Discussion: Gamezone and Powerset Proliferation




I am placated.

Only your clever story and promise of the list tomorrow will save you now, Dr. Brainstorm!

Issue 23: All your base are belong to us?



Your marketing department needs a swift kick in the pants.

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A serious, "Son of a..." moment. Yet another way to piss off the player base for giving us non-info info. Miami Dolphins 07-08 season had more win in it then this.



*goes and freezes self for one day, because suspense is killing him*

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Dont do it dude, this happened on south park and eric cartman didnt wakeup until many hundreds of years later well after the fact. So you could wake up around issue 1000 or something. Is that what you want?

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Don't worry, I had UniqueDragon memorize where I froze myself.

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That is exactly how it happened on South Park, Eric Cartman had Butters to memorize where he was but he forgot to get him and the snow covered the part where he was buried so there was no way to know for sure where he was.

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I'm sure UniqueDragon will come through where butters failed.

freezing ... starting to ... work...
speech ... coming ... in .... Shatner ... like bursts...
Hay ... what's that music?
And why are those numbers flashing by?

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



That was awesome.

That's NcSoft's version of a Fresh Prince Roll

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*sets appointment with the Doctor*



Tomorrow... "Tomorrow" isn't a problem, and in fact, is pretty informative all on it's own, compared to the oft-quoted: Soon™...

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And just think, we've got more goodies for you next week too!

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Well, tomarrows list will make a great birthday present.
Thank you

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



It's nice to be listened to. Great job devs, as always.

To the flamers who said they couldn't/wouldn't give the complete list.


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I Love You Evil Gecko...



I am placated.

Only your clever story and promise of the list tomorrow will save you now, Dr. Brainstorm!

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Better watch out for the AS coming tomorrow then.



lol AS

Just keep moving

I'm looking forward to "The List."

Issue 23: All your base are belong to us?



Your marketing department needs a swift kick in the pants.

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A serious, "Son of a..." moment. Yet another way to piss off the player base for giving us non-info info. Miami Dolphins 07-08 season had more win in it then this.

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Settle down Beavis! Man, even EvilRyu didn't get angry about it. Get a sense of humor man. Or perspective. Or whatever calms ya down.



If Dr. Brainstorm appeared in the game, I wonder what his Strike Force would be like...

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Permadeath for all characters who attempt it and fail. And, of course, the good Doctor would turn out to be a robot duplicate anyway.



Does this mean we're getting that bandage costume piece too?


Yes I'm serious ;p I have a AR corr that *NEEDS* that.

Ok no need but come on, seriously?!


If Dr. Brainstorm appeared in the game, I wonder what his Strike Force would be like...

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Permadeath for all characters who attempt it and fail. And, of course, the good Doctor would turn out to be a robot duplicate anyway.

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OMG Dr. Brainstorm is Nemesis!



'Tomorrow' better mean right after midnight GMT.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



'Tomorrow' better mean right after midnight GMT.

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Or else! Yeah! Listen to us or else! I want it on my desk IMMEDIATELY! Or else!

Or else I'll just have to wait till tomorrow when you hook us again.



That's NcSoft's version of a RickRoll.

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Been waiting all day. /em shakes fist at waiting until tomorrow.



(From Dr. Brainstorm, for those being naughty at work)

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I beg your pardon...I'm reading forums at work. Being naughty at work would get me fired I'm not management after all.

I'm cool with the powerset-proliferation details being revealed tomorrow, honestly...considering I'd half expected the news today to be 'Here's more details on how you rearrange your power trays with I12!' or 'Here's how you transform inspirations!' ...with the 'PP' stuff coming weeks from now



Booo Dr. Brainstorm! I say we hold his Mad Scientest license for ransom unless he tells us NOW! ((Kidding!))

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I say we find him.

Tie him down.

And FORCE the answer out of him.

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Sounds like my kind of information-gathering!

Sounds like the dev team's idea of information-gathering, too, given the number of missions that boil down to;

Contact: "Hey, $HERONAME, we need to find out where $VILLAINGROUP is staging $NEFARIOUSPLOT. Go commit acts of assault and battery on suspected members of $VILLAINGROUP until one of them tells you."

$HERONAME: "Okay. 20 or 30 good?"

Contact: "Make it a round 50."

Anyway, I fail to be as completely outraged as many people appear to be at the edict of "wait until tomorrow". That may be because I wasn't expecting to get a list until open beta started, but eh, whatever. I'm patient. I can... wait...

*eyelid twitch*

Hey, if any devs are reading this, will the bandaged exposed brain or cracked glasses be new costume options?

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



bah...go ahead and tell us already! So, we can tell you to nerf each one of them.



That was awesome.

That's NcSoft's version of a Rick-Roll.

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@Murphy - 10 Murf Beam/Traps Corruptor on Virtue(4 retired 50s)



bah...go ahead and tell us already! So, we can tell you to nerf each one of them.

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It has already started.

There are already several threads covering psy blaster speculation. DOOOOOOM! DOOOOOOOOOM!!!!

I have a big issue with the VEATs all based purely on speculation. They are the sucks.



*goes and freezes self for one day, because suspense is killing him*

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Dont do it dude, this happened on south park and eric cartman didnt wakeup until many hundreds of years later well after the fact. So you could wake up around issue 1000 or something. Is that what you want?

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Don't worry, I had UniqueDragon memorize where I froze myself.

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That is exactly how it happened on South Park, Eric Cartman had Butters to memorize where he was but he forgot to get him and the snow covered the part where he was buried so there was no way to know for sure where he was.

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I'm sure UniqueDragon will come through where butters failed.

freezing ... starting to ... work...
speech ... coming ... in .... Shatner ... like bursts...
Hay ... what's that music?
And why are those numbers flashing by?

[/ QUOTE ]

well uniquedragon wouldnt want to help you cuz your being mean and he only wants to warn others about dupin rares because everyone knows what that is !!! so he would rahter get t3h haxx0rz on you!!!1!1



"Thank you COH fans... but our princess is in another castle!"



Settle down Beavis! Man, even EvilRyu didn't get angry about it. Get a sense of humor man. Or perspective. Or whatever calms ya down.

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It's more of a lame marketing ploy than it is me getting mad. I'm already thinking about what I want for dinner. It doesn't change the fact that this is a BS announcement, hence all the comments about it being a Rickroll. There was nothing in that announcement that "needed" to be made into two parts. NCSoft just decided they wanted another article on Game Zone's site to spread the word of CoX.



*goes and freezes self for one day, because suspense is killing him*

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Dont do it dude, this happened on south park and eric cartman didnt wakeup until many hundreds of years later well after the fact. So you could wake up around issue 1000 or something. Is that what you want?

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Don't worry, I had UniqueDragon memorize where I froze myself.

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That is exactly how it happened on South Park, Eric Cartman had Butters to memorize where he was but he forgot to get him and the snow covered the part where he was buried so there was no way to know for sure where he was.

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I'm sure UniqueDragon will come through where butters failed.

freezing ... starting to ... work...
speech ... coming ... in .... Shatner ... like bursts...
Hay ... what's that music?
And why are those numbers flashing by?

[/ QUOTE ]

well uniquedragon wouldnt want to help you cuz your being mean and he only wants to warn others about dupin rares because everyone knows what that is !!! so he would rahter get t3h haxx0rz on you!!!1!1

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*Uses Crank Prank Timephone to prank call Paris Hilton.*

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



"Thank you COH fans... but our princess is in another castle!"

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a perfect response.