already teamed up with two other huntsman in the last couple of weeks from just random PuG's. That's significant considering how rarely I see other spiders period. -
Quote:I'd say no, they never have done them daily during double xp before. A maintenance right before is typical though.I'm not too concerned about the unexpected downtime, I too have only experienced it a negligible number of times. However, I am curious about whether they'll be running these checks on a daily basis over the weekend.
And despite what the official announcement says, usually (always?) in my experience double xp runs until Monday morning maintenance, so more like 4-6am PST Monday morning rather than midnight Sunday. -
From all I've heard mission tp does work and is the only way. Was the mission set before she tried it? Did someone activate an Ouro while she was trying to use it (which causes those sort of tp powers to fail, annoying every time). Maybe she gave up after it failed once because of that?
Oh, and yea, this needs to be fixed. I'm betting they are already working on it as I've seen a lot of complaints about it already. I tend to avoid hero TF's on a rogue just because they take so long without a blue side Ouro anyway, unless you really want to never become a hero. -
Quote:If you are going to mention a SoA you'd actually be better off with huntsman/bane than spider. You get an extra -20% res from surveillance. And go with Mace mastery for shatter armor for better numbers and better uptime than arctic breath. Add in venom grenade and some Archilles heel procs and you'll be hitting -80% res pretty easy against a hard target along with all the team buffs.Crab Spider!
Almost all your attacks have -def, including one or two AoEs that are perfect homes for Achilles' Heel procs. Frenzy, being PBAoE, can take BOTH -Resist procs. Venom Grenade adds more -Resist. Go Leviathan for an epic to get Arctic Breath to apply MORE -Resist. Bile Spray is also nice for it's pure Toxic damage, which is rarely resisted.
Several Interface Abilities carry some form of debuff, which can handily be stacked to their limits with all the AoE you can dish out.
In addition, you can stack up to two each of Maneuvers, Tactics and Assault on your teammates.
No -regen though so there are better things, it'd be very good, but not "ultimate" either way. Love my huntsman though and they bring a lot to a team. -
Quote:Exactly. Anyway, some of the programmers and developers I'm sure do care about the game, but I'd bet they aren't the ones in charge of pricing. Usually the ones in charge of pricing don't even know much about the product in my experience.Stop deluding yourself about a for profit company "caring about us people", that is a TOTAL waste of time.
You are better off not buying the offer and letting them know why, but don't think you have some kind of personal relationship with them.
Personally I never planned to buy this no matter the price point. I just think it is silly and have a hard time coming up with a superhero character that it'd make sense having a little green man following them around. -
A Monday after Daylight Savings Time...so double bad. I also witnessed a traffic accident today, Monday after DST is suppose to be one of the worst for accidents, certainly seems true!
Loving the fear proc in heavy burst. Find it works amazingly well there on my huntsman.
Quote:Definitely not seeing how you come up with corrupters being wanted, but controllers not. On average their damage (definitely by incarnate levels) is probably going to be fairly close especially with this recent buff:We are already starting to see the LRSF problem rear its ugly head again in itrails.
Cor/def/Brute/Tank wanted, everyone else go take a hike.
Control has little to no value on itrials other than Baf, which is so easy as to be meaningless.
Cor/def/brute has so much damage that blasters are meaningless. Stalkers... well they are better but still kinda weaker than brutes.
Scrappers are fine, but it seems like brutes are preffered. And MM's are pretty much right out, having swarms of pets all over the place does nothing to make a trial less confusing.
ITs really not too bad till you get to MoM and DD, but if the next generation of incarnate uses new something/ currency/ merits/ components.
We could see an entire tier locked to half the AT's of the game.
Quote:Controllers now deal Containment damage to uncontrollable Archvillains in Incarnate Trials.
Yea, I don't think controllers have anything to worry about. Despite the name, they offer a lot more than just control to teams.
Anyway, I agree with the other's reports here that the only time I've seen something specific asked for to this point at least is for a MoM. Have several times seen calls for widows or dark miasma for that one (dark affinity now too I'd guess). -
Quote:hellooooo, what's this? Some buffs to jack Frost and, more importantly to me, the Giant Fly Trap? Sweet! Those look very nice, hopefully up his survivability a fair bit >>
And gremlins got s/l resistance. I find it curious fire imps got nothing, they were already the squishiest controller/dom pet since they are summoned at -1 in level and have nothing but some fire resistance. Unless that changed? Playing fire control for first time in a long time just now and haven't got back to fire imps yet.
I do remember them being one shot all the time though even on normal content. I also remember specifically them often being tossed all over the place since they have no knockback protection, sometimes amusingly so I have to admit. Can only imagine they are completely worthless on something like an incarnate trial. Since gremlins got 30% s/l resistance maybe give fire imps at least 20% s/l resistance? Like I said, curious as to why they were left out of all the pet buffs flying around this issue. -
Quote:Funny because I felt that way about my illusion/rad (meh) after I played my plant/rad. Taking my ill/rad into a x8 map felt slow as molasses compared to plant/rad. Guess it all depends if you get a bigger thrill from AV hunting (ill/rad's game) or slaughtering masses (plant's forte).I'm trying to be cautiously optimistic about the excitement level. I used to love playing any and all Controller builds until I took an Ill/Rad/Fire to 50. I ended up deleting every other Controller in my stable because, in comparison to Ill/Rad, they all felt so meh.
Even so, I'll probably give Fire/Dark or Dark/Rad a try.
I still pull out my illusion/rad though, it is fun. Doesn't hurt it is about the only character I have that I still like that has all the anniversary badges, so it makes the perfect badging character (also great at getting them).