How bad is Gravity?

Adeon Hawkwood



I recently rolled a Grav/Psi dom, and I've been asking around, trying to get input on how good the powersets I've chosen are. He's going to be Psionic Mastery once he's high enough.

And I've received a terrifying onslaught of responses along the lines of "Gravity is the worst Dominator primary," and "Dude, Gravity? Sorry to hear that."

I've also heard some people tell me Gravity is pretty good for doms.

So, how bad is Grav? I've taken him to lvl 26, just picked up Wormhole but haven't had a chance to really use it yet.

Should I reroll with different powersets? Is Gravity so terrible it underperforms, even with IOs?



Play for yourself and decide. I wouldn't call it "terrible," no - I've got some grav doms and controllers (including a grav/kin at 50.)

The biggest complaints I think you'll run across are:
1. Animation times. Propel's the most visible of this, to me - I've had my targets get killed before I finished "summoning" whatever so often I ended up skipping the power on the doms (who, to be fair, have an entire secondary devoted to damage.) Wormhole's somewhat like this, too (but such a fun power, and useful to reposition and stun.)

2. Not being able to see what's held - it's rather subtle in its "controlled"... um... wave... thingy. You can recolor this, or course, and I'd generally recommend it.

3. There's no -kb in your immobs. So stuff can still get scattered. (Don't confuse with repel, a different effect all together.) Mostly an irritation when it comes to Wormhole - if there were a -kb, you could immob a group and just reposition them. To reduce scatter, you generally want to "aim" them against a wall or something similar instead. (Of course, the plus side there is that you can use your immob on top of someone else's ice patch/earthquake without losing the knockdown from that.)

Of course, the plusses (to me) include Singularity - nothing like turning one dom into two (or one and a half.)

(Edit to remove "holds" from "no -kb.")



I'm currently leveling a grav dom. It's not that bad, but it's certainly not the best. Until 26, I was a brute/blaster with a hold. Lift was a godsend, but on bosses I often didn't hold them at all, just using Lift and Mallets to keep it knocked down. Your single target hold applies -kb, so it negates lift. I skipped Propel, given that my secondary is /earth, and went with a melee approach, focusing on getting weave and maneuvers to stay in combat. At 26, I got Wormhole, which I found useful IF you had a way to get the animation off without dieing. If so, it's great for repositioning enemies, or my favorite tactic, teleporting Circle of Thorns in Steel Canyon off of the top of the buildings and sending them plummeting to their deaths.



Gravity isn't as terrible as its detractors would have you believe. It IS a late blooming set, and many of its powers aren't worth taking as a Dominator, IMO. Dimension Shift and Propel are the worst offenders. Propel may be a good blast in the context of what Controllers have access to, but a Dom has much better options. Dimension shift is purely an emergency brake for your group, and a really crummy one at that. Skip both. I'd also recommend passing over Crush. It's no worse than any other single target immobilize, but Doms are usually brimming with single target powers, and grav is no exception. As a damage power, Crush really fails to inspire, it ticks way too slowly to be bothered with.

Let's move on to the good stuff. Gravity Distortion, Wormhole, and Singularity are your staple control powers, with Lift pitching in with a decent combination of fast damage and soft control. GD is a typical single target hold, in the middle of the pack in terms of animation speed. Wormhole is an AOE stun with a linked teleport foe and knockback effect. Used properly, it can be amazing. It does animate slowly, but can be fired without line of sight, and piling an entire spawn into a corner can work wonders. The one thing that underwhelms about wormhole is that its radius is only 15 feet, compared to 25 for stalagmites or flashfires. Singularity is, IMO, the best controller pet in the game, by far. Nearly indestructible, it has an always-on repel effection (just like repulsion field or hurricane) which can keep you and your fellow squishies safe almost indefinitely. It also spams Gravity Distortion, Crush and Lift, to stack magnitude with your own control powers, and they recharge very fast compared to other pets with control powers. This effect makes a Gravity Dominator the best single-target magnitude stacking AT in the game, courtesy of Domination.

Lastly, don't overlook Crushing Field as a source of damage. Since it's a immobilize, a slow, and a damage power, it can be slotted up with a few procs to make it fairly respectable versus large groups of enemies. It's HUGE radius of effect makes it easy to reach the target cap every time it's fired, and unlike most other AOE immobilizes, it doesn't confer knockback protection to its targets. This makes it synergize strongly with knockdown controls like Sleet, Freezing Rain, Earthquake and Ice Slick.

Bottom line, Grav is a perfectly functional control primary. It may be the weakest control primary, but that's far from making it the weakest powerset. Slot for damage, play your grav controller like a single target blaster on steroids, and you won't go wrong.

PS: Your holds DO confer knockback protection. It's just your immobilizes that don't.



Originally Posted by Magentrix View Post
PS: Your holds DO confer knockback protection. It's just your immobilizes that don't.
Knew I was missing something - I tend to concentrate on if the immobs do or not. Thanks. (Though I don't think I agree with "skip the single target immob," but to each their own.)



Wait...people take the single target immobilize? On any control toon? Who knew?



Originally Posted by Verene View Post
Wait...people don't take the single target immobilize? On any control toon? Who knew?
See, works the other way too. :P



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Go on the test server while you have a chance and make a grav/everything. They get autoleveled to 50 right away.
Wow, they finally let you auto level to 50??

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Verene View Post
Wait...people take the single target immobilize? On any control toon? Who knew?
I RARELY use immb, period. They cost a lot of endurance, draws a lot of aggro and I like it when mobs are close together.

I may take aoe immb and use it on special occassion.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Magentrix View Post
Bottom line, Grav is a perfectly functional control primary. It may be the weakest control primary, but that's far from making it the weakest powerset. Slot for damage, play your grav controller like a single target blaster on steroids, and you won't go wrong.
Ok, THIS is the response I was hoping for.

So, Grav isn't weak, it's just not very control-heavy, is that right?



I use the AOE immob all the time as a ghetto blast. I've got 5x Positron's Blast with 2 damage procs in it. When you're soloing, you've got all the aggro anyway, and in groups it's not hard to lock down the outlying mobs who aren't occupied by your teammates. Also, with permadom, endurance cost is laughable. I simply CAN NOT run out of blue juice.

I have a Fire/Storm controller on which I've taken the single target fire cage, but I can't see taking the single target immob on a Dominator.



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post

Should I reroll with different powersets? Is Gravity so terrible it underperforms, even with IOs?
Gravity set is better for a small team because if you are on a large team, some people may really dislike Wormhole. And it is better if you are the leader and you start alpha with Wormhole.

My very first perma dom is Gravity/Fiery. I am all ranged. My attack chain is just Lift, Fire Blast and Blaze. It's fast!!!

Gravity's fun comes from Wormhole and where you spit the mobs out. It can get very satisfying when you teleport most of the foes (radius is kind of small at 15') to a corner and unleash your aoe on them and watch them melt.

Singularity pet is also one of the better pets because it seldom dies. I like a pet that doesn't die easily. You don't have buff/debuff to help your pets so your Imps may be dying fast when your controls are not active.

Use Singy to block path so mobs can't get to you. I love that Circle of Thorn map. I cast it in front of me in the narrow hallway and just blast behind it. :P Toss it in a corner and hide and watch mobs get knocked back.

Gravity does have two very badly designed powers. Propel is literally useless for an AT that already has Assault set. Dimension Shift is like the most confusing power in the game with very very very very very limited use. Mobs can regen health while being shifted so in the end, you don't really gain anything besides time to run away or confusing the hell of your teammates. Shifted mobs can still run and attack. They just don't deal damage. It wasn't like this before. Shifted mobs used to just "stand there" like good dogs.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
Ok, THIS is the response I was hoping for.

So, Grav isn't weak, it's just not very control-heavy, is that right?
Let's put it this way... Gravity is unique because of Wormhole. It's the only aoe teleport power in the game as far as I know. If you use it right, it can be really fun. I am not saying it's better than Seeds of Confusing but it is at least fun for me.

I just wish I could use Wormhole earlier than lvl 26. Dev, just switch places with Dimension Shift already!!!! Who needs Dimension Shift at lvl 18?

I would only use the word "Bad" on a set that doesn't stand out. Gravity at least has Wormhole and Singy. I would use the word "bad" to describe Force Field set that can be easily replaced by Cold Domination or SoA with leaderships. Defense can be so easily obtained through set bonuses and all those Repel and knockbacks are just annoying. Or Stalker's Martial Art that has zero aoe damage is what I would consider a "bad" design.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Go on the test server while you have a chance and make a grav/everything. They get autoleveled to 50 right away.
Do they? 'Cuz nobody else has said anything about that, and nothing on the Test Server seems to do that for me.



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
Ok, THIS is the response I was hoping for.

So, Grav isn't weak, it's just not very control-heavy, is that right?

1 ST Immob
1 ST Hold
1 AOE Immob
1 AOE Hold

- so your standards are covered for had control.

1. pet that does a fair bit of control to help out.

1 Stun/TP
1 Intangible

... for a bit of soft control.

2 primarily direct-damage powers (that also do some soft control - KB/KU. But, being damage, not as vital on a Dom. I'd never skip Lift, though.)

Part of the issue people have is that it doesn't do much along *with* it - slowing, and that not on everything. (As opposed to ice, which does have it slow/=rech on pretty much everything.) And part of it, again, is animation time - enemies can get a shot off during Wormhole if you're in sight, Propel takes forever to fire off, etc.

It could use some attention, but it's not horrible.



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
Do they? 'Cuz nobody else has said anything about that, and nothing on the Test Server seems to do that for me.
Beta server, actually, not test - unless they've moved the incarnate stuff to test now.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Beta server, actually, not test - unless they've moved the incarnate stuff to test now.
How do you get to the Beta server? Is it open to all?



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
Ok, THIS is the response I was hoping for.

So, Grav isn't weak, it's just not very control-heavy, is that right?
You're welcome.

The trouble with saying it's not control heavy but not weak is kind of a bit of doubletalk, imo. All it does is control, and it doesn't come with as much control as other primaries, so in the context of control primary, it is fair to say it's the weakest. But a well-played and well built character which uses Gravity can still be a completely dominant wrecking ball, because even the worst control primary in the game is still TOTALLY AWESOME.

I'd say that all it would really take to make Gravity truly competitive with sets like Earth and Plant would be to widen the radius on Wormhole and tighten up the animation. It would still be not as good at group controls as those sets, but still quite powerful in its own right, thanks to its unrivaled single target hold capability.

Here's my Grav/NRG build:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
As I say, I player like an uber-blaster. Using Gravity Distortion early and often is the backbone of my play at high levels, with Domination one application will hold bosses. I can cycle it every 4.25 seconds, which means I can either have 8 mobs held at once, or stack 48 mag on a boss, not including what Singy will add to the picture. My Alpha slot is also Musculature, on the undertaking that the sooner I make stuff dead, the sooner my controls have the remaining mobs completely subdued. In larger teams, I'm focused exclusively on holding and destroying troublesome mobs. I generally keep Wormhole around as my emergency button, using it to round up breakouts and plop them back on the melee guys.



One of the reasons I love my 50 grav/nrg is all the secondary effects you CAN get from the backset - kb and stun - that the frontset generally lacks. And personally, I don't take the 1-target immob or any melee, but that's just my playstyle with him. He's a BlastDom; love playing him; leveled him (easily) to 50 even before the damage boost on Dom secondaries.

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Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



I enjoy my Gravity bubbler very much. The two defining powers for me are Singularity and Wormhole, for much the same reasons as mentioned above. Here's what I like most about playing this toon:

He's at the ranged defense softcap. I cast Singularity and turn on Force Bubble. I start blasting Propel/Lift/Epic Power Blast with Gravity Distortion. I maneuver just enough to keep mobs under control, and use Wormhole and Gravity Distortion to move and hold mobs in place. NOTHING touches me. Melee is a total non-issue. An occasional ranged attack will plug me, but it's infrequent enough that it doesn't slow me at all. I can solo whole maps like this.

It's not a farming build and he doesn't kill lots of things quickly, but it's both solo and team friendly if you know how to use Wormhole well.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



The secret to understanding Gravity is knowing a good portion of the set's controls come from the pet. Once you get Singy, the set's problems vanish. Playing Grav Doms, I often find myself not even having to throw controls out as Singy gets everything locked down and tanks all the aggro off you. Grav Doms get more blapping time than any other Dom. It's a completely unique feel.

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The obvious choice for aiming Wormhole is straight up and then to run around shouting "It's raining men!" while your teammates call for the men in white coats.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!
