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I have been using the same old system for years, but after I21 I am getting a bunch of lag and the HUD will be a black outline for a few seconds. Is it just new free player lag a bug in I21 or is it just my poor sad old computer?
Quote:I had something similar when I came back after being gone for years. My main 50 was not showing up...and I thought I may have deleted him. He showed up when I deleted another charactor on that server. Do a bug ticket I am sure COH can help you.Signed onto Exalted for the first time since the day it was brought online and my single character that I created on the server is not on my character list. Now of course the name I had is no longer available.
Was there any word about characters being lost on that server? or am I the only one that was affected by this happening.
or a Dev wanted the name I had and saw the character hadnt been touched since creation and made it go poof.
I don't think your missing charactor is actually gone...So, you can't name a new charactor the same name. -
Quote:He wanted to know what solo tasks give you shards.He would be better off taking the threads and creating a common from 2 runs then needing 4 runs to get 1 common by converting Astrals to shards. Either way, it is not a good method since you can only get the rewards once a week.
You can actually run the arc 4 times in a row, but you have to chooses a different reward each time, and then have to wait a week.
So, the best way would be to chooses the 10 thread reward and then choose the Astral. Then wait a week...and repeat. -
1st unlock your Alpha using the task that you can solo in Ouros for 1 shard. Then you can get 1 astro with the new story arc which can be done solo you could do this once a week. You can trade the astro for a shard in Ouros. Also shards sometimes just drop.
I was just about to create an incarnate enh for my alpha slot and one of the pieces I know I had "Essence of the Incarnate" was missing. It not like I thought I had "Essence of the Incarnate" on this one toon but was mistaken...I have only unlock the alpha on one toon. Has this happened to anyone else?
Bah...when Down right when I was finishing the 1st story of arc.
Quote:Maybe they are working on a gun punch melee power.Has there been any explanation provided as to why the signature image for Freedom shows Statesman fighting a nameless warworks robot?
I mean, why not Lord Recluse or Emperor Cole? Or even Hamidon or his Avatar? How was it somehow deemed more awesome to show him fighting a non-living robot? (and by the way, what is the robot doing -- about to punch him with a gun??). -
Quote:Yeah, you make a perfect Mids uber-toon and then you know what to buy...1 piece at a time, or you see that you will need to scale back to a less uber set because of costs. Getting 10% bonus to recharge is awesome, but 7.5%, 6.75% or 5% bonus are nothing to sneeze at.It's not necessary at all. It IS fun to have characters that can do things they weren't intended to though. Soloing a Giant Monster with a Defender is an awesome thing, and soloing AVs with a scrapper is just as fun.
I'll let you in on a secret (well, not really a secret, but still): I do not actually have the vast majority of the IOs you see in builds I post. When I work out a build, I view it more as something to work toward. I have never had the cash to put together a build in Mid's and log in and buy it all at once. If I put together a nice build, and I'm really interested in building that character, it will take me several months to finish it. (Hell, my BS/DA scrapper took almost 2 years to finish, I still need a couple pieces for him to be honest)
Bottom line: Just because you see a lot of expensive stuff in a build doesn't necessarily mean that person actually HAS all that stuff.
Also, having the highest level IO is nice, but check the lower level IO's for a price break. -
Quote:Someone was paying me 5mil inf to allow them to farm a tsoo mission of mine on the red side. He gave me 5mil after the 1st run and because it was before work I only ran it with him one more time. I assumed he would want his money back because he didn't get the sorc badge...That was not the case, he gave me another 5mil and said inf wasn't a big deal, he had 3 or 4 toons that were muli-billionares. That floored me. I think I was lvl 35 at the time and 5mil was 3 or 4 times what I had saved without any farming or market tricks.Today I had a visit on my base, and he was amazed of the things I had stored there. He is one of the "ebil marketeers", and said I could make a fortune with those enhancements. He refused to believe that those were my drops, and not a market tweek. He also refused to believe that the most influence I ever got on a toon was 300 mil, and thats because I pulled influence from many toons...
I have been away from the game for one or 2 years.
I have had to joint the ranks of the casual players, and started a brand new ill/rad troller with the idea that I wanted to run the new stuff and have fun. Then I got hooked on the idea of not tricking my ill/rad out but only making PA fully perma. It has been fun. You don't need purple IO's, but you need to figure out what you want the IO sets to do.
I ran the GR stuff and then made my solo Base to hold onto all of my salvage (That was a mini goal in itself). I saved all of my inf and used mostly SOs until I reached 47. I cought a big break when I got a purple IO piece that was in high(500mil)demand, and the scrimping and saving was over.
I had a lot of fun saving up for my future semi-almost uber toon.
If you want to make inf in a fast semi no-farm way...run the tips and trade 2 alignment merits for the Luck of the Gambler universal recharge. The lvl 50 ones are trading for over 100mil each. -
They were teleporting the 1st time I saw them, and that was years and years ago.
Maybe you have been mezzing them until now? -
Use the Find New Contact button and olld for Mr Rodney.
It will even TP to him if you wish. -
If you are investing in sets, make sure you get PA to perma.
If you are not casting PA after they reset in the middle of group you want to attack, you are using them to their full advantage. -
Actually, can coh send me some double non-wife aggro insps for that weekend instead?
make a brute. Smashing from group to group is very fun.
Is there any way to aim the wormhole exit above itself? I would roll up a Grav just to see the loop. I would do this until my teammates call for the men in white coats.
Quote:I forgot all about that. 4 PAs=YAY...2 PAs=how long will it take to reroll thisA long time ago, PA used to generate a random number of Phantoms: 2, 3 or 4. Two was not enough. Three is fine and shouldn't be changed.
An Ill Dom would be an odd duck. Ill has the least hard controll.
I think they should transfer the whole set over, just as it is.
PA would be balanced by only having 2 powers that can use Domination -
I have been gone for a loooong time, and have a solo base. What's the deal with Base Salvage Components? Should I wait for I21 and start handing them out to Freebs?
Wow...did they ever make my hard fought for teleporters useless especially considering my SG is on the Red side, but really a small price to pay for the upgrade in ferries/trains. -
Consider replacing GI with Consume. Ill/Rad is very hungry especially if you are running defense toggles.
You know the 1st time the Devs wanted to have more flexibility with their builds and playstyles, a little thing called ED happened. I am very pleased with the new rainbow of fruity powers. The devs should cater to the players...as long as they don't break the game.
One question: How in the world did you all convince the Devs to make fitness an inherent power?
I rolled up an ill/rad controller (just like my 1st 50) to get myself back into the groove and have been paying around with Mid's Hero. My mind keeps hickuping when I reach lvl 20. I will never have to pick stamina again...I guess some powers I have never really thought about are gonna be picked up on a bunch of different toons. -
So, to me, this sounds like I can create my own farming mission!
Outdoor Battle Maiden mission + werewolfs = win!
[/ QUOTE ]
I can imagine the player created missions being non-reward until they are approved in some way.